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2,556 stories
Academy of Celestial Arts

"There's a Nymph in the Tub!" Mike stared at the Victorian style home in awe, the sheer scale of it overwhelming him. Tower-like structures gave the blue dwelling a medieval touch, and the house was ringed in simple gardens with waist high shrubs that were in desperate need of a trim. Stone lions guarded the walk to the front door, and a cobblestone path disappeared around the back. "Impressive, isn't it?" Mike, startled, dropped his sleeping bag. He bent down to pick it up, feeling warmth rise up in his cheeks. "I'm afraid you have quite a task ahead of you, Mr. Radley." Mike let out a nervous laugh as Beth, his great aunt's estate representative, walked past. The woman was taller than him, very attractive, and all business. Her dark hair wrapped up in a bun, she paused to check something on her clipboard. Mike took the opportunity to admire her backside through the thin layer of her pencil skirt. Very faint panty lines ran around her buttocks, lines that Mike had trouble taking his eyes away from. She turned to face him, and he pretended to struggle with his sleeping bag. "I doubt you'll need that," she pointed out, lending him a hand. She smelled like peaches and something floral, a scent he couldn't quite place. "The house has plenty of space." "I've been a boy scout since I was six," he replied. "Be prepared. That's my motto." "Uh huh." Beth helped him secure the bag under his arm. "Trust me when I say you won't need it." She led him up the stairs, the wooden deck creaking slightly under their weight. Mike stared briefly at the swinging chair on the front porch, moving slightly in the breeze. As Beth produced a key, she looked at Mike.

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Morith: The Search

Long ago, a powerful magic-user named Dougran Blackheaven made a locket that caused chaos over the world. The locket was so powerful that it disturbed the most powerful creatures in the whole universe, the Ethereal Guardians. Soullice the guardian of death ordered him to find the locket's counterpart for it will cause malevolence again in the future. On a book he made, five Gemstones he wrote, and made sketches of it. He hid the locket and the book on a chest in one of his manors. The time finally came that the locket was found accidentally by an evil person named Azeron Philiusiphine. But a descendant of Dougran was born to stop Azeron. She is Red. Let us follow Red's adventures and witness on how she will stop Azeron. Her mission is not going to be easy, traps of magic made by Azeron will keep Red from stopping him. Will Red let Azeron rule the world? Could Red stop him?

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School For Spooks

When a 15 year old girl's mother has a breakdown,declared insane and committs suicide it's hard enough to handle.But what about when she is shipped off to a boarding school she can never leave until the headmaster says so,because of her mother's last will and testamony? Think that's not enough well then let's add in mythical creatures and the paranormal and we have ourselves a teenager with a messed up life who just has to live with it,because it's out of her hands.Isn't Life a B****?! Join Faith as she deals with her mothers death,her boarding school social life and her powers.Just another day at Moonshine Academy for the gifted...

4.6K 33 85
Yo Check this out

Alright so I'm SOOO behind on most of my books you,the readers, enjoy.Read for information on updates and stuff

3K 79 226
The Caveam's Sacrifice

Dejanira has finally graduated from Bellator Academy; a special school where young men and women whose lives were taken under special circumstances get a second chance at life. In exchange for that second chance, they are trained to become cunning, ruthless, and stealthy hunting the same types of creatures and beings that took their lives. Each graduating student earns the title 'Dominus' along with their ideal weapon; a 'Caveam'.What she didn't expect though was for her Caveam to be Gaige Veronin; a rare, powerful jerk with a sarcastic, cocky attitude and a lot of secrets, many of them pertaining to her.With one final year of training left before they can begin accepting the contracts they really want, Dejanjra's father offers to train them under his own conditions: Synchronize, or train elsewhere.Can the duo get along well enough to complete their final year? Or will they be forced to attend LaGuardia; a training camp with a reputation for killing off Dominus' and Caveams.

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What would you do if you went to see two of your favourite bands on tour together? What would you do if you and your best friend were asked if you wanted to go backstage after the show to meet your idols? What would you do if they kidnapped you ?Meet Kayleigh and Olivia - the two best friends. Kayleigh's crazy attitude and Olivia's cautious but carefree nature should not make them best friends but separate them even more. So when they get tickets to see All Time Low and Pierce The Veil on tour together at Brixton Academy they are super pumped. As they get into the venue they notice they are near the front , meaning they have a chance of getting the guitar picks , only to be surprised when Alex Gaskarth throws two backstage passes their way they look at each other ready to kill for the only two passes. They are shocked when they catch them , seeing Alex wink at them they scream with delight. Little did they know that that wasn't the only surprise that was coming their way.

