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70 stories

Injured shinobi Nakamura Shiro hated the library: there was nothing to do, no-one to talk to and, most importantly, nothing that could get his blood pumping. Yet, the reoccurring presence of a young, pink-haired girl with a curious choice of books piqued his interest and he thought he might just go over there and make her an offer neither of them would forget.cover made by @vpngrycross posted on ao3 by me with the same title and username

9.9K 16 631
Sk8 the Infinity x Reader!!

Just like the other books, this one follows the storyline of y/n joining Reki and Langa on their skating adventure. I own none of the pictures that you will see in each chapter.for character description: y/n has a dark fashion aesthetic, likes spooky things, she likes daydreaming but isn't very conversive. She is also suicidal due to the departure of her friend, since then, when she skates, she slips in and out of memories of them as she tried to move on with friends that always remind her of them.backstory: You once had a friend who loved to skate, they were sort of your only friend, and taught you to skate. You two had spent a good portion of your lives together, they meant so much to you, but then an illness caused your friend to be hospitalized, and eventually dying. Their last words to you, were this: "Y/n, I know you don't look forward to a lot of things, but promise me that if you are ever about die, die doing something that makes you feel alive."I do not own any pictures on here!

44K 30 1.2K Full
One Shoots de Marvel y DC

Marvel.... Son OS de Marvel

102.4K 55 4.1K Full
La princesa de las serpientes

¿Qué pasaría si Orochimaru secuestrara a Hinata Hyuga cuando solo tenía 2 años de edad? ¿Y con el pasar del tiempo se va encariñando con ella y la trata como su hija? Toda la historia sería totalmente modificada.Personalidades diferentes.Habilidades distintas.Parejas disparejas.Y mucho más.Los personajes no me pertenecen son propiedad del creador de Naruto solo los uso para fines de entretenimiento.La historia si es de mi autoría.Portada a quien corresponda.

27.5K 8 2.6K
Hetalia X Reader one shots! (Around the world)

(REQUESTS CLOSED SORRY!)Ever wondered how to get Norway to smile? Can Prussia be sweet like candy? Maybe you want to help America with his depression? Is Romania a vampire? Can Romano be an attention whore? All very good questions that will be answered in this one-shot book!I thought of this with my best friend, @Lunarapocolypse! Go check her out!This book is basically a series of Hetalia mini stories! ENJOY~!(GIRLS ONLY! SORRY DUDES!)© AngelinaSmith590

791.4K 72 22.8K Full
No Power? No Problem! (An OC Fanfic/BNHA Fanfic)

*Based In an Unspecified Point in BNHA*Tadashi Yamano is one of the few quirk-less people in the world, especially when his parents are definite positives, with his father (Quirk: Metallic Sweat, able to manipulate own sweat into metallic weaponry!), and mother (Quirk: Fun Putty, body is practically play dough, able to survive falls and other situations that would kill a person!).However, unlike a certain fuzzy haired protagonist, there is no free power gain. Instead, he uses his greatest power; the mind.Using inspiration of gadgetry by Mei, from TV, and his knowledge of Quirk weaknesses and strengths from heroes and others, he makes himself capable of outperforming even the mightiest of quirks.But surviving a school like this isn't what Tadashi expected...

17.5K 58 330 Full

"Love, love madly, love as much as you can and if they tell you it is sin, love your sin and you will be innocent"-W.S.It's a special year for Benedetta Fernando, it's her senior year and she's ready to do her best and live her senior year with serenity...serenity that is shattered from the first day when her new math professor shows up in class, to whom she, unknowingly, has already welcomed with a kick to his jewels.Something immediately clicks in Professor Cortada, that little girl has hurt his pride and he wants to make her pay, but something holds him back, teases him, almost fascinates him...even if she is an infidel, even if she goes against the principles of his organization, even if he is not there to be her professor...Action, mystery and attraction will be the real stars of this story. Enjoy reading Dolls, I warn you that Professor Cortada is quite persuasive in order to make you fall into his trap.This is the englis version of "Professore scusi, posso amarla?" an italian story.Some readers had asked me to translate the story into English to make it accessible to everyone, and I armed myself with Google translator because I'm not very good at English and translation programs cost so much.I apologize in advance if you find any grammatical errors, when I can afford a human translator I will fix them ahahahhah enjoy! (enjoy is the only English thing I know how to say)Copyright notice: All rights reserved.Copying and pasting is prohibited without the author's permission.Violation will be prosecuted on complaint.

