Search: numerki
80 stories
ℕ𝕦𝕞𝕖𝕣𝕜𝕚 𝕫 𝕕𝕫𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕟𝕚𝕜𝕒 (*'∀'*)

W tej książce znajdziesz przeróżne rzeczy ,które mogą się przyrafić twojemu numerkowi ,a nawet piosenki różnych autorów ,które będą losowe (*'∀'*)Do tego będzie tu też dużo rzeczy z anime takie jak: - Shipy ♡'・ᴗ・'♡- Postacie (*'∀'*)A nawet będziecie mogli tu zobaczyć "waszych" husbando/waifu z anime ,które wam się trafią Pamiętajcie ,że ta książka jest tylko dla zabawy i nie bierzcie wszystkiego dosłownie Pozdrawiam ♡'・ᴗ・'♡

2.5K 18 152
Numerki z dziennika...

No tu będą fajne cosie typu zodiaku tylko trochę inne...

1.9K 11 143
Teaspoon of Honey

May Berkeley gets called in to get rid of a beehive and gets to know the Purcells, specifically Eugene Purcell, a rational and sometimes middle son of a viscount. While the beekeeping business develops, so do the two's feelings as they keep bumping into each other's paths.____A short excerpt:"Regardless," he added, "I'm glad you took those dreadful, aggravated things away.""Bees are not angry creatures," May defended. "My numerous bee stings would beg to differ with your assessment."She chuckled, "They are protective and will defend themselves, sometimes to the death. The same way you would seem to defend and protect your sister.""Miss, are you comparing me to bees?""I believe I am, my lord. However, I think you are more of an angry creature than they are."His face heated and in a more hyperbolic setting, steam would have hissed out his ears. "Excuse me?! You do not get to come into my home and-" He stopped himself. He was proving the infuriating beekeeper right. Even the cat woke up. "Never mind."

1.1K 15 20 Full
An Avengers story

(FINISHED STORY) When Peter Parker and Alex (Oc) texts the avengers and befriend them will the avengers end up finding out the two teens secret of being the neighborhood vigilantes Spider-Man and Venom. Or will the avengers tear them apart first.

875.1K 180 22.9K Full
Reasons Why I Love You

Dear mi amor,I love you for many reasons. These are just some of them. Thank you for being you and the best all the time.Love matt

141 31 1
How to Train a Dragon 2~ Pain. Torture. Love

Viggo's nails dug deeper into my chin as he forced me to look into his eyes, "You know exactly where you belong...with me. Your my property. Those scars on your body are scars of ownership. You obey your master, servant."Hiccup Haddock the third, the son of Stoick the Vast, was taken away from his father when he was five years old. For twelve years of his life, he was forced to live with Viggo who works with a group of Outcasts all of which serve a much greater power. Viggo hated the child and took him only to get revenge on Stoick the Vast. He abused the boy, beating him almost to death multiple times, marking him with what he called ownership. Now, he's eighteen years old whose desperate to live his life. With so many people after him, his father forces Hiccup to stay on Berk until he finds a man whom he refuses to talk about. Hiccup begins to suffer from night terrors that make him want to stay along with battling his own mental condition. Things go south again when an unexpected traitor hands Hiccup over to the ones who want to destroy him mentally and physically.Meanwhile back at Berk, Stoick was furious rampaging through his house looking over numerous different maps. He was desperate to find his son. So desperate he would do anything to get him back. Little does he know, that not only the mysterious kidnapper is overly skilled, but also an old friend whom Stoick was best friends with for years.

23K 21 586 Full
Numerki z dziennika

Po prostu numerki z dziennika.

22 2 0
Świat Huncwotów

UWAGA!OPOWIADANIE PRZECHODZI GRUNTOWE POPRAWKI, KTÓRE JAKIŚ CZAS POTRWAJĄ!Historia opowiada o życiu Huncwotów w Hogwarcie, do których należą James Potter, Syriusz Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew i Loreen Lopez.

