Search: pansyisaqueen
15 stories
All About Me

It is I the one and only Pansy Parkinson.

39 1 1 Full
Jet Pack Rats (Chaotic Remus Oneshots)

(Cover art by @Inkysansyismine )This is what happens when you leave me and @PaxTheWitch alone for thirty minutes

153 5 18
It Started In Grade | Reddie

it has been 2 years since the losers club killed Pennywise and everything is back to normal; Ben is still crushing hard over Beverly, Bill is still stuttering and Richie and Eddie are romantically, well ... stationary. until the events that take place on 06/06/1991. *I note from the author* : I can't promise consistent uploads but i will try my hardest tp post 1 chapter per 1 or 2 months also if there are any spelling mistakes i am sorry :)

18 1 0 Full

" bukankah setiap permohonan merayu meminta dukungan ? lantas , mengapa dukungan kali ini dibalas dengan tikaman kekhianatan ? "- wardah qhayyisaWARDAH QHAYYISA seorang gadis yang begitu mengimpikan sebuah kehidupan yang tenang tanpa perbalahan , tanpa dendam dan tanpa perkhianatan dari orang yang berada disekelilingnya. Seorang yang ceria pada awalnya , dan pada pertengahan kisah kehidupannya berubah seratus peratus menjadi suram dek kerana fitnah yang ditabur oleh orang yang paling dipercayainya. " Kau yang buat diri kau tak dipercayai orang. kau kata kau ada trust issues tapi apahal kau bagitahu orang yang anissa ada hubungan dengan abang aku !?! "- merina megat" i have a something to tellin' you guys. well, qhayyis... dia , suka yasmin."- anissa insyirahHari demi hari berlalu dengan penuh tanggisan. tahun demi tahun bersilih ganti dengan rasa kecewa dilubuk hati yang mendalam. Lembaran lama dibuka kembali kerana kisah yang tergantung." qhayyis , aku tak faham cerita. boleh kau cerita dari awal ?"- yasmin zahirah" pergi mati dengan lakonan kau. kau memang celaka untuk segala yang celaka. "- wardah qhayyisadisaat kisah lama mulai menghantui diri , hadirnya seorang jejaka yang penuh dengan tanda tanya oleh si Dia. dia , jejaka yang berusaha untuk merawat kembali senyuman yang dipendam dengan penuh kesakitan serta dendam dirancang yang tertahan dengan penuh derita." promised me , not to hide yourself when you're in pain. it's unfair that we're laugh together, but you cry alone. "- T.I.Q" kenapa awak takbanyak cakap eh ? awak pun nak tinggalkan saya eh ? "- Warsah qhayyisa rules in this story : don't trust anyone.

2 1 0
My life is a disappointment

You can't find out what's in this book

15 2 3

Hiduplah seorang laki-laki bernama Gendi dengan perawakan tinggi, Ia adalah manusia aneh menurut sudut pandang orang sekitarnya. Seorang manusia dengan jam tidur kurang dari 8 jam, dengan 2 alasan, pertama karna tak bisa, kedua karna semangatnya akan terisi penuh saat malam tiba. Semangatnya tersebut membuat Ia jatuh rasa pada malam, jatuh karena larut menikmati ketenangannya, terlanjur nyaman oleh kesunyiannya, juga banyak bersantai dengan kesejukannya, serta bisa mensyukuri segala sesuatu tentang nikmatnya. Hidupnya lurus-lurus saja, tapi ada banyak hal menarik disekitarnya, ada banyak cerita karena kebiasaannya itu, mari mulai membaca.

57 4 0
π•Žπ• π•žπ•–π•Ÿ - 𝕒 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕠 𝕄𝕒𝕝𝕗𝕠π•ͺ π•—π•’π•Ÿ-π•—π•šπ•” ~

You, Alya Riddle, 6th Year Slytherin. On the train to Hogwarts, suddenly a tall, slender figure with a sneaky smirk on his face.You realise, it's Draco Malfoy, your sworn enemy...

10 1 0
Trained for Sin |||| A Draco X OC

Claire Alston, a 6th year Hogwarts student, enemys with Draco Malfoy, or is she? We will have to see

4 2 0
First Love Never Dies

Hopefully enjoyable story

13 1 0
The re sorting hat  (Drarry)

Dolores umbridge makes everyone wear the sorting hat again except you actually have to go into the house that you where supposed to be in like Harry Potter he was suppose to be in slytherin how would everyone React to Harry Potter the Harry Potter the boy who lived go into slytherin How would his greatest enemy react? Will they become friends or well they remain enemies or will they become something more?This is a drarry fanfic and this will take place in 5th yearWarning!!Suicidal thoughtsBloodBullying That's all you need to know about this book so far enjoy!Ships Ron x hermione Draco x harry Luna x Ginny

31 2 2
Hanahaki Disease

So,I ship alot of ships,and while I'm coming up with plots for the oneshots,I'm making this book to get this out of my mind.This book will have slight Ukranada since everyone likes that ship.This will only have a little bit of angst (or will it?you have to find out.)You have to find out what type of book this is since this isn't a fanfic or shipping book.I got this idea by the myth 'Hanahaki Disease'This will include mentions of other characters,and appearances of them.This has Britain as the man character because APPARENTLY IM AN ANGLOPHILE.I didn't know simping for Anglo Saxons were wrong,I SWEAR!Thanks alot,Butters,No cookies for you!You go brrrr now.Also I only have one Britain X ___ ship,while anything else,I'm doing it for someone who I uh,yeah.

54 1 3
Full Disclosure (But I Thought You Knew)

Hermione Granger never had the heart to tell her children that their father didn't want them, so she lied. She told them that he was a very busy man and that he didn't have time for a family. Perhaps that had been worse than the truth, but she did it, and she couldn't take it back now.Lyra Granger is obsessed with Draco Malfoy. Every morning she scans The Daily Prophet for a photograph or mention of him. When his engagement is announced, she's thrilled because that must mean Draco is ready to have a family. Together with her very reluctant twin brother Scorpius, they devise a plan to finally meet Draco behind their mum's back.It goes as well as you might think.

202 4 7
the ghoul is mine??!

ok..act..this is my first ff ..btw hope u all enjoy and vote this ff ni..'Teaser' "Oppa...mne oppa pergi..jomlah main" kata eunji sambil terlompat lompat keriangan.."Tunggu lah adik..abang btul2 penat ni" kata chanyeol smbil mngeluh kepenatan.."Oppa dh tue..cept pent..yehet..""Mmng nk kne kann" kata chanyeol smbil geletej adik ye."Abang..eunji jnji xkn buat lgi...jgnlahhh..geli lah abggg>

42 7 11