Search: politiek » Page 3
68 stories
that missing lose girl

that missing lose gril een meisje van 8 raakt haar ouders kwijt bij een operatie. Ze verblijft in het weeshuis maar hoe gekker ze word ze weet niet wat haar overkomen is na een maand kater word ze vermist. maar een vrienden van het meisje word na een jaar later ook vermist. De polities beoordelen deze twee meisjes als moord en onderzoeken niet een jaar vind de achter achter tante van 12 dit vreemd ze gaat op onderzoek af en ............

25 1 9

Tiekadia. A city in which four communities coexist to create peace and harmony between its people. Terra. Formally known as Earth. With it's only inhabitants being one large city. War. We are told this is the reason only one city is standing, this is the reason we must be divided into four. At 18 we leave our families. We live with each community for 3 months over the course of a year. At 19 we are made to choose which community we live in for the rest of our lives. There are no do overs. In Tiekadia we make no mistakes. We don't get to change our minds. Indecisiveness makes us weak. At the end of 3 months in each community, we take a series of trials. One theory, two physical, one simulation. We get our results on initiation day. The results are designed to help us choose which community we are to live in. Smart. Political. Kind. Daring. These are the four personalities that divide us. These personalities that are supposed to create peace, are what cause a disturbance in Tiekadia's perfect society.----------------------------------------------------------------------Ryn Cromwell is nearing the end of her community trials. The government is corrupting more so than it already was. With a rebellion on the horizon, Ryn must make difficult decisions to save the people she loves, even if she puts herself at risk in the process.

8 2 0
ii | COUSIN GREG,     ( rants && miscellaneous )! ( ✓ )

an altruistic breed of travel guide ( ryan x zendaya coleman ) ( book two of three !! )

5.8K 198 602
Young, Broke & Hungry

Welcome to the world of the Young, Broke, and Hungry, where real-life struggles meet laugh-out-loud humor!!!Follow a cast of real, quirky young adults as they navigate the ups and downs of adulthood, from navigating unemployment and office politics to living off noodles. These relatable tales will have you laughing, crying, and nodding your head in recognition. This book is the perfect companion for anyone who's ever wondered, 'when will I actually feel like a real grown-up?'

1 1 0
Mystic Academy

Toen de politie 3 maanden geleden op de deur klopte wist ik meteen dat er iets met mijn ouders was. Toen de agent zei: "Gecondoleerd." Zakte ik op de grond in elkaar. Alles werd zwart voor mijn ogen en werd pas weer wakker in het ziekenhuis. Drie maandenlang ben ik bezig geweest met dingen regelen, het huis verkopen, de begrafenis regelen en naar mijn studentenflatje verhuizen. Blijkbaar hadden mijn ouders me ingeschreven op de Mystic Academy, waar ik heen moest gaan als hun iets overkwam. Geen reden, geen uitleg, niks en aangezien ik 17 ben moet ik er wel heen. Dat is de reden dat ik nu op Mystic Academy begonnen ben.

61 5 5
Agni Parva - A Krishna Leela

Amidst political intrigue and cosmic curses, Krishna, the sagacious strategist, and Sri, a divine reincarnation, find their fates intertwined. As the Kuru clan becomes the center of the battleground with Pandavas and Kauravas clashing, ancient betrayals resurface, casting shadows on loyalties. In the mid , there are cases of curses fallen upon people by Nagas to be vanquished , ancient Asuras still thrive causing chaos and then there are , worshippers who have swayed from their path of morality. But with Krishna given up the title of emperor centuries back, will he able to navigate throughout the vast land of Bharatvarsha and uphold Dharma? Will he be able to discover his connection with the previous Rama of other yuga and reach the ultimate truth of his own self? In the throes of a love destined to face cosmic challenges, Agni Parva unfolds-a riveting saga of passion, heartbreak, and the relentless pursuit of redemption. Brace yourself for a journey where history, mythology, and romance entwine in a spellbinding dance.--------------------Cover Designed By : @NikkieKookie

337 2 36
Balancing Act

Two little glittering stones, one onyx and one diamond--if they touch each other, creatures of pure energy will descend shrieking from the heavens to avenge an ancient wrong. And those are only two of the jewels that the Gemkeepers must guard, or else risk losing peace throughout the Four Realms. Anhia doesn't know any of that when she embarks on a journey to become a Gemkeeper herself. She also is not aware of the political chaos in which she is about to become hopelessly entangled. She'll have to mediate between enemy Gem Tribes or risk getting killed herself. Did I mention she also has to make sure the princess remains safe?This story is dedicated to my little brother, who carefully reads each chapter and patiently helps me to improve them.

