Search: onlythegoodspyyoung
12 stories
Extremely Classified-Deleted Scenes from the Gallagher Girls Series

Deleted scenes from the books in the Gallagher Girls series that were not put in the book. They are in no order, except for what book they were going to be in. SPOILERS. All rights to Ally Carter. I am just posting these on Wattpad. You can find the majority of these on and

91.4K 20 877 Full
Only The Goode Spy Forever

This story follows the storyline of the Gallagher Girls series. This is the way I think that things would go after the 2nd epilogue it United We Spy. This will contain a wedding, plenty of adventures, children, and on spot characters. Join me as I reveal to you what the future has in store for Cameron Morgan and Zach Goode. DISCLAIMER: all rights go to Ally Carter. She owns the Gallagher Girl series and everything that comes with it.

55.3K 121 470
Hermione The Death Eater

When Hermione is betrayed by the people she trusts the most she is forced to turn to those who she saw as her biggest enemy. But maybe everyone isn't who they seem to be. What would happen if the Order lost the Gryffindor Princess and the smartest witch of her age. What would change? And who would come out victorious at the final battle?Highest ranking: #33 in fanfictionRead the sequel: Hermione the Surviver

2.4M 74 51.5K Full
Wattpad Block Party - Summer Edition III (August 2017)

Welcome to the Wattpad Block Party - Summer Edition III! Round SIX of this popular event is coming your way the entire month of August 2017 and it's going to be epic! The invites have started to roll out and everyone from your all time favorite Wattpad Super Stars, to USA TODAY Bestselling Authors, to talented up and coming writers are joining us! Check out the first chapter for a more detailed description and keep an eye out on the Line Up chapter to see who is going to be featured for the Wattpad Block Party - Summer Edition III! Curious how this event will run? Here's the link to the last Wattpad Block Party: Be sure you add this story to your library, vote and leave comments on your favorite author's posts, and follow me, @KellyAnneBlount, for Wattpad Block Party updates!

145.3K 115 12.1K Full
a love story between me and my bsf's scalp

idek at this point

445 11 4
The Styles Triplets (Tarry/Nayden/Zedward)

130 2 4
Spy ((CryCest fanfic))

The evil Carmano is back and has the case. The case is something Virus needs. So, he sends all his spies to take it back. But, what will happen when Carmano hacks into their computers and security system? He's watching everywhere! Will the team defeat him for good? Or will he take Cry away forever?! Found out in this Romance Adventure story! Warning: Guy x guy, gay, if u no like then don't read!

208 1 3
Lost Emotions

a lonely teen was thrown out of his house due to family problems, then as time passes by a teen who was around his age helps him have his life put back on track, little did they know that they were one day going to fall for each-other. though that love isn't enough to stop inevitable death for one of them so the other takes it in his hand to become a scientist and help heal his own mental wounds from this incident. will he be successful in healing those wounds or will the sadness eat him up?

34 3 7
a safe place


15 8 0
6 Key Features of  Facebook Analytics

This Infographic will help you all to know 6 Key Features of Facebook Analytics. To get more insights on these sites, visit:

2 1 0
The Second Fire

Isabelle Collins knows Australia like the back of her hand. She knows the school, far away in the middle of the Outback. She knows the cities and towns. But then she moved to Britain. Isabelle made friends, knew people, but she didn't know the land the way she knew Australia's land. After graduating from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with no particular career in mind, Isabelle wanders. And then she settles in a remote, vast plain in Romania...

151 3 1

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179 2 2