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MKT 100 WEEK 9 DISCUSSION QUESTIONexplain the way(s) an organization with which you are familiar measures quality and customer satisfaction. What can be done to improve CRM?Lastly, explain how you can personally have a positive impact on customer loyalty in your position the way(s) an organization with which you are familiar measures quality and customer satisfaction. What can be done to improve CRM?Lastly, explain how you can personally have a positive impact on customer loyalty in your position explain the way(s) an organization with which you are familiar measures quality and customer satisfaction. What can be done to improve CRM?

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MKT 100 WEEK 9 DISCUSSION QUESTIONexplain the way(s) an organization with which you are familiar measures quality and customer satisfaction. What can be done to improve CRM?Latest A+ Graded at link below, explain how you can personally have a positive impact on customer loyalty in your position explain the way(s) an organization with which you are familiar measures quality and customer satisfaction. What can be done to improve CRM?Lastly, explain how you can personally have a positive impact on customer loyalty in your position explain the way(s) an organization with which you are familiar measures quality and customer satisfaction. What can be done to improve CRM?Lastly, explain how you can personally have a positive impact on customer loyalty in your position

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MKT 100 WEEK 2 DISCUSSION QUESTIONMKT 100 Week 2 Discussion, FIN 100 Week 1 Quiz, MAT 540 Week 2 Discussion, MAT 540 Week 1 Discussion, MKT 500 Week 4 Discussion, FIN 534 Week 1 Discussion 1, MAT 540 Week 8 Assignment 1, MAT 540 Week 8 Assignment, SCI 115 Week 10 QUIZ 10, HIS 105 Week 11 Discussion, His 105 Week 10 Discussion, His 105 Week 5 Discussion, His 105 Week 4 Discussion, BUS 375 Week 4 Discussion, SCI 115 Week 3 Discussion, BUS 375 Week 3 Discussion, SCI 115 Week 2 Discussion, SCI 115 Week 2 Quiz 2, SCI 115 Week 2, SCI 115 Quiz 2, SCI 115 Week 2 Cell Structure Lab Assessment, HIS 105 Week 2 Discussion, HIS 105 Week 2 QUIZ 1 ,BUS 375 Week 1 Discussion, PAD 599 Week 10 Discussion, PAD 599 Week 10 Discussion 1, PAD 599 Week 10 Discussion 2, PAD 599 Week 9 Discussion, PAD 599 Week 9 Discussion 1, PAD 599 Week 9 Discussion 2, PAD 599 Week 3 Discussion 1, PAD 599 Week 3 Discussion 2, PAD 530 Week 7 Assignment 3, HSA 515 Week 1 Discussion, CIS 558 Week 9 Discussion , CIS 558 Week 4 Discussion, CIS 558 Week 1 Discussion, CIS 515 Week 1 Discussion 1, CIS 515 Week 1 Discussion 2, CIS 515 Week 1 Discussion, BUS 599 Week 1 Discussion, CIS 599 Week 7

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MKT 100 WEEK 4 DISCUSSION QUESTIONMKT 100 Week 4 Discussion, HSA 525 Week 3 Discussion, HSA 525 Week 2 Discussion, PAD 525 Week 8 Discussions, PAD 525 Week 7 Discussions, HSA 525 Week 1 Discussion, CIS 500 Week 10 Term Paper, CIS 500 Week 10 Discussion, CIS 500 Week 9 Discussion, PAD 530\\\Week 5 Discussion , CIS 599 Week 9 Discussion 2, FIN 534 Week 10 Discussion 1, PAD 530 Week 5 Discussion 1, PAD 530 Week 5 Discussion 2, CIS 500 Week 8 Discussion, HSA 505 Week 9 Discussion Questions, CIS 500 Week 8 Case Study 2, CIS 500 Week 7 Discussion, ECO 550 Week 9 Assignment 3, ECO 550 Assignment 3, PAD 515 Week 6 Assignment 2, MAT 540 Week 2 Homework, MAT 540 Week 1 Homework , MAT 540 Week 3 Discussion, CIS 500 Week 6 Case Study 1, CIS 500 Week 6 Case Study 1, ECO 550 Week 6 Assignment 2, ECO 550 Assignment 2 HSA 525 Week 10 Discussion, ECO 550 Week 2 Discussion , HSA 525 Assignment 3 Post Merger Analysis, CIS 510 Week 9 Discussion, PAD 515 Week 10 Assignment 4, PAD 515 Assignment 4, ECO 550 Week 3 Assignment 1, MAT 540 Week 9 Discussion, PAD 530 Week 9 Assignment 4, BUS 599 Week 10 Discussion, ECO 550 Assignment 1, SCI 115 Week 3 Discussion, HSA 505 Week 8 Discussion 1, CIS 512 Week 2 Discussion, HSA 505 Week 8 Discussion 2, FIN 534 Week 11 Discussion 1, CIS 510 Week 9 Assignment 4, CIS 500 Week 6 Discussion, ECO 550 Week 4

