Search: motylek
47,254 stories

Jeden z najlepszych, światowych (gimnazjalnych) bestsellerów.

640 9 33 Full
Istota Mroku

Siedemnastoletni Xavier jest od niedawna demonem. Nie może pogodzić się ze swoim losem. Mimo niechęci, dołącza do Kręgu Demonów, gdzie próbują mu pomóc odnaleźć się w swym nowym życiu. W pewnym momencie odkrywa coś co może zniszczyć jego i najbliższych.. Czy zdoła uratować siebie i osoby, które kocha?

5.3K 16 625 Full
Szkarłatny miecz

Świat opanowała nierówność. Ludzkość została podzielona na lepszych i gorszych. Obdarzeni mocą Matki Natury przeciw odrzuconym beztalenciom. Ścieżkę losu przecina z pozoru zwyczajna nastolatka, zdeterminowana w walce o przywrócenie sprawiedliwości. Czy uda jej się odmienić dotychczasowe życie?

283 10 32 Full
Hungry of death

🦋Pamiętnik Anorektyczki🦋Nie zgłaszaj proszę, i tak mi nie pomożesz Nie umiem pisać, długo się zbierałam ze by pisać ten pamiętnik ale w końcu jest .

1K 8 44
Mroczne fakty

Historie oparte na faktach...Legendy, postacie ,ciekawostki Zapraszam

1.6K 8 27
Drogi pamiętniczku...

Będą tu wpisy z mojego dnia

28 3 0
Broken 2 // h.s.

What if seeing each other again changed everything? -Sequel to Broken-

20.2K 39 879 Full
LOVER {Completed}

Jeon Jungkook & Kim Taehyung You're My My My... Lover💜#CrdForAllPictures#Taeyu9597#OwnCreation 💫

23.1K 23 1.7K Full
daily dm || harry styles || complete

"you're never going to read this, are you?" ~~~~ Ellie Potts has it all. The friends. The grades. The perfect, stereotypical, Instagram life. Except she doesn't. Those friends don't see the pills, or the sleepless nights, or the times when she thinks it would be better just to end it. They don't care enough to see those things. But she needs to get it out. So, the DMing starts. To who, you ask? None other than Harry Styles - the one person Ellie knows won't read her daily messages. The one person who's safe. Until he isn't. When Ellie started sending Harry messages, she never expected him to respond. ~~~~ it's kind of a social media, but mostly not tbh Written in instagram style, text style, social media style, and regular style - there's a bit of everything in here! Warnings: suicidal thoughts, depression Extra warning: I WROTE THIS AT THE AGE OF 13-14. I'LL JUST LET THAT SPEAK FOR ITSELF.~~~~© prettylittleirishboy 2017

455.1K 64 9.3K Full
marcie - stiles stilinski

the stereotypical tale of the boy who falls in love with a girl he can never haveteen wolf | s1

263.3K 26 6K Full
For Better or for Worse: A TenRose Story

Rose Tyler has been desperately searching for a way to the Doctor for 2 years. Expending every resource, she finds a saving grace in Torchwood. The Doctor has been from Rose Tyler for 2 years and has accepted the inevitable. Rose Tyler would forever be the lost girl. But, she fires up a highly developed TARDIS prototype and finds her way back. Just her luck to have to save her parents from a Dalek invasion. Rose and the Doctor fight yet another invasion here, but does he lose her yet again?

11.8K 17 565 Full
Destructive Love (Zarry)

He loved him, but all he seemed to do was destroy him.

44.8K 18 1.7K Full
Delinquent (Joshler) [✓]

Josh is the stereotypical 'punk' who likes to bother a little employee at the local bowling alley. - ̗̀ ★Where Tyler refuses to give Josh what he wants; free nachos, and any emotion, whatsoever.- ̗̀ ★completed feb 28 2017©cutmylip 2017

148.6K 20 8.6K Full

Harry is a single autistic father, ready to prove his love for his little daughter and willing to break the ableist stereotypes placed on him. This is a heartwarming story, following Harry's growth while making friends and finding love through a common love for comics and milkshakes.Book 1 - Coloured Series.

