Search: soratakenouchi
36 stories
 good within evil (digimon adventure x male reader)

you are y/n kido Joe's little brother that's just so happens to be the ninth digidestined, you didn't go to camp because your allergies.

1.2K 5 17
Engañemos a nuestros sentimientos

~ Los personajes de Digimon no me pertenecen, son propiedad de Akiyoshi Hongo, Bandai, Toei, Wiz, etc. ~-------------------------------"El mismo dolor los unía, desde aquella noche donde se encontraron por casualidad en el parque intentando olvidar un poco de lo que sentían, olvidar los cobardes que habían sido al no confesar sus sentimientos y de los valientes que fueron al no hacerlo y respetar los sueños de la persona que decían querer. Ambos se refugiaron en el otro, ahogaban su dolor a través de bebidas, otros cuerpos y terminar buscándose; a veces les resultaba increíble lo que el desamor podría producir, dar un giro de 360°, llegar al punto de no reconocerse ¿Quedaba algo de Pureza para ofrecerle al Conocimiento? ¿Quedaba algo de Amistad para entregarle al Amor?"

2K 5 82 Full
Digimon Randomness

Random Digimon skits, because I miss them, and no one talks about them, or knows them anymore.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-Only featuring the Adventure series cast, that includes 02.-I do not own digimon, for if I did, I would make Takari cannon.-Swearing-I don't own cover art, I can't draw for shit~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# 1 in yamatoishida (1/3/21)# 1 in mimitachikawa (1/3/21)# 1 in hikariyagami (1/3/21)# 1 in takerutakaishi (1/3/21)# 1 in digimon02 (1/8/21)# 1 in soratakenouchi (1/3/21)# 1 in JoeKido (1/25/21)# 1 in TaichiYagami (3/15/21)

28.6K 200 1.6K Full
Digi-randomness (Digimon Randomness 2)

A book 2 to my Digimon Randomness book.Mainly cause I don't want to abandon Digimon, and because a have to many skits.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-Don't own cover art-Swearing-I don't own Digimon or the CharactersIf anyone wants to watch Digimon, or any anime(For free): in HikariYagami (2-10-21)#1 in SoraTakenouchi (2-10-21)#1 in YamatoIshida (2-24-21)#1 in TaichiYagami (3-1-21)#1 in MimiTachikawa (3-3-21)#1 in Digimon02 (3-11-21)#1 in DigimonTri (3-11-21)

14.4K 200 615 Full
Digimon Randomness 3

I need to stop. Soon enough I'm gonna be writing a book 4 to this.Someone help.-Swearing-i do not own cover art. -I do not own Digimon, or its characters

10.3K 200 509 Full
Mi razón eres tú

Ikigai: la razón de ser, lo que te despierta por las mañanas (Sora/Yamato)

63 1 4 Full

This fanfiction is the story of 'Cinderella' in a play on the Digimon couple of Yamato 'Matt' Ishida and Sora Takenouchi, better known as Sorato in 'Digimon' franchise's fandom. If you are not a fan of this pairing, then don't read this fanfiction. I am a fan of this pairing and at least they got together in the end. You don't have to be a fan of this pairing, but I am. You truly are free to ship whichever pairings you want to ship. I will not stop you. I just wanted to let you know what you will be missing out on for this fanfiction in the prologue.It is a fanfiction with both of the Disney adaptations of 'Cinderella' in it, the animated classic along with the live-action remake. There will also be some surprise elements from the adaptation that was told by one of their actual descendants in 'Ever After'.I personally have equally tremendous respect for both the animated classic and the live-action remake. Both adaptations were masterpieces that excelled at the artistry in cinematography, and I do not care what other people say about the live-action remakes from Disney because I feel that way. I will have something from 'Ever After' be a factor in this fanfiction. In my own take on a joint parody of both the animated classic and the live-action remake, the Anastasia Tremaine will be a lot more like Jacqueline deGent from 'Ever After', even more than she was in 'A Twist in Time'.What I like about Disney's live-action remakes is that they all keep their respects of the traditional Disney classics' directing and writing while still having their own unique plotlines.

122 26 0 Full
Quiero ser yo - Matt y Sora

Basada en la cancion Quiero ser yo de Santimaye.La historia trata de que Matt y Sora cumplen 8 años de novios y Matt le prepara una sorpresa que ella nunca lo olvidara

82 1 3 Full
Who are you? (Digimon Oneshots)(HIATUS)