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MKT 100 WEEK 11 DISCUSSION QUESTIONDescribe the three (3) most important concepts you have learned about marketing in this course. Explain why these concepts will be useful to you in your current or future position.Latest A+ Graded at link below ANS Describe the three (3) most important concepts you have learned about marketing in this course. Explain why these concepts will be useful to you in your current or future position. ANS Describe the three (3) most important concepts you have learned about marketing in this course. Explain why these concepts will be useful to you in your current or future position.

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MKT 100 WEEK 8 DISCUSSION QUESTIONRecommend at least one (1) way a business with which you are familiar could use social media / buzz marketing to increase sales and awareness (e.g., social media awareness) of your products. your opinion on what a business needs to know about ROIs, KPIs and Web analytics. ANS Recommend at least one (1) way a business with which you are familiar could use social media / buzz marketing to increase sales and awareness (e.g., social media awareness) of your products.Give your opinion on what a business needs to know about ROIs, KPIs and Web analytics.

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MKT 100 WEEK 1 DISCUSSION QUESTIONirst, describe what marketing means to you. Next, answer the following question: How did you participate in marketing-related activities this past week as both a consumer and on the job? Latest A+ Graded at link below First, describe what marketing means to you. Next, answer the following question: How did you participate in marketing-related activities this past week as both a consumer and on the job? First, describe what marketing means to you. Next, answer the following question: How did you participate in marketing-related activities this past week as both a consumer and on the job?

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MKT 500 WEEK 9 DISCUSSION QUESTION"Trending Now" Watch the video below and then respond to the questions that follow: Go to Google Trends at and search for one of your favorite brands as well as two or three of its competitors.Latest A+ Graded at link below the trends that you observed with each company. To what could you attribute the increases or decreases in each company's trend(s)?What recommendations would you give to the brand managers of your favorite brand to increase the trend line for the future?Click here to view the grading rubric for this discussion.Video Segment Reference:mediatools. (2015, May 4). Google tools for media: Trends and analytics [Video file]. Retrieved from

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MKT 100 WEEK 8 DISCUSSION QUESTIONRecommend at least one (1) way a business with which you are familiar could use social media / buzz marketing to increase sales and awareness (e.g., social media awareness) of your products.Give your opinion on what a business needs to know about ROIs, KPIs and Web analytics.Latest A+ Graded at link below ANS Recommend at least one (1) way a business with which you are familiar could use social media / buzz marketing to increase sales and awareness (e.g., social media awareness) of your products.Give your opinion on what a business needs to know about ROIs, KPIs and Web analytics.

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MKT 500 WEEK 9 DISCUSSION QUESTION"Trending Now" Watch the video below and then respond to the questions that follow: Go to Google Trends at and search for one of your favorite brands as well as two or three of its competitors. the trends that you observed with each company. To what could you attribute the increases or decreases in each company's trend(s)?What recommendations would you give to the brand managers of your favorite brand to increase the trend line for the future?Click here to view the grading rubric for this discussion.Video Segment Reference:mediatools. (2015, May 4). Google tools for media: Trends and analytics [Video file]. Retrieved from

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MKT 100 WEEK 1 DISCUSSION QUESTIONFirst, describe what marketing means to you. Next, answer the following question: How did you participate in marketing-related activities this past week as both a consumer and on the job? First, describe what marketing means to you. Next, answer the following question: How did you participate in marketing-related activities this past week as both a consumer and on the job? First, describe what marketing means to you. Next, answer the following question: How did you participate in marketing-related activities this past week as both a consumer and on the job? First, describe what marketing means to you. Next, answer the following question: How did you participate in marketing-related activities this past week as both a consumer and on the job?

