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196 stories
barbed wire

A collection of strange little poems that really don't fit anywhere else. Part of my 2019-2020 Poetry Challenge.

598 76 274
RWBY: The Reaper King of Nazarick

Jameson McGuffin knew it was a long time coming.The Popular VRMMORPG YGGDRASIL was shutting down its servers after 12 Years, so there was only one decision He could make. Spend the last few hours of the game in the Guild Hall he worked to protect and maintain. The Great Tomb of Nazarick had so many memories with him and the guild, and that's what made it hard. He had to say goodbye.So, with the Scythe that the Guild created, he ventured to that old Throne Room, sat down on the Throne of Kings, and closed his eyes, waiting for YGGDRASIL's End......Only to realize, he was still in the tomb. Not only that, the NPCs are suddenly alive, and they were all transported to a new world! Unsure if this was Destiny, Fate, or just a Mental Breakdown, Jameson McGuffin, now under the name Aizen Peverell, decides to flip the script and seeks World Domination to help save this world!Salem is forced to watch as all her plans burn, Ozpin is forced to see his Work crumble, and the World is forced to be dragged kicking and screaming into a new era!Hail the Lord Peverell, Harbinger of Death!

189 2 4
Unexpected hearts

"Unexpected Hearts" is a captivating tale of tangled emotions and unspoken desires. Follow Sophia, Lucas, and Finn on a journey of friendship, love, and heartache as they navigate the complexities of their feelings and the challenges that arise. Will they follow their hearts, or will the secrets they hold threaten to tear them apart? Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions in this gripping romance novel.

1 3 0
The Cool Girls

The 'Cool' girls that receive so much hate but so much love. The 'Cool' girls that seem unreachable but are truly like you and I. The 'Cool' girls that have beauty so unobtainable that it must be false.People often confuse beauty with bitchy and intelligence with arrogance. Yet, What if they didn't chase boys to climb the social hierarchy. What if they had they're own insecurities and anxiety induced awkward incidences. And What if they weren't as shallow as people liked to make them out to be and they didn't crave popularity.Follow the girls with the dream Instagram feeds, crazy social lives and enough guy drama to last a lifetime and immersive yourself into Irina, Sienna, Amara and Xanthe's world, just don't forget to leave stereotypes at the door; with your heels.

12 2 0
tongue twisters

my attempts at creating tongue twisters.

3.1K 142 724
Maybe I can't see, but I can feel

Die Klinke quietschte, als sie langsam nach unten gedrückt wurde. Sie zog krampfhaft an dem Laken, um ihren Körper zu verdecken, doch es war schon verschwunden. Es wurde nie gesprochen. Sie waren immer stumm, während ihre Hände Orte erkundeten, die ihnen nicht zustanden. Verzweifelt versuchte sie das Schluchzen zu unterdrücken und biss sich auf die Zunge um den schmerzerfüllten Schrei zu unterdrücken. Nach gefühlten Stunden ließ er von ihr ab und verschwand. Leise fing sie an zu weinen. Sie konnte die Tränen nicht aufhalten, die immer mehr wurden und die besudelte Matratze durchnässten. Nach einer halben Ewigkeit versiegte der Tränenfluss und sie kauerte sich zusammen, machte sich ganz klein um auch den schrecklichen Schmerz so klein wie möglich zu halten.~Als das Einsatzkommando von Jonnathan Collins, Cécilia Martin aus den Fängen von brutalen Geiselnehmern befreit, ahnt Jonnathan nicht, was Cécilia alles durchmachen musste. Er versucht sich ihr zu nähern und zwischen den beiden funkt es gewaltig. Doch Cécilia hat Angst. Angst davor , wieder von jemandem misshandelt zu werden. Kann Jonnathan ihr beweisen, dass er nichts Böses will? Und wird er Cécilia rächen?~ Eine mal vollkommen andere Lovestory.Kann gewalttätige und sexuelle Szenen endhalten. Bilder von Pinterest.Würde mich über eine Rückmeldung und Votes freuen.Viel Spaß beim Lesen!❤️❤️

73 2 3
Unsaid Thoughts (Volume 3) [Completed]

This 10 volume collection is dedicated to the "I just love to write poetry challenge" held by BillTemple1957. This challenge consists of 2000 poems in the course of 10 months in 10 volumes.

1.5K 200 344
Rainbow's End

A collection that I fell holds some of my best Poetry.

907 113 596
Ghost Echo

A collection of poems written for my 2019-2020 Poetry Challenge.

1.1K 183 471
High School

Serenity, Monica and Skye decide to go to High School. In 1973.

2.5K 84 607
the endless tunnel of my mind

A collection of poems written for my 2019-2020 poetry challenge.

1.3K 200 457