Search: wisdomdeath
83 stories
Late Night Candies [Garden of Sunflowers, Halloween Special 2019]

Yuki wants to dress up for Halloween but his friends keep on rejecting the idea. Not this year.

125 6 7 Full
Diary of a Mad Mother

A bored teenage girl sneaks in her father's study, finding an evidence from a case he is working on. Knowing something as disturbing as that evidence didn't only dissolve her boredom but also messed with her mind.

1.2K 7 70 Full
Garden of Sunflowers [Published Under VIVA BOOKS]

"The sound of the wind, the large tree by the hill, the field of sunflowers-those were the only things you can remember about your grandmother's place."

1.6K 5 19
They Said

Sometimes, what they say do not matter.

89 1 9 Full
Lazy Giant

Lazy day during the Higantes Festival.

41 1 3 Full

They say, "Things happen for a reason." Maybe it really does.

103 1 6 Full
No Use Crying Over Spilled Wine

[A Jumin Han fan fiction]The ever cold CEO in the form of Jumin Han has finally warmed up but then it suddenly shatters, spilling wine...and something else.

22 1 1 Full

In a little town, news does travel fast but there are news that aren't meant to be known through whispers.

54 1 4 Full
Call Me Maybe

We were asked by our professor to write a formal version of the song "Call Me Maybe" so I made this one. Got a hundred, which I didn't expect.

155 1 13 Full

A collection of short stories featuring the Haikyuu!! boys.

259 6 6
Lazy Giant

A lazy day during the Higantes Festival.-WisdomDeath-

1 1 0 Full
Girl in Lockdown

Gwyneth Chavez is the middle child of the Chavez siblings, an unspoken member ever since she left the house. When the ECQ was implemented, she was stuck in the apartment that she shared with her girlfriend or, in this case, ex-girlfriend. Forced to stay until the quarantine is lifted, they try not to make their troubles grow bigger than it already is, which proves itself to be a challenge.But the moment it is safe to travel, she left and decided to go home to her siblings. Join Gwyneth or Winnie in her return to the Chavez household.

154 4 1
Carlton Imagines

yall i am really unimaginative so send in requests

10.9K 28 112
Shawn Mendes Imagines

If there is Smut or Fluff I will put a warning at the beginning of the chapter.Enjoy!

166.4K 80 1.6K Full
A Old dragons wisdom (yona of the dawn fanfic)

the story goes that king Hiryuu went to earth and the four dragons sent blood to four avatars to survey him, but what if another dragon went to earth with Hiryuu, who better to accompany him than his big sister the dragon of wisdom and intelligence, but is she more than just the dragon of wisdom?(I don't own pictures or yona of the dawn I just own OC'ness of characters and my OC Kenjin)

425 8 12
Stories From Above

What happens when our loved ones move on to Paradise? -A collection of short stories featuring family members who have left this Earth.

178 10 10 Full
Boracay's pearl

feel free to correct my mistakes.. :D

84 1 1 Full
Chris Evans/Sebastian Stan Characters One-Shots and Imagines

The title says it all my people.

544.7K 125 9.8K Full
Die Suche des Bauern

Diese Geschichte berichtet von einem Bauern, der den Auftrag bekommt Weizen anzupflanzen, welchen er dem Müller geben soll, der daraus Brot herstellt. Der Auftrag wird ihm vermittelt durch einen Fremden. Verwundert begibt er sich auf die Suche nach dem Müller, da er keine Belohnung für seine Mühen erhält.

3 1 0 Full
Shadow and Light

There was shadow and there was light. Here, both are explored--what it is to be in the dark and what it means to bask under the glow.

13 1 0
There is No Epic Loot Here, Only Puns

By stewart92I DO NOT own this book. I am reposting the free chapters with permission from the author. She became a dungeon core.Everything pointed Delta to murdering her way to success. People were just mana farms, right?No, that was wrong. Delta refused. Then everything became odd.Please take a look at my personal works!To support the author, his story can also be found on Royal Road. Patreon (Stewart92): Stewie Street

10.4K 140 530
Some Definitions And Characteristics

These are some facts which you know, but you don't realize you knew them.

421 30 90 Full