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Hey guys I decided to show my anime drawings and I want you guys to tell me what you think thank you ^_^. Oh when in your comments tell me what you guys want me draw or what you want them to do a dare or a little story. P.s There is japanese in it and Korean for some of my followers who need it ^_^AND YES THAT'S ME ON THE COVER ^-^

2.6K 51 189
Chained Freedom

First they came for the communists,and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.Then they came for the socialists,and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.Then they came for the trade unionists,and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.Then they came for me,and there was no one left to speak for me.- Martin Niemöller***In the middle of the Battle of Fallujah an army intelligence analyst comes across a gunship video so shocking it made him question the ethics of this ongoing war, a war which claimed the lives of both unarmed civilians and armed assailants.Jared Fleming, an army intelligence officer is sentenced to thirty five years in prison under the Espionage act. His crime—leaking not just that Apache aircraft gunship video but also nearly 70,000 classified US military and diplomatic documents to the rogue information website called Cryptome. This judgment was supposed to act as a deterrent to anyone willing to expose national secrets without considering the consequences of their actions on matters of national security. Instead it had the opposite effect and gave birth to a movement that would force totalitarian governments to face legal consequences as a result of evidence posted on Cryptome.

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Eric Donald Davenport - What Does It Mean to Be a Business Executive?

A business executive, according to the dictionary, is someone who "is responsible for the administration of a business." But, as we all know, a real executive is something more! You will learn the skills and acquire the job experience necessary to become a true executive if you receive an MBA. An executive is a leader - A leader isn't someone who threatens, cajoles, or even one who simply delegates. A true leader is someone who shares a vision with others and motivates others to work for that vision by setting common goals. With an MBA, you will not only acquire the experience you need to succeed as a leader, but you will also discover your own strengths and leadership abilities. An executive seeks out cost-cutting opportunities as well as ways to enhance policies, services, and efficiency. They scrutinize revenue reports and financial statements, as well as overseeing the company's overall mission. Executives are in charge of the company's financial and budgetary operations, as well as approving and/or negotiating contracts and agreements. They hire new department heads or managers. Many of their responsibilities are often determined by the size of the organization they lead. For instance, A large company's executive may be focused on strategic planning and policy formulation, while a smaller company's executive may be focused on recruiting, training, purchasing, and other supervisory duties. Because of the high pay and prestige associated with this profession, it has a lot of competition for employment. This is where people like Eric Donald Davenport come in to help the manufacturing industry get through these difficult times. He specializes in connecting Global Negotiator Advisors and he is a Business Executive who is capable of shaping corporate strategies and making decisions that impact the entire organization.

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ADNOC Vendor Registration

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) is a leading energy producer and a major player in the global energy market. Becoming an ADNOC-registered vendor opens up a world of opportunities for your business, enabling you to supply goods and services to one of the most prestigious and well-established organizations in the industry.Our Expert Registration ServicesNavigating the ADNOC vendor registration process can be complex and time-consuming. That's where we come in. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to simplifying this process for you, ensuring that your business meets all necessary requirements and standards. Here's how we can assist you:1.Comprehensive Documentation Support:We guide you through the preparation and submission of all required documents, ensuring accuracy and compliance with ADNOC standards.2.Prequalification Assistance:Our experts help you understand and fulfill the prequalification criteria, increasing your chances of successful registration.3.Regulatory Compliance:Stay updated and compliant with all relevant regulations and standards, reducing the risk of delays or rejections.4.Ongoing Support and Updates:We provide continuous support throughout the registration process and beyond, keeping you informed of any changes in ADNOC's requirements.5.Tailored Solutions:Every business is unique. We offer customized solutions that align with your specific needs and objectives, ensuring the best possible outcome.Contact us today to learn more about our ADNOC vendor registration services and take the first step towards a successful partnership. ADNOC vendor registration| ADNOC prequalification Services in UAE (

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Share Your Stories: Book 2 // under construction

Full of books that will make me laugh, cry, scream, open up and eat loads of ice-cream. Find out about the authors that have written your favourite books to ones that are undiscovered. Start reading to find the right book for you...

7.1K 42 416
girl on a bus

Ketika bus berhenti di Manchester, kau terjaga. Matamu masih terasa berat oleh kantuk. Saat kau kembali memejamkan mata, terdengar suara lembut perempuan dekat sekali dari samping kirimu, "May I sit here?"Kau membuka mata dengan enggan. Mencoba tersenyum tipis. "Sure," katamu.Kau meraih ransel itu dan menaruhnya di bawah kursimu. "Thank you," kata dia seraya duduk tepat di sebelahmu. Padahal, selepas dari stasiun bus Glasgow beberapa jam sebelumnya kau sudah senang bisa menguasai dua kursi paling depan di bagian atas Megabus menuju London itu.Selintas pandang dia perempuan sebayamu atau lebih tua beberapa tahun, berambut brunette panjang lurus sepunggung. Dia mengenakan rok mini hitam melapisi legging yang tampaknya berwarna ungu atau magenta barangkali. Lalu, kau mencoba meneruskan tidurmu yang sempat terusik.Kau memasang earphone. "Ruby Tuesday" yang dimainkan The Rolling Stones mengalun di telinga: "'There's no time to lose,' I heard her say. Catch your dreams before they slip away." Lagu itu bercerita tentang seorang perempuan misterius yang datang dan pergi semaunya.Pagi baru menggeliat. Kau duduk mengantuk di atas bus yang melaju. Di sebelahmu perempuan berambut panjang itu sedang asyik menulis. Dia menulis dengan pena bertinta hitam di atas sebuah buku besar folio bergaris yang terbuka di pangkuannya.Kau mengintip lewat sudut matamu. Tampaknya dia sedang menulis surat. Atau sebuah cerita pendek? Dia terus menulis. Sementara itu, kau terus menatap pemandangan sekitar jalan tol menuju kota. Kau sempat berpikir untuk menyapa perempuan itu. Namun, kau tak ingin mengganggu keasyikan dia menulis.Ada sesuatu pada dirinya yang mengingatkanmu kepada seseorang nun di masa lalu, tapi entah apa. Seseorang itu pernah begitu dekat denganmu, tetapi kini terasa begitu jauh. Kau bahkan tak tahu bagaimana kabarnya dan di mana dia sekarang. Ingatan itu membuat sesuatu yang lembut dan perih terasa menggores lagi hatimu.

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My Fave Wattpad books!!!

Want to know some of the best books to read on wattpad? This is the place to find them. If you know any good books that you would like to share you can through this book

87.7K 50 395