Search: shadowmilkcookieiscumminginsideofme
3 stories
Love Not Forgotten // CRK

REMAKENot Original(I have Somehow Forgotten that I Created this before but I'm to Lazy to Delete this so I'll just Keep this here-)!______________________________Pure Vanilla Wondered if this is what he Really Wanted.Did They Deserve it? Yes.They were the One's who Hurt him First, so it's Only Fair for him to do the Same, Right?And he's just Trying to Keep EveryOne Else Safe from the Danger on EarthBread.Did Other Cookie's Deserve it? No. Maybe? He's Not Sure AnyMore.Honestly, They weren't the One's at Fault but he's Already to Far Gone to even Think about Anything Else except his Revenge and Keeping EveryOne Else Safe.He cannot Afford to Lose Any More Loved One's to Dark Enchantress and the Ancient's.After Everything he's Done just to Get to this Point? He's Not Willing to Lose All his Progress that Suddenly.Pure Vanilla isn't the Type of Cookie to Give Up so Easily.He'll do Anything to Protect his Loved One's.No Matter the Cost.

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Last resorts

Have you ever gotten certain feelings towards someone? Like a feeling you can't really put a finger on? Someone you want to protect to the point you're willing to take it to extreme measures to keep them safe? Well I can't say I have but wizard cookie definitely did. (This is a rewrite of a book that I decided to discontinue.)

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Talk shit with Starry

Talk shit with your WONDERFUL author, Starry! They're gonna Talk the most random shit ever (might possibly rant) but beware, They might talk about shadow milk nonstop

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