Search: severitus
531 stories
Always » Severitus

Amidst startling revelations, Snape's bitter denial of fatherhood drives Harry to the brink. A harrowing journey of healing unfolds as they confront their intertwined destinies, battling inner demons to forge an unbreakable bond, reclaiming love from the ashes of despair.

72.2K 19 2.2K Full
my escape (severitus, drarry)

drarry and fatherly Snapewhat will happen when Severus is called to check on the Gryfindoor golden boy? follow the heart wrenching story of Harry Potter, the boy who lived, who wanted nothing more than to be just harry and loved by someone as just Harry.Will harry learn to accept the love he is offered?how will the unlikely pair find peace within each other?how will Hogwarts cope after the diagnosis?I DO NOT OWN THE HARRY POTTER CHARACTERS ALL CHARACTERS BELONG TO SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED (J.K.ROWLING) Unfortunately I have discontinued this story please tag me if you decide to write any additional chapters xx

107.1K 20 2.3K Full
Lily's Charm- Severitus fanfiction

In a story that spans two decades, Lily and Severus look for a way to control the powers of the Dark Mark after Lily's life is threatened by Eileen Prince. Seventeen years later, Harry realized he has no idea who he is.------This is not my fanfiction, I put it on Wattpad to make it easier to access. The original one is on a website named There will be mentions of Snily, especially in flashbacks

17.6K 55 705 Full
Severitus Oneshots

Fluff, angst, family, hurt/comfort, and more. That's what you should expect from these oneshots. One chapter is one story. The summary of the oneshot is at the beginning of every chapter, so you can decide whether it interests you or not. :) NO ROMANCE. (Severitus - means Snape is either Harry's father or, in this case, adoptive father/guardian). Crossposted on ao3 and ffnet.

6.8K 7 171
Snapmint // severitus

What happens when between Harry's 5th and 6th year summer the Dursley's go a little too far and Harry gets spit out of His professors fireplace? How will he deal with his grief over his recent godfathers death? Or even the prophecy? How will his friends react? Will new friends be made and some left behind?This is a severitus story. Which means that Snape is gonna end up being a father figure/mentor to Harry but it is NOT snarry related at all.✔️= been proof readThis is a fanfiction, meaning I don't own anything, the characters and nearly everything else is owned by jk Rowling(Not drarry or Snarry)*REALLY* Slow updates

155.8K 19 5.2K

Severus Snape, but he's a good person

25K 9 943
Confiar (To Trust) severitus (completo)

Justo antes de cumplir undécimo cumpleaños, Harry es encontrado en un oscuro callejón de Londres. Posteriormente lo llevan a quedarse en la casa de un tal Severus Snape hasta que comienza Hogwarts. Harry no está muy seguro de qué lo impulsó a aceptar este acuerdo, y Severus no tiene intención de permitir que la desafortunada progenie de Potter se meta en su piel, pero este es un fic de Severitus, todos sabemos cómo termina..................................................❀;; Traducción al ruso por Довериться (Confiar) de reldivsLa obra original se encuentra en AO3 en inglés por clairdeloon. Traducción al español hecha por mí. Cuento con el permiso para hacer esta traducción. Todos los derechos reservados

992 60 180 Full
The Gifted Apprentice (A Severitus Story)

Harry runs away the summer before 2nd year. He is missing for many months before Snape tracks him and brings him back to Hogwarts. Having been kicked out of school, the only way he can stay at Hogwarts is to become an apprentice. Snape reluctantly agrees to take him on, but circumstances get complicated and the two end up having to go into hiding, forcing them to get closer and bond as a father & son. This is Severitus-style fic focused on Harry and Snape and a few OCs.

70K 31 1.8K
Severus's cat (Severitus)

Harry winds up as a cat one day in hopes of escaping his aunt and uncle, but what happens when the dungeon bat finds the small hurt kitten and takes care of him??

9.9K 6 269
In Somnis Veritas

When 11 year old Harry Potter arrives at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, there is something very familiar about the dour Potions Master sitting at the teacher's table. Where has Harry seen him before, and what does it mean? AU Severitus, first year

184K 30 7.5K Full
In Your Father's Eyes

Four years after James and Lily's death the truth is discovered. A Severitus/ Snily fanfiction (Severus is Harry's father)

143.1K 8 4.7K Full
𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒇𝒖𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆

Severus Snape, a boy that absolutely everyone hates. Except two people, Harry Potter and Lily Evans. But why was Harry Potter here? He isn't supposed to be born yet. What does Severus Snape do when a toddler, Harry Potter, Claims to be his child.Story inspo goes to: BooksR4Ever

43.4K 18 1.2K Full
The Potter Brat

When Harry comes to Hogwarts thinking he'll finally be able to fit in he was mistaken. Does he find comfort in the most feared Potions Master at the school? Does he surprise everyone with his gifts?

34.6K 15 1.2K Full
What the hell is happening?

*COMPLETE* Set the summer after the Order of the Phoenix. Harry receives a letter which will change his and a certain potions professors life forever. This story features plot twists, betrayal, secrets, memory loss, more memory loss and backstabbing friends. Read to see what happens when Harry finally has the chance for a real family. [Severitus]

15.9K 18 442 Full
By Blood

This is an original severitus fan-fiction. I'm terrible at descriptions. Just read it. I promise it's worth it.

2.1K 10 81 Full
As Potter is to Snape

Severus Snape has agreed to take in Harry Potter during the summer before his Third Year. Temporarily. Just until the end of summer and not a day longer. But secrets about Harry's home life are being revealed and things are changing too fast for Harry to keep up. Can he and Snape survive their time together? If not, it's going to make for a very long summer. I've moved up the blowing up of Marge to the very beginning of summer.This is 100% an AU. Almost everything is different and you'll see that from the very beginning. Adding to say that it's so AU that Dumbledore and McGonagall are married (he's been aged down and there's a whole post about it) and they adopted snape when he was 14. This is apparently the thing that catches people the most off guard lol. Crossposted on ao3 and ffn under the same name.

