Search: quert
37,793 stories
The Story Of Chara (Undertale Fanfic)

This is a random fanfic of Chara enjoying the first till last moments of her life. And yes, I'm saying that she is a girl in this story, it's my opinion and NOT canon.Undertale belongs to Toby Fox

17.1K 20 412 Full

This story is about Sasaki moving to college and meeting a girl, this girl looked like Miyano, black soft hair, yellow golden eyes and a small figure with a gorgeous face, everyday Miyano visits Sasaki at his college but thinks that Sasaki might like the girl, jealousy overflows causing relationships to be more lustful, possessive and some might even break down. Miyano partners up with Ogasawara planning on making Sasaki more jealous

2.1K 6 20
𝗞𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗿 𝗗𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 | 𝗪𝗼𝗼𝘀𝗮𝗻

⊹ᥕ᥆᥆ᥡ᥆ᥙᥒg, ᥲ ᥣ᥆ᥒᥱᥣᥡ ᥴ᥆ᥣᥣᥱgᥱ s𝗍ᥙძᥱᥒ𝗍 ᥕһ᥆'s ᥣі𝖿ᥱ һᥲs ᑲᥱᥱᥒ ⍴ᥣᥲᥒᥒᥱძ ᥆ᥙ𝗍 𝖿᥆r һіm..ᥕі𝗍һ ᥲ ᥣі𝗍𝗍ᥣᥱ 𝗍ᥕіs𝗍. ⊹sᥲᥒ, ᥲ ძᥱ𝗍ᥱrmіᥒᥱძ ᥴ᥆ᥣᥣᥱgᥱ s𝗍ᥙძᥱᥒ𝗍 ᥕһ᥆ ᥕіᥣᥣіᥒgᥣᥡ gᥱ𝗍s ᥴᥲᥙgһ𝗍 іᥒ 𝗍һᥱ ᥴ᥆ᑲᥕᥱᑲ ᥆𝖿 ᥕ᥆᥆ᥡ᥆ᥙᥒg's 𝗍rᥲ⍴. ᥲ sᥱᥴrᥱ𝗍 𝖿ᥲᥣᥣs іᥒ 𝗍rᥲძᥱ, ᥲᥒძ 𝗍һr᥆ᥙgһ 𝗍һᥱ ᥕһіs⍴ᥱrs ᥆𝖿 "ძіᥲ᥎᥆ᥣ᥆" ᥣіᥱs 𝗍һᥱ 𝗍rᥙ𝗍һ. ᥲ s𝗍᥆rᥡ ᥆𝖿 𝗍ᥕ᥆ ᥣᥲᥕᥣᥱss s᥆ᥙᥣs.. [ᥕіᥣᥣ ᥕ᥆᥆ᥡ᥆ᥙᥒg gᥱ𝗍 ᥕһᥲ𝗍 һᥱ ᥕᥲᥒ𝗍s? ᥆r іs sᥲᥒ ᥲᥒ ᥙᥒᥱ᥊⍴ᥱᥴ𝗍ᥱძ gᥙᥱs𝗍 іᥒ һіs ᥣі𝖿ᥱ?]-ᥕһᥱᥒ 𝗍ᥕ᥆ ძі𝖿𝖿ᥱrᥱᥒ𝗍 ᥕ᥆rᥣძs ᥴrᥲsһ.. ➩gᥱᥒrᥱ: 𝗍һrіᥣᥣᥱr + r᥆mᥲᥒᥴᥱ𝗍rіggᥱr ᥕᥲrᥒіᥒgs іᥒ 𝗍һᥱ іᥒ𝗍r᥆ძᥙᥴ𝗍і᥆ᥒ෴ȷᥙs𝗍 ᥡ᥆ᥙr 𝗍ᥡ⍴іᥴᥲᥣ ᥕ᥆᥆sᥲᥒ s𝗍᥆rᥡ ☕︎⚠і ძ᥆ ᥒ᥆𝗍 іᥒ𝗍ᥱᥒძ 𝗍᥆ ᥙrgᥱ ᥲᥒᥡ ᑲᥱһᥲ᥎і᥆r іᥒ 𝗍һіs ᑲ᥆᥆k ᥕһᥲ𝗍s᥆ᥱ᥎ᥱr. #14 іᥒ ᥲmᥲ𝗍ᥱᥙr 2024/6/18s𝗍ᥲr𝗍ᥱძ: 2024/6/8ᥱᥒძᥱძ: --