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MKT 100 WEEK 4 DISCUSSION QUESTIONBriefly describe two (2) products (goods or services) offered at a business you are familiar with. Next, identify two (2) major competitors and describe the two (2) products they offer that compete with yours.Latest A+ Graded at link below your unique selling proposition (USP). How is it superior to the two (2) competitors you identified above. Briefly describe two (2) products (goods or services) offered at a business you are familiar with. Next, identify two (2) major competitors and describe the two (2) products they offer that compete with yours.Describe your unique selling proposition (USP). How is it superior to the two (2) competitors you identified above.

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MKT 100 WEEK 11 DISCUSSION QUESTIONDescribe the three (3) most important concepts you have learned about marketing in this course. Explain why these concepts will be useful to you in your current or future position.Latest A+ Graded at link below ANS Describe the three (3) most important concepts you have learned about marketing in this course. Explain why these concepts will be useful to you in your current or future position. ANS Describe the three (3) most important concepts you have learned about marketing in this course. Explain why these concepts will be useful to you in your current or future position.

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MKT 100 WEEK 11 DISCUSSION QUESTIONDescribe the three (3) most important concepts you have learned about marketing in this course. Explain why these concepts will be useful to you in your current or future position. ANS Describe the three (3) most important concepts you have learned about marketing in this course. Explain why these concepts will be useful to you in your current or future position. ANS Describe the three (3) most important concepts you have learned about marketing in this course. Explain why these concepts will be useful to you in your current or future position. ANS Describe the three (3) most important concepts you have learned about marketing in this course. Explain why these concepts will be useful to you in your current or future position.

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MKT 100 WEEK 6 DISCUSSION QUESTIONIdentify one (1) product that a business with which you are familiar offers and discuss whether or not the pricing strategy used for such a product is effective.Latest A+ Graded at link below you want to increase sales, how would you alter the current pricing strategy and why do you think that these changes would work?Identify one (1) product that a business with which you are familiar offers and discuss whether or not the pricing strategy used for such a product is effective.If you want to increase sales, how would you alter the current pricing strategy and why do you think that these changes would work?Identify one (1) product that a business with which you are familiar offers and discuss whether or not the pricing strategy used for such a product is effective.If you want to increase sales, how would you alter the current pricing strategy and why do you think that these changes would work?

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MKT 100 WEEK 6 DISCUSSION QUESTIONIdentify one (1) product that a business with which you are familiar offers and discuss whether or not the pricing strategy used for such a product is effective. you want to increase sales, how would you alter the current pricing strategy and why do you think that these changes would work?Identify one (1) product that a business with which you are familiar offers and discuss whether or not the pricing strategy used for such a product is effective.If you want to increase sales, how would you alter the current pricing strategy and why do you think that these changes would work?Identify one (1) product that a business with which you are familiar offers and discuss whether or not the pricing strategy used for such a product is effective.If you want to increase sales, how would you alter the current pricing strategy and why do you think that these changes would work?

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MKT 100 WEEK 2 DISCUSSION QUESTIONExplain why it is important for marketers to understand how customers make purchasing decisions.Latest A+ Graded at link below the factors that would influence how and why someone would purchase a laptop or a new home? What is the most important factor in your opinion? Q: Explain why it is important for marketers to understand how customers make purchasing decisions.Identify the factors that would influence how and why someone would purchase a laptop or a new home? What is the most important factor in your opinion? Q: Explain why it is important for marketers to understand how customers make purchasing decisions.Identify the factors that would influence how and why someone would purchase a laptop or a new home? What is the most important factor in your opinion? MKT 100 Week 2 Discussion, FIN 100 Week 1 Quiz, MAT 540 Week 2 Discussion, MAT 540 Week 1 Discussion, MKT 500 Week 4 Discussion, FIN 534 Week 1 Discussion 1, MAT 540 Week 8 Assignment 1, MAT 540 Week 8 Assignment, SCI 115 Week 10 QUIZ 10, HIS 105 Week 11 Discussion, His 105 Week 10 Discussion, His 105 Week 5 Discussion, His 105 Week 4 Discussion, BUS 375 Week 4 Discussion, SCI 115 Week 3 Discussion, BUS 375 Week 3 Discussion, SCI 115 Week 2 Discussion, SCI 115 Week 2 Quiz 2, SCI 115 Week 2, SCI 115 Quiz 2, SCI 115 Week 2 Cell Structure Lab Assessment, HIS 105 Week 2 Discussion, HIS 105 Week 2 QUIZ 1 ,BUS 375 Week 1 Discussion, PAD 599 Week 10 Discussion, PAD 599 Week 10

