Search: petrikaite
10 stories

Here can you meet my OC's!

28.9K 199 198 Full
One Stop Yaoi, The First Stop (Editing)

Hey guys! Just like what the title says, this is a one stop list of yaoi.. be it anime, manga, live action, or bl games. I also added android app games.The mangas in this list are highly recommended, I already read them and I really enjoyed them and hoping that someday it will turn into anime.There are also animes that I enjoyed and most of them are my personal favorites, they are on the top list.So I hope you'll check them out and enjoyed them as much as I do.Thank you for visiting.Love lots, Rainbhel.

211.4K 410 2.4K Full
Anime/Webtoon Oneshots

Basically the title. Requests will be explained in the story. Please, enjoy :)

347K 167 5.5K Full
OC reviews And Tips (Closed)

REQUESTS ARE CLOSED Designed a new character but want to know others thoughts on it? Want to get some tips on how to make a good character or to be pointed in the right direction? Well, you're in the right place! I'm here to check your guys' OCS and see what I think. Don't worry, I'm not going out of my way to be brutally honest and mean just because I can because honestly, that's just painful. I will be as honest as I possibly can without tearing your character to shreds and giving ways you can improve.I will review characters from existing universes as well, there's a list on the first page of fan bases I'm apart of. This is all for fun and you don't have to follow my critiques, if you think I'm wrong then that's fine, nothing here is meant to cause offence and I am simply here to help you all improve.

37.6K 196 1.7K
Romance is gone? True story.

Story evolves about the real-life story of Jane (real name is changed due to privacy reasons) and her romance, love, and tragedies from the birth (1958) to the present days and how it's affecting another women's choices of her love life in this new generation and era of the fragile prescription of romance. The problems of these days romance are analysed along the way! Two generations collide. Two different eras... and struggle to find the real meaning of love.

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Didikan Alam

Di dalam terdapat cerpen, puisi dan artikel. Cerpen ditulis dengan berbagai genre. Puisi ditulis terutama dengan genre yang saya sendiri buat, yaitu Kurva Empat Larik. Artikel ditulis terutama secara deskriptif saja.Hanya sebuah penceritaan tentang perjalanan. Selamat menikmati.Salam,Frozen_Iceberg

10.7K 200 622
Anime Songs English Lyrics (Book 1)

My book is about English Covers made by people on YouTube. It has the lyrics of the song they are singing. This is a variety of Anime openings and endings. You are able to sing along if you want or just listen to the music. Please like, comment, and vote. I hope you enjoy the songs!! Everyone I am not able to add more parts to this book because it is too full. Wattpad won't let me. I will continue doing English lyrics on another book called Anime Songs English Lyrics (Book 2). The book can be found on my profile. :)

127.3K 199 1.4K
Caractere pentru cartea ta

Aici puteți găsi actori, modele, cântăreți cunoscuți sau mai puțin cunoscuți. Prin această carte vreau să vă inspir pentru alegerea unui personaj pentru cartea voastră. Sper să vă fie de folos și dacă vă place aștept câte un vot din partea voastră :)P.S. Știu că mai există cărți de acest gen, dar din câte am observat nu prea mai sunt actualizate.

2.1K 200 97 Full
Untitled Part 1

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candi Borobudur

Candi Borobudur adalah candi peninggalan dari agama Buddha yang terbesar di dunia. Bangunan candi ini dibangun pada masa Raja Samaratungga dari Wangsa Syailendra sekitar 824 Masehi.- Urutan PeristiwaMonumen Buddha ini memiliki luas 123 x 123 m². Candi Borobudur memiliki sebanyak 504 patung Buddha, 72 stupa terawang, dan satu stupa induk. Candi Borobudur memiliki arsitektur peta yang menggambarkan kekentalan dari gaya arsitektur yang berasal dari India.UNESCO telah mengakui dan memakai kemegahan dari arsitektur Candi Borobudur sebagai satu di antara momen Budha terbesar di Indonesia dan juga di dunia.Dalam menyelesaikan pembangunan Candi Borobudur ini membutuhkan waktu sekitar 75 tahun, di bawah komando dari arsitek Gunadarma dengan 60.000 m³ batuan vulkanik yang diambil di Sungai Elo dan Progo, yang letaknya sekitar 2 km sebelah timur candi.Pada saat Candi Borobudur dibangun, sistem metrik belum dikenal dan satuan panjang yang digunakan untuk membuat candi ini adalah tala, yang dihitung dengan cara merentangkan ibu jari dan jari tengah atau pengukur panjang rambut dari dahi sampai dengan dasar dagu.- ReorientasiBerdasarkan Prasasti Karangtengah dan Kahulunan, sejarawan J.G. de Casparis memperkirakan pendiri Candi Borobudur adalah Raja Mataram Kuno dari dinasti Syailendra bernama Samaratungga, ia membangun candi ini sekitar tahun 824 M. Candi ini baru dapat diselesaikan pada masa Ratu Pramudawardhani, yaitu putrinya.

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