Search: teleskop
16,476 stories
Síla vůle

Kevin a Marvin byli celou střední a vejšku nejlepší kamarádi. Po škole se několik let nevídají, když se pak rozhodne, že si Kev dá ode všeho pauzu a odjede za Marvinem do menšího městečka, kde zjišťuje, že holka svého nejlepšího kamaráda bude opravdovou zkouškou jeho silné vůle.

146.1K 32 5.2K Full
Hokejová Princezna

,,slib mi prosím že se nezamiluješ do jednoho z mých svěřenců''tak zněla ta věta která zalezla do hlavy tak daleko jak je to možné

5.7K 54 233 Full
The Lion Guard Season 4

It's been about a year since Kion's coronation as King of the Tree of Life and life has been going well. Fuli and Azaad got together and Baliyo and Tifu became closer. But trouble arrives in the form of Scar's unknown son, Cheka and Simba's lost son, Kopa. Can the Night Pride handle a threat like never before or will the Tree of Life burn to ashes? Only time will tell...

4.7K 17 39 Full
 clueless [ T. SMITH ]

' can you guys just get the hell on with it and kiss forthe vlog ? ' TODDY SMITH 'DAVIDS VLOGS'

465.4K 39 9.1K Full
The Lion King: The Forgotten Son

This would be the lion king 3. Kopa is the first born of Simba. Kopa's life is pretty normal at first but suddenly his life takes a turn for the worst. View Kopa's journey here.

54.3K 42 839 Full
Lion King: The Journey Of Kion And Kopa

This will be a rewrite of Kion's Journey.Kion was having a normal day with the guard. Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu bring a new threat to the prides know as Kajor. Kajor gets Kion alone and with a bunch of hyenas and runs him out of the prides. Kion decides not to return after believing his friends where dead. Will Kion return or will Kajor take over the prides. Before Kion was born Kopa was Simba's and Nala's first born and son. One day Kopa was playing to close to the outlands there he met Vitani. The two grew close to each other despite their parents resents to each. One day Kopa was walking with Vitani when they were jumped by massive hyena ultimately wounding him to the point that he appears dead to Vitani. Kiara had followed Kopa and saw the whole thing, she rushed back to tell their parents. The hyena known as Kajor drags his body away and dumps it outside his home. Kopa is picked up by a passing by human. The human known as Kev takes him to a near by facility for treatment. There Kopa spends years healing until he is a fully grown lion. Kev takes him as far as he can and drops him off. Will Kopa safely return to pride rock find out now.

36K 36 406 Full

-𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐟 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐲 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲? -𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒇 𝒊𝒕 𝒅𝒐𝒆𝒔, 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒐𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖. ༒︎𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑺 𝑰𝑺 𝑺𝑬𝑪𝑹𝑬𝑻 𝑨𝑪𝑨𝑫𝑬𝑴𝒀.༒︎

603 6 26

All about scorpios,the most powerful zodiac sign.P.S. I'm a scorpio as wellHope you enjoy!#GottaLoveRossLynch

147K 37 7.5K Full
Izuku the hero of Inkopolis: Book 1

Izuku wakes up thousands of years later after defeating AFO in a new society where squid and octopus humanoids live, what adventures awaits our cinnamon roll, read to find out.

2.2K 10 28 Full
milujes kofolu nebo ne?

Mladý talentovaný kluk nastoupí na novou školu, ale neví co ho jeste čeká..

157 10 0 Full
Under the Ski Jump Hill ** Domen Prevc [Poprawki]

Jestem Blanka i mam 19 lat.Moją jedyną pasją są skoki narciarskie, chociaż nigdy nie byłam na żadnym konkursie.Moim marzeniem jest zobaczenie skoczków na żywo.Jestem ratowniczką, udało mi się dostać do obstawy zawodów Pucharu Świata w Skokach Narciarskich w Zakopanem.Spełnię swoje marzenie, ale za jaką cenę...

3.5K 34 297 Full
The Lion King:The Journey of Kion and Kopa Part 2

Kion has just learned that Fuli is pregnant. Nobody knows how this is possible. But alas danger strikes again. Kajor had a wife back in Kajor's Domain. She has learnt of his death and blames Kopa and Kion. She sent some of her hyenas to gather them against their will with the threat of invading the prides. Kion and Kopa unwillingly are ripped from their homes. On the way there they realize they are being sent to their death they try to escape the capture party. In their escape attempt Kopa gets caught again and tells the to warn the others. Kion journeys home to tell everyone and Kopa gets dragged to meet Kajor's wife Zora.