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MKT 100 WEEK 5 DISCUSSION QUESTIONAs we've learned this week, brands signal customers by giving them information about predictability in their purchases. Brands each have their own associations and personalities. your post, identify some of the associations and personalities that are linked with the following brands: Oscar Mayer, Dell, and Sketchers.What are they?How do they differ?Are there any similarities? As we've learned this week, brands signal customers by giving them information about predictability in their purchases. Brands each have their own associations and personalities. In your post, identify some of the associations and personalities that are linked with the following brands: Oscar Mayer, Dell, and Sketchers.What are they?How do they differ?Are there any similarities?

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MKT 100 WEEK 5 DISCUSSION QUESTIONAs we've learned this week, brands signal customers by giving them information about predictability in their purchases. Brands each have their own associations and personalities. In your post, identify some of the associations and personalities that are linked with the following brands: Oscar Mayer, Dell, and Sketchers.What are they? do they differ?Are there any similarities? As we've learned this week, brands signal customers by giving them information about predictability in their purchases. Brands each have their own associations and personalities. In your post, identify some of the associations and personalities that are linked with the following brands: Oscar Mayer, Dell, and Sketchers.What are they?How do they differ?Are there any similarities?

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MKT 100 WEEK 5 DISCUSSION QUESTIONLatest A+ Graded at link below we've learned this week, brands signal customers by giving them information about predictability in their purchases. Brands each have their own associations and personalities. In your post, identify some of the associations and personalities that are linked with the following brands: Oscar Mayer, Dell, and Sketchers.What are they?How do they differ?Are there any similarities? As we've learned this week, brands signal customers by giving them information about predictability in their purchases. Brands each have their own associations and personalities. In your post, identify some of the associations and personalities that are linked with the following brands: Oscar Mayer, Dell, and Sketchers.What are they?How do they differ?Are there any similarities? PAD 530 Week 8 Discussion , BUS 599 Week 8 Assignment 3 Part 2, CIS 512 Week 5 Discussion, CIS 512 Week 4 Discussion, CIS 512 Week 3 Assignment 1, CIS 512 Week 3 Discussion, CIS 512 Week 2 Case Study 1, CIS 512 Week 2 Discussion, CIS 512 Week 1 Discussion , ECE 430 Week 2 Assignment , HSA 505 Week 7 Case Study 2, FIN 100 Week 4 Discussion, HSA 505 Case Study 2, ECE 430 Week 1 Journal, ECE 430 Week 1 DQ,ECE 430 Week 1 Complete, ECE 430

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MKT 100 WEEK 3 DISCUSSION QUESTIONReview the following two (2) automotive advertisements. Determine the target customer/market(s) that the vehicles in each of these ads would appeal to. In your post, give information about each target group. It could include information related to age, lifestyle values, attitudes, wants and needs, gender, age, number of kids, education income, stage in the household lifecycle, geographic location (urban vs. rural, etc.), or risk orientation, etc.Next, come up with a brief marketing pitch (two to three (2-3) sentences) to persuade the target customer that the vehicle is right for him/her.Latest A+ Graded at link below real man doesn't honk the horn. He scares the car in front. "When you've been through hell, you tend to appreciate heaven""The Chrysler 200""Imported from Detroit"Review the following two (2) automotive advertisements. Determine the target customer/market(s) that the vehicles in each of these ads would appeal to. In your post, give information about each target group. It could include information related to age, lifestyle values, attitudes, wants and needs, gender, age, number of kids, education income, stage in the household lifecycle, geographic location (urban vs. rural, etc.), or risk orientation, etc.

