Search: seyna
43,803 stories
Le Voile de l'Espoir

Après avoir obtenu son baccalauréat avec brio, Khadija Ba quitte son pays natal pour la France, pleine d'espoir et de détermination. Elle rêve de poursuivre ses études et de trouver un emploi qui lui permettra de réaliser ses ambitions. Cependant, dès son arrivée, elle se heurte à des regards méfiants et des préjugés à cause de son voile. Dans cette nouvelle terre, Khadija doit naviguer entre les défis culturels et les obstacles professionnels. Mais avec courage et persévérance, elle s'engage dans un parcours semé d'embûches, déterminée à prouver que son voile ne définit pas ses compétences ni son potentiel.

387 8 24
The Bad Boy and The Amputee

I was never a normal girl. It was when I turned sixteen that I became even less normal. When most girls turn sixteen, they have a big party. When I was sixteen, I took a summer trip with my parents. When most girls turn sixteen, they receive their first car. When I turned sixteen, I got in my first car crash. When most girls are sixteen, they gain a boyfriend. When I was sixteen, I lost my mother. When most girls are sixteen, they become "responsible" young adults. When I was sixteen, I became an amputee.

107.3K 14 3.2K

[ E S P A Ñ O L ]Casey Simpson es un increíble actor de 11 años; es divertido, amable y es una asombrosa persona.Un día, Mackenzie Ziegler; una extraordinaria bailarina y cantante, participa en un capítulo de 'Nicky Ricky Dicky & Dawn'.Luego, Casey conoce a Mackenzie y a su hermana, Maddie.Parece que Casey está interesado en Maddie, y Mackenzie está dispuesta a ayudarlo.[ E N G L I S H ]Casey Simpson is an incredible 11-years-old actor; he's funny, kind and is an amazing person. One day, Mackenzie Ziegler; an extraordinary dancer and singer, participated on a 'Nicky Ricky Dicky & Dawn' chapter. Then, Casey meets Mackenzie and her sister, Maddie.It seems that Casey is interested on Maddie, and Mackenzie is willing to help him.

429 18 21
Date Start (Papyrus x OC)

Nevaeh Rose, special affects, news reporter, and soon to be co-host of MTT news falls in love with an unlikely character, The Great Papyrus.(Metric Gnome wrote a lot of this, but I wrote some chapters)

1K 14 30 Full
Seyna : Pour Moi C'était Un Impossible

Viens Lire Et Casse pas La Tete Ces Tout

48 3 3
Heart Skipped A Beat

Two shot/AU. Everything is going smoothly for Casey and Dawson. They are happily married, with a daughter they love and life has never been greater. But what happens when Olivia goes to school for the first time?

688 2 10 Full
Harry Styles is my Brother?!?! ON HOLD

Clarissa Styles is just a girl from adoptive parents living in Dallas, Texas. When she moves to London, she ends up meeting a special group of five boys. Will the curly haired one end up being her brother? And will she fall in love with one of the other four boys? Will he love her back?*Story is much better than description*

43.5K 18 819
Une romance à Dakar

L'amour arrive sans que l'on s'y attende mais est elle toujours possible ?

30 7 7
Arif Azad Ceyhun Elvin Hikmet Hüseynağa Kamran Tayfun Vuqar

Biz mektebde boyuk 9 luq kimi taniniriq bezen Sohbetlere usaxlar musahideci qisminde PAZ olurlar ama boyuk bir qorxusu olmurGulabatin mellim dimisken zerer yoxdu Son 3 heftede Mennen basqa 8 neferin futbola maraqi artdiqi ucun cox sevinirem )))Insallah geddikce birazda artar, qarsidan gelen imtahan munasibeti ile butun sinif usaqlarna bas sagliqi verirem insallah axir qemviz axir tekere dusmeyvuz axir mandrajvuz olarBeledeki basqa ne yazime ozum ozume (Tayfun gagawim dimisgen) FİTBOLÇU karyeramda uğurlar arzuluyuram ;)

85 1 1 Full
Summer Love (Liam Payne One Shot)

Girl leaves for the summer. Girl meets boy. Girl and boy fall in love. Girl goes back home. Girl and boy have heartbreak. Boy gets famous. Girl and boy meet again. Girl and boy live happily ever after

224 1 5 Full
Tease first time doing this... XD my friend told me if i wrote a story about Jonghyun (k-pop singer) she'll read it so i'm really just testing waters plus its a one-shot so....ENJOY~.....i hope.....

