Search: velzardlovelife
21 stories
TENSURA: When void froze {Love between slime x Dragon}

What if Rimuru was reincarnated with Raphael and he fell in love with Velzard?What if she did so as well?This story takes place after Ogres came to live with Rimuru and others; before orc disaster All rights belong to the original author original writer @HighElf3.From chapter 1 to 19 are belong to @HighElf3. I am going to continue the story after chapter 19However, I am going to continue this story where the original writer dropped.

4K 11 46
Ocean's Gift (Book 1 of the Ocean's Gift series)

Sirens don’t fall in love with humans. For centuries it has been so…But Sirena is different. She lost her first love to sharks and a storm, cursing the islands that stole him from her. Times have changed and she must swim ashore once more, to the islands she once cursed. Gone are the boats powered by sail and steam – jet boats with GPS are now the order of the day. Enter Joe, the deckhand on the Dolphin. A handy man to have around when the lights go out. He’ll fix your generator and have the lights back on in no time, no worries. But can he seduce a siren?Or will she swim away before he can uncover her secret?A book about lobsters, beer and boobs, on some cursed islands off the coast of Western Australia. At least, that's how Joe tells it. For Sirena, it's a very different story. You'll never look at mermaids the same way again. > > > > > Author's Note: Ocean's Gift is a complete novel, which was published as an ebook in December 2012. This Wattpad story is a preview of the first 20% of the book, as part of the publishing agreement is that I cannot publish or distribute my book in its entirety with anyone else, including posting it online on Wattpad. I hope you enjoy this preview.Ocean's Gift is available in ebook and paperback from Amazon, Apple, Sony, Kobo and anywhere else you buy good books.

31.8K 13 998 Full
Water and Fire - A Short Story

Working as a student midwife in an Australian country hospital is never easy, but Belinda finds more trouble than most. There's the intern doctor who follows her around like an overgrown puppy, the dangerous local wildlife and her own secrets she must keep. When she finds herself without a place to live, what else can possibly go wrong?Or is it time for something to go right?Reviews for Water and Fire:"Whales, whisky and love, great short story!" - Limeburners Whisky"This is really good, I need more, it can't finish there xx" - Lauren RussellActually, the story doesn't finish here. This short story inspired a novel that's now available from Amazon and Smashwords. The novel contains explicit material that couldn't be contained in the short story here on Wattpad. If you wish to purchase the novel, click on the link on the right, below the cover. Happy reading!

98.8K 20 1.9K Full
Moja mała Dziewczynka||lrh (Zawieszone)

"Ja już się nie wstydzęPragnę czegoś tak nieprzyzwoitego.Lepiej się teraz zachwyć,patrząc jak moje sukienka upada na podłogęWpełzając pod moją skórę,słodkie słowa z odrobiną grzechuBłagając byś mnie wziąłDiabeł kryje się w Twoim uśmiechu kochanie,na pewno grasz by wygraćNiebiosa mnie znienawidzą.'

13.1K 14 170
You are my world | DSMP x Y/N

Dream SMP x Y/NFeminine pronouns Not Ranboo x Y/N Honestly, I don't know what to put hereI know that I've only written a few chapters but I've definitely lost the motivation to write this. I've mostly just lost interest in the fandom and I'm considering discontinuing this.

135 7 4
Bugsnax Oneshots

Some Bugsnax oneshots because I like the game. Mostly silly scenarios my brain thinks up. Requests are welcome. I may or may not do them.Request RulesI WILL do:FluffHurt-ComfortXreaderSelf-insertY/NI WILL NOT do:SmutLemon/LimeInc3stHomophobia, transphobia, ect.

3 1 1
☀️Solstice Awards Winners! - 2018☀️

FINALLY!!The results are here, ladies and gentlemen!All the winners, interviews, reviews, and whatnot will be posted here

3.8K 88 496 Full
The Idiot Who Stole My Heart | Septiplier AU

Currently: 42,000+ wordsStatus: Ongoing seriesJack didn't ask to move thousands of miles away from home in Ireland, moreover he didn't ask to move to a kingdom that had more problems than it had benefits. Except for his few friends that provided him with a place to stay, he hardly knew anyone or anything that this foreign place had to offer him. Well, he had to admit he was at least somewhat grateful for his job though. Mucking the stables under the King himself wasn't that bad, it could be worse; he didn't mind being outdoors all hours of the day and the pay wasn't half bad...but the package that seems to ride along the tail end has really started to become a nuisance.Mark didn't ask to be born a prince, especially one that was forbidden to step foot outside the castle else he'd disgrace his family. From what? He wasn't sure, but his Mother enforced the rule harshly upon him nonetheless. As he's pushed towards a life he doesn't want, holed up in the prison of a castle with no friends, he'd come to accept that he would never live a normal life. To ease his mind on lonely days, Mark often visited the stables with a bit of help from some sympathetic guards. The old keeper there was kind to him, as were the workers; he found the place to be his little form of temporary escape. But, on one fateful day he's introduced to a new worker. He is rude and bitter and talks to Mark as if he's held a lifelong grudge against him, but Mark can't help but find the Irishman the slightest bit intriguing. There's something about him. As the two slowly begin to get closer, Mark begins to realize that the stable boy isn't really the rude asshole he plays to be. In all, he's just an undeniable idiot......An idiot who might just steal his heart.