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MKT 100 WEEK 7 DISCUSSION QUESTIONThis week we talked a great deal about advertising and the different types of ads that companies use including those featuring celebrity endorsements like this Diet Pepsi advertisement with Sofia Vergara. celebrity would you use to endorse Diet Pepsi in attempts to reach a 'different' target group?Who might you use for regular Pepsi? Diet Coke? Coke Classic? Sprite? Explain and justify your choice for each.This week we talked a great deal about advertising and the different types of ads that companies use including those featuring celebrity endorsements like this Diet Pepsi advertisement with Sofia Vergara.Which celebrity would you use to endorse Diet Pepsi in attempts to reach a 'different' target group?Who might you use for regular Pepsi? Diet Coke? Coke Classic? Sprite? Explain and justify your choice for each.This week we talked a great deal about advertising and the different types of ads that companies use including those featuring celebrity endorsements like this Diet Pepsi advertisement with Sofia Vergara.Which celebrity would you use to endorse Diet Pepsi in attempts to reach a 'different' target group?Who might you use for regular Pepsi? Diet Coke? Coke Classic? Sprite? Explain and justify your choice for each.

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MKT 100 WEEK 7 DISCUSSION QUESTIONThis week we talked a great deal about advertising and the different types of ads that companies use including those featuring celebrity endorsements like this Diet Pepsi advertisement with Sofia Vergara.Latest A+ Graded at link below celebrity would you use to endorse Diet Pepsi in attempts to reach a 'different' target group?Who might you use for regular Pepsi? Diet Coke? Coke Classic? Sprite? Explain and justify your choice for each.This week we talked a great deal about advertising and the different types of ads that companies use including those featuring celebrity endorsements like this Diet Pepsi advertisement with Sofia Vergara.Which celebrity would you use to endorse Diet Pepsi in attempts to reach a 'different' target group?Who might you use for regular Pepsi? Diet Coke? Coke Classic? Sprite? Explain and justify your choice for each.This week we talked a great deal about advertising and the different types of ads that companies use including those featuring celebrity endorsements like this Diet Pepsi advertisement with Sofia Vergara.Which celebrity would you use to endorse Diet Pepsi in attempts to reach a 'different' target group?Who might you use for regular Pepsi? Diet Coke? Coke Classic? Sprite? Explain and justify your choice for each.

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MKT 100 WEEK 3 DISCUSSION QUESTIONReview the following two (2) automotive advertisements. Determine the target customer/market(s) that the vehicles in each of these ads would appeal to. In your post, information about each target group. It could include information related to age, lifestyle values, attitudes, wants and needs, gender, age, number of kids, education income, stage in the household lifecycle, geographic location (urban vs. rural, etc.), or risk orientation, etc.Next, come up with a brief marketing pitch (two to three (2-3) sentences) to persuade the target customer that the vehicle is right for him/her.A real man doesn't honk the horn. He scares the car in front. "When you've been through hell, you tend to appreciate heaven""The Chrysler 200""Imported from Detroit"Review the following two (2) automotive advertisements. Determine the target customer/market(s) that the vehicles in each of these ads would appeal to. In your post, give information about each target group. It could include information related to age, lifestyle values, attitudes, wants and needs, gender, age, number of kids, education income, stage in the household lifecycle, geographic location (urban vs. rural, etc.), or risk orientation, etc.

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MKT 100 WEEK 10 DISCUSSION QUESTIONReflect upon the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with a business that you are familiar with (one you work at, one you completed your assignments on, or one you have just acquired knowledge about). two (2) strategic marketing recommendations for this business based upon your reflection/analysis and the information that you have gained throughout the course?Reflect upon the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with a business that you are familiar with (one you work at, one you completed your assignments on, or one you have just acquired knowledge about). Suggest two (2) strategic marketing recommendations for this business based upon your reflection/analysis and the information that you have gained throughout the course?Reflect upon the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with a business that you are familiar with (one you work at, one you completed your assignments on, or one you have just acquired knowledge about). Suggest two (2) strategic marketing recommendations for this business based upon your reflection/analysis and the information that you have gained throughout the course?

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MKT 100 WEEK 10 DISCUSSION QUESTIONReflect upon the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with a business that you are familiar with (one you work at, one you completed your assignments on, Latest A+ Graded at link below one you have just acquired knowledge about). Suggest two (2) strategic marketing recommendations for this business based upon your reflection/analysis and the information that you have gained throughout the course?Reflect upon the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with a business that you are familiar with (one you work at, one you completed your assignments on, or one you have just acquired knowledge about). Suggest two (2) strategic marketing recommendations for this business based upon your reflection/analysis and the information that you have gained throughout the course?Reflect upon the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with a business that you are familiar with (one you work at, one you completed your assignments on, or one you have just acquired knowledge about). Suggest two (2) strategic marketing recommendations for this business based upon your reflection/analysis and the information that you have gained throughout the course?

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