Search: widy
27,627 stories

Berisi tentang apa saja yang ingin aku tulis.

2.1K 4 116
KKN Di Desa Penari Versi Widya

KKN Di Desa Penari Versi Widya

22.3K 11 235
Let It Flow In Love ...

1.... The day......" Turunkan sedikit harganya Dan aku akan menyetujuinya . kau bisa mendapatkan dananya besok pagi. " suara penuh wibawa seorang CEO Kim . siapa yang tidak mengetahuinya. Dan ingat hanya sekedar tahu , bukan mengenal. " ......" " baiklah ..... 2 millions won bukan suatu masalah. Hanya pastikan aku tidak merugi . aku rasa cukup. Asistenku akan melanjutkan nya. Terimakasih." Berlalu keluar ruangan menuju private lift menuju kantornya dilantai teratas gedung Kim company. Menarik satu nafas panjang Dan menyandarkan tubuhnya . hey , kau lelah tuan CEO . Ting...... Menandakan pintu lift segera terbuka. Melangkahkan kakinya ringan ... Seraya melonggarkan dasi yg sedari tadi mencekik rapi lehernya. Sebuah senyuman tercetak diraut wajahnya. Lihatlah ada bidadari tengah tertidur dikursi kebesaran nya .... Seketika lelahnya lenyap menguap. Memandang wajah damai sang gadis . sudah lamakah hingga ia tertidur seperti ini .... Sekilas merapikan poni sang gadis . Heolsss

30.9K 9 2.6K Full
Rainbow magic precure (Friendsforever season 2)

This is a fanfic of precure, my favourite anime (forever young people!)Rainbow magic precure has 7 precures that resembles the 7 colours of the rainbow. Cure love as red, cure fiery as orange, cure sun as yellow, cure nature as green, cure wave as blue, cure indigo as well.. undigo and cure violet as... violet-lol. Their precure fairy will be Queeny, a cat like fairy. Oh and the enemies are based on madoka magica.Btw I couldn't really find or think of any better cover.

2.6K 14 57 Full

The death of her father forced Callie to live with her estranged uncle-the strict, ambitious, and authoritative Luke Mercer. It never crossed her mind that living with him would make her life surrounded by hot and cold situations-not only came from Uncle Luke, but also from his trusted assistant, Grant Olivier.And it all became worse when Uncle Luke's girlfriend and rival businessman were found dead in the woods near their house just days apart, and he was accused of killing them.At first, Callie thought it was just a misunderstanding. But when she discovered a secret about her uncle, she started to wonder: am I safe here?Copyright © 2014 by Widya Nurul

9K 32 639 Full
My made up characters

I will write a list of characters that I made up, they are not parodies or real people. Just some made up people for my stories.Well this stories will give you more understanding to my stories

384 14 9 Full
Mystery Loves Company

A crime-mystery lover Rhett Carver only wants two things in his life: first, to be taken seriously as a young detective, and second, to get rid of his never-ending bad luck that always gets in the way of reaching the first thing. Those goals bring him to cross fate with an irritating genius girl, Avery, through an unfortunate event that forces them to work together -- not once, not twice, but every possible case that happens around them.As the unlikely duo trying to make the partnership works, Rhett realizes that the biggest mystery he can ever encounter isn't lurking out there. It's right in front of him, in the form of Avery Kane.Now, Rhett wants another thing: to figure out what is actually happening with her, even if it means putting both of them in greater danger than they already were. Copyright © 2015 by Widya Nurul

99.9K 70 6.1K
91 Reasons I'm Waiting for You

This is about a girl who always waiting for someone she loves. She thinks that "waiting is cool." She thinks that "it will be our happy ending." She thinks that "i'm not afraid of waiting." She thinks that "he will comes back." But then she realizes that it's not all the same as she thinks.

2.4K 91 49 Full
Symphony's Story

get to know the fictional idol's backgrounds! trivia knowledge and past videos/content

39 7 4


63 1 0 Full
Camelia : Camelia tak Bersedih

Tidak ada persahabatan yang murni. Hanya ada dua kemungkinan saat aku jatuh cinta padanya, yang pertama dia cinta padaku juga. Kedua, cintaku cuma searah.

