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21,749 stories
The Kissing Booth (Destiel High School AU)

Dean and Sam Winchester (17 and 13) are the new kids Sioux Falls High. Moving around all their lives, they finally stop at Sioux Falls to live with their uncle Bobby Singer, and his wife, Ellen Harvelle, and her children, Jo and Ash, after their father finally bails on them for good. Not that it mattered to Sam, as Dean was more of a parent to him then John ever was. It's always been just Dean and Sam up until this point. Their mother Mary died in a house fire when Dean was four, and Sam was six months. Ever since then, John has been dragging them around the country, doing dodgy jobs wherever he could find. Until eventually deciding to ditch them at Bobby'sCastiel Edlund (18) is the son of famous author, Charles "Chuck" Edlund. He aspires to also become a writer. He lives in a mansion with his father, and siblings. He mostly keeps to himself, though he has friends. He has Kevin Tran, Jo Harvelle, and Meg Masters. He flies under the radar, unnoticed, though occasionally gets picked on. When the new kids roll into town, Castiel gets slightly distracted by Dean, but he cannot help it. The dude is hotter than anyone Castiel has ever laid eyes on IRL. He's only written about guys that hot in stories, but he never thought they really existed. Since its his senior year, he has to participate in a fundraiser, and he has been selected by his year adviser, Miss Naomi to host the kissing booth with popular girls Jo Anael and Anna Milton, much to his dismay. He becomes popular though association, as he is the one who convinces Dean Winchester to not only be apart of the kissing booth, but headline it.

8 1 1
A Basic Book of Mediocre Doodles

These are a bunch of random drawings I have deemed decent enough to share with the world

10.5K 174 1.9K
Clandestine~ (A Percy Jackson and the Olympians fanfiction)

(adj.) marked by, held in, or conducted with secrecy{Throughout the play, Ophelia's character undergoes a tragic transformation. Initially, she is obedient and dutiful, following the wishes of her father and brother, Laertes. However, her relationship with Prince Hamlet becomes strained as he descends into madness and exhibits erratic behavior. Hamlet's treatment of Ophelia, combined with the political machinations at the Danish court, takes a toll on her mental health.Ophelia eventually goes mad, possibly due to the conflicting demands of her family and Hamlet's erratic behavior. She drowns in a stream, and her death is surrounded by ambiguity, leaving the question of whether it was accidental or intentional.}Ophelia Addams was born on a Friday the 13th. Her parents contemplated a name; Friday, Carrie, Wednesday, Desdemona, Alice, and many others. But they eventually came to Ophelia, the woman driven crazy by her family and lover, who eventually drowned herself.How uplifting.(Chapters are releasing with the TV show. So pretty much every Wednesday)

84 5 0

After spending all break watching YouTube, neglecting all your friends, neglecting your hygiene, and neglecting your will to live it's time for your lazy ass to head back to the hell hole they call school. What happens when you happen to run into one of your favorite YouTubers and find out he's in your class? Do you tell him you're a fan or do you hide it?(Cover art was done by p_typ3 on Instagram)

18.8K 42 686
Heartless & Alone (Creepypasta × Reader)

Warning: This book is VERY old and stuff might not make any sense since I wrote this when I was in 7th grade. I've been rewriting this book under the new name Killer Smiles.Y/N was being abused by her parents and bullied at her school but one day it all ended she was free and that was all she wanted in life and now she spends her life with the person who she fell in love with for eternityHey there! Thanks for selecting my book and I just wanted to tell you that I've temporarily stopped editing old chapters because I wanted to continue the story and fix the mistakes later once the book is complete I hope you understand.Enjoy the book!

7.6K 19 192
Of Ice and Snow // A Victuri Fanfiction

( A Victuri AU)(Oh and also Yurio and Otabek. Just because.)Shrugging his thick parka from his shoulders and flinging it carelessly to the side, Yuri slipped underneath a thick, woven blanket and allowed his eyes to close against the biting cold. But try as he might, he could not tear the beautiful yet terrible image of a great polar bear from his mind. Isbjørn. The graceful predators who governed the Winter, who spoke with the snow storms and did not fear the winds. Yuri fell asleep with his head filled with folktales, and so the great white bear who slunk towards the weathered walls of his lodge slipped effortlessly into his dreams, and laid in wait in front of the door. Disclaimer:This story is a piece of fan fiction based off the 2016 aired anime series, Yuri!!!on Ice, which was produced by the studio MAPPA, written by , and directed by Sayo. The plot is inspired by the Norwegian folk tale, East of the sun and west of the moon, which was collected by by Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe. To read the original tale, I recommend this website: artwork of Yuri and Victor used on the cover is not my own, and if you are aware of the source / if this is your art work then please message me so that I can give proper credit to the creator.