120.8K 55 4.3K Full
The Circlet Of Elements

Harry Potter finds out the truth. He was never really a Potter....Read as he discovers,BetrayalFriendship And more about himself and his mysterious inheritance..... Cover by AStrangeEvent

898.5K 41 20.1K Full
Neither lion, nor serpent, nor raven, BADGER (Translation)

Sirius was about to run after that damn treacherous rat, he was about to, when his godson's crying brought him back.He couldn't and shouldn't leave, not now more than ever, when he had someone to care for, Harry needed him now more than ever and he wasn't planning on leaving him, even if it meant sharing custody of him with him. Snape.siriusxremusharryxnevilleseveritus

3K 11 90 Full
Harry Potter the House elf

Petunia tells Vernon what a house elf is and they decide that Harry should be their personal one. Without the magic that is.Join Freak the house elf whilst he finds out he is a wizard and goes on numerous adventures#8 in severitus 28/03/24#1 in noshipyet 28/03/23#1 in #abusivedursleys 28/03/24

3.8K 17 115 Full
Time Is Life

It's been about four years since the war against Voldemort ended during Harry's seventh year at Hogwarts. Now as the fourth year comes to a decline he has nothing left to do and what's worse he is on the run from the ministry and the people he once called friends.His worst regret yet is having married Ginevra Weasley, now Potter. As much as he loves his children, he can't bring himself to stop thinking of the past and what could've been. More specifically what he could have had with a certain Hufflepuff. What will he do if he's given a second chance by death to start his fourth year all over again with his memories of the previous timeline?Can the cruel fate that befell Cedric be defeated and reforged? To reap what has been sown Harry is willing to sacrifice everything.The sequel is out, with the name "When the time comes"

168.2K 43 6.7K Full
Easier Than Trying - A Harry Potter (Drarry) Fanfic

"Well, I did think of Voldemort, but then... I thought of the Dementors.."Remus sighed gently, a small smile plastered on his face. "Well, Harry, that's a good choice. What you fear, is fear itself."Harry gulped nervously. "W-Well.. I thought of something else..."____________________TRIGGER WARNINGThis story contains sensitive material that some readers may find makes them uncomfortable! Read at your own risk!____________________This is the story of the Boy Who Lived. He trusted, fell in love, fought, and won. How dramatic can I make this story? Let's find out. ;)____________________Depressed!HarryI will NOT make him suicidal. It makes me uncomfortable, and I'm sure it makes others uncomfortable as well.Abused!HarryIn this story, Harry will be abused! In a lot of fanfics, the abuse scenes always play out weird, but I'll try my best to make them, well, not weird...OOC!DracoDraco will be in character in the beginning of the story, but the more he learns about Harry, he will start to get a little out of character compared to the actual story!SHIPS/LABELS:Drarry!Harry and Draco WILL end up in a relationship! If this is not your cup of tea, please leave! (There's a nice little back button in the top left corner reserved just for you ;) )Severitus!Snape will be fatherly and protective of Harry later on! This is NOT Snarry! Severus and Harry are NOT in a romantic relationship!Childish!Harry!I feel that, since Harry hasn't had a proper childhood where he could run around and have fun, he'd be pretty childish. This means curling up with Severus (Hinting Severitus here) in front of the fireplace, making rash and stupid decisions without thinking, etc. Basically acting like a child would.WARNINGS:HOMOSEXUALITY! There will be two boys in a relationship here! If this is not your cup of tea, please leave now!ABUSE!!!Please please please, if you are easily triggered by physical abuse, do NOT read this story!Otherwise... Enjoy!!

433.9K 29 14.8K Full

It all started with an unexpected meeting at King's Cross at the end of Harry's first year. The next thing Severus Snape knows he's stuck with the Potter brat.

619 15 22 Full
Caught Between

In his 4th year, Harry feels like he has lost everything while also fighting for his life in the Triwizard Tournament. However, he may find that, perhaps, he has actually found everything he has always wanted.

6.3K 34 388 Full
And Then There Were Three

This will be a continuation of As Potter is to Snape. You might want to read that first. It's VERY AU! Basically, Snape and Lupin were both adopted by Albus and Minerva, who are married. Snape adopted Harry in Third Year. He was never a death eater, but he was a spy. Sirius was freed because Peter was caught and given to the dementors. This picks up right where it left off in the summer before 4th year. This will cover at least that summer and possibly through the school year. It will deal with issues of PTSD, Child Abuse and neglect, (Though it shouldn't be worse than what Harry dealt with in the first one) and finally getting these kids some of the help they need!! So mind the trigger warnings please!! I'd rather you not read at all than to risk reading something that might cause hurt :) Also, Evelyn will be making more of an appearance for all the people who wanted more of her ;) And a warning for anyone who ships WolfStar and might be expecting it. You won't find it here. Sorry.

10.1K 20 484
Periods at Hogwarts

Hey, so I was thinking. What if magical folk had periods? So this is everyone's first periods, but some don't take place at Hogwarts - be warned. ! Includes trans characters too !

30.2K 34 365 Full
The Boy: Brandon Dursely

Brandon Dursely was raised knowing who he was and who he will be - but not quite. His adoptive parents had just revealed to him who he REALLY was, when they were hastily taken away. Having no one to take care of him, he found out that he was Entrusted to someone, and who couldn't be more better than our beloved Potions Master?

233.5K 45 9.9K Full