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MKT 500 WEEK 10 DISCUSSION QUESTION"Marketing Strategy" Please respond to the following:Latest A+ Graded at link below the scenario, suggest two (2) marketing strategy options that Golds Reling, Inc. could implement. Next, select the option that you believe will be most effective for the new product launch. Justify your response. Imagine that you are about to launch a social networking site that will compete with Facebook. You must provide your boss with a marketing strategy. Determine the approach you will use going to measure success. Provide a rationale for your response."Marketing Strategy" Please respond to the following:From the scenario, suggest two (2) marketing strategy options that Golds Reling, Inc. could implement. Next, select the option that you believe will be most effective for the new product launch. Justify your response.

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MKT 500 WEEK 10 DISCUSSION QUESTION"Marketing Strategy" Please respond to the following: the scenario, suggest two (2) marketing strategy options that Golds Reling, Inc. could implement. Next, select the option that you believe will be most effective for the new product launch. Justify your response. Imagine that you are about to launch a social networking site that will compete with Facebook. You must provide your boss with a marketing strategy. Determine the approach you will use going to measure success. Provide a rationale for your response."Marketing Strategy" Please respond to the following:From the scenario, suggest two (2) marketing strategy options that Golds Reling, Inc. could implement. Next, select the option that you believe will be most effective for the new product launch. Justify your response.

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MKT 500 WEEK 11 DISCUSSION QUESTION"Reflection" Please respond to the following:Latest A+ Graded at link below on the past ten(10) weeks, specify what you believe are the two (2) most important concepts you have learned in this course. Determine two (2) ways you will be able to apply these concepts to your current job and career in the future.What aresof the course did you enjoy the most?What areasof the course did you find the most challenging and why?Give your opinion on the manner in which this course's learning outcomes contribute to the MBA curriculum.Provide a rationale for your response.

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MKT 500 WEEK 1 DISCUSSION QUESTIONThe Death of the 4Ps?" Watch the video below and then respond to the questions that follow: a company that you believe represents the 4Cs well, and provide examples of why you believe they are successful at it.Describe a company that you believe does not do well putting the 4Cs into practice, and provide two (2) examples of why you believe they struggle at it.What recommendations would you give the company who needs to update their approach?Click here to view the grading rubric for this discussion.Video Segment (2014, May 28). Coty, Inc: The death of the four p's of marketing [Video file]. Retrieved from

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MKT 500 WEEK 1 DISCUSSION QUESTIONThe Death of the 4Ps?" Watch the video below and then respond to the questions that follow:Describe a company that you believe represents the 4Cs well, and provide examples of why you believe they are successful at it.Latest A+ Graded at link below a company that you believe does not do well putting the 4Cs into practice, and provide two (2) examples of why you believe they struggle at it.What recommendations would you give the company who needs to update their approach?Click here to view the grading rubric for this discussion.Video Segment (2014, May 28). Coty, Inc: The death of the four p's of marketing [Video file]. Retrieved from

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MKT 500 WEEK 11 DISCUSSION QUESTIONReflection" Please respond to the following: on the past ten(10) weeks, specify what you believe are the two (2) most important concepts you have learned in this course. Determine two (2) ways you will be able to apply these concepts to your current job and career in the future.What aresof the course did you enjoy the most?What areasof the course did you find the most challenging and why?Give your opinion on the manner in which this course's learning outcomes contribute to the MBA curriculum.Provide a rationale for your response."Reflection" Please respond to the following:Reflecting on the past ten(10) weeks, specify what you believe are the two (2) most important concepts you have learned in this course. Determine two (2) ways you will be able to apply these concepts to your current job and career in the future.What aresof the course did you enjoy the most?What areasof the course did you find the most challenging and why?

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MKT 100 WEEK 10 DISCUSSION QUESTIONReflect upon the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with a business that you are familiar with (one you work at, one you completed your assignments on, or one you have just acquired knowledge about). two (2) strategic marketing recommendations for this business based upon your reflection/analysis and the information that you have gained throughout the course?Reflect upon the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with a business that you are familiar with (one you work at, one you completed your assignments on, or one you have just acquired knowledge about). Suggest two (2) strategic marketing recommendations for this business based upon your reflection/analysis and the information that you have gained throughout the course?Reflect upon the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with a business that you are familiar with (one you work at, one you completed your assignments on, or one you have just acquired knowledge about). Suggest two (2) strategic marketing recommendations for this business based upon your reflection/analysis and the information that you have gained throughout the course?