These will be a bunch of Digimon Oneshots. Some will have multiple parts, and there will be quite a few crossovers. Staring, Digimon Adventure, 02, Tri, Kizuna, Digimon 2020 and possibly Tamers. Probably quite a bit of angst, and fluff. Mainly fluff.I'll take requests.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{Disclaimers}-Very Slow Updates(Depends on how much soul & time I have)-Swearing -I'm not the best at writing, so they will get better with time-No characters belong to me-Cover Art also doesn't belong to me-Shipping will be at a minimal, and will stay close to the cannon ships, like Sora x Matt. Slight exception for ships that are there for plot reasons, ships that were created because a character did something, and Takari and Koumi, cause its the Air I Breath.#1 in DigimonTri (1-27-21)#1 in YamatoIshida (2-7-21)#1 in TaichiYagami (2-7-21)#1 in MimiTaichikawa (2-7-21)#1 in HikariYagami (2-7-21)#1 in SoraTakenouchi (2-7-21)#1 in KenIchijouji (2-27-21)

2K 14 14
Pequeño Ángel (2013)

Todo anda bien en la vida Taichi y Sora, pero... ¿que pasaría si su hija menor enferma y ningún medico puede decirles que es lo que le ocurre? Ambos harán hasta lo imposible para encontrar una respuesta... antes de que sea demasiado tarde.

110 5 0

No me olvides, por favor. Que el amor florezca cuando nuestros cuerpos no sean tan jóvenes... Taichi decía que viejos eran los trapos, y Sora se reía...Sábanas entre flores y caricias que no pierden amor

70 1 1 Full
Yaoi fanart

A compilation of yaoi or boy love fanarts that I've found around the internet. Updates daily

380.7K 200 5.9K Full
De cómo el amor y el valor ablandaron su corazón

Cuando Taichi, Sora y otros niños cayeron en la isla File, no imaginan encontrarse con un temible BlackWarGreymon tan feroz... Y buscando la manera de salir, se acerca la navidad... ¿Taichi y Sora crearán un milagro junto a sus camaradas?

324 2 4 Full
The Crest of Protection (The Opening Flame) Book 1

8 kids get sent away to some strange world with weird monsters with even weirder powers, a strong bond grows between a girl and her digimon.Basically a digimon fanfic cause you don't see enough of those on here. Slight hints of shipping, but not much since they're still kids, maybe in the second book there will be more.This is gonna be some type of crack fic one way or another :/‼️DISCLAIMER‼️I procrastinate a lot so get ready for inconsistent updates and delays on chaptersBook 1 of this series of 11(?) books. (I'm going insane so who knows)It's a miracle that I've even got readers in the first place🤷🏻‍♀️---------Illustrations by: various artists and sometimes animators from the showAuthor:Z.C.---------

725 10 4
Digimon Adventure: The Dark Digidestined

One year after the 8 original Digidestined saved the Digital World they have been called back to rescue it from a new darkness. But unbeknownst to them the forces of Light have taken a risky gamble and selected a girl with a troubled past to inherit a new crest. But will she be able to overcome her past and assist the Digidestined or will the darkness swallow her and the Digiworld?

7.7K 22 221
Un mar de amor

Adronitis: La frustración de saber cuánto tiempo lleva llegar a conocer a alguien (Tai/Sora)

222 1 5 Full
The Swan Prince

Princess Diana vows to marry the Prince Otmar and break the evil spell which turns him into a swan during daylight.

30 1 5 Full
Digimon Adventure {UNDER EDITING}

Taichi Yagami was a normal boy with a normal life. A happy family, a passion for soccer, amazing friends but soon something is about to occur to him and it all starts when he goes to summer camp. Taichi goes to summer camp with his friends; Yamato Ishida, Laura 'Luna' Takahaski, Sora Takenouchi, Mirai Konoha, Koushiro Izumi, Cassandra 'Cassie' Takahaski, Joe Kido, Skylar Ruby, Mimi Tachikawa, Sayo Mizuno, Takeru Takaishi, Fumiko Kurosawa, and Sara Minami.The group soon enter the digital world and meet their digimon partners. They soon discover they are the Chosen Children, destined to save the human world and digital world. In the digital world, they meet Sol Ayano and his digimon partner - Falcomon.With the use of the crests ; Courage, Protection, Love, Cooperation, Friendship, Forgiveness, Knowledge, Justice, Reliability, Happiness, Purity (Sincerity), Confidence, Hope, Loyalty, Light, and Determination. The Chosen Children and their digimons will be able to defeat any obstacles in their way. Hikari Yagami is discovered as the last Chosen Child, bearing the Crest of Light. Will they be successful? Can they truly defeat the darkness? Will rivals become friends?(((All artwork belongs to rightful owner)))

