Search: worldofwarcraftrps
6 stories
World Of Warcraft RP

8.2K 6 41 Full
Andraste's Chevalier

An Alliance Paladin on patrol in the Badlands travels by gateway to Thedas years before the chaos of the Fifth Blight. While trying to find his way home he is embroiled in the political turmoil of Ferelden and will change the course of history forever...

1.1K 24 21
EvenWhisper- Shadows Of Past [Warcraft Fanfic]

[story under construction] A calm breeze danced through the leaves of the ancient trees, causing a low howling noise, it flew through the ashes of the broken, burnt house that the young demon hunter once called home. The whole village was in ruins, nobody would believe that once people lived here. The fire of the Legion was so destructive. The surrounding trees were burnt and mere shadows of their former selves. The other trees that survived held the mutilated corpses of the once living kaldorei, killed and defiled by the demons, left there as a warning to the others.Lianna glanced around in horror but her face held no emotions, only a cold disgust and grief. "Thought I would never visit here again, but look at Elune's cruel joke" she muttered angrily at her surrounding before fixing her gaze on the ground again and continued to walk. A small thing fell under her boot, Lianna quickly stops on her tread and looks down, causing her raven strands of hair to slide down and cover her eyes, but her vision were not really needed, as she could sense a strong energy from it. The night elf kneels down to pick it up, but is struck by a painful memory when she discovers what it was...-----Lianna Evenwhisper, a simple night elf girl living in Ashenvale, in the village of Shelserin, southwest of the Shrine Of Aessina. She had a dream, to be the most powerful druid on Azeroth and to help those in need with her druidic magic.But everything had changed when Shelserin came under the siege of the Burning Legion, killing all those she held dear and burning the village to ground. Driven by rage and sorrow, Lianna chose to join the darker forces of Azeroth. Will she be consumed by the darkness or will she get redemption?

781 6 59
World of warcraft RP character

Making the backstory for my first real RP character.(Work in progress)

23 1 2
Gilneas Below || a Warcraft fanfiction

Gilneas Below was written off of many past "Gilnean" RPs mashed into one plot. All characters names are REAL people/toons. The story takes place in Gilneas, from the point of view of Vesmai, a druid and expirienced fighter looking to recruit into the rebel army, led by Damastus, Dihad, and Perym.

33 2 0
Crystal Tears

Natori Thalia a blood elf who lives with her family in Sunstrider isle, her love Koltira Deathweaver had been killed by a Death Knight by the name of Thassarian. She has become heart broken and everyday she must suffer with the agony deep with in her heart, she wants nothing more than to see her love again, she is willing to do anything. Her bond with Koltira never faltered and never broke even in death their bond still carries significance.The only problem being does Koltira still love her? Does he even remember her? The Lich King had attempted to strip him of any feelings he had in his past life, till he was just a corpse in the shell of a well known leader of Sunstrider Isle. Sylvanas had even tried to control his mind but being the strong willed elf he was he managed to break her hold. Natori's hopes are set high and she can still hear him and even see him on occasion, her family worry that she is a little paranoid. But she swears she can still feel his touch, for her it has been ever lasting. The only way she can see him properly is in her dreams, but what happens when is given the option of becoming one with him for all eternity?

69 2 3