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MKT 100 WEEK 10 DISCUSSION QUESTIONReflect upon the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with a business that you are familiar with (one you work at, one you completed your assignments on, Latest A+ Graded at link below one you have just acquired knowledge about). Suggest two (2) strategic marketing recommendations for this business based upon your reflection/analysis and the information that you have gained throughout the course?Reflect upon the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with a business that you are familiar with (one you work at, one you completed your assignments on, or one you have just acquired knowledge about). Suggest two (2) strategic marketing recommendations for this business based upon your reflection/analysis and the information that you have gained throughout the course?Reflect upon the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with a business that you are familiar with (one you work at, one you completed your assignments on, or one you have just acquired knowledge about). Suggest two (2) strategic marketing recommendations for this business based upon your reflection/analysis and the information that you have gained throughout the course?

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MKT 500 WEEK 10 ASSIGNMENT 4CIS 554 Week 4 Discussion, CIS 554 Week 4 Discussion 1, CIS 554 Week 4 Discussion 2 , CIS 554 Week 3 Discussion, CIS 554 Week 3 Discussion 1, CIS 554 Week 3 Discussion 2, CIS 554 Week 2 Assignment 1, CIS 554 Assignment 1, HSA 505 Week 5 Discussion 2, HSA 505 Week 5 Discussion 1,FIN 534 Week 6 Homework Set 3, FIN 534 Homework Set 3,HSA 505 Week 4 Discussion,MKT 500 Week 8 Assignment 3, MKT 500 Assignment 3,MKT 500 Week 6 Assignment 2, MKT 500 Assignment 2,MKT 500 Week 4 Assignment 1, MKT 500 WEEK 10 ASSIGNMENT 4MKT 500 Assignment 1,CIS 554 Week 4 Assignment 2,CIS 525 Week 8 Discussion,CIS 525 Week 7 Discussion,CIS 525 Week 5 Discussion,CIS 525 Week 4 Discussion,CIS 525 Week 3 Discussion,HSA 510 Week 10 Assignment 4,HSA 510 Week 9 Discussion,HSA 510 Assignment 3,HSA 510 Week 8 Assignment 3,HSA 510 Week 7 Discussion,HSA 510 Week 6 Discussion,HSA 510 Week 5 Discussion,HSA 510 Week 4

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MKT 500 WEEK 10 ASSIGNMENT 4CIS 554 Week 4 Discussion, CIS 554 Week 4 Discussion 1, CIS 554 Week 4 Discussion 2 , CIS 554 Week 3 Discussion, CIS 554 Week 3 Discussion 1, CIS 554 Week 3 Discussion 2, CIS 554 Week 2 Latest A+ Graded at link below 1, CIS 554 Assignment 1, HSA 505 Week 5 Discussion 2, HSA 505 Week 5 Discussion 1,FIN 534 Week 6 Homework Set 3, FIN 534 Homework Set 3,HSA 505 Week 4 Discussion,MKT 500 Week 8 Assignment 3, MKT 500 Assignment 3,MKT 500 Week 6 Assignment 2, MKT 500 Assignment 2,MKT 500 Week 4 Assignment 1, MKT 500 Assignment 1,CIS 554 Week 4 Assignment 2,CIS 525 Week 8 Discussion,CIS 525 Week 7 Discussion,CIS 525 Week 5 Discussion,CIS 525 Week 4 Discussion,CIS 525 Week 3 Discussion,HSA 510 Week 10 Assignment 4,HSA 510 Week 9 Discussion,HSA 510 Assignment 3,HSA 510 Week 8 Assignment 3,HSA 510 Week 7 Discussion,HSA 510 Week 6 Discussion,HSA 510 Week 5 Discussion,HSA 510 Week 4

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HRM 500 WEEK 10 Discussion Question

HRM 500 WEEK 10 Discussion QuestionAs a HR manager, provide an example of an organization you worked for or familiar with and explain how the organization maintained a high performance work system. Justify your response. As a HR manager, provide an example of an organization you worked for or familiar with and explain how the organization maintained a high performance work system. Justify your response. As a HR manager, provide an example of an organization you worked for or familiar with and explain how the organization maintained a high performance work system. Justify your response. As a HR manager, provide an example of an organization you worked for or familiar with and explain how the organization maintained a high performance work system. Justify your response.