643 17 12
Imaginalo y lo hago real

Esto son portadas , personajes , ect... hechas por mi

25 5 2
Cold Steel - Inazuma Gaiden

Time passes, seasons change, yet old wounds remain. Even as the Traveler finishes their business within the nation of thunder and lightning, Inazuma remains a broken and fractured land. Smoldering embers and past trauma left the country torn in half still, even as the arctic wind approaches.Splintered, weary, and still yet to recover from the Civil War, Inazuma was brought to its knees while the people bleed, and yet threats of past, present, and emerging would continue to haunt the islands.Inazuma was entering a new cold season, one without the light of the Shogun to guide its people.This is a tale of two opposites, a heron who's graceful and as faultless as the snow, and a wounded thrush - unwanted and unable to fly without its wings.This is a tale of a noble and a simple lowly thief, one who wants to fight for the nation, while the other wanting nothing but to escape from it. Both shall come together in search for answers of their nation's future in a dark, Inazuman winter.This is a tale of two songbirds.This is the tale of Cold Steel.A Side Story of Inazuma.[Non-canon take of lore, character, and locations. Only follows in-game lore up to Patch 2.1-2.2. Better to be consumed as AU material!]

15.7K 36 881 Full
Drowning in the Night

¿Qué se necesita para levantarse de las profundidades de la vida, nadar contra la corriente y respirar?Desmoronada por la pérdida de sus padres, Kara Danvers lucha por mantener la cabeza sobre el agua mientras recorre penosamente su último año en National City University. Luego, un encuentro casual hace que Kara choque contra algo que no se espera ¬-una innegable atracción hacia una chica con cabello oscuro llamada Lena Luthor, cuyo pasado puede ser aún más complicado que el suyo.⚠️ Adaptación libre AU. La portada, historia ni los personajes me pertenecen. Todos los derechos son de Jessica Park y DC cómics.

3.6K 19 384

Credits go to Tasnim_2705! Thank you so much for all your hard work for making this beautiful! Three beautiful stories of love intertwined in a web of romance, mystery, happiness, and family. It's far greater than they could have imagined for Anna Kuruvilla and Edward Kattadi to be living united. A woman tormented by her dark past, Angelina (Annamma) desires a soulmate who can completely understand her. Agnes is a cheerful, loving girl who finds herself drawn to the total opposite style of character. Will there be a happy ever after at the end of it all? Or will it break into pieces like shattered hearts?

3.6K 81 184
Big Hero 6 • Ask the Heroes 2 •

Started: 7/27/15Ended: ✘✔Another Questions✔Another Dares✔Another Laughter✔Another HiroGo-Zone✔Another Book וו A S K T H E H E R E O S 2 •×•×•REQUESTS ★OPEN★NOTE ∽ IF YOU HATE BIG HERO 6 THEN LEAVE THIS BOOK :Dcover: mecharacters: disney and moreand credits for tumblr.

