Search: tarik
19,898 stories
Spirit Animals: Life Of Tarik - Book 1

Long before the Four Fallen were summoned back into the land of Erdas, Tarik's story starts here. His wish to become a Greencloak is far from him and he begins his journey by summoning just one spirit animal. But he doesn't know that his biggest sacrifices are yet to come. Erdas is in danger. Tarik and his friends, Dorian and Lishay need to help save it. Starting from just recruits, into the finest warriors of Olvan's army.Author's Note: This is not an official scholastic story, it's just fanfiction. I do not own Spirit Animals.

27.4K 47 462 Full
Spirit animals: Tarik's return

What if Tarik never died how would it have effected the future.......I guess your about to find out.Eko (my character) is 17 years old and joined Connor Rollan and Tarik when they reached Nilo her spirit animal is a female husky named YukiI don't own spirit animals I just love to wright Fanfics for them, I'll add more chapters later on

2.4K 8 60 Full
Larik [Tarik is alive] {spirit animals fanfic}

What if Tarik was alive? In this book you get to find out about what wuld (probbay) have happend had he survived and been reuinted with the 4 fallen at the end of the dragons eye... this book follows the storyline of the main seires as if it really did happen (or as best as i culd go). this book isent here for reads its here becose i wanted to wright it and i had fun wrighting it and im happy with how it turned out tbh.the amount of times i misspent Tarik wile wrighting this book youd think im lady Eyvlinyou will have to wait about two chapters before the Larik comes in sorry about that XDTARIK IS ALIVE PEOPLE I AM TELLING YOUUUUUUUUU HE IS ALIVEEEEEE (SA fan fic)TARIKISALIVEthis is a story about Tarik beeing alive if u like Larik i sware i put tooo mutch in hereinfact you know what this is just a Larik book now- ;-; XDbtw i do not own SA its not mine i sware if it was mine tarik wuld be avlie and this book wuldnet have needed to be writtenyou know what imma just call this book Larik- XD

561 7 4
Play Me a Song

"What is it?" Aeson frowns, catching me staring."Nothing," I chuckle embarrassed, "I was just trying to think about something to start a conversation.""And what did you think about?" He leans closer, interested."Nothing came to my mind." At that he smirkes."Well," He wets his lips, "we could always just make out."College, it is a new phase in your life. A lot changes, especially if you have to move from your small town to a big city where you don't know anyone. Fortunately, for Emilia Anjos, sometimes your optimistic thinking does pay off, and she manages to get under the wing of a colorful haired extrovert named Cora Moore.That friendship opens a door for many more, including a shameless flirt basketball player, Leo Castillo, and Aeson Meyer, the musician who caught her attention with his living paradox of tattoos and crazy lemurs shirt. Hopes are high for this freshman year: living away from home, studying hard, new friends and maybe a love-song-worthy love story.

31.1K 31 1.3K Full
Kidnapped By August

Laya and her friend was having fun at August alsina concert until everything went wrong

99.6K 34 2.3K Full
ذو الشخصتين

" ماذا یحدث حین یراها .... و هي لست وحیدة تصرف بغرابة مثل طفلة الصغیرة بعضا و بعض أحیان مثل الكبیرة.... یاتری هل وراءها السر... " .... ـــــ غموض ..... كومیدي .... متعة .... ــــــ

1.6K 10 78 Full
No Fear Shakespeare-Merchant Of Venice

ALL CREDIT TO SPARKNOTESCrowther, John, ed. "No Fear The Merchant of Venice." SparkNotes LLC. 2005. Web. 16 May 2016.

