Search: mitsuvo
25,554 stories
Khr: Bound to a wheelchair TO BE REWRITTEN!

WARNING: OOC:ness!!! 1827!!!!DISCLAIMER: I don't own Khr Amano Akira doesSawada Tsunayoshi is bound to a wheelchair. He's living with his younger brother Sawada Ieyasu who's named after Giotto. Their mother Sawada Nana is dead, their father Sawada Iemitsu is just doing his job as the head of the CEDEF. Tsuna is called maman by those around him. Tsuna's hair is long and not so gravity defying, it ends at his ankles. Ieyasu is to be the next Vongola boss a.k.a the Decimo. Reborn arrives to train him.(Duhh) Tsuna is also called Cielo ventisette paired up with Nuvola diciotto a.k.a Hibari Kyoya.

27.6K 12 660 Full

The heroes how to save the world that contain this story it's contains fun,action,love,friendship,heroic don't forget to read friends

1.9K 10 32
Uvogin x Reader | Hunter x Hunter

Its all in the title... She was just a secretary, no nen or anything, just passing the hunter exam. Other than the exam, she had no combat experience, so what happens when she meets someone from a Troupe of bandits and murderers? I do not own Hunter X Hunter or its characters, only this book.Credit to the cover image drawing and its rightful owner because I did not draw it myself.

52.6K 15 1.6K Full
Back in business

After defeating Muzan, Zenitsu finds out that he has feelings for Tanjiro. He feels that he is unworthy of someone as brave as Tanjiro so he leaves butterfly mansion. Two years later all the slayers who worked under the demon slayer corps are called back due to someone reincarnating Muzan. Zenitsu who was no longer a cry baby is reluctant to return but has no choice when the village he calls home is attacked by a demon. He returns in a female attire under the fake name Zera Yoshikawa.#inogen-1- 29/4/24

1.7K 19 11
Hunter x hunter boyfriend scenarios

KilluaGonKurapika Leorio Hisoka Illumi ChrolloShalnark FeitanPokkleKiteUvogin

573.7K 68 8.8K Full
Endoros Pasaulio Kronikos. Sidabro Kristalo Legenda

Penkiolika metų Kalderos karalystę valdė penki Tamsiosios Imperijos valdovai. Jėga užgrobę karalystę, jie siekė dar didesnės valdžios, silpnino kitų karalysčių autoritetą ir darė viską savo interesų labui. Tačiau dar ne viskas buvo prarasta. Buvo tokių, kurie tikėjo, kad tikrieji Kalderos karalystės valdovai vieną dieną pasirodys ir atsikovos savo žemes. Tačiau ar tai nebuvo nepagrįstos tuo tikinčiųjų viltys?_______________________________________________Katerina būdama maža neteko mamos ir augo su tėvu. Nuo mažens išmokusi apsiginti, ji žinojo, ką reiškė pralieti kito žmogaus kraują, o nuolatinis slapstymasis buvo jos gyvenimo dalis. Tačiau Katerinos tėvas slėpė tikrąją priežastį, kodėl jos motina buvo nužudyta ir kodėl jie turėjo slapstytis. Galiausiai tai sužinojusi Katerina suvoks, kad visa tai buvo didesnio plano dalis.Adrianas, kiek tik prisiminė, visada talkino savo tėvui, Astralijos karalystės valdovui, bet galiausiai tam atėjo galas. Suvokęs, kad visą savo gyvenimą elgėsi neteisingai ir priiminėjo neapgalvotus sprendimus, vaikinas pereina į priešininkų pusę, taip išduodamas savo tikrą tėvą. Kokios pasekmės laukia vaikino ir kas nutiks, kai jo ir Katerinos keliai susikirs?

9.2K 15 539
Jää Minuga

19-aastane Geira Hall elab rahulikku ja ilusat elu... kuniks Geira ema sureb haiguse tagajärjel ning aasta hiljem kohtab tüdruku isa, Hans Hall, uue naisega, kellesse too armub. Üsna pea selgub, et Geira peab kolima uude linna, jättes maha oma vana elu ja sõbrad. Kolides uude linna ja uude koju, kohtub Geira oma kahe kasuvennaga - Caspari ja Matthiasega. Geiral pole mingit tahtmist ega soovi tutvuda oma kasuvendadega, kuid üsna pea keeratakse nende kolme elu pea peale, kiskudes neid armukolmnurka, mida mitte keegi ei oodanud...

2K 23 252 Full
Uvogin's Imouto

Feitan x OC. What if Uvo had a little sister, but only a half a dozen people knew of her existence? What if Uvo asked Chrollo to make her his replacement if anything were to happen to him? Well... this is her story alongside the Troupe. WARNING: cursing and gore. possible future lemons.

158.1K 26 4.5K Full
Am I falling for my boss??(Matt Bomer)

Is it wrong to fall for someone taken? if it is then why does it feel so right. I love him but he is my boss and everything is so messed up. How do I get out of this? Ana is 22 and works as a assistant of Matt Bomer in Bomer publishing. she eventually falls for Matt but its not going to be easy because Matt is taken. Follow the journey of Ana and her boss Matt. Will Matt feel the same way as Ana does or her first love is just going to be uncompleted? Read and find out more :)))

283.6K 23 9.4K Full

Disclaimer: I don't own Boruto or Naruto or any of the characters from the shows. All credits go to the author. The story takes place after the chunin exams, in Boruto.Boruto has always disliked his father. He hated never receiving any attention from him. He hated even more that he was never around his family. After being caught cheating at the chunin exams, Boruto decides to run away. He wants to get stronger to prove to his father that he is worth something.