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The New Girl

Michelle Carter is a teen in London, England. She is not like any other girls. She's a vampire, one of the few left in London. She has pale skin, long brown hair, and not red eyes but dark brown, almost black. They shined like marbles. But to everyone else she was just an average new girl at London Academy of the Arts. Louis Tonlinson is anything but average. He has the perfect hair that flips in the right way, beautiful blue/green eyes that shine in the light, and a perfect complexion. Anything but average. Kayla Jones is Louis' girl. The pretty girl in school. Their relationship is based on nothing but status and no feelings. Kayla loved him though. He didn't love her. Kayla knew three things. 1-She WAS the prettiest girl in school. 2-She WAS Louis' girl. 3-She MUST destroy Michelle at all costs. Michelle knew three things1-She was just some nerd who got compliments from Louis out of his kindness and pity for her.2-She was another new girl at another school, like all her life. 3-She wasn't ready for Louis to cone into her life. Louis knew three things. 1-He hated Kayla.2-He loved Michelle. 3-The girl he loved is the one.

1.8K 18 22

When Lilith Carrier blew out her candles on her eighteenth birthday, she never knew that the flames she extinguished would ignite a hidden power within her-a power over the elements themselves. Her quiet life was about to explode, and what she thought was reality would soon prove to be just the calm before the storm.. Faced with her father's recent passing, she's forced to leave her quiet countryside life behind and relocate to Windsor Academy, a mysterious boarding school nestled in the heart of Salem. Little does she know, this school is a haven for supernatural beings, where secrets run deeper than the shadows that cloak the town.Lilith yearns for a fresh start, but her newfound identity as a descendant of a witch from the Salem witch trials brings both envy and danger. In Salem, everyone either wants to be you or to eliminate you. Covens, vampires, and werewolves are the least of her concerns.As Lilith makes new friends and navigates the complexities of young love, she embarks on a quest to uncover the truth about her family's past. Her journey is fraught with unexpected twists, revealing that nothing in Salem is as it seems.Amidst the mystique of Salem's supernatural community, Lilith must confront her father's legacy and unearth answers to questions that have haunted her. Will she survive the treacherous path to understanding her true self and her family's hidden history?In 'Lovesick,' expect romance, mystery, and the clash of supernatural forces as Lilith's world undergoes a transformation more profound than she ever imagined. Salem may never be the same again.

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when u need to marry ur enemy for ur parents  (suga as ur enemy)

this is a story by ~j.m fics ~ hope u like it

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(Ff) •🩸|| Blood Sucker !

RATED 16+《Enhypen Fanfic, ft. my OC, Miru》{🩸} °• Introduction ! ✮⋆˙Miru and Jungwon were siblings. The family was super strict when it came to vampires, since vampires were everywhere that time. One day, the siblings found out that their dad was a vampire, they rushed to escape and abandon their parents. Their life changed when they met Ms. Jeon, who was a teacher Decelis Academy and helped, and took care of them when they were looking for shelter. Because of that, Jungwon and Miru then started to study in Decelis Academy, at the age of 16. They also met 6 friends; Heeseung, Jay, Jake, Sunghoon, Sunoo, and Riki. But one day, things changed when it came to Heeseung and Miru. Which made Jungwon get suspicious about him, and worried for his sister. Will he ever find out? Read to find out more!

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Warriors From The Stars: Jedi Male Reader x JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Harem

Padawan's lost! During a special transit of a Jedi Holocron from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to a Jedi training academy on the planet of Dantoonine, Jedi Padawan's Ahsoka Tano and Y,N L,N alongside their Republic transports were intercepted by a fleet of Separatist Dreadnaughts, led by the villainous General Grievous. Despite fighting to the best of their abilities, the Padawan's were commanded to jump into Hyperspace as the protection and delivery of the Jedi Holocron was more important than destroying these dreadnaughts or battling Grievous himself. Even though Ahsoka voiced her annoyance at being forced to run away, the more calm and pragmatic Y,N was able to quell her frustrations. However, right as the two were about to jump into Hyperspace, a dreadnaught gunner was able to get a shot off on their Hyperdrive, sending them careening not towards their intended destination of Dantooine, but rather deep, deep into the unknown and mysterious reaches of Wild Space. Now with their ship's engine fried, their communications damaged, and armed only with their wits, lightsabers, a Jedi Holocron, and Force training both Ahsoka and Y,N will be taken on a bizarre adventure neither expected to go on. An adventure filled with Hamon users, Pillar people, Stand's, Vampires, Serial Killers, Italian Mobs, Religious Zealot's, Romance, and more.

