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11,618 stories
Just the two of us

"I'm fine other than the not sleeping at night, dicifering what is real and what's not, trying not to go moronic every time the bell rings and forcing myself not to do 'impulsive' behavior -""Why won't you go away?" I snapped, not even wanting to tell her anything else about my disorder, my term of law."I don't want to.""I'm insane; I have a fucking name tag that says 'insane' on it that I have to wear everyday. I'm trying to stop. I really am but I can't help who I am.""I don't care. I'm going to stay with you. Just the two of us."I repeated, "Just the two of us."Maybe mentally disabled people can have happy endings.

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♡always in all ways♡

SASSY GO GO! CHEER UP!This story stars Kim Yeol from the k drama Sassy Go Go! Otherwise, know as Cheer Up! He gradually falls in love with his polar opposite aka Han Jae Hee. Yeol is one of the smartest kids in the school ranking #2 in the last mock exams and Jae Hee ranked #247. Jae Hee is more communicable than Yeol but she acts on impulse while Yeol analyzes the situation all the time. In Yeol's parent's perspective, Jae Hee isn't really girlfriend material, but what if she gets pregnant? Check out the story to find out more!

79 1 5
My time now

My name is Raven Reyes-Thawne. I was created in a lab to be studied and killed. A few years ago I was rescued and taken in by the Justice League. My fathers aren't members anymore, but you know what? Someone has to uphold their legacy.And that someone is me. The team is being recreated with the heroes protégés. I'm joining as the one and only Scarlet Inertia. It's my time now!(This is a sequel to my other story "Are you inertia if you've changed before?" Reading that will give you a better picture.)

78 4 4
My Love

Scarlette is a typical girl, she never really gets into trouble, she dresses in all black. She has red fiery hair and is fairly skinny. She is always tormented at school because she doesn't try to fit in. The group of girls at school that everyone calls "The Doll Squad" invented a new nickname for her, Scar. Scar usually blows all of the judgment and hatred off, but when a deadly car crash takes away the only person who cares about her in her life, she becomes ballistic. Between battling suicidal impulses about the loss of "him" and fighting off all the Barbie's.Read if you want to be caught in a series that will take your breath away. I will always need your help so leave suggestions in comments to have a chance in putting it in the story. Thank you and enjoy!

14 3 1
Neck Relax Price

NeckRelax Review: What is NeckRelax?NeckRelax is a gadget that you wear around the rear of your neck.It utilizes Electronic Pulse Massage (EPM) innovation and high-recurrence vibrations to rub your neck and spots along the back. It additionally includes infrared warmth in the collar to build blood stream and unwinding.It can diminish torment in just ten minutes. It can assist with neck and shoulder torment yet in addition accompanies electronic recurrence cushions that can be set anyplace on the body that needs some consideration. The hubs send EPM to the zone - which should be possible related to the NeckRelax massager around the neck

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The Lifeless Life

Edmund is dead. He knows this for a fact. Besides, what alive person doesn't have to breathe? What alive person doesn't have a pulse? Ed died 239 years ago. Yet Ed continues to live, if only in the physical sense, as part of a crucial experiment, dating all the way back to 100 AD. When Ed meets Athena, another "Morté", they decide to figure out what they are, and why they're still here, together. But when the truth comes out, will it be too difficult to fufill? And if the rest of the world finds out Ed and Thena's secret, everyone will be in great danger. But death isn't the only threat anymore.

57 3 4
My Shy Love!~Boyxboy~

Alex is a loner and doesn't care about making friends. He lives alone with his drunk father, his mom left when he was young and he blames himself everyday. He acts on impulse a lot and it gets him in trouble sometimes. He studies and has good grades to make up for being a failure to his mom, so he isn't interested in having fun and dating. He didn't even realize how alone he was till he met Ren.Ren is an otaku who cares nothing about reality, he's extremely shy and is prone to panic attacks in large crowds. His whole family dislikes him and he takes comfort in the fictional and animated world. In fact, he's not interested in a relationship and hasn't ever felt attracted to anyone, at least he thought he wouldn't.

86 3 8
¡Juego de gemelos!

Bruno y Tomas, son un desastre...donde vayan hay caos, luego de cambiarlos incontables veces de institutos, Marta y Roberto se cansan y deciden mandarlo al insituto donde ellos trabajan, donde no podran ser expulsados, ya que, su padre es el director, pero eso no quiere decir que pararan con sus bromas y juegos, ni por que sea su último año en la secundaria pararan, estan listas para volverse locas con los gemelos Olsen? Historia 100% mia, no permito copias o adaptaciones sin mi permiso, gracias.