272 6 34

Our protagonist is a high school girl loner otaku."I really love idols! They shine so brightly when they perform!"After attending her favourite group's concert, she decided to go back home.However, just as she's crossing the road 3 meters away from her home she hears a sound from her right side."Wait... HOW DID A TRUCK EVEN GET HERE?!"She died, but apparently it was a mistake made by an annoying goddess! So when the goddess asked what she wanted for her next life as an apology. She said"I want to be an Idol!"This is the story of a girl named Hikari Yuki who was reincarnated in another world. She goes on an adventure to have fun and also make others smile in joyHikari Yuki耀 幸ひかり ゆきHikari 耀 (ひかり) = ShineYuki 幸 (ゆき) = HappinessIllustration:Twitter: @ghha33I got permission to use their illustration!Posted on:Scribblehub = QuertzyRoyal Road = QuertzyWattpad = -Quertzy-

841 9 27
𝗣𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗜𝗺𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 | 𝗪𝗼𝗼𝘀𝗮𝗻

"You're not alone" | wsn[ Through an interval of events, they stumbled upon each other's path. Is it a coincidence or is there something more to it? ]#1 in woo 2024/7/4#14 in mango 2024/6/28started: 2024/3/21ended: --

609 13 86
Mah art book

INSPIRED BY: @artsywish

1.6K 69 264 Full

sfofifcjg ou

7 1 0 Full
Tenkai knights: new girl on querton (DISCONTINUED)

As a new girl shows up on earth and a new knight on querton

7.4K 17 172 Full
Being a Brooks

Beau, Luke, Jai and Jessie Brooks were happy. They had friends, Jai had a girlfriend, and everything was in place. What happens when the 4 have a bug bust up, and Jai goes missing? How long can Beau keep the remaining 3 together? And how long can Luke last without 'his other half'?

11.4K 11 184 Full
The twist

Raina is an ordinary girl with a bestfriend since two named Silvyia. Silvyia was trying to be friends and get close with Raina's boyfriend Evan, but here comes the twist.

2 1 0 Full
Glue x Nabla aib fanfiction

ehh idk why i made this lmao

489 6 4
Camp Youtuber

When Amy and her best friend Ammie get invited to Camp Youtuber, they get caught in a spiral of drama and laughs. But when there's a rivalry, how will everyone last?

15.3K 10 242 Full
The Prettiest Girl In Our School Was My Neighbor

After a long day of school, the bell finally rang. I went back home only to find the most beautiful girl in our school, Sakurai Fumiko outside an apartment block near my house during a storm. Curious, I asked her:"What are you doing out in the rain?"I was ignored. I was about to leave but I couldn't help myself from worrying about her. So, I went back and forced an umbrella to her hands and quickly ran back home. I heard her shout, but I just ignored it.The next day, I got sick. And as I was about to open the door to my house, I see her come to me."Did you get sick because of me?""No"She didn't listen to me and forced herself into my home and tried to take care of me. However, as she was about to cook, I noticed something. She was just looking around, doing nothing and was panicking. At this point I asked:"Do you even know how to cook?"She froze, and after a few seconds of silence she nervously turned around and said "O-Of course..."Lies.-----This is the story of two people who due to circumstances, Has to live together. And eventually developed feelings for each other.Illustration:@Senri_sen1I got permission to use the illustration!

9 1 1
Le bigorneau amoureux

Aurélien, jeune cadre dynamique parisien de 27 ans (bientôt 30), passe sa vie à courir, entre deux marathons, un travail chronophage et une vie sociale animée, sans arrêt et finalement sans jamais prendre le temps de rien. Mais un jour, tout s'arrête ; le jour où sa fuite en avant croise sur une piste de ski une bosse malveillante, qui fait voler en éclats son genou et les certitudes du monde borné dans lequel il évolue. Abattu, il fait alors l'amère rencontre de la pesanteur du temps qui s'amuse de lui et de la pugnacité des questions existentielles qui surgissent dans les bagages de l'ennui. Et si derrière cet accident se cachait au fond la chance de sa vie...