2.7K 2 48
Supernaturals: Rise of the Halo's

A thousand years ago a powerful race, creatures of light called Halo's ruled the earth in peace and justice then Daimanas the opposite of Halo's decided to attack the hallows fought and they lost because the Daimanas were aided by a powerful but unknown person and very soon the time of the halo's was gone in their place rose a new era, an era of diversity because six other races arose and to lead the six were six royal families the vampire by the Devaine dynasty, the werewolve by the Everdeen empire, the witch by the Auckman royals, the Astra by the Nokisa royals, the Daimons by the Luther clan the fae by the the Vina court. But a seventh arose filled with people who have dedicated their lives to fighting and killing the Daimanas, they were called the Engelas or gelas warriors.Adoransa Emmerysa's parents were the the founders of the gelas army, they've been dead for ten years and adora has been on the run since. when she witnessed the death of her parent by the hands of three level three Daimanas her fathers dying breath was '...dont go to the academy...' She never understood until three days after her eighteenth birthday when she was found and invited to the school.At first everything deemed perfect until she noticed some things not consistent to the way the school should've been and when she stars investigations her life suddenly was in danger and it seemed someone was keeping a dark secret they where willing to kill to keep.Axarion Steele is the first halo in a thousand years the council has him on a tight leash, someone is trying to control him and adora notices that too and she is going to find out who leads the Daimanas, who killed betrayed her parents, who is trying to kill her even if it kills her.This is not a story about love and joy his is a story about power and blood and how in this world you must have either or both to survive.*****************************This is my second book please read, comment, and vote.

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A record of events with a dragon  as a witness

Clau is a dragon, his landlady is a witch, he has a mage girlfriend and his roommate is undecided... for now.He is unemployed and that may have something to do with why he lost his marbles. Although his girlfriend being gone had more to do with that. He is not broke but refuses to sell his scales on Ichor so his roommate pays the rent (because she's the one who cleans up his shedding every few days in the month and sells them) for him. His roommate is definitely too young to be hacking and likes to bring in things that may endanger his life every so often. He is in troubleOnce in a land filled with nothing but the past, a door opened.And the creature behind it-bless its dim soul,Came inside and brought in a future in a box that the people opened.And in return for that, the creature was swallowed whole.The future was praised and built on the bones that lay raw,On the floors made of silver and gold.The world swirled with the many colours that people viewed and saw.From the creature's whose submission made the people drunk in power, bold.Of course this stopped, for the people had always believed in what was right.They gave freedom and they gave light.They look away sadness, they took away fright.They said that we, were such...a sight.But only after eating us whole did they spit us out.Only after destroying us did they fix us.Only after death of thirst was there no more drought.And only after they nearly killed us all, was there an us.By Tars Anderson, 8 years oldStudent AnalysisTars AndersonFemale8 years old..Latest misdemeanour: Asking her teacher if she was racist or in any way, partial to some races. Expelled from Faresink School for young ladies. High school applications: None.Update: With permission from Cameri stockholders.Student AnalysisTars AndersonFemale8 years old.High School applications: Mage Academy

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The Fall

I opened my eyes and was blinded by a piercing light blurring my eyesight. The freezing cold wind bit my skin and made my breathing become harder. My body felt weightless like the sensation of one falling through the air and the pressure around me made my body go numb. My vision became clearer and I saw white puffy clouds, the blue sky, birds fluttering in a bright sunlight and-the Earth's surface rapidly nearing me. Why am I falling? I didn't remember anything except my name, Rosari Matthew. But who was I? I felt the pressure painfully surround my body while the wind whipped my hair against my face. The thin air made me feel dizzy. "Am I going to die now, like this?" That one question lingered in my mind as the world swirled around me.Before the darkness could swiped its veil over me, a pair of arms embraced me, halting me from falling toward my death. His touch made my cold body flare, the feeling of security and peace surrounded me like a blanket while I drifted into the welcoming darkness.Rosari Matthew, a 18 year old girl who doesn't remember anything except that she fell from the sky. Follow Rose when she gets thrown into the supernatural world with no clue of who she is or where she comes from. Rosari struggles to rediscover her past and to uncover its mystery but that is not easy. At the same time she has to fight the problems that any teenager goes through. Not to forget the fancy meeting with the royal group that will rule the supernatural world or fighting with an soon to be King, all the time.Will she ever get her memory back and find the reason for why she lost it in the first place?Who is the guy who rescued her and why can't she just forget it instead of looking for him so desperately? Can she really trust all of the royal members in the group? They seem helpful but something is just not quite right, she can't deny noticing the obsession some have for her and the urge to get rid of her.Follow Rose on her journey and find out inTHE FALL

