Search: tyziasentykk
23 stories
Trying To explain Homestuck Trolls to my friend


2K 5 7
Ohhhh an art book :0

I woz bored

423 15 26
My Terrible Art

The title explains it all

470 9 34
Art Requests

I'll draw pfps, ocs, etc. etc.#14 in Artrequests as of, 15, April 2020#13 in Artrequests as of, 26, April 2020

571 7 23
Admin's Spam

Just some spam from your's truly!

41 8 0
Book Of My Ocs《REUPLOAD》

Because I have way to many and need to tag ppl 4 roleplays.

212 1 2
OC Book

Just a compilation of my OC's for ease of access.

125 7 2
Tyzias Entykk: A Single Female Lawyer

Tyzias is a studious girl, in a biased and cruel society. Calling the Outgluts home, she plans to organize a rebellion from the inside; just as the great REDGLARE, a famous Teal once did. With her scattered friends, 1 (one) hour of sleep weekly, and a mysterious newcomer, will her anti-hemospectrum plans be exposed or will she succeed and overthrow the chaos that is Alternia?

31 1 1
Happy Day That You Started To Exist.


19 1 2
The Big Game- Ryden

Ryan plays baseball. Brendon's in the band. Brendon has a huge crush on Ryan. Ryan has a big game coming up. Brendon has a concert coming up. How will this all work out?

152 3 8
Oneshots, Stories, and Contest Entries

I'm pretty sure it's already decribed well enough in the title?

37 2 2
Headcanons and Ideas

My headcanons for characters and ideas for AU's, prompts, and more.

41 4 0