291 4 11
Scrumpled Letters

*scribbles a few words down* let's see, what do we have here? *reads it out loud* yikessss i hate how this sounds *crumples up the paper and tosses it into the bin* she shoots she scores wooohoooo! *scrolls through the net for some inspiration*ah factssss i'm going to have to be out in about thirty minutes *face palm* up up up! ....meanwhile, "she never listens to me" *block* "she thinks i'm always wrong" *block* "just hear me out this one time please" *block* "you can't shush me forever" *finally gets a reply*i know that but right now, i can *teehee* "if only i had eyes, i would roll them at you right now" i'm sure you would but fact remains that you can't because you're just a heart now hush up! *mutters under breath* i've got things to do and don't you have feelings to feel?! *queue in the eye roll* yes, i just had anything but a heart to heart with my heart *huffs* it happens, doesn't it?....*sighs* maybe, maybe not the poems and quotes in here are most likely random, i wanted a space to stash up my poems/quotes and Wattpad seems fitting so yeah.... happy reading!!sparkle on, ♡ Habijan

1.5K 60 246
Hey! It's Me

Do you want to know me better?

672 199 148
❝ Cover Contest Entries ❞

➵ Book Cover made by the lovely @Antionicha, Ruth➵ Home for all my Cover Contest Entries that don't require me to make a new book.➵ For Judges: ❏ All Entries are labeled according to the Contest Theme or Label ❏ Please vote to notify you've seen it or pm me if you have seen my cover➵ For Bystanders: ❏ If you like what you see, please show me support in the respective contests ❏ If you are interested and are in need of a cover, go over to my book cover shop as I am always availableA C H I E V E M E N T SRanking || mm/dd/yy#1 Cover Contest || 4/11/2020#1 Contest Entries || 1/31/2020#1 Cover Contest Entries || 6/19/2019#1 Graphic Contest || 2/6/2020#2 Book Graphics || 6/19/2019#7 Icons || 2/3/2020#7 Banners || 2/6/2020#7 Contest || 3/6/2020

8.4K 75 1K

Poems like rusting silver coins from bygone ages. Let's polish them together as we wait to be forgotten, to be reborn.(Collection of poems by various poets. Translated from Chinese to English.)

44 7 14
A Magic of Many Colors

The world was full of magic until it was not.When the young Empress of Aurora suddenly died a century ago, so too did the world's magic. Since then, the ghost of that power has been slowly fading away from the bloodlines of the empire's nobility with each generation, growing duller like the once vivid colors that paint every building within the city of Prism. Most families are but pale imitations of what they once were and those still possessing powerful abilities are few and treasured.The Salazars' power has faded to a mere trickle.Now, the responsibility of marrying well has fallen on the shoulders of Felix Salazar's well-tailored suit. Despite him having no ability whatsoever, his family has somehow managed to arrange his marriage to the widowed and older daughter of the prominent Van Brandt family, which boasts several powerful magicians within their bloodline.His bride to be, however, is mediocre at best both in looks and ability, and to make matters worse, she refuses to speak to him.The tragic death of her first husband has seemingly left her mute.Felix quickly learns to ignore his incredibly quiet and strange new wife and focuses on enjoying the life of an aristocrat's husband, contenting himself with spending his new family's oodles of money. Until...the night he finally hears her speak.And when she does, her voice is like fire and brimstone, as startling and vivid as the red of her family color.Magic, she reveals, is not just fading with time. Someone...some...thing is stealing it and finding their identity may also lead to that of her first husband's killer. With all of the power she contains, Eleonora Van Brandt means to take back everything the thief has stolen, but with one dead husband already beneath her belt, Felix isn't too sure helping her would prove good for his health let alone this new marriage.Written for NaNoWriMo 2020

2.1K 17 353
Deaf Singer

Suzette always dreamed of joining and singing in a band. Ever since she was a kid, she loved the feeling of singing her heart out but always hated the way her voice sounded, causing her to ignore her passion for singing and choose to live a mediocre life. But her average life changed after embarrassing herself in front of a random guy.

62 2 5

"A Phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation the affected person will go to great lengths to avoid, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed." ✖️✖️ What Are You Afraid Of?~•~•~•~•~•~•~•Enjoy! God Blessplease vote.

3K 49 121
The Hunt for Cookie Monster

The 10 volunteers are in it for money. They know the will be great.. but $500,000 was too much to pass.

