Angelic Affection [Stocking x Male Reader]

Angelic Affection [Stocking x Male Reader]

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Category: Romance
Ever wanted to move to a place where you can relax and not worry about demons eating your face off?

Well Daten City is NOT for you, my good friend.

Daten City, the city that borders life and death, is full of the evil spirits that constantly attack humans all day and night. However, thanks to two angels, the spirits cower in fear as they always come in to save the da-

???: AHEM!

Oh... Right. You.

So basically (Y/N) was sent into the world of Panty and Stocking, where many people know the Anarchy sisters for their flashy anime titties and their heroic actions.

So what happens when you, a otherworldly human, joins the living human versions of the sins Gluttony and Lust? Oh dear lord...

Daten City has to watch out, because (Y/N) (L/N) is aboutta kick ass and chew bubble gum. And he's certainly ain't going to be running out of gum anytime soon. (unless if he's near Stocking)

Oh yeah, and maybe (Y/N) could get a girlfriend on the way too, or whatever.


I don't own any of the pictures or videos that I may show in this book.

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