13.9K 4 112
Dawn of the Epoch

Hunter called himself an archaeologist, but he was a modern day treasure hunter. Tiyana was a scientist devoted to her craft. They were passionate people, wholly devoted to their work. Neither of them had time for love. Neither of them could resist it when it happened. Neither of them knew that the world would need the two of them to save it from a tyrannical pre-historic overlord, his cyborg vampire paramour, and their army of mindless drudges.Dawn of the Epoch is an epic science fiction novel about dark matter, death rays, nuclear warfare, and the Large Hadron Collider, but it is also a fantasy novel about medieval warriors, alchemy, and ancient gods. Dawn of the Epoch blends fantasy with reality, bringing mythology to life today. It is also an apocalyptic thriller spanning the globe from the Pyramids of Egypt to the heart of Africa to the majesty of the Himalayas. It is an epic hybrid-genre story with intense action sequences, magic, mythology, suspenseful plot twists, countless obstacles for the protagonists to overcome, and an utterly Machiavellian supernatural villain.Testimonials:"Probably one of my favorite books I've read to date. Brilliantly complex, adoringly rendered and quizzically intense. A must read and one I plan to revisit, and share!"- Amgwatts, Wattpad Reader"This has to be one of the most original and well written novels I have had the pleasure to read, on Wattpad and in general. It was captivating, interesting, immersive and above all, fantastic. I was left in awe of the beings, history and world you created. It was never dull, dry or predicable and it was a nice change from what seems to be the ever popular teen romance with vampires or werewolves or 'bad boys that are actually romantic good boys.' In the end it was a very pleasant surprise."-IridescentLies, Wattpad Reader

2.6M 100 51.5K Full
One last time

After what they thought was their last battle, the digidestined drift apart and go their separate ways and go off on their own. But when a new threat arises, will they be able to come back together and save their world one last time?

67 1 2
DANMEI Reading List (RAW)

List of danmei novels that I've read, currently reading, planning to read and some impressions. Includes not-yet-translated CNs/WNs~ Spoilers beware~~

339.8K 200 3.5K

Songs to sing in the shower.Canciones para cantar en la ducha.

15.3K 195 574 Full

The Buddha and His Dhamma, a treatise on Lord Buddha's life and Buddhism, was the last work of Indian statesman and scholar B. R. Ambedkar. The book is treated as a holy text by Indian Buddhists. It was first published in 1957 after Ambedkar's death.It was again Published in 1979 by the Education Department of the Government of Maharashtra as the eleventh volume of Ambedkar's collected writings and speeches, with a list of sources and an index.While explaining purpose of writing the book Ambedkar writes:"The urge to write this book has a different origin. In 1951 the Editor of the Mahabodhi Society's Journal of Calcutta asked me to write an article for the Vaishak Number. In that article I argued that the Buddha's Religion was the only religion which a society awakened by science could accept, and without which it would perish. I also pointed out that for the modern world Buddhism was the only religion which it must have to save itself. That Buddhism makes [a] slow advance is due to the fact that its literature is so vast that no one can read the whole of it. That it has no such thing as a bible, as the Christians have, is its greatest handicap. On the publication of this article, I received many calls, written and oral, to write such a book. It is in response to these calls that I have undertaken the task."

41.1K 178 466
Digimon Adventure Tri Next Generation

This is taking place after my own Digimon Next Gen story. If you want to read that all you need to do is go to the Digimon Amino, search Yamato "Matt" Ishida, and click on the one that's level 9 or above and you can read the story I'm working on there for these characters. And note this will not be like Tri. there will be a few similarities though. And I will be using the japanese versions of their names but for the first chapter I'll have their english names next to the japanese. Now onto the actual description.It's been six years since Melissa and her friends have been to the Digiworld. Now strange things are happening to both the human world and the digital world. Digimon are coming to the human world and attacking then fleeing the scene. Now it's up for the group of eight to stop this from happening anymore and stop whoever is doing this.

157 6 0
My Randomness Again!

*Without Me by Eminem plays faintly in the background* What, did you really think I'd only make one?

115.7K 718 8.8K
Mage (A Skyrim Fanfiction)

Helvia Abgrall, a naïve and restless young Breton farm girl, leaves her comfortable and uneventful life at her family's farmstead in High Rock in hopes of attending Skyrim's College of Winterhold, as she longs to learn more about magic and how to use it, as well as to improve upon her own natural aptitude. However, she's anything but prepared for the journey that lies ahead of her. She's inexperienced, clueless, nearly incapable of fending for herself, and her lack of common sense is almost unreal. However, she's determined to make a better life for herself than the one she had before, and her resolve alone might just be enough to help her reach her goal.Well, that is, if things were going in her favor to begin with. There is another force that seeks to divert her path to a less pleasant venue, and it is far stronger than she is. In order to keep herself from losing sight of why she even left home in the first place, she'll have to stay ahead of a surprisingly powerful, on-the-rise faction in a foreign land - and she won't be able to do that alone. This aspiring mage will travel alongside pickpockets and pariahs, mercenaries and monarchs, and many more intriguing inhabitants of the province of Skyrim on the way to achieving her dream - and, just maybe, she'll befriend a few of them along the way way.But her path will not be an easy one - at least, not the one that she's hoping to take. She will have to make sacrifices and learn to adapt to unfavorable outcomes, and, in the end, she may learn that following her dreams might not be in her best interest.

78.7K 38 4.8K