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724 stories
Crimson Hearts Unveiled

In the enchanting world of "Crimson Hearts Unveiled," love intertwines with mystery, as two souls find themselves drawn together against the backdrop of a charming, yet enigmatic town. As Scarlet, a spirited artist with a penchant for unlocking secrets through her vibrant canvases, meets Adrian, a brooding stranger harboring a past he can't escape, their destinies become entwined in a tapestry of passion and hidden desires. As they navigate the complexities of love, they unearth long-buried secrets that could either bind them forever or tear them apart. In this tale of romance and revelation, "Crimson Hearts Unveiled" invites readers into a world where the heart's deepest hues are explored, and love blossoms in the most unexpected places.

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Harry Potter - A male reader insert [Hermione x Male Reader]

Exactly what the title says. It's a (soon-to-be) extensive fanfiction that spans across all 7 books / 8 movies and follows Y/N, a special (?) wizard, on his journey through day-to-day struggles, romance and his heritage. Core of this fic is the romance (slow burn at the start) between Y/N and Hermione, the friends he made along the way and atmospheric descriptions / dialogue that make you feel like you're truly there.However very important!!! disclaimer: As with one of my other published stories, this work was not written by me, but by @dariusapetrei on Fiverr. He's a very talented writer and I'd love for you to check him out if you ever have an unfulfilled desire when it comes to fanfics. I'm merely the publisher so to speak, he gave me permission to do so.Cover by:

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-The Boy Who Fought- (Hermione Granger x Male Reader)

Y/N Potter was known all around the Wizarding world, also with his twin brother Harry James Potter. Both born at the same day, and almost same time. Y/N Potter and Harry Potter were born into a magical world, but they still have no clue about it. When they turned 11 everything will be clear for them, and with that brings happiness, but also it brings death....All rights towards J.K Rowling and her amazing work, cover was made by me and @Austin-Granger.THIS IS A MALE READER BOOK! I own my oc's and I do not own any OC's that are from @Austin-Granger!

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The journey to search for the perfect dimension

Her name is Zelda. This book will go through her life. Seems boring right ? The life of a strange being whom is very rare. Have you perhaps heard of the people with not one but two souls ?Trust me, she has much more to show than the eye meets. "What is she exactly" Well she would probably say something like: "Nothing ! Not a human, demon, god or else. Yet... i am everything"Hi author-san here! I hope you enjoy the book. I won't repeat it everytime so i'll say it here. Any of the anime and manga that are going to be mentioned are not mine. Only the plot and my two OC's. Last thing! If you're still reading, wich i hope. I won't correct my errors and it's my firdt fanfic, so sorry!!

4 1 1
Welcome to the Rest of your Life

Leo was a Longbottom, raised by Augusta Longbottom and alongside her brother Neville. As a newborn, she was left to die in an enchanted pile of snow on a bench in Diagon Alley - and for that fact alone, she never cared much about her past. As she starts her days at Hogwarts, excited to learn magic and create friendships that'll last a lifetime, she quickly finds more than she originally bargained for; love, adventure, and even more powers than that from her wand. And, she quickly realizes, her melancholy past may just begin to unfurl itself before her.

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Golden Girl || Draco Malfoy

Y'all know I have literally no excuses for this. I was obsessed with Draco Malfoy back in 2020 Dracotok Era, and it was supposed to be a phase, but every time I hear music from that era, I miss it so much. So here we are. Back in this rabbit hole. But just because Dracotok has dissapeared doesn't mean the simps have. I know you little shits are out there. So enjoy, darlings, because I did not risk it all by splattering my guilty pleasure out there on my main account for y'all to pretend you don't actually love it too.Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows [Films]---The Usual Disclaimers: I do not own the Harry Potter books, movies, or any other such adaptations. All rights go to the appropriate parties (this is a safe space for JKR slander). I own my OCs and their plotlines so don't steal em.please also note that it is unlikely I will make many (if any) updates to this story before I have finished writing it in docs <3

77 3 0
severussnape x oc

this is a professor x professor story because all the stories seem to be with a student which is slightly dodgy and definitely illegal from where im from anyway.anyway, main character (oc)name: natalia beaumontstatus: muggle-bornprofession: ancient runes professor at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardryage: mid-twentieshouse: ravenclawduring this book, natalia forms a friendship with a certain potions master...but will this relationship develop into anything more serious? if you've read this far, you might as well read the rest 🥰 have fun!!by the way, i do not own any of jk rowling's characters. also i do not agree with many of her views. this story is not canon and natalia beaumont is an original character.

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The Sentry

**Old story, collecting dust on my shelf, and looking for some fresh eyes :) **If the world wasn't falling apart, 17-year old Dani Clarke would be living a normal life as a teenager on Manitoulin Island. But years of savage storms have done a lot to change things. They've left most plant life and water sources dried up in the drought that's followed. They've decimated the world's populations, first with famine, then with global and civil wars fought over dwindling resources. They've made people like Dani refugees within their own countries. And according to Canada's new Sponsored Cities Act, refugees have to earn their chance to survive.When she and her family seek asylum in London, Ontario, Dani learns the price she has to pay for her family's safety and her own: a two-year term of service as a Sentry, one of the scouts deployed with the military supply convoys that travel between government-sponsored cities through the treacherous No Man's Land that separates them. Alongside fellow Sentries and allies among their convoy's soldiers, Dani struggles against brutality on both sides of the city walls, hoping to live to see things come back from the brink.What none of them realize is that this is only the beginning. The people living in No Man's Land, known as outliers, aren't as scattered and helpless as they're believed to be. They've organized, and they have their own plans to survive. Even if it means shattering what's left of the country to do it.

