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Dean's Life

This is a story about Dean Winchester's life. He's a sheriff's deputy and a strict dad who's not afraid to spank his seven-year-old daughter when she gets out of line. He's cocky, brash, and constantly horny. Find out what happens when court reporter Amy Richmond piques his interest and along with her two sons, turns his life upside down. *For those of you fellow Supernatural fans out there, you'll recognize some of the characters from the series (including Sam of course) but the storyline won't follow the show. The boys aren't hunters and there are no demons or supernatural phenomenon. **For those of you who have never seen the show, don't worry you don't need to in order to follow this story, it stands on its own.

Found amid a winter storm as a baby, 19-year-old college student Evelyn Smith is beloved by her small Alaskan hometown. A regular volunteer at the public library where children flock to her, she is kind and good-natured. 25-year-old Maximus Alexander is Alpha to one of the most powerful packs in America. Cold-natured to the outside world he really is just a lonely man who thinks that the moon goddess has cursed him to be mateless due to his past. Haunted by sweet dreams of the mate he hasn't met and doesn't think exists, he thinks all hope is lost. That is until a visit to a small allied pack changes everything. The only problem: She doesn't know werewolves exist. Let alone that her adopted parents are them.︵‿︵‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿︵‿ ⭐️Rankings⭐️ #1 in "Wolf" October 13, 2022 #1 in "Human" September 3, 2022 #1 in "Fantasy-Romance" November 2, 2022 #2 in "Soft" October 11, 2022 #3 in "Mates" August 28, 2022 #1 in "Agegap" April 1, 2023 #1 in "Evelyn" April 4, 2023 Started: end of April 2022 Completed: May 2, 2023
Dedaun Hijau Di Angin Lalu-Manaf Hamzah

TAJUK: DEDAUN HIJAU DI ANGIN LALUPENULIS: MANAF HAMZAHISBN: 978-967-15574-3-3HARGA: RM35 SM/ RM38SSBLURB:INTAN dibesarkan dalam suasana penuh ranjau di sebuah pulau. Kelahirannya diselubungi tanda tanya dia dipandang hina oleh orang kampung kerana dianggap seorang anak luar nikah. Namun Intan sentiasa bersabar dan terus berusaha untuk menjadi seorang yang mempunyai pekerti yang baik.ASSAD pula seorang doktor muda yang berasal daripada keluarga berada di tanah besar. Sungguhpun begitu, dia sering berhadapan dengan tipu daya sehingga dia tidak mudah mempercayai ketulusan hati orang lain dan adakalanya dia memilih untuk bersikap sinis, hingga ada yang terluka dan kecewa.Takdir telah menemukan dua insan yang datang daripada berlainan arah. Malangnya, pertemuan itu dinodai fitnah orang. Intan dan Assad dipaksa bersatu dalam ikatan perkahwinan yang tidak diingini.Lantaran itu Assad meragui ketulusan isterinya, dia menganggap Intan hanya layak dilayan seperti orang gaji."Disebabkan pernikahan ni tanpa kerelaan aku, aku takkan anggap kau isteri aku. Kau hanya layak jadi orang gaji di rumah aku saja... Paling penting, kau harus ingat, di rumah aku nanti kau mesti panggil aku tuan atau encik. Faham?" - AssadSedangkan Intan yang serba naif tetap menjalankan tanggungjawabnya sebagai seorang isteri sebaik mungkin. Begitulah kehidupan mereka suami isteri. Dalam kelam-kabut, musuh Assad pula berusaha memasukkan jarum halusnya.Dan kehidupan Intan terus dilanda dengan pelbagai rintangan dan bahaya yang mampu menggugat kemampuannya. Dapatkah dia bertahan demi mengecap kebahagiaan yang diimpikan? Atau dia akan rebah jua dan hilang pertimbangan? Berapa lamakah dia sanggup menerima layanan buruk suaminya? Dan selama manakah mampu suaminya membina benteng keegoan diri?
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The Rogue Luna

My memories always haunt me. And they never cease. They come back when I hear a simple howl at night. I wish they would just disapear, like how I made all my fear. But I know it's impossible. Fear is always easier to get rid of, of course, when you have nothing else to live for. I remember the night. The night my family was brutally murdered. The night I became a rogue. I remember all the screaming of my friends. None of us knew they would attack us that night. The night of our festival of the moon. I always wondered how I was the one to survive, the runt of the pack. . . Willow is a rouge after the tragic event of a rouge attack on her village three years ago. She now lives alone in the forest. But when she's discovered by an alpha and his beta, she has no choice but to try and run away again. But how is that possible when the alpha is her mate.
Top Floor (Rendezvous #1)

Claire Sparks works at a five-star hotel called Bishop Lodgings for the rich and elite. At the age of twenty-five, she was able to take over the role of general manager. Recently though, rumors have been flying around that the hotel's going to get a new boss, and he's the son of the current owner.When the new boss comes to visit the hotel, Claire's surprised to find him young at the age of thirty-one. His name is Heath Bishop, and he proves to Claire that he's just as capable-if not more-as his father with running Bishop Lodgings. Not only that, but he also makes Claire question herself as to whether or not she really is immune to dangerously handsome men.But just when she thinks she misjudged him, her new boss calls her out. Claire has no choice but to meet him face-to-face in his lair which is the top floor of the hotel. It's the largest and best suite of Bishop Lodgings, made for the owner's leisure and comfort.But what exactly does Heath Bishop want with Claire Sparks on the top floor?(Cover modified from

Dara's school, Bridge Rose University, was recently closed due to some stupid reason and the students had no choice but to transfer to the nearest university in the area - International School of Arts and Technology or InterSAT. 'That school is exciting', they said. 'Every single day in InterSAT is unpredictable', they said. How can it not be exciting and unpredictable? InterSAT is infested by notorious gangs! It will take a lot of kung fu for a tiny woman like her to survive a day in that school. But Dara does not need kung fu; because the strongest gangster of InterSAT is her sworn protector. With a mixture of gangster badassery and lollipop cuteness, Dara's new school year has begun.----Original Character Story inspired by DG[ COMPLETED ]140, 000 to 150, 000 words---- Copyright © 2014 huntress2021

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