Club Au (An Amphibia Fanfiction)

Club Au (An Amphibia Fanfiction)

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Category: Fanfiction
Anne, Marcy, and Sasha were in a club but they left or got kicked out for some reason, one day Anne and Marcy run into each other and quickly become friends they run into Sasha later and Anne reconizes her for a reason she won't say, later Sasha is convinced that Marcy is a traitor that why she was kicked from her club but Anne doesn't believe her, and to protect her she'll have to do something that is hard for her to do.

Important (Please Read)
Everyone I metion in here apart from the ones who are actually in the show are ocs, all the amphibians are humans, this fanfcition contains violence, abuse, blood, and other stuff if you're sentive to that stuff please read this fanfiction with caution thanks for reading.

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