194 9 26
Dangerous Love [ HIATUS ]

Agua y aceite se llevan mejor que Jenna Lorraine y Logan Fitzgerald. Ella nunca ha sido una chica arriesgada. Prefería quedarse viendo un maratón de "Friends" a una fiesta, unas pantuflas a unos tacones y jeans ante todo. Vivir en una casa con 4 hombres no ayudaba mucho a su feminismo. Normal y corriente eran sinónimos de su nombre. Pero un día por un pequeño accidente, lo conoce, a él. Él, un chico impulsivo, terco y de carácter fuerte. Desconocía el significado de límites, todo él irradiaba peligro. Pero bajo esa dura máscara se encontraba una persona débil. Alguien tratando de huir de un tormentoso pasado. ¿Podrá Jenna rescatar a Logan de ese horror a lo que llamamos realidad? ¿Podrá el tragarse su inmenso orgullo? Ellos deben superar los fantasmas del pasado que los acechan, juntos. ------------------------- Este obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 3.0 Unported. Obra protegida por Creative Commons. Todos los creditos del booktrailer de la novela para las increíbles chicas de @TeamMirlett, les ha quedado simplemente divino. Amores de personas. ♡

27.4K 17 1.3K
5SOS Lyrics

this is just a collection of 5 seconds of summer lyrics; enjoy !

635 79 9
Free Verse

- An introverted person who can't speak for himself; no one can hear his voice so he tried to find a way to express it, hoping that it will reach the person he truly love. He studied poetry to accomplish his goals, but poems cannot be heard without a reader, and sometimes are hard to understand. What will happen if it is too late to unravel the true meaning of his poems? Will it be a pure sad story or a fairy tale with a happy ending?A/N: the cover was edited and made by @insomia_everyday. :DPs. Pls excuse my grammatical error. I will try my best to improve

1.2K 25 287
BangTwice Story Ideas For You To Write ( Now With Spoilers )

BANGTWICE LOVE STORY IDEAS. If I can't make these by myself then I'm giving these to you but you must take credits from me by texting me through dm or discord

8.5K 111 266
Saved By Rock And Roll

One special, and talented girl's dreams come true in one day, and continue to do so as her adventures keep coming, and she meets people she never thought she'd meet, and go places she thought she'd never visit.PLEASE READDedicated to Vincent Damon Fournier. Thanks for inspiring me, and for getting me where I am music wise.🎸Cover by: SweeneytoddJDjr

4.4K 94 497

To beloved BABY ANGLEs#Just Feeling...

5.6K 143 641

EYY CHILDREN! WELCOME TO RANDOMNESS! aka Ninja doing random things... oOfyes. I do dabI Own Ninja, and dude with wing's on chapter 3... I THINK YOU SHOULD KNOW WHO I DON'T OWN?!moo

1.7K 95 29
Words of a Game - The World God Only Knows Fan Fiction

(Note: This takes place during the Goddess/Vintage Arc.) The new girl in Majima, Kuroda Makoto, is anything but average. Although she seems to be a normal, conservative, and quirky girl, she's really a scatter-brain, short-tempered and an intern for a Forensics university. People think she's odd because she's not afraid of death and is way to responsive to her environment. Unbeknownst to her, she's the host of a loose soul, and a strong one at that. It's caused even stranger things. Arrhythmia, super acute hearing -so sharp she finds herself hearing things before they're said, and the uncanny ability to speak to the dead. And for a clever Katsuragi, will this be the first girl he can't conquer?

19K 38 488
Quest For The SOULS 8: We're all the S A M E

the eighth book of a story by Undertalelover18a and XxEliverxX

4K 198 3

Just a collection of different aesthetics. All for different categories. None of them are mine. Sorry for the lazy cover. Credit Idea from @firxcrackxr . Sorry that there's a lot of BTS that's the only shit I could find. Also some aesthetics will be on book and tv show characters. The hastags will be updated a lot. I WILL make a book two if I reach the limit of 200 chapters.

2.6K 70 22
The Lich who Brings Ruin

The Kingdom of Beisatz was founded by a warrior and a mage. Together, they established dominance across the continent, leading their citizens to an age of glory and fortune. They were nothing short of legends.However, even legends die out. As the mage approached his final years from old age, his partner, now crowned king had asked him a promise:"There will come a time when you are brought back to this world. If the kingdom we shed blood and tears to raise lay in ruins before you, bring the same ruin to the ones who caused it."The mage thought it was a foolish promise, thinking such a thing could never happen. Nevertheless, he had to honour his friend's wish as the mage prepared himself for such an event to come.Much to his dismay, he came back to life through a necromantic ritual resurrected as a 'Lich'. After coming to terms with the fact such an outrageous prediction came true, the Lich now sets forth to fulfill his part of the promise.

197 4 8