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This is a collection of a few chapters from each book in the Harry Potter series, but from Dracos POV. The chapters have been chosen specifically because in these particular chapters Draco is portrayed as the 'villain' but in my opinion he deserves to be explained as he is one of the most misunderstood characters in the entire series. In my opinion he should be recognized as the extreamly vunerable and complex character he is instead of being cast aside as the 'bully' and never explored any further. This fanfiction is not a retelling of the series but a brief switch in perspectives in order to gain a deeper understanding of the events that shaped the character of Draco Malfoy.

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The Violet Lantern: (Draco: Chapter One)

This is a story about Draco Malfoy and Ginny Weasley. I put them together because I think they'd be really cute. I know it's an odd match. But I thought I'd play around with the idea of Draco and Ginny being together if they were dating. I was asked to write a Harry Potter Story and I was reading the books yesterday and I was inspired by those books I had and read about. I created the cover all by myself and was obsessed by the story J.K. ROWLING wrote years ago. I really believed in the Harry Potter Story. I believed in the characters and the plot that was written, too, all those years ago. I really, really believed in everything about the Harry Potter Books. And I loved every single character in the book as well. I know everyone wanted Draco and Hermione Granger together. But I really, really didn't want to do that again. I put these two characters together instead: Draco and Ginny. And what if Ginny Weasley didn't end up with Harry Potter and fell in love with Draco Malfoy, instead, of Harry Potter and they were married and actually fell in love? How would Harry Potter feel about their new, budding romance and Ginny being in a relationship with Draco? Would Harry Potter not like her anymore? Or could they somehow still remain friends even after the marriage is completed?"Harry Potter: Dobby is a free-elf?"

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Harry Potter and Rosalie Snape: Watching the Movies (MUSICAL)

There was a deafening bang.Two middle-aged man and a woman was standing in the middle of the Great Hall, showing everyone (staff, ghosts and students alike) eight movies. Secrets will be uncovered. The future will be revealed. The fate of the Wizarding World will be decided.However, those eight movies are those Harry Potter movies you have watched in the cinema or on your TVs. This time, a new character is added: Rosalie Snape, who prefers to go by the name Rose.Who is this girl? Is she related to the Potions Master of Hogwarts? How would that change the plot of the story?(The movie is a musical, the songs may be a bit weird because I'm not too good at writing songs. Most of them are based on other musical songs.)

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Emerald~ Albus Severus Potter

As I walked shakily to the worn and weathered hat that rested in the view of everyone at the front of the Great Hall, I could only try to not dread what could come next. Dad had thought he'd assured me before James and I had left the station of the train that even if I was a Slytherin, it did not mean I was a bad person. It did not mean that I was going to end up in a cold cell in Azkaban someday with his old Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher sipping tea down the hall, saying that she was "merely trying to correct the way that that horrible school was run". And that my namesake had been proof that Slytherins were not evil. I had heard the story of Severus Snape before; it did not exactly put the thoughts consuming my mind to ease. I guess he had sort of, in a way, been at least helpful but he did not strike me as the hero that Dad said he was. The way he had acted had gotten creepier than the last every time I'd heard it. Aunt Hermione once told me of a story of a different Slytherin who put more of a pleasant view of the house in my mind. I concentrated on him as I took a seat on the wooden stool that the entirety of the hall had eyes focused to. The hat was placed on my head and soon a new voice spoke inside my mind, drowning out the little glimmers of hope from the story I was repeating in my head."Ah, Albus Severus Potter. I've been waiting to meet your mind."

19 1 1
Always On My Mind (A Harry Potter Fan Fiction)

Mirabelle 'Mercy' Cloudtorn is sorted into Slytherin, but all of her friends, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Natalie, are in Gryffindor. Despite that, Mercy joins in on their adventures to save the wizarding world. Only one person tries to stop Mercy from joining her friends and their adventures: Draco Malfoy, who tries to befriend Mercy, even though he hates everything she loves. On top of that, Mercy suddenly has to confront a man, who she had hoped never to meet again...

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Book Full of Randomness and Stories

This is going to be a bunch of randomness with some stories. Some serious, some not so much. Btw, the more ocs that end up popping in the ask book, the more you'll see 'em in the book. Ok, good? Good. ......I'll probably update the description in time...

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The Art Of Seduction - Kim Taehyung

[This is just a fan fiction, Don't take it seriously. If you're not interested, do not report, you can leave politely.]This is the first Fan Fiction i wrote, so please enjoy this Fan fiction.To the ones who's interested in reading this Fan Fiction, you're always welcomed. I hope you'll enjoy this. If you have any problem or anything to tell me feel free to text me on instagram.instagram : @mochimin_0

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•••WHITE GOLD • MinJoon • (Feat. j-hopeless_)•••

Její dokonale bezchybná světlá pokožka, její narůžovělé plné rty,její obrovské pronikavé hnědé oči. Nutila mě na ni ustavičně a bez jakéhokoliv ostychu hypnotizovaně zírat.A to i přes to, že se její nádherná kukadla zvedla od bílým zlatem vykládaného náhrdelníku a zpříma se upřela na mě.••• ••• ••• ••• •••♡ přepis Textového RPG♡ Kim Namjoon - autor @j-hopeless_♡ Park Jimin - má práce••• ••• ••• ••• •••☼ rozepsáno☽ neopraveno••• ••• ••• ••• •••

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