49 1 2 Full
The Battle for Olympus

Percy was still too far away to hear, to know what was happening, and likely he wouldn't care. Annabeth's breath caught in her throat and the crowd faded, the voices just white noise. There was only Percy, his hair shaggy and swept to the side, his mouth drawn up in his troublemaker smile. Her body ached to return to him, he was so close. But if she was right, that would be a deadly mistake.Annabeth turned back to Jason. "You sold us out didn't you.""There's only one way to end the schism, Annabeth," Jason said. His remaining eye gleamed. "The Greeks must be wiped out."Reyna raised her hand. "Seize them.""Jason!" Piper cried as two legionaries grabbed her arms. "How could you!"Annabeth grit her teeth but didn't struggle. They couldn't win this fight. And the worst part? She totally saw it coming.This is an au where Jason turns the Greeks over to the Romans instead of cooperating, and the resulting conflict ensues. Can the Greeks and Romans work together? Or will they both be torn apart in the end.Cover Art Credit:Hazel, Nico, Piper, and Reyna: on Instagram, silima on tumblrPercy: @gabrielles_artwork on InstagramFrank: alecian on tumblrJason: blanc-ci on tumblrLeo: skidar on tumblrAll characters belong to Rick Riordan

29.7K 32 549 Full
Edward Elric and The Shadow Alchemist

The Elric Brothers meet the Rose Sisters, and will share in the horror of their past, and the love of their future.

222 9 20
Nyx's Care (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)

Nyx is interested in a certain demigod. Who is that demigod and what will she do? Will she act on a whim or will she listen to her maternal nature and help this demigod? What about Thalia? She seems out of the loop and doesn't know what's going on. Much like Reyna. Reyna is extremely upset and completely vengeful, but she is also lost in a warmth growing in her heart. What does all of this mean? This is so confusing for these three demigods, but what about the Primordial Goddess of Night? Can she fathom fate? What is the destiny her course of actions make thread themselves into existence?Disclaimer: Rick Riordan owns PJO/HOO.#Wattys2015

546.8K 23 12.5K Full
stress-baking | theyna

Thalia was baking cookies in the communal kitchens at an ungodly hour of the night.Reyna was woken up by the oven after just barely going to sleep.There will be hell to pay.*published as part of the pjo/hoo big bang on tumblr* *strong language - only fluff* *mortal college au*

104.8K 22 3K Full
Things we do in the name of duty.

Theyna. Arranged marriage/modern AUThe Lioness guard services have a lot to gain by joining forces with the Grace industries. The tech they got would blow any other security company out of the water. There is a slight problem. The CEO of Grace industries, Zeus Grace is old fashioned. He wants a marriage to cement the contract. What does Bellona do? Obviously, marry off her second daughter to Zeus's daughter, Thalia Grace.A fanfiction with Ambivert Reyna and a introvert(kinda) Thalia.I posted this on my old account before i deleted it. Well, it's back!Start date: 4/8/19End: 2/4/20

33.4K 15 529 Full
GIGANTOMAQUIA: La Sangre del Olimpo

Los viajes terminan, los imperios caen, las vidas se extinguen. El tiempo todo lo consume, incluso a los mismos dioses. La guerra contra los gigantes ha alcanzado un punto crítico, los semidioses griegos y romanos se ven incapaces de la reconciliación y los tripulantes del Argo II se ven obligados a continuar su viajes lisiados tras la muerte de uno de sus miembros.Nadie está a salvo, dioses, héroes o monstruos. Al final, el Nifhel consumirá las almas de los que caigan en batalla. Basado en "La Sangre del Olimpo" de Rick Riordan, el universo de "Shuumatsu no Valkyrie" del equipo de Ajichika, Shinya Umemura y Takumi Fukui, y en la trilogía "Africanus" De Santiago Posteguillo.