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In a world quick to dismiss dreams, follow the pulse-pounding journey of a resilient boy stepping into the daunting realm of college. Confronted by rejection and a mocking world, he weaves through challenges, transforming setbacks into stepping stones. As the story unfolds, curiosity intensifies: Will this once-mocked dreamer evolve into a figure that strikes fear into everyone's hearts? 'Who Am I?' is a mesmerizing tale of self-discovery, a mysterious odyssey where a boy unravels the enigma of his existence and discovers a purpose that promises to leave the world trembling with anticipation.

13 1 1
The Cons of Kissing a Jock

The drama and the mental breakdowns at Josh's party only happened for one reason; Mia Matthews kissed Jordan Tanners, the hottest and most popular quarterback, unexpectedly when the power went out. But to Mia, he wasn't just another jock, he was a guy in which she had a dark past with. Even worse, right in front of his Prom Queen girlfriend, Crystal Vines, and her boyfriend and Jordan's brother, Cooper Tanners. And with that, Cooper questions their relationship and if it's worth fighting for while Mia remembers more of her dark past with Jordan.Meanwhile, as Landen and Addie discover that their two best friends, Brady and Caroline both are falling for each other, they do what ever it takes to get the two of them together. And while they are at it, Melanie and Logan both try and mend Cooper and Mia's relationship while discovering that they have more in common than they thought. But will Mia's impulse action to kiss Jordan effect where her true feelings stand?

59 1 6
Strategies for Adjusting  to Market Volatility in Satta Matka

Adapting to market volatility is crucial for individuals participating in Satta Matka, a form of number betting that involves a level of uncertainty. The outcomes in Satta Matka are based on chance, and market conditions can fluctuate rapidly.Cut Losses and Take Profits: Set predefined stop-loss and take-profit levels for your bets. If a bet is not going as anticipated, be prepared to exit and cut your losses to prevent further damage. Similarly, take profits when you hit your target to secure your winnings. Adapt to Changing Conditions: Market volatility in Satta Matka requires flexibility in your approach. Be ready to adapt and modify your strategies as market conditions evolve. Evaluate your betting techniques periodically and make necessary adjustments to stay ahead of the game. Emotionless Decision-Making: Avoid making impulsive decisions driven by emotions. Emotions like greed, fear, or excitement can cloud rational thinking. Stick to your strategy and make decisions based on logical analysis rather than emotional impulses. 9209696493 Website:

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Concrete Jungle Symphony: A New York Love Story

The city never sleeps, they say. But in New York, it doesn't even breathe the same way the rest of the world does. Here, the air vibrates with a constant, low hum - the thrum of subway trains pulsing beneath the earth, the relentless honking of taxis, the rhythmic pounding of construction that never seems to end. It's a symphony, a cacophony of concrete and steel, a melody played on asphalt and exhaust fumes.This symphony had a million instruments. There were the screeching brakes of a food cart, the rhythmic hammering of a street performer's drum, the rapid-fire patter of a sidewalk vendor hawking his wares. There were the high-pitched shouts of children playing in a rooftop park, the low murmurs of lovers sharing secrets on a park bench, the mournful wail of a police siren cutting through the air.But amidst all this noise, amidst all this chaos, some found their own rhythm. Amelia, a dancer with fire in her soul, heard the pulse of the city in every beat of her heart. Ethan, a saxophonist with a story in every note, felt the city's energy course through his fingertips. Their lives, like two melodies intertwining, were about to be carried away by this concrete jungle symphony.

12 12 0
Be True To Yourself (My Chemical Romance fanfiction)

When 16 year old November (Nova) moves to New Jersey she thinks it will be a terible place with no friends and no fun. that she would lock herself in her room forever like before. then a change of plans when she meets some people that are like her. this is going to be interesting. There might be a sexual, drug, or alcohol refrence or scene(s) and self harm in this story.

