Search: riseabove
144,718 stories

"When Poonam organises a sleepover and plays truth or dare, Aditi is put under pressure when Poonam asks her the question she'd been avoiding for months... Meanwhile, at Sanjay's house , the guys plan to eavesdrop."The story begins from here.An AdiZa Fanfiction , lies far away from reality and a completely different plot. Note: THE PLOT IS SUGGESTED BY A FRIEND WHO WAS A PART OF ITALIAN ANIME FANDOM.

26.4K 12 2.3K Full

Yeah I'm going to fail this

66 2 5 Full

My entry into the #RiseAbove contest hosted by @TELUS.#Riseabove cyber bullying and end it! The world needs to see we are all the same despite our differences.

36 1 2 Full

I can't enter the contest but I wanna show support abd help people rise above cyberbullying!

1 1 0 Full
Bad Liar | #Riseabove

Let things that drag you down drag themselves down so you can keep on rising!💛❤️💜💙💚🖤Everybody good should be accepted!

18 1 2 Full
Cyber #RiseAbove

Maisy Walker is just trying to fit in. But her "heavy" weight makes that difficult online, constantly being fat-shamed and attacked just for being slightly heavier. But she learns to #RiseAbove the taunting.Written for the #RiseAbove contest. Spreading cyber bullying awareness.Also, I'm going to post an expanded story for Maisy and her friends. It'll be called "Cyber Bytes" in this case however.

15 1 1 Full
#riseabove short story

#riseabove challengeBased on real events

109 3 10 Full
Serenity  | #RiseAbove |

In which, a girl just wants to find serenity.Word count : 500 (Exactly!)

20 1 0 Full
#RiseAbove Your Worries

As we read in Wattpad's work, Contests, 47% of Canadians have experienced cyber bullying. I don't know about you, but being Canadian, that scares me! So I thought that this challenge would be a great way to express how I view cyber bullying. It's not a true story but it's heartbreaking all the same. I hope that when you read this you can take a lesson from it. Whether it's the fact that even bystanding is bullying, or maybe you took away from this some ideas that you can use to help victims. Whatever it is please enjoy this story and raise awareness for this campaign. Also, if you are upset that you couldn't enter, please don't be. I think that if you truly want to raise awareness for cyber bullying than you will #RiseAbove your anger for the exclusion and just write a story anyways. Wattpad isn't doing this so that people can make themselves well known. It's to make cyber bullying well known. Please don't be upset, share your story, share someone else's story. Do it for cyber bullying, not for yourself. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE:If you happen to come upon my story please read other stories tagged #RiseAbove. Everyone's voices deserve to be heard and not one person, Canadian or not, should be forgotten. Everyone has a story all around the world and we should all take the time to read them.

10 1 0 Full
One Love [#RiseAbove]

Amara has been at the receiving end of racism several times, and she's always stayed true to herself no matter what, but it becomes a whole different story when her best friend begins texting her racial slurs.[ Telus RiseAbove Top 10 Finalist ]©2017 futurecomplications

369 2 46 Full
The Right Path | #RiseAbove

She was there, where many have been. In that dark room inside of her mind, where she locked herself up in order to hide the pain and suffering. Her mind was distorted and so was her life. The world just wasn't ready to accept her yet back then.Today, her sincere smile shines bright above any star on the moonless night. I am not Canadian, but I understad the struggle of bullying and cyberbullying. I share this story with you today, in order to show you that even the darkest days have to end, and even the brighest smiles can hide so much pain. Be proud of who you are, never lose hope. There is Love in this world for all of us.

5 1 1 Full
Word Wielders | #RiseAbove

We each have been entrusted with the power of the written language and it's our job to wield it.

2 1 0 Full
Cyber Bullying  #RiseAbove

#RiseAbovePlagiarism is a crime.

52 1 4 Full
Being Human (#RiseAbove)

"Be the kind one, it's much more satisfying."My entry for the #RiseAbove writing contest.