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PAD 500 WEEK 10 DISCUSSION QuestionImagine that you are Woodrow Wilson visiting the White House today. Compose a list of five (5) flaws that Wilson might identify, based on his perception of a so-called "good" public Latest A+ Graded at link below Debate whether your listed flaws are likely real, perceived, or relative to the current social and cultural climate. Provide a rationale for your response.Interpret the overall manner in which the current economic climate might dictate the major themes of public sector management going forward. Provide a rationale for your response.From the e-Activity and based on the definition of goal paradox, debate two to three (2-3) conditions that encourage effective collaboration when administrators consider the future of public service. Provide a rationale for your response.Predict two (2) trends that are likely to impact public service in the future. Next, choose two (2) skills that public personnel managers may seek in response to these trends. Provide a rationale for your response.

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LEG 500 WEEK 10 DISCUSSION QUESTION"Managing Contract Issues in Business at Home and Abroad" Please respond to the following:Latest A+ Graded at link below Tucker, a black female, applied for a sales position in Ames Department Stores in Seattle. After completing her application, she was asked to take a math test and a general aptitude test. As a result of her score, she was disqualified from consideration for the sales position. Based on this scenario, debate whether or not you believe that this testing policy is a violation of Title VII. Make sure to think through both the rights of the applicant and any defenses available to the department store. "Managing Contract Issues in Business at Home and Abroad" Please respond to the following:Amanda Tucker, a black female, applied for a sales position in Ames Department Stores in Seattle. After completing her application, she was asked to take a math test and a general aptitude test. As a result of her score, she was disqualified from consideration for the sales position. Based on this scenario, debate whether or not you believe that this testing policy is a violation of Title VII. Make sure to think through both the rights of the applicant and any defenses available to the department store.

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LEG 500 WEEK 10 DISCUSSION QUESTIONManaging Contract Issues in Business at Home and Abroad" Please respond to the following:Amanda Tucker, a black female, applied for a sales position in Ames Department Stores in Seattle. After completing her application, she was asked to take a math test and a general aptitude test. As a result of her score, she was disqualified from consideration for the sales position. Based on this scenario, debate whether or not you believe that this testing policy is a violation of Title VII. Make sure to think through both the rights of the applicant and any defenses available to the department store. "Managing Contract Issues in Business at Home and Abroad" Please respond to the following:Amanda Tucker, a black female, applied for a sales position in Ames Department Stores in Seattle. After completing her application, she was asked to take a math test and a general aptitude test. As a result of her score, she was disqualified from consideration for the sales position. Based on this scenario, debate whether or not you believe that this testing policy is a violation of Title VII. Make sure to think through both the rights of the applicant and any defenses available to the department store.

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PAD 500 WEEK 10 DISCUSSION Question"The Future of Public Administration" Please respond to the following. Online students, please respond to two (2) of the following four (4) bulleted items.Imagine that you are Woodrow Wilson visiting the White House today. Compose a list of five (5) flaws that Wilson might identify, based on his perception of a so-called "good" public administration. Debate whether your listed flaws are likely real, perceived, or relative to the current social and cultural climate. Provide a rationale for your response.Interpret the overall manner in which the current economic climate might dictate the major themes of public sector management going forward. Provide a rationale for your response.From the e-Activity and based on the definition of goal paradox, debate two to three (2-3) conditions that encourage effective collaboration when administrators consider the future of public service. Provide a rationale for your response.Predict two (2) trends that are likely to impact public service in the future. Next, choose two (2) skills that public personnel managers may seek in response to these trends. Provide a rationale for your response.

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