18.4K 32 222 Full
Hubble teleskopu

2006 yılına kadar Güneş sistemi dışında başka gezegenler olduğunu bilmiyorduk. Bizim gözümüzü açtı. Bu teleskop sayesinde çok şey ögrendik

9 1 3
Zuka Zama Part II: The Scourge of Kopa | The Lion Guard

Kopa finally reveals himself to Pride Lands. His goal: to overthrow Simba and take over the Pride Lands. With the entire Outlands on his side, the Pride Landers have to fight with everything they have to defend thier home. With Kion's Roar now lost the goal is not as easy to accomplish. Can the Lion Guard find the strength in themselves to defeat the Outland army or will Kopa force his way to the throne?

35.1K 51 684 Full
Pacman and Inklings (PMATGA /splatoon crossover) (Inkling reader x pacman)

Pacworld is a planet of only pacworlders. Until 8 Inklings and octolings Somehow Find a Portal from Inkopolis to Pacworld. they will need to find a way back to inkopolis. Or will they wanna stay? (Pac belongs to Namco. Splatoon belongs to Nintendo. (Y/N) belongs to you)

2.2K 23 17 Full
His daughter

Rok 1945.Roxanne Campbell przyszła do Hogwartu dopiero w wieku 16 lat. Dlaczego? Kim tak naprawdę była? Kto nauczył ją tego wszystkiego co potrafiła? Te pytania zadawali jej wszyscy wokół. Nikt jednak nie poznał prawdy dotyczącej tej tajemniczej dziewczyny. Miała ona sekret, którego nie mogła zdradzić nikomu. A wszystko to ze względu na "większe dobro".

466 8 20 Full
Lion Guard: The Lion's Heir

Kopa is a Knight and warrior Prince in medieval Europe. Prequel to Lion Guard King of Outremer, see Kopa's rise to power as a King and romance with Vitani. Appearances from Kion, Kiara, and the Lion Guard. Human Kopa,Vitani, Kion. KopaxVitani, KiaraxKovu, SimbaxNala

2.5K 12 37 Full
^'Osud nám nepřál'>>🌻🌹

Jmenuji se Cătalin Cebütari a pocházím z Moldavska. Přistěhovala jsem se do Česka ,když byla malá. S naší rodinou se přistěhovala a Rodina Panfili, kteří měli syna Calina. Naše mamky byli odmalička kamarádky, takže vás nepřekvapí, že i my. Jenže už je to 5 let, co mi umřela mamka a od té doby se táta úplně změnil. Bohužel to na mě něco zanechalo. V 18nácti jsem se i s Calinem přestěhovala do centra Brna, kde máme laždý svůj byt a naproti sobě. Calin jediný ví, co jsem si zažila a nebo ne?

1.6K 36 47
Felix,Net, Nika i Laura oraz Świąteczny Zamęt

FNiNowy fanfik mojego autorstwa. Będzie trochę zagadkowo i romantycznie. Głównie Netika, ale fani Laurix też powinni się zadowolić. Rozpoczęcie pisania: 29 lutego.Zawieszenie: 30 maja.Wznowienie: 26 czerwcaOpis:Razem z Felixem Netem i Niką do szkoły chodzi... Laura. Przyjaciele zatajają przed dorosłymi swoje związki. Nika zostaje porwana. Czy uda się ją znaleźć? Czy wszystko skończy się dobrze? Na te pytania i wiele innych znajdziecie odpowiedź w tym Fanfiku. Ps. To moje pierwsze książkopodobne coś. Rozdziały będą mieć max 500/600 słów. Mam nadzieję, że po tym ff napiszę coś jeszcze. Ps2. Czuję cringe czytając ten opis, ale cóż... Nie wiem jak go napisać.

295 7 14
UNDER RE-EDITING || Descendants: The Lion King 3 - Long Live Evil

UNDER RE-EDITING. At the start of Descendants 3, four more new students are accepted to attend Auradon Prep, one of them being Scarlett, daughter of Scar. She has a mission to make her father proud, but Mal, Kyle, Evie and the rest of the gang may stand in her way. Will she complete her mission, or fall in the hands of good?Highest Rank(s):#1 - #zaralarsson#1 - #sofiacarson#1 - #tyreljacksonwilliams#1 - #Audrey#1 - #Scar#3 - #kopa#3 - #Sherekhan#10 - #Evie

32.6K 35 658 Full
SplaTOON 3! (aka Splatoon 3: The Animation!)

