Search: robbieferrier
6 stories
War of the Worlds Robbie x OC & Ray x OC

Lily and her Aunt Mary live together and are friends of Ray Ferrier. As Lily went to visit him one day they played catch and she met the one she was destined to love Robbie Ferrier. They had a fun day and Mary came and had fun, but when the day was done both Lily and Mary had a bad feeling. The next day all hell broke lose and chaos had struck planet earth. Will Lily and Robbie stay together? Will Ray and Mary get through this together and protect the kids? Or will it be too late when all is set and done?

13.8K 15 143 Full
war of the world

Abigail Ferris is the oldest daughter to ray ferris and Mary ann younger twin sister to Robby and older sister to rose and Rachel and what if her brother Robby and sister Rachel come to visit and the world is under attack

297 11 2 Full
War Of The Worlds Robbie x Reader

Y/n's mom died when she was fifteen. After mourning, she and her father moved to New Jersey, where her dad got a job at the car shop. It's been a little over a year since they lived there. Y/n now being sixteen. (Robbie is seventeen in this story bc I have no idea how old he actually is.) Just watched this a few days ago and I'm literally falling so hard for Robbie.

1.6K 4 52
Imaginas De

- Ray Ferrier - Robbie Ferrier - Rachel Ferrier

312 1 5
War Of The Words

No one would have believed in the early years of the 21st-century that our world was being watched by intelligence is greater than our own that has men busy themselves about their various concerns, they observed, and studied the way a man with a microscope might scrutinize the creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water is infinite complacency men went to and fro across the globe, confident in her of our empire over this world, yet... Across the gulf of space, intellects, vast and cool and unsympathetic... Regarded our planet with envious eyes... And slowly, and surely... Do their plans , against us(A/N: this is the first ever story that is not only an OC story, but also an OC story that starts with no ship, and it's just following the storyline of one of my most favorite movies so I hope you enjoy it and I will be trying my best to work on this and all my other story soon)

92 1 3 Full