25.1K 88 964

"-Harry,- empezó Hermione con la voz controlada, sin embargo pudo sentir la cuchillada de pánico deslizarse por sus cuerdas vocales- ¿Por qué estaba Draco Malfoy gritando furioso algo sobre su- y la palabra casi la estranguló al decirla-...esposa?Los ojos verdes de Harry se abrieron con sorpresa. La sanadora Lucas se pellizcó el puente de su nariz, claramente disgustada con la reciente serie de eventos.-Él se estaba refiriendo a ti, cariño-dijo-, ésa fue la otra pregunta que respondiste mal. Tu nombre e Hermione Jean Granger-Malfoy.Hermione tuvo que ser sedada de nuevo."LEER PÁGINA DE ACLARACIONES .Este fanfiction no es mío, la historia le pertenece a @mightbewriting en ao3, esta es solo una TRADUCCIÓN hecha por mí.El mundo de Harry Potter así como sus personajes no me pertenecen, son de autoría de J.K. Rolling.El dibujo de la portada fue realizado por @dar.a_art en Instagram.

405 9 10
Izuku The Hero who speaks in hands | (Izuku x Chara/Frisk)

Despues de varios resets y de un quebrantado Sans, Frisk logra intervenir dandole de su Determinacion a Sans lo cual este aprovecha para hacer un Reset pero Chara hace lo mismo logrando formar un error el cual creo un nuevo boton "OverWrite", El cual Sans sin pensarlo presiona logrando cambiar todo de una manera abrupta pero Gaster a ultimo segundo logra Salvar las 6 almas humanas, luego del "Overwrite". Lo que cambia la historia por completo haciendo que ahora no existan mas monstruos sino que un 80% de la poblacion humana tengan super poderes y otro 20% no los tenga, donde Gaster decide tener un sucesor el cual fue Izuku, al que se le fue encomendada la tarea de ser un vigilante de la Alma de la Determinacion....¿Que destino les depara a nuestros personajes?

5.5K 7 143
Mi vida por la tuya

Qué pasaría si por alguna casualidad o mera coincidencia la vida de una persona, se cambiara por otra.Así paso con los hermanos Hiro y Tadashi Hamada.En el fatídico día de la explosión donde el profesor Callaghan aparentemente había fallecido, pero no fue así y con ello llevando al fallecimiento del mayor de los Hamada.En esta historia es al revés en esta ocasión no es Tadashi quien fallece sino...Si quieren saber los invito a averiguarlo.Contiene: Drama, Angustia, Fallecimiento de un personaje, AU, capítulo único, contará ciertas cosas de la película aunque las resumiré. Claro con otra perspectiva.Personajes: Hiro, Tadashi, Callaghan, Honey Lemon, GoGo Tamago, Wasabi y Fred, sin olvidar a Baymax.Nota: Los personajes no me pertenecen son de Disney. Así como la imagen de portada es de su respectivo autor o autores.

16 1 2 Full
OBLIVION ━━ Graphic Portfolio ¹ ✓

❝we can make 𝒂𝒓𝒕, but also we can make a 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓.❞ graphic series graphic portfolio (𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅)

89.7K 145 8.4K Full
The first lash of sunlight in a dark heart

"Nico olhou mais uma vez para trás enquanto andava de volta para a entrada da enfermaria. Percy Jackson ainda estava com a cara de choque e Annabeth balançava a cabeça, rindo.Sim, Percy não parecia mais uma criatura perfeita. Era apenas um garoto -um garoto muito bonito, Nico não podia negar- de olhos verde mar e cabelos pretos bagunçados.Mas não o seu tipo.Nico se permitiu dar uma risada enquanto os pensamentos passavam em sua mente, mas apenas por um breve momento.Então ele realmente... ele era aquilo? Estava bem com isso? O sorriso desapareceu tão rápido quanto apareceu e deu lugar a uma expressão dolorida e preocupada. Ele não conseguiria se permitir a felicidade, não acreditava que a merecia.-Então, o que foi que você foi fazer lá? -Will Solace perguntou.Nico nem tinha percebido que já tinha chegado à entrada da enfermaria, onde Solace o estava esperando. Estava tão imerso em seus pensamentos que tinha andado sem nem reparar. -Não importa -Respondeu. Não iria contar para Will, não mesmo. Por mais que sentisse que podia confiar no garoto, ainda não era o suficiente. Ele não conseguia nem pensar, quanto mais falar em voz alta que era... bom, não importa. Jason acabou sabendo sem querer, Reyna e o treinador Hedge também, mesmo que de uma maneira menos dolorosa. Annabeth e Percy só sabem agora para evitar futuros mal entendidos e, bom.. é melhor. -Bom, três dias na enfermaria, né? Por que não me leva até onde eu vou ficar, Solace?-Certo, Garoto da Morte -O filho de Apolo deu um sorriso digno dos filhos de Hermes quando estão provocando alguém. Nico apenas revirou os olhos com o apelido, não iria dar a ele o gostinho da sua reclamação. -Vamos?O filho de Hades olhou uma última vez para trás, vendo Annabeth se inclinar e beijar Percy.Nada, pensou. Ele não sentia nada. Não sentia ciúmes nem a regular vontade de se jogar da proa do Argo II toda vez que eles demonstravam o seu carinho. Nico sorriu, seguindo Will

