Change Happens, Love Hurts

Change Happens, Love Hurts

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Category: Fanfiction
Nobody knows their real names.
Nobody knows their gifts.
Nobody knows their connection

Everybody knows they love each other.

Jonathan Denis is a Majicks Weilder Prince in a time where all Races (Human, Nymph, Weilder, Vampire, Werewolf, Siren, Witch or Merfolk) are accepted and each have their kingdoms.
He has the Creator's Touch.

Evan Fong is a pure blood Vampire Prince in the same time as Jonathan.

They are mates but know nothing of each other. Not Names and in Jonathan's case, looks.

But change happens and love hurts. Just as it was meant to be.

Highest: #336 in #h2ovanoss (05-16-2018)

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