3.4M 83 148.2K Full
fat beth • clifford ✔

"Masa tłuszczu" - krzyczą, kiedy ja doskonale o tym wiem. "Przestań tyle żreć" - mówią, kiedy ja praktycznie nie jem nic. " Więcej ruchu" - naśmiewają się, kiedy ćwiczę ile mam sił. "Masz nadwagę" - upominają, kiedy nikt nie wie, że to wszystko spowodowane jest, niedoczynnością tarczycy. Trochę utożsamię się z tym ff, ale tylko pod względem problemów wagowych bohaterki. © 2016 by staydrumandrnr

282.3K 53 26K Full
It's Complicated || Larry & Ziam [COMPLETED]

Louis didn't like Harry, and he was fine with that. Harry didn't really like him either, so it was okay.Liam didn't want to like Zayn, but he did anyway. Zayn didn't want to date Liam, but things were complicated.Or where stereotypes, reputations, unwanted emotions, and a dozen other problems come into play when two unlikely couples get together.

67.1K 52 2.4K Full
Broken // h.s.

A girl who is broken beyond repair meets a boy who seems to be about the only thing keeping her sane.

30.2K 31 979 Full
„Walony Dylan Monet

Część dalsza mojego opowiadania ze starego konta @mone___ciarka 15-letnia Amelia przeprowadza się do Taty po śmierci swojej mamy . Jej sytuacja szybko ulega zmianie a to co a bardziej kogo spotyka zdziwi ją na tyle ze zapamięta to na zawsze .

6.7K 10 96 Full


338 10 30 Full
dzienniczek |głód;ana

czasami bywa tak w życiu, że wracają starzy znajomi,ci których chcielibyście się pozbyć na zawsze

2.2K 6 52 Full
Like Night and Day

The brunet, who listened to nothing but punk and styled himself in ripped jeans and hoodies, believed that he and the basketball starlight of the school were a paradox.

332.5K 53 19.8K Full
Can you fix my broken heart? - Narry Storan cz

Ahoj, moje jméno je Niall Horan. Je mi 17 let a celý můj život se točí okolo nemocnic a doktorů. Odjakživa se potýkám s vrozenou srdeční vadou, která mi pořádně znepříjemňuje život. Ahoj, moje jméno je Harry Styles. Je mi 21 let a celý můj život se točí okolo nemocnic a doktorů. Ne, nejsem nemocný ani nic podobného. Pracuju v nemocnici jako pomocný zdravotník a jednou bych rád studoval medicínu, aby ze mě byl skutečný doktor. Harry a Niall jsou obyčejní kluci. Co se s nimi ale stane, když se jejich osudy setkají?

5.1K 32 279 Full
Weightless (H.S. BWWM)

When the love in her life turns sour, independent, headstrong Bailey Duncan shuts that part of her life down completely, focusing only on her future. Now a college graduate she can't wait to get out of her small Texas town and move to bustling Los Angeles for a fresh start. Done with the heaviness and dramatics of affairs of the heart, Bailey intends to keep things light and enjoy the single life. LA gives her the chance to reinvent herself. She's started a great job, lives in a great house and is even casually dating a great guy. But one clumsy run in at a Starbucks turns her world on it's head when she meets the man of her dreams and favorite One Direction member, Harry Styles, who shows her just how weightless following your heart can make you feel. Why settle for great when you can have extraordinary?

196K 50 6K Full
Breaking Barriers (GxG) [Completed]

Isa Willems and her dad move to the country where dreams come true, or so they say. Battling her way through her last year in high school, while taking on a big responsibility and having to adapt to a different lifestyle. Isa fights to keep herself from falling apart.She keeps her barriers up and stays strong for the only person who truly accepts and loves her, the only person she trusts, her dad.At school she just wants one thing, getting through senior year without being noticed. But of course this is easier said than done.Hayley Morgan, top student and cheerleading captain. At first glance she seems like your typical cheerleader, hence why Isa tries to avoid her with every fibre in her body. Hayley doesn't seem to take no for an answer and fate seems to push Isa in Hayley's direction.Let's hope Hayley is the one who can Break Isa's Barriers.** First round winner in the 'LGBT Literary Award's 2019 under Young Adult**Warning: this book will contain topics that may be sensitive to some readers.- Talk about suicide- Sickness- Homophobic characters- Bullying - StereotypingI don't own the song lyrics in this story.The first 5 chapters are bad and need a lot of editing, after chapter 5 my writing improves. Keep that in mind when you start reading!Started: *10/24/2019*Finished: *04/18/2020*

242.2K 31 8.7K Full
przekleństwa mojego taty

ojciec cicho grał na skrzypcach kiedy do trumienki wleciał motyl w kagańcu opowiadając przy świetle bajkę o pigule która tak jak atrapa magnolii była pustą kartą w japoniiokładka @orkiestrasymfoniczna

1.4K 14 272 Full