127.9K 58 2.6K
Drawing His Love *Coming Soon*

**ROMANCE** (Mature chapters will be available in private book)Amelia Whyte is a hard-working girl. By chance she meets Seth Wulfric, a talented artist. Moody, impulsive... he's far too wild for Amelia. She's undeniably drawn to the enigmatic, tattooed Adonis but she's also terrified of her attraction to someone so similar to her parents.They call themselves free spirits. Everyone else calls them impulsive, reckless, law-breaking degenerates. She'd rather remain a boring, straight-laced prude rather than succumb to their kind of life-style and reputation. Raised instead by relatives, she keeps herself separated as much as possible from them.Seth is an incredibly talented and successful artist, and he requests the use of the warehouse Amelia inherited from her uncle for an exhibition of his latest work. Not, for one moment, does she entertain the thought of getting to know Seth beyond her business dealings so when he makes another business proposal to her, she considers it. She feels safe in the knowledge her dedication to her morals will prevent any threat to her carefully planned lifestyle.Trouble is... Seth's becoming harder and harder to resist the more she gets to know the man beneath the public image.

69 1 6
Never The Same...

(A messed up story made by a messed up mind)TW: SA/R@pe, Pregnancy/Birth, @buse, Mental illnesses, Blood, S3x, Degrading, Harassment, Domestic violence, Bullying.(Cover art not mine)(Has tsams characters like Earth and the creator, but not tsams)I hate my life here. Everyone does. But people argue that I have it worse, but i don't know, i think we are all going through things that set off certain impulses. Like eclipse, he has a lot of mental issues that set of impulses to hurt people, people like me... moon, no one knows exactly why he acts the way he does but i've got a few ideas.lunars the youngest, he goes to 8th grade while eclipse is a senior,me and moon are freshman, lunar is me and moons younger brother,he shares a room with eclipse, they're the only people who don't have their own rooms. Earth... the only time we see her out of her room is when we are all leaving for the bus stop for school, and even then, she stays in the back, lacking behind. Monty and Moon are dating. Montys a junior. Moon goes to his house a lot- we are all siblings in this household besides eclipse. He lives with us because we live with our creator, and our creator- or- uh... our fathers friend built eclipse with no experience on how to take care of animatronics, even little a celestial being. Earth is older than eclipse by 8 months so she was 3 and he was 2 when our father took eclipse in. But anyway, my name is Sundrop, but I prefer sun. This is a multi-perspective story so you might learn things I don't know. So here's our life. Our story. And our pain. Our suffering, this is a very triggering story, read it at your own risk.

81 3 4
Spinal Cord Stimulation for Back Pain - Things to Know!

Patients suffering from back pain may have the choice of spinal cord stimulation, if some of the other treatments don't work as intended. More than 10,000 patients around the world have spinal cord stimulator implants. Spinal Cord Stimulation is a process that uses electric stimulation to the nerves surrounding the spinal column, so as to minimize pain. The procedure dates back to 1960s and was been approved by FDA in 1989. The main purpose of spinal cord stimulation is to direct electrical pulses, which interferes with the pain signals from reaching the brain. In medical terms, it is also known as neurostimulation. Usually, neurostimulation involves the use of a small device, which is implanted close to the spine and is responsible for generating the pulses. In many ways, it has some similarities with the pacemaker that's used for the heart. The treatment is also used for treating complex regional pain syndrome too in some cases.If you need to know more, Advanced Pain Care is here for your help. You can write to us at [email protected], or can visit us at Springfield, Edison, Wayne and Edison centers among others. Don't get back pain get to you - Call us right now!Our Contact Information: Advanced Pain Care 65 Springfield Ave, Springfield, NJ 07081 Phone: (973) 379-3688 Fax: (908) 242-3911 E-mail: [email protected]

3 1 2

Adesuwa has never been the type to take charge. In fact, she was more than content to fall back and watch everything play out. It's how she avoided drama, and missed out on the fun of her teenage years. But everyone makes sacrifices, right? But what happens if one gets tired of sitting on the sidelines, what if she wants to be in control of one thing for once in her life? Will she live to regret it or will it all be worth it in the end?Elio has never really held back. Sure, he hasn't done much with his life but that's because he's never felt the need too. He lived on impulses, thankfully all his impulses led him to eating copious amounts of junk food or moving out of his parents home at 18. His gut hasn't steered him wrong yet, but isn't there a first for everything?Scene Cut:"Wait! Elio right?" At this point she was breathing hard. He looked down at her confused. Had she noticed the way he leaned in, the way he looked at her? Or maybe she remembered how he almost crushed her and wanted to give him a piece of her mind. "Uh yeah?" She took a deep breath. Her promise to herself was to not pass up any opportunities this year. This was the perfect time to prove that. "I was wondering if I could get your number?" He stared blankly. She held her breath as she waited for his reply. This time she wouldn't run before she got an answer. He froze. There was no way this was happening. Did she actually want his number? She liked him? No, that was exaggerating, maybe she just wanted to be friends. But then why would she run to get his number, is that how girls made friends? Of course he had been frozen for more than a few minutes now and anyone could see she was starting to feel uncomfortable. Her heart dropped at his silence. She could feel tears clouding her eyes. If he didn't want to give her his number, he didn't need to pretend she wasn't right there. A simple no would work just fine.