541 5 19
Lego Monkie Kid: Sun and Moon

Twin sisters, Dawn and Eve Celeste have looked out for each other at Megapolis since they were young, but when a good friend of theirs finds the Monkey King's Golden Staff, things turn life-changing when both sisters obtain celestial powers from something they never knew, even not knowing their past lives. Will they still hope and dream when they look out for their friends and each other with their newfound abilities along with new allies and enemies?Lego Monkie Kid belongs to Lego and Simon Lucas

24 1 0
The Eridian Pocket Handbook

A pocket handbook for any person exploring Eridia. With a range of encyclopedic knowledge, from not just the history of Humans but of all races in Eridia, to even the basics of astrology and the most important of our stars, this handbook will leave any person ready to take on the world. Created, compiled, and published by members of the Arlathan Academy, we guarantee that you will feel more prepared to go anywhere in our fine Kingdom.((This is a compilation of the many different sections of knowledge about the continent of Eridia, a home-brew world for a Fifth Edition Dungeons and Dragons campaign. It possesses much of the in-game knowledge that exists about the world, the people that live in it, and the varying qualities of said world. It is, of course, unfinished and generally unpolished as a whole collection. However, it still makes for good reading and will be added to as it is added to.))

19 6 0
De verdwijning (VOLTOOID)

Ik word wakker en denk. Waar ben ik? Ik kijk om me heen en ik zie dat ik in een cel lig. Ze gaan weg en ik kom van m'n bed af en zie dan Karen, Josje en Kathleen in een andere cel liggen. Wat is hier in vredesnaam aan de hand?

2.4K 32 118

Teke Teke straší na vlakových staniciach. Podľa jednej legendy je to duch japonskej školáčky, ktorý sa potuluje po vlakových staniciach.Počas života táto dievčina pôsobila ustráchane a ľudia si zvykli vtipkovať na jej adresu. Jedného dňa bola na vlakovej stanici s priateľmi, ktorí si z nej chceli vystreliť a dali jej na rameno cikádu. Dievča však bolo také vystrašené, že spadlo z nástupiska na koľajnice, kadiaľ nanešťastie práve išiel Shinkansen (najrýchlejší vlak v Japonsku) a jej telo bolo rozdelené na dve časti.Teraz straší po japonských vlakových staniciach a presúva svoju hornú časť tela po rukách. Hovorí sa, že zabíja ľudí kosou, ktorou ich rozsekne na polovicu rýchlosťou vlaku Shinkansen, aby cítili jej bolesť. Jej názov je " Teke Teke " alebo " Bata Bata " kvôli hluku, ktorý robí, keď ťahá svoje telo po staniciach.Podľa inej legendy, v rokoch po druhej svetovej vojne, administratívna pracovníčka v Muroran bola napadnutá a znásilnená americkým vojenským personálom. Ešte v tú noc skočila z mosta na železničnú trať a bola zasiahnutá blížiacim sa vlakom. Náraz bol tak silný, že jej telo bolo v páse rozseknuté na polovicu.Veľmi chladná noc spôsobila, že jej cievy sa uzavreli a tak nevykrvácala hneď, ale zomierala dlhou smrťou. Namiesto toho aby konečne zomrela len sa zvíjala a krútila čakajúc nejakú pomoc po dobu niekoľkých minút. Odplazila sa dlhú cestu na stanicu, kde ju videl ošetrovateľ. Namiesto toho aby jej pomohol, len ju prikryl igelitovou plachtou. Žena zomrela na pomalú a bolestivú smrť.Podľa tejto legendy kto bude počuť tento príbeh do 3 dní uvidí ženu bez dolnej časti tela. Nie je možné pred ňou ujsť, lebo aj keď nemá nohy, pohybuje sa rýchlosťou až 150km/h takže ani v aute jej človek neujde. Hovorí sa že žena hľadá svoju spodnú časť. Iní tvrdia, že šialená z hnevu sa chce pomstiť ľuďom za to, že j

16 1 3
IcOnicK Bois Pt. 2

A continuation of my stupid PRETTYMUCH drama/meme/rant book ☕️

57.7K 195 3.4K