22 5 3
Heroes del Ucm Reaccionando a Avengers Endgame (una Historia Distinta)

esta historia se centra durante Infinity War , donde los héroes (Vengadores, Guardianes, etc) son teletransportados a un lugar extraño donde son obligados a leer una historia que les revelara los resultados de su conflicto con Thanos y como evitar lo que sucedaesta centrada en el universo de Avengers Endgame(una historia Distinta) les aviso que esta la terminare cuando termine la primera, que falta mucho por ahora para eso , y las actualizaciones seran mensuales

217.9K 81 6.3K Full
El duelista en el mundo pokemon (pokefilia)

bueno antes de colocar un poco la descripción les avisare que vallan a la historia de DarkCarlos el portador del omnitrix en el mundo pokemon ya que en esa historia estará enlazada con esta sin mas que decir a empezar.No se si este era realmente mi destino o me cole solamente y realmente aprecio estar en este mundo con mis amigos y Carlos aun que el es un poco oscuro y tengamos que enfrentar a enemigos tal vez más fuertes que nosotros, pero protegeré a todas las personas que amo

855 10 43

Song Lyrics. Complete.©2016by SlendrOus

285.9K 200 3.6K Full
ɞıʟʟԀıƿ ȏṅє ṡһȏṭṡ!~🅰️

These are Billdip one shots, I hope you enjoy this one,all characters 18+ ~🅰️

69 5 1

Shady regresa a ver a sus amigos, después de tantos días ausentes es momento de regresar, mas enemigos, mas frikadas, mas chocolatee....

1.5K 41 141 Full
One Shots/ Imaginas Locas de Marvel

Historias cortas e imaginas sobre superheroes del mundo de Marvel y los X-Men. Si alguno tiene algún pedido puede enviarme un mensaje por privado y lo haré sin ningún problema <3. Espero les guste lo que escribo y comenten. Portada hecha by me.

1.9K 3 8
Lovesick X Darkness (Crossover Yandere Simulator)

[ Mi gran amigo Goshia Knightney está escribiendo su propia historia aquí en Wattpad y he decidido hacer este crossover que puede ser bastante interesante :D Si te gusta Yandere Simulator, la fantasía, la susiedad y las tostadas con nocilla, este es tu fic (?) ]El instituto está lleno de rivales en el amor de Yandere-chan, una de ellas es Oka Ruta, la líder del Club de Ocultismo, que pretende confesarse a Taro Yamada el viernes debajo del cerezo. Cuando intenta asesinarla en su propio club, algo ocurre con la calavera del altar... Oka consigue abrir un portal que absorberá a Yan-chan y la transportará a otra dimensión, llena de extrañas criaturas. Allí conocerá a un interesante licántropo llamado Goshia.

198 7 8
Ezra (Raccooneggs) imagines/one shots

Just some imagines and one shots for the handsome curly-headed boy that a lot seemed to fall in love with. (P.S Ezra owns my whole heart but don't tell him or he'll legally take my heart k?)

58.5K 100 1.3K