66 4 5
Mortiis The Maniac

Morrtiis has always been known for her unstable behavior, and hallucinations. Her abnormal behavior gets in the way of making friends. Dare to travel with Morrtiis through her journey to complete utter insanity...?⤵⤵⤵⤵⤵⤵⤵⤵---TEASER---I awoke to a starless sky, empty, empty like my soul,"The stars are hiding," I sighed.I swear I had died, but I'm still alive, "Am I alive..." I thought to myself while laying on the brown dirt as if it were my bed, my submission to the dreamlike reality. The tombstones crowded me; death had transformed me, had been the only thing to comfort me in the past couple days to know I am alive, that I'm real, I had died with them. My feelings my visions and emotions like a snowstorm inside me, had fogged my whole being with fright. But now, thanks to Veronica, I had a clear view over what I have become. The earth shivered as I walked through the dark serenity,, the grass padding my dragged steps toward I don't know where. My black formal dress dragged behind me like a shadow. I felt nothing; I wasn't breathing, no pulse. I step on glass, no blood, no pain, no tears... No fears... nothing to worry about except what to do next, and I already knew that. I am nothing,Yet I am standing,I am dead,Yet I am something...Of all who this could happen to, and it's me. It is me.The death-bringer.I am in control.I crave the blood,Their helpless expression of a fate they are aware that I controlThe pain,The tears,Everything that I can't have now.I am dammed and never to die.I know my purpose is to make people feel what I can not.

706 9 45
Masked Desires - Eyeless Jack x Reader [Superpower AU]

In the thrilling world of "Masked Desires - Eyeless Jack x Reader [Superpower AU]," embark on a chilling journey as the Reader battles with their own demons and faces the torment of the malevolent BEN. However, unexpected alliances are formed, and the Reader finds themselves befriending the enigmatic Eyeless Jack and a crew of sociopathic individuals. As the fragile boundaries between good and evil blur, the Reader discovers an undeniable connection with Eyeless Jack, their hearts intertwined amidst the chaos. But love is a treacherous terrain to navigate, especially when surrounded by those who embrace the darkness within.Driven by a burning desire for justice, the Reader sets off on a high-stakes adventure, seeking to recruit members from the nefarious side to tip the balance in their favor. Along the way, they encounter unimaginable dangers, loss of cherished allies, and a hostile confrontation with the malevolent force of Zalgo.In a harrowing battle against malevolence and their own conflicted desires, the Reader must confront their deepest fears and darkest impulses. Can they save themselves from the clutches of darkness? Will they find redemption amidst the chaos? In "Masked Desires - Eyeless Jack x Reader [Superpower AU]," discover a world where love, loyalty, and power clash in a relentless struggle for survival.

7 1 0
Nice Boys Don't Have Fangs

"You promised you'd never hurt me, you said I could trust you" My voice broke as tears stung my eyes. Klyde glanced at me before pulling a cigarette out of his pocket, how I hoped he'd just kill over from lung cancer."I lied," he said simply. I glared at him; he wasn't supposed to be this. He was supposed to be different, he did more than lie. He violated my trust then threw it in my face. All I saw was red as I ran towards him, with all the power I had I pushed him against the wall. Klyde had let me; I still have no idea why. The cigarette fell out of his hands and his fangs flashed as he hissed at me. He flipped us and had me pressed against the wall, my pulse pounding in my ears. His fangs were so long, he looked so scary, my bottom lip beginning to quiver. "Get it through your head, I'm not prince fucking charming. I'm a real, blood-thirsty, soul-less, vampire." His face was so close to mine, his cool breath on my lips."Don't forget liar" I whispered.

30.4K 7 371
Purefit Keto Reviews

Purefit Keto Reviews is one of the most popular kinds of weight loss supplements out there. The keto diet is related, but it is not the keto diet. If you want to learn more about the connection, keep reading! It is supposed to initiate something called ketosis, a kind of metabolic process that burns fat. But we will investigate this claim and see if it stands up to scrutiny. Purefit Keto Reviews is a new weight loss supplement, and manufacturers claim that it helps burn fat, enhance metabolism, and lower weight. Click Here To Know More : Sites :

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