6 1 0 Full
Dis my jam

Lol I drew this cus....idk

26 1 2 Full
tanjiro x demon reader

this is my first story so sorry if it's short or boring 😓

150 4 3


40 1 0
In Love and Death

oneshots unrelated to my othe fics, but lots of fun to write.

1.4K 9 73
LOSERS || Husker x Angel Dust x Original Character (masc)

Living at Cannibal Town is... well, it's definitely interesting? You get food, sure, but it's not really a safe place. So when Rio finds a flyer caked with shiny letters and rainbows talking about some "Happy Hotel", he can't help but say his goodbyes to his overlord friend and leave for a safer place to live in.***-Husker x Angel Dust x Original Character (masc)-Hurt/Comfort + Fluff and Angst-NO SMUT, but sexual content may be mentioned-Hazbin Hotel-centered-Rio (original character) is transmasc, goes by he/him, afab, and gay-Any kind of feedback is very welcome!

169.4K 57 7.1K Full
Inefable🖤 [Matheo Riddle]

La vida para TN es oscura, triste, algo gris. Un día una persona arruinó su vida mientras le arrebataba lo que más quería, a sus padres. Ella, tuvo que hacerse cargo de su hermano Harry ya que era dos años mayor. Toda la vida ha vivido con odio y rencor hacia la persona que lo hizo. La persona que no debe ser nombrada. Ahora ella se ha preparado, a pesar de su rebeldía, ya no le tiene miedo y está dispuesta a hacer de todo por acabar con el culpable. Pero, ¿y si ocurriese algo con lo que no contaba? Voldemort envía a su hijo a Hogwarts para acabar con el resto de esa familia por motivos desconocidos. Su hijo, Mattheo dispuesto a hacer de todo por satisfacer a su padre, llega hasta TN para cumplir con las órdenes de su padre.Pero, ¿y si hubiera un sentimiento más fuerte que el odio? A ambos jamás se les pasó por la cabeza.¿Será más fuerte el amor que el odio? Quédate para descubrirlo. Acompaña a los protagonistas en una historia llena de misterio, dolor y sucesos impredecibles.

142.6K 35 8.6K Full
Olvídame (2min)

Taemin y Minho tienen una relación de muchos años. Están a poco de casarse, pero cuando Taemin regresa de un viaje de estudios y se da cuenta que su novio le ha sido infiel con uno de sus amigos, sale sin rumbo y tiene un accidente que lo dejará sin memoria.Parece un cliché en principio, pero ¿qué sucede cuando Taemin no quiere recordar su pasado porque tiene un nuevo amor?¿Minho querrá recuperarlo después de haberle hecho tanto daño?O ¿permitirá que sea feliz fingiendo que nunca lo conoció?...Esta es una historia a primera vista igual que todas, pero muy diferente a la vez. Solo les pido que le den una oportunidad y aunque no deje comentarios al final de cada capítulo o no sepa qué contestar, espero sus comentarios, sean buenos o malos, y sus estrellitas si creen que me lo merezco.

42.8K 57 4.7K Full
À perpétuité.

Parce que je l'aime à vie.

3.4K 15 157
El más fuerte en el inframundo

Gojo perdio contra sukuna, parece que todo termino, no pudo derrotar al rey de las maldiciones:"Supongo, que sera mi fin........chicos.....losiento.....pero ya no estaré con ustedes, confió que podrán lograr lo que no pude....Geto espérame, ya voy""Siempre me ponía a pensar que pasaría si no naciera con estos ojos....podría al menos podria vivir como una persona normal?.....O seguiría siendo hechicero, geto por fin entiendo tus palabras!"Eres el mas fuerte porque eres satoru gojo? O es porque satoru gojo es el más fuerte?

871 10 49
Hazbin Hotel: Alastor x OC Reader (Season 1)

The story follows Charlie, the princess of Hell, on a mission to rehabilitate demons and reduce overpopulation in Hell by opening a hotel with hopes that her guests will move to Heaven. Despite skepticism, her partner Vaggie and test subject Angel Dust support her. One day, Charlie crosses upon a woman whom name is Bella. She takes Bella into her hotel, with a radio presence intrigued by a new member of the hotel.

4.8K 61 145 Full
Fluffy WangXian Oneshots

Beautiful moments with Lan Zhan and Wei Ying...all the things we wanted to see.

432K 199 32.2K Full