12K 24 616
Can You Keep A Secret? {[Student/Teacher]}

Note from MC: Stop. Do not read this story. It was written by a 13-year-old girl who really needed a reality check. Legit, the amount of embarrassment I have for this story is innumerable, so please just... no."I'm abused by my dad. So what? Are you going to save me? Are you going to miraculously take me away from him? Didn't think so. Stay out of my business, Mr. Carter. I can handle myself," I snapped. He was really starting to get annoying with all these questions. Couldn't he take a hint?He leaned down, getting into my personal space again, and stared into my eyes. "You're fifteen, Deserae; you can't handle yourself. And to answer your question: Yes, I am going to save you. With or without your permission."And he walked away. Leaving me stunned, confused, and breathless. As always.*I WAS ONLY 13ISH WHEN I WROTE THIS, SO IT'S IN NEED OF EDITING THAT I WILL NEVER DO. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED*

1.6M 24 27.9K Full
Dwa Światy- Two Worlds (Gintama)

The action takes place after a fight with Utsuro. Gintoki is in hospital because of his numerous injuries. Kamui makes a proposal to Kagura. Her life depends on her choice.Cała akcja dzieje się po walce z Utsuro i pokonaniu go. Gin trafia do szpitala w ciężkim stanie, a Kamui składa ciekawą propozycję Kagurze. Od jej wyboru zależy, jak potoczy się jej życie. Rozdziały będą pisane z perspektywy życia Kagury, która została oraz tej, która odleciała.

4.4K 14 126
Book of Randomness 1

If you want something random, then you've come to the right place. I will be filling this book with random drawings that I've done, and random pictures of things found on the internet (I don't own any of the internet pictures, I ONLY own the first three drawling)

6.5K 200 571 Full
I Fancy You: James Sirius Potter

Elizabeth (Ellie) Fletcher is fourteen and in a lot of trouble. When her friends go too far Ellie finds herself getting shipped off with her dad at his new job in London. Starting at Hogwarts in the middle of her fourth year, Ellie finds herself intrigued with the oldest Potter kid. I do not own the names to any characters except for my original characters. All other characters are owned by JK Rowling.

1.2K 62 36
A Game of Life (RL Gamers #1)

Six strangers are thrown together to participate in a mysterious game. Trapped in an enemy mountain temple, they must work together to defeat each boss and use their new abilities to come through alive - because in the end, it is a game of life...or death.RL Gamers: Book 1Based on the MMORPG "Aion" and one of my favorite instances in it, Beshmundir Temple.

461 10 2 Full
suojelen sinua kaikelta.

vain 6 & 7 luokkalaiset olli ja aleksi löytävät toisensa ja aloittavat kaiken vain ystävyydellä. ajan saatossa poikien suhde muuttuu totiseksi, ja seurustelu alkaa. jo tutustuessaan pojat lupasivat suojella toisiaan, ja niin he myös teki. kaiken loppuun saakka. tarinan lukemalla saat selville kuinka monesti pojat pelastivat toisensa, kunnes koitti viimeinen pisara.kirja kertoo vain ollista ja aleksista eli leikitään että blind channel bändiä ei ole olemassakaan!tää ei sisällä smuttia mutta sisältää:syömishäiriö juttujariitojaambulanssi keissejäläheltäpiti tilanteitaitseuhoisuuttasöpöilyä:3oleksiasaattaa itkettää herkimpiä! ite kirjottajankin silmätt on kostunut lukiessa:(

777 6 26
Stay With Me

Zgaduje, że to prawda,Nie nadaje się na numerki, na jedną noc,Wciąż potrzebuje miłości, bo jestem tylko człowiekiem,Te noce nigdy nie idą zgodnie z planem,Nie chcę żebyś odchodził,Czy potrzymasz mnie za rękę? Och, czy zostaniesz ze mną?Jesteś wszystkim czego potrzebuje,To nie miłość, to oczywiste,Ale kochanie zostań ze mną.Dlaczego jestem taki uczuciowy?To nie wygląda dobrze, powinienem się kontrolować,Głęboko w środku wiem, że to nigdy nie zadziała,Ale możesz leżeć ze mną,by ból minął*Tłumaczenie piosenki 'Stay With Me - Sam Smith

208 3 9 Full

In the sprawling city of Seoul, where the pulse of modern life beats in harmony with ancient traditions, there existed a peculiar phenomenon known to many as the "Wrong Number" syndrome. It was a peculiar, yet oddly endearing quirk of fate where destinies collided through the randomness of digits on a phone screen.....The story began on a night when the stars hid behind clouds, and the moon cast a muted glow upon the world. Jimin's phone buzzed, an unfamiliar number lighting up the screen. A misdial, a mistake by some stranger, became the serendipitous catalyst for a connection he never knew he needed.....Who knew the wrong number could make two individuals from different worlds cross their paths?

138 11 22 Full

It all started with curiosity. But as Suzette Kimberly soon learns, curiosity killed the cat. When she bursts into a suspicious after school meeting between four teenage boys, she wants nothing more than to know what they're up to. But when she discovers the truth about their club, she is forced to become more involved than she'd like. As she discovers more about what lies beneath the surface, her affection grows for the rough and independent ring leader named Reed Fields. But will she be able to keep her emotions in tack and keep their enormous secret? What price is she willing to pay for her new found extra curricular activity?