32.5K 20 345 Full
Bungo Stray Dogs Matariki

AUThe mafia and agency form an allience, temporary of course. They have decided that their workers deserve a vacation and decide they will stay in a country called New Zealand for a few weeks.While on their trip, they learn something they weren't expecting at all.The reason I wrote this is because I'm from NZ, the Māori new year is coming up and I thought this would be fun.The art is not mine

91 6 0

Diawali Adanya Siswa baru di SMA BIBIT NEGRI.Yaitu Narasya Alexandria Calista yang bertemu dengan Dionee Razzel Antariksa ketua Geng Motor terkenal yaitu Dead Liondez.Di mata Teman temanya Anta terlihat seperti Iblis karena jika Ada yang membuat masalah dengannya Dia akan marah besar seperti Iblis.Narasya yang terpaksa berurusan dengan Anta karena Dia menumpahkan minuman kopi ke baju Anta,, Anta membiarkannya saja,, Terlihat tidak biasanya jika Anta tidak marah besar..Tetapi Anta diam bukan berarti Anta tidak marahh Tetapi Cerita ini bukan cerita tentang Ketua geng motor yaitu Anta yang bertemu Seorang Gadis Cantik, Polos Dan Lugu yang bernama Narasya,, Tapi Narasya lebih dari itu,, Dibalik wajah Cantik Polos dan Lugunya,, Narasya menyimpan beribu-ribu rahasia yang tak terduga.."Cerita ini dimulai karena Ku dan Kamu"-Antariksa-Narasya•••Mau Tau Ceritanya?Cuss Langsung Baca Ajaa Novelnya👆***************-Memiliki Beberapa Adegan Yang Tidak Layak Di Tiru.-Mohon Maaf Jika Deskripsi Ini Memiliki Beberapa Kesamaan Dengan Deskripsi Novel Lain.-Mengandung Beberapa Kata Kasar Dan Adegan Kekerasan.-Cerita ini murni imajinasi sang penulis, Jika ada kesamaan itu hanya kebetulan.

920 3 30
|NCT TAEYONG|My Ex husband is my BOSS!

A guy who cheated on you.... A successful business man who own the biggest company in S.Korea.Lee taeyong the guy who y/n loved for 10 years got married but then he cheated on her!Their marriage life lasted only for 1 year then this happens... READ TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!

48.4K 15 819 Full
Chasing You

"I didn't have a choice..."Lack-Two and everyone else knows that Whi-Two is indeed a part of Team Plasma. He frequently tries to manipulate and capture her but fails each time.Can he ever get her?A Corruptedshipping Story

4.6K 5 73 Full
SCARE STREET, wednesday addams

A monster in the shape of a girl. WEDNESDAY ADDAMS, ©2022 yutarikas

18.4K 13 931
UNHOLY MATRIMONY, regulus black

Night is where we slake our thirst REGULUS BLACK AU ©2022, yutarikas

5.3K 7 318

Antariksa bermaksud angkasa. Dan angkasa itu luas serta tiada penghujung. Seperti cinta ku,kepada si bocah itu.

2.5K 7 21
INFERNO'S DANCE, yuta okkotsu

I will sing to you, a gospel of oblivion. YUTA OKKOTSU ©yutarikas 2022

4.4K 6 219


14 1 1 Full

Dear Ellen, I know it's been a long while or let me rephrase, a year since I wrote to you last, but my life was too good to be true. I am finally living my dream as Lily Blossom Bloom Corrigan. Can I say that again, Lily Blossom Bloom Corrigan. I vividly remember the last time I wrote to you, was the night before my wedding with Atlas...Love, Lily Corrigan 💕💕💕💕Hey buddy!!! You're here 'cause you might have read the CoHo books (It Ends With Us and It Starts With Us). I know, you too have a bigg crush on Atlas Corrigon.. so here I am, presenting you my version of the after story of the books.. ✨🌻💛

6.2K 23 95
Between Crosses and Stars

Marie-Lu Fisher was one of those naive and easily joyful youth. In her 17 years she had the luck of never finding out what true hurt felt like. She had a loving family, a strong faith, and close friends that were always there for her. The closest of them all was a cheerful boy named Tommy Baines, they were inseparable. Her peaceful childhood is ruined, however, by war. Tommy leaves to fight and Marie-Lu is forced to hide in the countryside afraid that she will be targeted because of her faith. They lose touch with time, and when the war is finally over, a lot has changed. Marie-Lu has attached herself to people in the countryside but as soon as she can, she goes back to London where she encounters Tommy, but the war has left its scars.The end of the war was far from ending Marie-Lu's problems. She is attracted to Tommy, but that compromises her engagement with the good countryside man, Ben Coleman, an engagement she has kept hidden from her family. When she starts to receive anti-semitic threats, Ben is not the only secret she keeps.Maybe she should have stayed in the countryside or maybe running away and right into her best friend's arms was the best thing she has ever done.

