Search: prijan
14,508 stories


1K 9 2
Blurred Lines (Käärijä X Bojan)

The line between Lust and Love, between Friendship and Romance, was thinner than Bojan and Käärijä ever thought.------This story is divided into 3 chapters, representing the 3 stages of their relationship: Friendship/Platonic, Lust and Love. (plus extra chapter: Scent and Secret)But the lines between the three were always blurred(Posted on AO3 also)

3.5K 5 99 Full
Love at first sight /Käärijä(Jere) x Bojan fanfic (eng)

What is going on between Jere and Bojan? Just my imagination! Not true.From Jere's pov.!This is my first and maybe last story in English. My english is sooooo bad but I still want to write this in English.

8.6K 14 383 Full
You and I | A.C

In which a school shooting happened in Siberia. Will Jade and Andrija make it out alive?Hello! I made this story to make people believe that Andrija and the others didn't do anything and that they are innocent.I also made some changes for the sake of the story:)If you have any problems with my story you can tell me:)-AndiStarted: June 3, 2024Ended: June 7, 2024

457 11 7 Full

This is a fanfic by Srijani_Edition. Nothing relates to real life.Peep in to know!

13.2K 12 651 Full
Interpreter - Bojan Cvjetićanin

My name is Aino, and I just speak several languages...I had the extraordinary chance to use my knowledge for Eurovsion.It was just a few days, but man... It was incredible.Greetings from France!I really don't know how to make a summary ._. This story is now finished !! (25th of June, 00:00!!)

13.2K 17 464 Full
When did it end, all the enjoyment? || Vadislav Ribnikar

This is made to bring awareness to the shooting in Vladislav Ribnikar Julijana Lučić was your average school girl. She had quite a few friends, had a crush and didn't like bullies. One thing leads to another and her and her friends lives change forever.Started: 03/03/24 Finished: 04/04/24

5.3K 20 69 Full
Ribnikar pictures (Kosta,victims,classmates etc.)

full of pictures with little captions connected to the Vladislav Ribnikar case. Kosta, victims, Friends, families,classmates, the school and others(Daily updates :)Highest rankings: 🥇in Dragan🥇in Katarina🥈in Mara🥈in Adriana🥈in Kostakecmanovic🥉in Ema6 in Kosta11 in Angelina

8.8K 37 161

A Sequel to my First Book, True Selves.

32K 15 668 Full
Najbolji prijatelji - kao roditelji

Nastavak priče o Eleni i Mihajlu, njihovoj ljubavi i životima. Naprotiv tome što ni jedno od njih ne želi da se ponovo vide sudbina ih nakon dve godine ponovo spaja. Ovoga puta njih dvoje su dve odrasle i zrele osobe koje imaju zajedničko dete, ali pitanje je da li će se tako i ponašati. Da li Mihajlo idalje lomi srca mnogim devojkama od kojih je jedna i sama Elena? Kako će se poneti sa time da je propustio prvu godinu života svoje ćerke zbog toga što je on to tako želeo? Da li će uspeti da bude dobar otac svojoj ćerki ili tu ulogu bolje obavlja neko drugi?

5.1K 21 190 Full
Through All This Together -Bojan Cvjetićanin

Bella Cortez just got out from toxic relationship ,she meet stranger who don't hesitate to help in worst times even if is only for a minute .After that she thought she will never see him again.. but

3K 19 88 Full
Rarijack: You And I

Applejack and Rarity are great friends. When Applejack starts to catch feelings, they discover they both want more than that, though. Through all the problems that come with relationships in high school, can this couple ride it out with some help from their friends?Semi-Warning:Rarijack is the featured ship in this story, however TwiPie and Flutterdash are also shown.

73.8K 15 1.6K Full
Sumod OS

I'm here to write some OS of sumod....And also I'll share my 1st portrait painting of sumod.I'm not a professional artist....But tried my best

1.5K 27 159

a bunch of one-shots of artists that were on eurovision in the past years!fem!reader only!

37.2K 22 588

This was just another book idea I will still be doing flutterdash but in the mean time enjoy this also this is eg

29.4K 15 395 Full
Rarijack (FINISHED) #Wattys2017

2 ponies that despise each other fall in love. After so bickering, they accept each but new challenges and enemies lie ahead in their path.