10.8K 26 330 Full

In a world plagued by darkness and vampires, Zenitsu Agatsuma, a courageous vampire hunter with a sense of humor, crosses paths with Nezuko Kamado, a survivor burdened by tragedy. Nezuko, turned into a half-vampire, seeks a cure held by the vampire king. Tanjiro, her brother, dedicates himself to hunting vampires to save her.Zenitsu, initially fearful, discovers hidden strength but remains unaware of his heroic feats. Nezuko finds solace in Zenitsu's presence, and they form a deep connection. However, Nezuko's half-vampiric nature poses a constant threat. Tanjiro protects her from her insatiable hunger for blood, risking her transformation.The trio faces numerous trials, strengthening their bond. Zenitsu's hidden power emerges during critical moments, fueled by his love for Nezuko. Nezuko discovers her own strength, drawing power from the love she shares with Zenitsu and Tanjiro.In the final confrontation with the vampire king, they fight with unwavering determination, guided by Nezuko's presence as a symbol of hope. They overcome insurmountable odds, securing the cure and banishing the darkness that plagued their lives.Zenitsu and Nezuko, having survived their journey, find solace in each other's arms. Their love flourishes, accompanied by Tanjiro's unwavering support. Their story exemplifies love, courage, and sacrifice.Their triumph marks the beginning of a new era, as peace and light envelop their world. Their future is filled with hope as they embrace a love that has conquered even the darkest nights.

137 9 14 Full
Życie i wojna...

To książka jest...sama nie wiem o czym ;-;

329 12 18

I'm just going to post art and stuff here. You can't steal these, but I have no idea why you would want them anyway. Requests open.

2.3K 100 192 Full
Ask The Barricade Boys (and others)!

***ACCEPTING QUESTIONS!!!* "Good morrow, citizen. You can call me Enjolras. I'll be accepting any and all questions you have for any of the Les Amis. (This could probably be the worst idea of my ENTIRE life...) Let's keep it PG, please, for the sake of our dignity..."*Courfeyrac abruptly cuts in* - "What the Chief means is let's keep it clean, so all can enjoy our story. We will take your questions in our inbox and in the comments section of the story. We can't wait to hear your questions!"*Gavroche races in, excited* - "Lemme join! I migh' be a litt'le person, but I'm ready to go!"*Combeferre takes off his glasses and looks up* - "I have also received word from Jean Valjean, Cosette, Éponine, and others that they are willing to receive your questions! Start sending!"*Enjolras, in background, screaming* - "GRANTAIRE, PUT THAT BOTTLE DOWN!"

11.8K 63 515
Kot Marian w Polskiej Gimbazie! (3)

Tym razem Marianek uda się do Gimnazjum numer 13 w Sosnowcu! Tak, MARIANEK! Dam dam daaam!!!30.07.2021 - minęło 5 lat od publikacji tej książki. Nie zwracajcie uwagi na błędy, i tak nie mam siły ich poprawić. Zostawiam to tylko z nostalgii

4.7K 12 684
- Nanbaka!★ Roleplay -

[This is a fresh new Nanbaka roleplay book.]I made this book because I haven't found many roleplay books about Nanbaka around there, and I adore nanbaka, wanted to rp it, so join me if you have same interest! This is a roleplay book- Such as the title explain, about Nanbaka! Also known as Nanbaka - The Numbers, is a Japanese manga series/Webcomic , that also has an anime adaptation, althought it haven't been continued so far.Nanba Prison (難波刑務所 Nanba Keimusho) is a highly classified prison somewhere out in the ocean just off the coast of Japan, and is one of the most secured jailhouses ever known. Nanba's security even surpassing the famous prison Alcatraz, as it has absolutely no reports of any successful escape attempts since the prison's establishment; with the exception of one individual. With the use of the prison's use of state of the art, high quality security technology, and the recruitment of elite degree guards from all over the globe, Nanba Prison stands as one of the highest rated prisons in the entire world. There's a reason to this overkill of security, as Nanba Prison holds some of the most dangerous criminals from around the world and also holds prisoners that have escaped numerous prisons on Earth, only to put them here where they would never escape.

557 5 10
One Direction Jokes and Randomness 2

The sequel to One Direction Jokes and Randomness•credit to whoever wrote these•

1.4M 200 83.6K Full
My Art Book

I'm trash...And not great at drawing....Imma regret this....I know imma regret this.... BUT OH WELL(Cover, not mine xP)

33.2K 133 3K