660 30 47 Full

A short story to celebrate the maori new year (matariki).

21 1 1 Full
Lunar Arrows - Deliveryshipping

Sun Taiyono is a spy who has made revenge on the people who killed his parents. For three years and four months, he's been working as a spy and wants to quit.But before he can, he has to complete one final mission.Moon Lumanlan.

3.2K 16 77 Full
Alola! (Elio X Selene)

Elio Sun and Selene Moon have been friends ever since they moved into the same neighborhood in Alola. But then both had to move again to far regions. It's been years and now both are 12.A lot happens in Alola. This region begins to suffer more catastrophes than it has before. Heroes stand up while enemies try to knock them down. What will happen?

16.7K 32 150 Full
Harry Potter And The Unrevealed Secrets

"This is not a prophecy - this is a curse." - Albus Potter may have an unruly mop of black hair and remarkable glasses, but he is decidedly against being compared to his father. Struggling with fame he doesn't quickly become the least of his worries. If anything, Albus learns that - quite like his father - he has a knack for attracting trouble.If you thought that you have already read everything concerning Harry Potter then you are wrong. His son Albus is discovering much more about himself. And the more he finds out the less he knows who he really is. He enters a world full of magic, light and adventures but also a very horrific world full of darkness.

91 9 10
AdyrAntariksa || Indonesia

Adyra Askala merupakan anak bontot dari kedua bersaudara. Walaupun terpaut umur sekitar 5 tahun hubungan Adyra dengan saudaranya sangat baik. Adinara Askala dapat berperan sebagai kakak laki-laki yang baik untuk Adyra.Kisah yang menceritakan tentang persahabatan, namun juga cinta.Juan Angkasa, memang sosok yang sempurna dimata Adyra namun tidak dimata keluarganya. Sementara Daniel Antariksa yang merupakan musuh Adyra sangat dipandang baik oleh keluarganya.Jika ada yang menanyakan mereka dijodohkan atau tidak, Iya. Tanpa sepengetahuan mereka.Lalu bagaimana tanggapan mereka ketika mengetahui bahwa mereka akan dijodohkan?Selamat membaca!

2.9K 15 101
Bicara Hati

Bicara Hati.Random thoughts . Both in english and malay.Nota penulis: Kadang-kadang lebih baik untuk kita meluah rasa daripada pendam. Persoalannya kepada siapa? Ps/ bukan tentang faizasree 21/3/2022

2.4K 54 70 Full
Matariki stars


3 1 0 Full
الرحلة إلى البعد المجهول

في عام 2150، كانت البشرية قد حققت تقدمًا هائلًا في التكنولوجيا والعلوم. وفي مدينة متقدمة تُدعى "نيوفيرا"، كان الدكتور سامر، عالم الفيزياء العبقري، يعمل على مشروع سري يُدعى "البوابة الزمكانية". كان الهدف من المشروع هو إنشاء بوابة يمكنها نقل البشر إلى أبعاد وأزمنة مختلفة.بعد سنوات من العمل المضني والتجارب الفاشلة، تمكن الدكتور سامر وفريقه من تفعيل البوابة بنجاح. وقرر سامر أن يكون أول من يعبر هذه البوابة لاكتشاف ما يكمن وراءها. عندما دخل سامرالبوابة، شعر بدوامة قوية تسحبه عبر الزمان والمكان، قبل أن يجد نفسه في عالم غريب وغير مألوف.استفاق سامر في عالم مستقبلي مدهش، حيث كانت المدن تطفو في السماء والمركبات تطير بلا قيود. التقى سامر بسكان هذا العالم، واكتشف أنهم ينتمون إلى حضارة متقدمة تقنيًا بشكل لا يُصدق، يعيشون في وئام مع الطبيعة ويستخدمون الطاقة النظيفة والمتجددة فقط. أخبره سكان هذا العالم أنهم تمكنوا من التغلب على جميع التحديات التي تواجه البشرية من خلال العلم والتعاون.

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