New city, new friends, new cultures; just the right spot for the New Squidbeak Splatoon to set up shop!This show is based on the hit Nintendo game of the same name and is the third season to my show "SplaTOON!" It's been five years since SplaTOON 2. Spider and Inkura have decided to head west, taking along Bridgett, to the city of Splatsville. They meet Hiro Puniyan, the son of a famous weapon designer, and Shumi Shira, an Inkling raised by Salmonids. While they're there, they discover that the New Squidbeak Splatoon has moved to Splatsville. They're searching for a group of Octolings being held in Alterna. Now, it's up to Spider, Inkura, Bridgett, and Shumi to rescue these Octolings before someone can use their bodies for their own ends!Imagine Inkopolis: This takes place six months after the main third season. Monii and Bridgett have come to Inkopolis for a vacation! While they're there, Marina shows them the Memverse, a virtual reality matrix made by combining the memories of multiple people. Inside is an Inkopolis that combines the present with days gone by. Then things go awry. Will Bridgett, Monii, Marina, and Pearl be able to escape the Dream Box? Side Order: It's been another six months since Imagine Inkopolis. Bridgett, Monii, and Pearl have woken in a completely different Inkopolis. As it turns out, they never left the Memverse, and the Memverse has created a world synthesized from Bridgett's memories. The place has also been taken over by an entity named Order who wants to turn everyone them into mindless programs. Will they be able to escape to the real world?I do not own Splatoon or any of the characters except for Zaki, Keiso, Mikado, Shumi, Hiro, Timo, Monii, and a few minor characters. Cover design is mine. Spider and Inkura belong to Alex Spider. Bridgett belongs to Viantastic. Episode titles and some dialogue come from ZackScottGames's, JayMoji's, and Etce's playthroughs of Splatoon 3.

896 56 14 Full
Revenge the sweet [ Finish ]

🍂Revenge the sweet🍂"Dendam itu bagaikan rindu yang harus dibayar tuntas," Kamelia Chanthavy.Kamelia seorang gadis cantik yang memiliki tujuan hidup untuk membalaskan kematian keluarganya dan orang-orang yang telah menyakitinya.Suatu hari, ia bertemu dengan seorang psikopat. Kemudian, dia menemui psikopat itu untuk membantunya balas dendam.Psikopat itu menerimanya dengan syarat Kamelia akan menuruti 3 permintaanya. Dan cerita mereka pun dimulai.Kisah gadis yang penuh dendam dan psikopat kejam. Penasaran? Yuk baca!_Revenge the sweet_Story by PUSRI_Follow wattpad👇@srnvka@putrisalsabillah889Start : 21 september 2021Finish : 02 April 2022

17.6K 49 629 Full
Dashuri ne film

Tia Anson një aktore dhe modele shumë e bukur një dit përplaset me Kain. T: Shiko ku ecen idiot (i thot krejt inat)K: Më falni madhëria juaj po ajo që nuk shikon jeni ju që nuk i hjekni syt prej telefonit (ja ktheu me ironi)T: A e din ti se kush jam un( tha ajo duke u kthyer plotësisht nga Kai dhe vendosi duart në bel)K: As që më intereson (ja ktheu Kai dhe iku duke e lën Tian të inatosor )T: uhhhhh injorant (bërtiti Tia dhe u largua nga aty)Ndalohet kopijimi i historis ❌❌

16.5K 28 918 Full
Akito and Estelle in Simba's Pride

Akito, Estelle, and Vincent invite special guests with them to come visit Africa to Pride Rock to see what Kiara, Kopa, and Kion have been up to ever since Kion became part of the Lion Guard while Kiara and Kopa will become the next Lion King and Queen of the Pridelands. Along the way, they reunite with a cub named Kovu who is the adopted son of Zira and they meet many new friends.

6.9K 20 78 Full
Can You Find Me ? [COMPLETED]

[COMPLETED]***Bercerita tentang seorang psikopat yang telah membunuh banyak orang dan menjadikan pembunuhan sebagai karya seni.Di awal cerita, Anda akan disuguhi tentang pembunuhan-pembunuhan yang terjadi.Di tengah cerita, Anda akan disuguhi dengan bagaimana seorang psychopath ini menjalani hidupnya dan bertemu dengan seorang perempuan yang sesuai dengan kriterianya. Di akhir cerita, Anda akan tau ketika Anda membacanya.Do you think a psychopath can fall in love? Hm, maybe?maybe no, i think***First published on September 2, 2021Last published on April 9, 2022Can You Find Me ? © April 2022 by farah pm

70.3K 32 3.3K Full