49.4K 50 1.4K Full
Mismatched // Elijah Mikaelson

Za'Rijah Al Ghul, Light of the Demon.Elijah Mikaelson, Original Vampire.They're destined to be together, for Always and Forever.She is destined to guide the Originals to the light.Nature planned it all out for them, sadly, it made one mistake.Because Za'Rijah is one of the most lethal assassins in existence. Her soul is as dark as the night and she is definitely not waiting for her knight in shining armour.[#2 in #Arrow][#2 in #Arrowverse][Disclaimer: all rights belong to the makers of Arrow and TVD except for the alterations in the plot]

324.2K 25 8.9K Full
Bojan and käärijä

This is a ship i love so i wanted to make a story

7K 12 193 Full
I Wanna Be Yours | Bojan x Käärijä

Although they think that they're just friends, the spark between them is something which they cannot resist, no matter how hard they try...

11.9K 29 420
Mystery of Love - Bojan Cvjetićanin

A Eurovision story where the Uk singer Delilah Blair and the Slovenian singer Bojan Cvjetićanin fall in love.Bojan x (fem oc)Social media and real life

11.3K 31 267 Full
Snow Place Like Home

Human version of TwiPie, Flutterdash, and Rarijack. Humans with wings are Pegasus. Humans with powers are unicorns. Earth ponies are normal people.

18.5K 17 530 Full
What should I do? ♪Bojan x Käärijä♪

Bojan has to ask his bandmates for love advice, because he is to stupid to think for himself.But yet he does the opposite.... You'll love this story I'm sure!!!

2.5K 15 74
SEVENTEEN oneshots

~ 𝖠𝗅𝗅 𝖮𝖳𝖯 / 𝖬𝗎𝗅𝗍𝗂 𝖮𝖳𝖯

11.1K 13 648
Forca E Dashuris

Nje histori ku realiteti është ndryshe per shume njerezNje histori e mbushur me intriga dhe lakmi Nje histori ku tregon se jeta ka te papritura se jeta eshte e mbushur me surpriza qe ti as nuk i pret Ajo nje vajze e lindur ne nje familje te nje shtrese te mesme E rritur ne nje familje ku primare eshte dashuria dhe lumturia e cdo pjesëtari Esra nje studente e cila e dashuron shkollen nje vajze qe ka ambicie dhe dëshiron qe te arrij cdo qellim qe i vendos vetes Nje vajze qe asnjeher nuk dorezohet dhe mundohet qe gjithmon te jet krenaria e familjes se saj Ndersa ai i lindur ne nje familje te pasur Djali i nje nga biznesmenëve me njohur ne vend por i rritur ne nje famije ku pushteti dhe parat jan primareNe nje famije ku ka mesuar se gjithcka qe ai do behet e tija me cdo kusht Liami nje biznesmen i njohur , nje njeri i zgjuar , nje donzhuan dhe nje nga djemt qe ishte endrra e shume vajzave qe e shikonin ne rruge dhe neper cdo portal te mundshem Nje histori ku dy bote te ndryshme do te kryqezohen ne nje moment Nje histori ku ata te dy nuk kan asgje te përbashkët me njeri- tjetrin Nje histori ku do te tregoj se ateher kur mendojn se kan jetuar gjithcka kuptojn se akoma nuk kan filluar te jetojn sepse atehere do te njohin dashurin qe do ti bej edhe me te fort se me pare Ata te dy do te jen forca e njeri- tjetritPor a do te arrij dashuria e tyre t'ju bej ball te gjithe intrigave dhe kundershtimeve qe do te ken nga ata qe i rrethojnë Gjithcka varet nga ata dhe forca e tyre Gjithcka varet se sa shume do te luftojnë ata per ta mbrojtur ate dashuri ku do te jen vetme ata te dy kundra te gjitheveA do te arrij FORCA E DASHURIS te triumfoj ne fund ?

27.4K 55 2.4K Full
Psycho State

This is a fanfic by Srijani_Edition. Nothing relates to real life.The whole city is alarmed! Innocent girls are being murdered!CID department is on their hunt!Will senior inspector Avneet Kaur find the murder? Will her boyfriend help him?How Avneet will Romance in this alarmed situation?Peep in to know!This is a collaboration with @willingbee

23K 24 1.2K Full