Search: zerosadism
9 stories
Prismatic Memories

"i. they tell me they 
cannot comprehend art. where art is, whispers reside. ii. i tell them
that the only art i need are the words thatbleed onto paper. iii. they tell me it doesn't work that way. there are compromises for art. sports. science. history. iv. but i want to speak. there are moments that fleet away when i do not store them. there are impulses that dab off when i do not write. v. when i am alive, i burst
open with Slyvia Plath and Robert Frost. my hair fluffs with words. my veins cry with poetry. vi. welcome to my poetry book. i hope you drown in the words you sink in."©theperfectphoenixEstablished -- [09-03-2016]Highest Rank : #2 in Poetry.Now A Wattpad Featured Book! [20-05-2016]

81.6K 79 7.3K Full
Life In The Background: A Supporting Character's Story

[Completed]What's a poor guy to do? Pulled through a random wormhole into a work of fiction, pigeonholed into the Cultural Exchange Between Species Program due to his nature as a dimensional traveler and partly due to Smith being lazy? That's just unfair! On the other hand, Kimihito is a nice guy, and could probably use the help, and maybe a little bit of future knowledge can avoid some heartache...

4K 144 159 Full

'In the old days at home the Neverland had always begun to look a little dark and threatening by bedtime. Then unexplored patches arose in it and spread, black shadows moved about in them, the roar of the beasts of prey was quite different now, and above all, you lost the certainty that you would win. You were quite glad that the night-lights were on. You even liked Nana to say that this was just the mantelpiece over here, and that the Neverland was all make-believe.' -- J. M. Barrie, Peter Pan The image used in the cover artwork is originally from Lyn Hagan's project 'Porculpa - Zero Gravity Cat'.

4.6K 100 1K Full
Dragon Story Beastiary 2

All the dragons from the game Dragon StoryPart 2

1.1K 200 14 Full
All around the World one-shots

Well what do you know. You came across a One-shot book. One-shots,chatroom oneshots,oneshot series,and roleplays.Live or die. Its your desicion.And sorry for my oneshots in advance these were made when i around 12-13

2M 194 21.2K

A collection of Poems by the newest members to our ever growing family. These poems are first contributions to the Poets Pub. Please welcome these newest regulars. (Title created by @ Metaphysicsplz)

36.7K 199 2.8K
My Randomness Again!

*Without Me by Eminem plays faintly in the background* What, did you really think I'd only make one?

115.7K 718 8.8K
The Vengeful Queen of Taebak and his King!! (ON HIATUS)

On HIATUS!Lan Zhan the Crown Prince of Andat was married to Wei Ying -- the fourth son of Teabak.Both being married for 4 years, yet when Wei Ying almost bleeds to death, Lan Zhan decides to see him no more.But--What must have happened for things to go so wrong between them....Deeply hurt Wei Ying takes the most difficult decision of his life. But before a fortnight barely pass, Lan Zhan determines to bring Wei Ying back to the him. But what if this time Wei Ying denies to accept his request and forgive the insult? What if he doubts Lan Zhan's intentions as deceitful act to kill him instead.A Lan Zhan Wei Ying SS with a different approach. The story is about an intense and pure love gone wrong. Will things ammend, if yes, then how. A journey of A prince who held his pride high and his Queen who thought their love was forever .Not all stories are fairytales...:::::::::::::Warning ⚠️ : Angst but nothing the turtles can't take. I promise it would not have anything sadistic or improper. Because I don't encourage sadism. Simple.::::::::::::::All new side characters. ****Angst but happy ending.************Concept is mine alone.#Lanzhan#weiying#lot of angst#deep#Intense#Mature#Ancient setting#Love#Hate#The untamed #QueenWeiYing#boyxboyx#RevengeTo be started in The Year 2023 January!!Please Comment 🙏And Yes be patient with me please.Updates might be twice or thrice in a month, not more than that. Sorry for that.**Hope you will give this story a Chance!!Thank you! ❤️******************* Please do not Copy* Copying is strictly illegal *If you want to translate kindly ask for permission

297 1 32
𝐑𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 | 𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐓𝐚𝐞

"Cuenta la leyenda, que dentro del bosque rocoso, habita una extraña y peligrosa criatura mágica que vaga en compañía de su amena soledad; en busca de su pareja de vida.No le permite la entrada a nadie que no sea aquel ser que alguna vez amó con locura, pero que en su oscuro y tormentoso pasado, perdió por culpa de su vanidad.A pesar de eso, aquel amor le prometió que se volverían a reencontrar, y que mientras tanto llegaba, lo esperara en su lecho de amor; dentro del bosque rocoso.Esta criatura lo espera cada día, volviéndose cada vez más violento con los intrusos a través de los años.¿Pero crees que algún día, estos seres destinados se puedan volver a reencontrar?"Kim TaeHyung reía a carcajadas cada vez que escuchaba a algún ciudadano relatar aquella absurda leyenda. Gracias a ella, nadie se atrevía a visitar el hermoso bosque rocoso que se ubicaba a las afueras de la ciudad, y aquello disminuía las visitas turísticas de los extranjeros.⋙════ ⋆★⋆ ════ ⋘Temática <↬ Homosexual↬ Lenguaje vulgar↬ Romance, drama, fantasía, leve smutt y angst↬ Taehyung bottom| Jungkook top> Se recomienda discreción < Se prohíben copiasHistoria completamente de mi autoridad Derechos reservados. Inicio: 16/10/22Fin: --- 𐀔ʾʾ etéreos graficos⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀© Aidxn_Hargrevees ִֶָ ꜝꜞ ◇|Idea por @mafeblanche 𓍼⋈𓂅ᵗᴰⁱʷʳⁿᵒᵈ_ ²⁰²²

178 1 28