1.2K 51 136
The Humans Life

Sajian bihun hijau yang bercampur dengan kuah santan dan manisnya gula merah, menghadirkan sensasi gurih dan segar yang amat memanjakan lidah para manusia hidup. Tak ayal minuman yang sering disebut Dawet ini viral hingga menembus berbagai dimensi tempat dan waktu. Setiap haus melanda, Dawetlah yang mengisi dahaga. Setiap rasa pedas dari cabai terasa, ada Dawet yang sedia mendinginkannya.Seiring berjalannya waktu, hal ini pun menjadi kebiasaan yang tidak dapat ditinggalkan. Seluruh lapisan masyarakat, terjebak pada kenikmatan Es Dawet. Membuat Es Dawet bahkan lebih penting daripada barang-barang sembako. Bahkan sudah seperti tradisi, bahwa setiap orang harus meminum minimal satu Dawet setiap hari. Sampai ... Es Dawet yang awalnya memberi kenikmatan, sekarang memberi penderitaan. Bahkan satu persatu orang hilang tanpa kejelasan. Sebenarnya apa yang membuat Es Dawet berubah menjadi berbahaya? Apa gula merah dan santan kelapa telah bermutasi dengan virus dan bakteri?

85 10 10
No One Ever Told Me Pirates Were Hot (Theyna)

(A Theyna Work)Thalia Grace is a soldier in the Queen of England's Navy. The Queen, known as Hera, has trapped her in serving her for twenty years, but when on Thalia's first voyage her ship is overtaken by pirates she meets a mysterious Pirate by the name of Reyna. The two quickly strike a friendship, and almost as quickly are ripped apart. Now, years later after a series of chance encounters Thalia must choose between family or the mysterious Pirate she calls a friend.

41.6K 16 1.1K Full
Civil War

It's been nearly a year and a half since Thalia and Reyna admitted their feelings for each other. While their love for each other only continues to grow so does the tension in New Rome. As elections round the corner not only are old Senate positions threatened but Reyna's seat of power. Three new demigods have entered the picture and they plan on changing things. As Thalia struggles to help Reyna keep Rome under control its become quiet clear that not everyone supports their Praetor. A civil war could be on the horizon. And it's up to Thalia and Reyna to fight back against the tides of changeREAD RHE STORY BEFORE THIS: MISSING

47.2K 48 1K Full
The Runaway Werewolf The Hybrid Chronicles Book 1

Reyna Maree is an abused girl who has a rough life. So when her mate rejects her, she is pushed to her limit. So she runs away and finds a new pack. Here she is happy and no one is mean to her. But the pack she left is starting to feel bad about what they did. So when Reyna's new pack is asked to help her old pack, Reyna goes back. But will she stay with her new found friends and pack? Or will she go with her old pack and mate that is so very sorry for what he did her?Also, Reyna finds out she is more than she thinks she is. What is she? Will this change how her mate loves her? Read and find out.

65.9K 23 1.6K Full
Little SiX Fics | Completed

Six one-shots ranging from 100 - 1000 words. REQUESTS AND PROMPTS REQUIRED!

37.5K 37 982 Full
The Only Exception (Completed)

Reyna Ramirez-Arellano.Age: 16Daughter of Bellona. Afraid of another broken heart. Christopher Stephenson.Age: 17Son of Poseidon.Afraid of being abandoned again.What happens when worlds collide?(⚠️WARNING⚠️ THERE IS REFERENCE TO SUICIDE. IF YOU ARE EASILY TRIGGERED BY THINGS LIKE THAT, I SUGGEST YOU NOT READ THIS BOOK)Cover art by Viria.(Book 1)

15.7K 20 287 Full
Could Have Beens

One shot ffs

15.2K 13 200 Full
PJO Truth or Dare

PJO TRUTH OR DARE!What it says on the tin.BEWARE: old writing!!

759.4K 38 14K Full