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1,547 stories
Day 1 - Sharing The Spotlight: Introductions

It's Legoshi's first day at Cherryton and his first day of Drama Club as well as all the other first year students. Louis the red deer is conducting the introductions to all the new club members. Upon introducing Legoshi, Louis no doubt finds him to be rather slow and stupid. The mongoose sitting beside Legoshi is even worse as he is too enthusiastic and has too much fun with uncommon names. Legoshi strikes up a quick friendship with Kai as they both have similar experiences with being unable to make friends. The introductions to these new first years hits a brick wall as Bill the Bengal Tiger has quite the ego on him and the ongoing feud between the carnivores and herbivores continues between Bill and the Red Deer himself over who is the dominant species. A certain Alpaca shows up late for their first club session together and Louis wraps up the introduction ceremony.How will Legoshi and Louis bond throughout the rest of the club session and what more is in store for everyone on their first day of drama club? How did this quickly sprung up friendship between Legoshi and Kai end up with the mongoose basically ignoring the oddly behaved wolf? All will be revealed as Legoshi learns to coexist with everyone at Cherryton.

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Life, Updates and other stuff (But Mainly Life...)

This is just a book to keep updated with what's going on with my life and what I'm doing when it comes to writing. I feel I should keep you guys in the know-abouts so here's the place I'm going to be doing that. I won't update this book daily, just when I feel there's something I need to share, and with that... We begin!

1.9K 153 193
The Daily Hamilton Saga Continues...

Book three .o.

3.6K 191 657

In the bustling streets of Seoul, Eunji, a young Korean girl, finds herself facing the daunting reality of living with an incurable illness. Despite the physical limitations imposed by her condition, Eunji seeks solace in the virtual world, where she discovers a supportive community of individuals sharing similar struggles. It's within this digital sanctuary that she encounters JW, an enigmatic figure whose comforting words and unwavering support offer Eunji a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.Unbeknownst to Eunji, JW is actually Jungwon, a member of the wildly popular K-pop group Enhypen. Despite his fame and status, Jungwon finds himself drawn to Eunji's sincerity and resilience, finding solace in their candid conversations. As they share their innermost thoughts and fears, a deep bond forms between them, transcending the boundaries of cyberspace.As their friendship blossoms, Eunji and Jungwon navigate the complexities of their respective worlds, each grappling with their own struggles and insecurities. For Eunji, Jungwon's friendship becomes a source of strength and inspiration, providing her with the courage to face each day with renewed optimism. Meanwhile, Jungwon finds himself captivated by Eunji's unwavering spirit and determination, drawn to the authenticity and vulnerability she embodies.Despite the growing intimacy between them, Jungwon remains steadfast in his commitment to maintaining his anonymity, hesitant to reveal his true identity to Eunji. He fears that the revelation of his celebrity status could jeopardize the genuine connection they share, and so he keeps his identity hidden, content to offer Eunji support from afar.

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The Love of A Ganster✔✔

"7 boys fell in love with a Simple girl" The Love of a Gangsternewly written book.. published at 10/13/18characters:Byeolna/한별나/Berna•|The Dauntless Squad|•Taehyung/VlyienSuga/GLutaRapmonster/Jooniexjhope/SeokiJin/JinnieJungkook/IPB kookJimin/Chimrex"The Dauntless Squad"-The Squad that is popularly known in their University-The squad who's members are really intelligent and handsome and talented as well*Vlyien/Taehyung-Handsome and cute.. Very good at playing chess.. no one can ever beat his Playing skills.. His memory never fails.. *Jungkook/IPB kook- Hansome, Tall.. the Youngest but toughest.. no one can ever beat him when it comes to "Taekwondo, Wu shu, Karate, Archery, Sword fighting" He's Good at everytjing.. *Jin-Jinnie-The visual of the squad.. Husband material.. The "Cook"..No one cant ever beat his cooking skills.. good at academics.. The Language Master.. Can speak 4 languages.. *Rapmonster/Jooniex-The "BrainMaster"...Good at Mathematics.. Fluent in English.. The tallest.. Born in New Zealand.. Loving.. Caring.. The Leader of the group.. Girls badly want him because he is handsome and smart as well.. *Jimin-Chimrex-The Small but Terrible.. Sweetest member.. Has Cute personality.. Girls cant resist him.. Ballet Dancer.. Sparkly eyes...Caring.. Good at Math.. Smarty and Cool.. *Suga/Gluta-White skin complexity like a snow.. Cold as snow outside but soft as cotton inside... Piano master.. No one can beat his piano skills even Proffessionals are impressed of his skills.. Savage but Kind.. *Jhope/Seoki-The Dance Machine.. energetic good at everything.. Rapper.. and Can dance extremely well.. The sweetest member of the squad.. Can sing.. Energetic.. meanwhile... Byeolna/Berna-Is just a simple girl who is also know of her singing and dancing skills.. Intelligent..Brave and Who isnt really Fan of the D. S (Dauntless Squad) -"Tss.. they are only an ordinary squad. No big deal after all"Please Vote read my

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(Bukan) Dilan 2018

"Nama gue Melia bukan Milea. Lagian gue kaga baca atau nonton Dilan, mana gue ngerti sih" ㅡ Kamelia Febi Maria (Joo Kyulkyung)"Ngga perlu tau cerita soal Dilan. Kita bikin cerita kita sendiri" ㅡ Dilan Malik Ibrahim (Kim Mingyu)"Melia lebih cocok baca Benny and Mice ketimbang Dilan" ㅡ Raden Argatha Thamrin (Jeon Jungkook)Melia, satu dari sedikit populasi cewek di Indonesia yang tidak terjangkit virus Dilan. Jangankan virus Dilan, Melia lebih tertarik membaca atau menonton hal hal yang berbau misteri dan thriller. Menurut Melia menonton sesuatu yang romantis di bioskop itu adalah bentuk penyia nyiaan uang pada taraf maksimum.Berbanding 180 derajat dengan Dilan, cowok yang menjadi deretan incaran di SMA 148 karna terkenal ganteng dan puistis itu. Awalnya Dilan hanya mengikuti alur teman temannya yang mulai meledeknya dengan Melia karna nama mereka yang mirip dengan dua tokoh utama virus roman picisan pada tahun 2017 sampai 2018 itu. Namun lama kelamaan ada hal yang menarik dari Melia melebihi pubg di hp nya.Di sisi lain, Gata yang merasa Melia mulai berubah menjadi wanita tulen dan mulai menjadi asing dengan matan teman SD nya itu pun tak ingin tinggal diam. Menurutnya Melia lebih cocok menjadi pemain dalam buku seperti Benny & Mice ketimbang Dilan 1990.

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