18 1 0 Full

3 words, just 3 words "I LOVE YOU". So small, yet they have so much meaning. 1 day, 1 glorious day, so short yet it has so much happiness. 1 promise, so dear that it lasts forever. Everything was so beautiful yet magical when they confessed their love. Aditi had a difficult yet beautiful past , but will it affect her relationship with zain when shreedhan comes back into her life? Will he break her happy lifestyle with Zain and bring her back to his cage again ? Will Fandom let their Adiza drift apart ? THIS STORY IS THE SEQUEL OF ON THE WINGS OF LOVE AND IT FOCUSES ON THEIR LIFE AFTER THE CONFESSION AND RETURN OF THE BEAST.

17.5K 12 1.7K
BEAUTIFUL (#RiseAbove)

Have you ever post pictures on instagram, or any other social media, and you got slapped for it? Have you ever experience... being told that you were so hideous, you shouldn't have posted anything? Did cyber bullying destroyed your life? your future? the way you saw yourself? would you #RiseAbove and put a stop to it? ---------------------------------------------------This is a short, 500 words story I wrote in order to support the #RiseAbove movement. I am not Canadian and I didn't want to be the part of the contests, for I'm doing it for my people who had suffered from cyber bullying.

7 1 1 Full

Rise above.Stand up to bullying.Make a difference to the world. It only takes one person to start. You be that person and make a change.

140 1 3 Full

This is my way of raising awareness concerning cyber bullying and I'm also writing for the TELUS contest but I am not joining the contest.********************************Allisson's friend, Tania, was a victim of cyber bullying and this is how Allison raises awareness with a chocolate cake.

40 1 8 Full
#RiseAbove Cyberbullying

This goes out to all those who are distracted and discouraged by Cyberbullying. Stay strong, think positive and believe in yourself. :) :)

80 1 2 Full
All the Better Things || TELUS #RiseAbove

Not long ago had Noora Eriksen, a 14 year old girl living in Norway, let the worst of things on the Internet get to her; she had been weak... afraid. She hadn't let anyone into her secrets of the world of unknown events occurring in her daily life, and instead dealt with it all on her own, thinking it would sooner or later go away... Now, at the age of 15, Noora is an Internationally-known Social Media star who uses her social media accounts to spread messages and love to people on the web who are looking for support, or who aren't in the best of times at the moment. Noora loved where she was now, and it was simply because she taught herself to #RiseAbove.

30 1 4 Full
Current Hour| Telus | #RiseAbove

This is a poetic peice on being forced into a place and a situation you hate. Most importantly about being bullyed while there.

15 1 0 Full
It Only Takes One ✔️ (#riseabove)

Dear whoever has said 'stick and stones may break my bones but words won't hurt me',You lie: yes, stick and stones may break your bones, but words may just hurt you more; and Jacob is about to find out how much words really hurt.Think before you click, because it only takes one.;----------------------------;note: this whole work is a figment of my imagination so any coincidences are purely just coincidences; just because this is something i made up for this contest doesn't mean it doesn't happen in real life. take that into thought when you say something to anybody online. spread love, not hate; only love.whoever needs help, please get it! i know it's not easy, and me saying this will do nothing. you don't have to talk face to face with anybody; i will be making a book all about helplines and websites you can reach out to; the helplines will go beyond just bullying. mental health is an overall topic our society NEEDS to touch on. please be safe, darlings!p.s. if you can't join the contest, please, at least consider writing for the sake of getting more people aware of how serious of a problem cyberbullying is. just because it isn't said face-to-face doesn't mean it hurt less.© 2017, Kimberly J. A.All rights reserved.

37 1 11 Full
Broken but Loved (Telus #RiseAbove Contest)

She was the bully. He was the victim. It was time to set things straight.

53 1 4 Full
Blind (Telus #RiseAbove Writing Contest)

She was going to stand up. Not because it would make her feel good, not because someone was forcing her to, but because it was right.

43 1 9 Full