188.8K 34 3.4K Full
A Need To Understand -SuVan FF

Meeting after 7 years of their separation and the tragedy that made them fall apart, Suman lost almost everyone she loved in her life. Where as Shravan saw his loved ones breaking and falling apart everyday from the humiliation.

40.5K 30 1.9K Full
TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEW

Primarily Kyalin Oneshots of different ratings 😏, you can find some Suvira in here too. Cute fluff to angst, it's all the Kyalin you could want!"I wish I had two lesbian aunties growing up, that would've been awesome for my self esteem." Kya opened her eyes to see Korra and Asami hovering over her. Apparently her and Lin had taken a nap in the sun. "What are you guys doing?" She asked, rubbing her face. "Nothing. We didn't say anything." Korra replies suspiciously."Kya, you and Lin are adorable," Asami said."What? What are you talking about?""Oh Kya, you can quit the charade. It's so obvious. You staring at her stomach all bloody day and not to mention she literally picked you up. That's a whole other level of comfort." Korra explained. "Also, "nicely done," Korra said, pointing to Lin's abs. -excerpt from Beach Volleyball

163K 101 4.6K
One With Nature 2

This is the continue of "One With Nature" since Wattpad only allows 200 chapters per-story.

39.4K 33 2.5K
the entire fnaf lore

credits --HyperDroid ( Theoryand many other resources

11.7K 12 191 Full
The Girl Raised By Wolves

A girl named rose is four years old and got abandoned by her parents in Alaska, she is hungry and cold and just when it seems all hop is gone a pack of wolves pick her up.

58.3K 9 1.4K Full
Межфакультетская любовь

Фанфик "Межфакультетская любовь" я написала, когда мне было 14 лет. И до сих пор, спустя уже столько времени, читатели пишут положительные отзывы. Теперь я хочу, чтобы он стал доступен и вам, читатели wattpad. Буду выкладывать по несколько глав в неделю)Это просто хорошая история любви Драко и Гермионы. Которая заставит поверить в чудо и настоящую любовь. После войны всё переворачивается с ног на голову. Волшебники больше не хотят терять время на предрассудки и готовы открыто рассказать всем о своей любви. И каково же всеобщее удивление, когда Северус Снейп и Минерва Макгонагал решат устроить пышную свадьбу, подготовкой к которой будут заниматься Драко и Гермиона. Что же из этого выйдет? ;)

34.3K 9 438 Full
Roommates (GirlXGirl) ✓

Lara-Jean.Quiet. Reserved. But most of all, in denial.Covey.Sleeve tattoos and a strong desire for her Princess.Two girls. One room.All Rights Reserved. 2019.#1 college romance #1gxglesbianlgbt••••This is one of the first ever book I completed on wattpad, my writing has come a long way since then.But nevertheless, Enjoy ! (:

2M 24 63.7K Full
Dynasty [Eric Coulter]

•thought we built a dynasty forever couldn't break up•[Eric Coulter][Divergent][cover by: @-INFINITAES ][started: february 2020][completed: september 2021]

187.3K 21 4.5K Full
এ☆彡ستاف لأشهر ايدول ミミ☆

241 5 15
Chrollo x reader black rose

So basically on a mission chrollo finds you and takes an interest in you and your nen so you run away with him from what's left for your faimly and join the troop but during your adventure's with the troop you may find more than just a home but....... a lover? This is a chrollo x reader story thair will be swearing just so you know also before you read this book the updates will be VERY slow but I hope it will turn out to be a sweet cute fluffy story (any age can read thair will not be any lemons limes smut or anything of the sort)⚠️ thair will be swearing and thair MITE (not sure) be gore ⚠️. in my world proper grammar does not exist!

29.3K 31 617 Full

The brother of Katniss and Primrose Everdeen, Rowan, is chosen to be the male representative of District 12 in the 74th Hunger Games.

846 12 46 Full
~Art book + Omori art~🔪🌻

No se, voy a subir mis dibujos :) /I dont know, i will post my drawings :)Por favor, no repostear, trazar o robar! Todos los dibujos tienen derechos de autor y solo pueden repostear o dibujar a su estilo CON MI PERMISO y DÁNDOME CRÉDITOS! Gracias! /Please do not repost, trace or steal! All drawings are copyrighted and you can only repost or draw in your style WITH MY PERMISSION and GIVING ME CREDITS! Thank you!

1.3K 30 174
Cold || Blindinnit+Winginnit AU - Dsmp

DISCONTINUEDThe flames of the fire grew larger as it burn the wooden walls of a place called longstedschire.Ashes fell from the sky as the clouds turned gray and dust covering the air, made it harder to breath.His eyes filled with spirit turned dull, losing every hope he grasp that disappeared, the nature around him was consumed by the flames of a wildfireA scent of gun powder made his nose itchA single tear fell off his cheeks as he endured the heat.He turned around...An explosion accur infront of his eyes,As his vision vanished he went consciounsStory contains;BloodGoreManipulationGuilt trippingStrong languageSu!c!deD3athStarted: 15/06/2022Ended: 09/04/2023(DISCONTINUED)(This might not follow the storyline)

10.1K 10 411
faking| mitch marner (completed)

Can two people be best friends without being friend zoned? What happens when one of them needs one to fake date them? Will one of them be good at faking it? All Rights Reserved to @TeuvosMain 2017

23.8K 14 305 Full
The Difference with Love

(sorry for the spelling)its half way through hinitas first year at karusuno alot has happen he feels like he finally as real friends but with kageima he wants more but first he needs to suvive

264 9 10 Full
Arknights: Unyielding Blade

A man driven by his desire to create the ultimate blade, to cut down the mountains, to move the skies, to shift the heavens and to purge the damned souls of hell itself. This is his story.This is the life of Emiya Sengo or otherwise known as Senji Muramasa.

78.1K 9 1.7K