John Wick Prequel:  Devil Hands

John Wick Prequel: Devil Hands

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Category: Action
If you're wondering who Shinchan is and whether you should read this book or not, you should definitely give it a read. This book combines action, adventure, and drama. Shinchan is a Japanese anime show featuring a mischievous 5-year-old boy named Shichan, who often engages in hilarious antics that will surely make you laugh. In one of the early episodes, he playfully drew elephant ears on the side of his private area with a marker and pretended to swing it like an elephant's trunk, creating a humorous scene. This show revolves around the playful behaviors of a 5-year-old.

Now, the story I've written focuses on the father of this Shinchan character, who happens to be an ordinary salesman executive in a company, and the principal of his kindergarten. It imagines what would happen if these two seemingly normal individuals were secretly involved in criminal activities as gangsters. It's a captivating concept that you should definitely explore. I must mention that this story contains mature content, including elements like blood, death, guns, and more.

Also, you don't need to watch the Shinchan show to enjoy this book. Even if you're not familiar with the show, everything will still make sense. I've created an entirely new narrative, and there isn't much connection between the events and characters of this book and that show. However, I want to clarify that this story is indeed connected to the world of John Wick. So, happy reading!

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