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safety valve

Pressure safety relief valve is applied to keep the pressure of the system or pressure containing parts through the over pressure scenarios to obtain the purpose of preventing the pressure from exceeding the specific valve. When the operating pressure inside the pressure system or pressure vessel exceeds the set pressure of the pressure relief valve, the valve will open automatically and discharge the excess flowing fluid. When the system pressure reduces to the normal pressure, the valve will automatically re-close, which will prevent the medium from keeping to be discharged, resulting in excessive waste of media in the system.The unstable operation of the safety relief valve causes unbelievable harm, which is mainly described as follows: reduction of discharge capacity, insufficient function of constant pressure regulation or overpressure protection and the resonance of the whole pipeline system, or the serious damage to the sealing area of the safety relief valve. So that proper operation of the safety relief valves is very important problem for all clients in oil & gas industries. Because proper operation of safety relief valves guarantees safety of the system and prevents from terrible events.VIRCO safety valves are developed to compete with well-known brands in international markets. Production, with a capacity of over 3,000 valves a year, takes place at our factory in ARAK

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When Nicholas Forrester meets the new girl Scarlett Brenin they get off on anything but the right foot. He tries to be nice but she shoots him down with her frigid attitude. That day when he is driving home, a series of events leads to him witnessing Scarlett holding a man at gunpoint in an alley. It turns out Scarlett works for a top secret government agency and the agency decides that Nick knows too much for them to simply let him go. Much to Scarlett's and Nick's dismay she is assigned to protect, watch over him,and make sure nothing about the agency ever gets out. Along the way Nick finds out that his fate is more tied into Scarlett and the agency then he could have ever dreamed possible. What hidden dark secrets will Nick uncover? Who can he trust when it seems like everyone he once trusted is turning out to be his worst enemies? What happens when Nick realizes that the agency is anything but ordinary? Is anything really as it seems? Join Nick in his adventure as he delves into a world of magic, betrayal, and the constant struggle of power between good and evil.

7.8K 3 79

Changelings are a species that can turn into animals. They have lived in hiding for centuries, with only small stories of Werewolves and Vampires giving humans any clue as to the fact that they aren't the only civilized species. Jordan Casey and Rick Sello are students at Stimmen Boarding school, hiding their secret and trying to fit in. But as other changelings and a certain science teacher come into the picture, their existence could be threatened.**********************************************************************************************************************PrologueThree years ago“Ok. Now, to the last subject. This term there are only two students graduating to human school.” Mr Oloughlin, the head of the PFA, the Polar-Forest academy, was standing at the front of the hall, addressing the three hundred and fifty children sitting in front of him, his hazel eyes taking in everyone. They ranged from four to eighteen, but this was no ordinary school. “As you all know, people don’t usually graduate until they are at least fourteen or fifteen. But in an amazing turn of events, two year fives are going instead!” There was a round of applause. He waited for it to die down, running a hand through his brown hair. “The two graduating are-” There was a muttering in the year five row. “-Jordan Casey and Richard Sello.”A/N: Hey so this is a story that I started a couple of years ago and was pressurised into uploading by BushBadger so sorry for any cheesy lines or grammatical mistakes but bare in mind I was less mature when I wrote this.PS sorry if at any point Rick is referred to as a bear. This is the animal he originally was but I changed it and even though I went through and changed as much as I could find, I haven't had anyone proof-read it so........

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Berserker Life

One day the man raised his sword to fight against the demon who kill his familly and finally manage to kill him but in the end he got curse to become berserk everytime he see someone get killed.The man has finally ended his vengeance but he lose many thing which make him start to goes for an adventure.

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