36.2K 8 1.7K
Follow your Dream

Amy wants to be the best wizard ever like her idol,but everyone makes fun of her because she's not even a wizard.She never gives up like her idol she will do anything to accomplish her dream.

4 1 2
Heart Attack

Link is going to highschool but he notice's that every girl likes him but his eyes are on another girl but Palutena doesn't like the girl he is talking to

68 5 6
Los Cuatros Amigos

A man named Carlos is in an adventure to find people to defeat his older brother from taking over the world.

150 16 12
My Forbidden Love

There is this girl... the closest to perfection you'll ever see...being a lesbian in this world is hhard enough but being a stud in love with another is even worst. She is my best friends sister and all he always wanted was for us to get together. But there was never any interest till it was forbidden

1 1 0
Fair is Foul

She was strikingly, terrifyingly normal. There was something so horrific about how purely mundane she was. Demelza hated it. She wanted more than anything to give the other something just as dire as her unadulterated normality.Demelza wanted to destroy her. Her insignificance. Her humanity. Demelza wanted to tear her apart until all that was left was a smoldering rubble of what was once a human being. She wanted to ruin her. And she loved it.

20 2 0
Black Ice: The Rings of Belzantra

Darkness and impenetrable stone are all Mira knows. Sixteen years in a mine to pay off her father's debts has left her with hardly an identity. But when she finds a ring, hidden deep in the wall of the mine, Mira unlocks a secret which has been hidden from her world for thousands of years.

3.6K 13 204
My life in New York

When 18 year old Kelzang Choki aka KC moved to New York, she expected a fun college life with new adventures and loving friends. What she didn't expect was heartbreaks and drama.KC has always been a practical person. She always knew what love is and what comes with it-heartbreak, betrayals and complications. And she swore to herself that she won't get tangled in it but when she meets Nathaniel Franco, the sexy-as-sin playboy, will she be able to maintain her calm, composed and aloof composure or will she fall for him like everyone else?

21 3 0
Kalejdoskop pęknięć

Wiersze, wszystkie mojego autorstwa.

18 10 0
The Ballad of Daria: Shattered Realm (Working Title)

When the king disappears under mysterious circumstances, the Realms of Daria are thrown into unrest. With savages conquering the neighboring kingdoms, a new monarch must be crowned before it is too late. Some believe the king is dead, while others think he left on his own accord. Regardless, a solution must be found or it will mean the death of them all. Heroes will rise and fall, bonds will be formed and broken, and bravery may be found in the most unexpected places.

28 2 0
Take my hand

,,[...]Z rozmyślań wybudził mnie telefon. Chwyciłam go i po chwili otworzyłam wiadomość. Zobaczyłam dwa słowa które wywołały we mnie różne uczucia. W jednej chwili byłam przerażona, zaniepokojona, zestresowana i szczęśliwa jak nigdy. Szybko wybiegłam z budynku nie zwracając uwagi na zaniepokojoną panią Doris i gdy byłam już na zewnątrz upadłam na kolana i ze łzami w oczach zaczęłam krzyczeć. Krzyczałam jak nigdy dwa słowa w kółko, a ludzie wokół zachowywali się, jakbym była upośledzona. Po paru minutach się zmęczyłam, a moje gardło zaczęło boleć więc powoli wstałam z ziemi, otrzepałam się z brudu i spojrzałam ostatni raz na zachodzące już słońce i z łzami cieknącymi po policzkach i z uśmiechem na twarzy wyszeptałam ostatni raz te dwa słowa, na które tak czekałam i które dały mi nadzieję. - Obudził się.

87 2 0
The Gamers Academy

Seventeen year old Letti is pretty much living the dream as a student at the prestigious and private Gamers Academy. Her time is spent having hilarious conversations, practice gaming sessions and being with Eric; her boyfriend and fellow teammate. But there's a new arrival in town. A mysterious elite gamer who ultimately turns Letti's world upside down.

340 11 16
Dedication Pages

Dedication Pages is for any mass dedications I do! PLEASE READ

3.7K 35 15