264 4 10 Full
This Time We'll Protect You

Two year after the death of White Star and the fall of Arm Cale finally get his slacker lifeHowever fate has different opinion.....Cale got a unknown illness and the cure to treat it has not been found All of his family do everything they could to create the cure for the illness but by the time they found it he already leave the world Can't seem to accept the fact, they all start breaking apart and the once big happy family that alway had each other back is no longer existFor 30 years they lost him and the breaking family that can't even stay in one room without suddenly fighting, miracle happens or maybe the work of certain godThey were sent back in time before they lost him, lost everything and lost themselvesHow will they protect him this time?? What will they do to fix the distance that were created along 30 years without him?? What will be his reaction when he know the truth?? Will he be disappointed for them that fail to stay together even without him like he want they do??

4K 5 236
Against Fate ✔️

This story is private. Please click follow button before you add this story to you library. Happy reading:) -- Tuhan memberikan goresan takdir kepada setiap umatnya termasuk dalam hal perjodohan. Suatu pasangan telah memiliki hubungan cukup lama, mereka adalah pasangan Laxana dan Alexandira. Mereka adalah pasangan yang sangat serasi hingga masalah diantara mereka tak akan terlihat mengerikan melainkan manis. Suatu ketika, Dira memituskan untuk menguji takdir cinta mereka, dan mereka putus. Akankah takdir berpihak pada mereka dan mengembalikan mereka pada keadaan sebagai pasangan kekasih? Apakah semua berjalan dengan mudah atau sulit bagi mereka? Hanya Tuhan dan pribadi masing-masing yang mengetahui batasnya.

1.4K 9 109 Full
Hidden Love Episode

Hidden Love Episode

70 1 2 Full
my special person

In this story, I am telling about relationships separated by distance, so that online messages are also a way for us to keep communicating.

12 2 2 Full

Perkenalan memang sangat singkat, bagi kebanyakan orang kenalan adalah hal yang lumrah dalam berteman. Tapi tidak bagi Nandan Adelard Arsenio, ia sangat senang bisa berkenalan dengan Windy Chalondra. Karena itu keinginannya sejak dulu dan Nandan hanya berani menjadi pengagum rahasia tanpa berani mengungkapkan isi hatinya.

32 1 2 Full

Aku ingin berterimakasih pada seseorang. Dialah yang telah menyelamatkanku, dialah orang yang kini darahnya juga mengalir dalam tubuhku. Di mana pun kau berada, aku mengucapkan terimakasih banyak padamu, Luhan. Jika mungkin, aku ingin bertemu denganmu dan mengucapkannya langsung. Sekali lagi terimakasih.

7 1 0 Full
Terlihat Dekat Tapi Jauh

Sebab kamu seperti bintang, terlihat dekat padahal sangat jauh

387 13 0
Catatan harian

Ketika persahabatan, kasih sayang dan kesabaran menjadi awal dari benih benih rasa yang tak tersampaikan...

284 8 0 Full

being the most elite student in school are not fun at all. especially when you're good at every lesson. have you ever feel jealousy inside your heart when you see your girl is with another person that you hate? that's what happen to the nogizaka's high twin tower. shiraishi mai is jealous toward wakatsuki yumi. not because want to take over erika's intelligence. that's not it. she is jealous toward yumi because, erika rarely pay attention to Mai. what will happen later? will Erika realize Mai's feeling? or maybe she will play with Mai's heart more? want to know, read my story.

720 1 21 Full

''dapetin kamu aku berhenti bikin capt, galau lagi''-lee taerin 2k19

49 6 6

There will always be a reason why you meet people.... Either they will change your life, or you're the one that will change theirsLangsung baca aja ya ^^

213 4 4
My (Un)Real Friend

Dillard is just an ordinary student, living ordinary life. Until one day, a package arrives. Inside this package, there is mysterious smartphone in which through it he receives a special offer. An offer so interesting he could not refuse, in exchange for doing the sender's bidding. His life begins to change. Story of trust and friendship. Loyalty without prejudice.Cover "Designed by Zlatko_Plamenov / Freepik"

25 15 7 Full