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2,395 stories

"I just want to make you love me"Well, not in this case. In here, Byun Baekhyun and Park Chanyeol hate each other so bad that even the Nine Tails is afraid of them. But at the start of their first year in college, they thought they never would see each faces again but they couldn't be more wrong. Now through some life's twists and turns, they must learn to accept their pasts and look towards their future, with new and old friends. However, just one tiny problem, their futures are completely upside down, unpredictable, and painful. Hear cough cough read cough cough the story of two enemies who really aren't enemies but the door to each other's happiness.All they need to do is say "I love you" and not rip each other's throat off.WARNING: CONTAINS STRONG WORDS. IF YOU CAN NOT HANDLE SUCH WORDS PLEASE FOR YOUR SAKE DO NOT READ THIS STORY.

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Watashi no tsūjō seikatsu {My Normal Life}

{This Story will be translated from English to Japanese} or the other way around}Nachi wa Kankoku no futsū no kōkōsei de, nadakai kōkō ni Nihon ni ijū shite imasu. Shikashi, chottoshita neko to hīpu ga muzan'na shōnen-tachi de ippaidesu. Gāru wa nani o shinakereba naranai nodesu ka?{Nachi is a normal high school student from Korea, transferring to Japan to a prestigious high school. But when a little cat and a heap full of clueless boys. What's a girl gotta do? (Totally not inspired from OHSHC)}Chū: Watashi wa nihongo o yoku hanasanainode, machigatta kotoba o machigaeta baai, hihan shinaide kudasai : Note: I do not speak Japanese very well so if I misspell or use the wrong words please do not criticizeCover Credit: Chuteki on tumblr

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La Forêt Mystique

Welcome to the enchanting world of La Forêt Mystique-a collection of short stories that will transport you to a realm of magic, wonder, and unexpected adventures. Within these pages, you will discover the secrets and mysteries hidden within the ancient forest, where mystical creatures roam and extraordinary events unfold. From the whimsical encounters with talking animals to the extraordinary powers of the magical mushrooms, each story in this collection will captivate your imagination and leave you longing for more. So, grab a cup of tea, settle into a cozy spot, and prepare to embark on a journey through La Forêt Mystique, where dreams come alive and the extraordinary is just a whisper away.Bienvenue dans le monde enchanteur de La Forêt Mystique - une collection de nouvelles qui vous transportera vers un royaume de magie, d'émerveillement et d'aventures inattendues. Au fil de ces pages, vous découvrirez les secrets et les mystères cachés au cœur de la forêt ancestrale, où des créatures mystiques errent et où des événements extraordinaires se déroulent. Des rencontres fantaisistes avec des animaux parlants aux pouvoirs extraordinaires des champignons magiques, chaque histoire de cette collection captivera votre imagination et vous laissera avec une envie insatiable. Alors, prenez une tasse de thé, installez-vous dans un endroit confortable et préparez-vous à entreprendre un voyage à travers La Forêt Mystique, où les rêves prennent vie et l'extraordinaire est à portée de main.

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: "Are we.. still friends?" He asked with bit of hesitation, clearly wanting to say something more. "..Yeah, Yeah." You replied with a sad smile. You wanted to be something more yet fate is always unfair. -IN WHICH - Two friends struggle with their emotions and get caught in feels. orpleasant reconnecting leads to unpleasant confession and uncomfortable tension.

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Late Night Thoughts

A collection of poems and thoughts that keep me up at night

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SUNSHINE (J-Hope x Reader)

*Warning* THIS IS MY FIRST STORY SO ITS GONNA SUCK! and im pretty sure no ones gonna read this....but im still posting it for some dumb reason.You and and your friend Nicole have been friends since 2nd Grade all the way to being adults and living on your own now. You two dont have everything in common but are very good friends.You like a K-Pop group named "BTS" and she likes....well, non k-pop things....but....she likes you for you. So what happens when you get to meet BTSon your birthday thanks to your friend?Will new relationships form?Or will you just meet them and leave?Read to find out...*So this is my first book this was out of boredom.**I KNOW that there will be no one reading this but since J-Hope is my bias...I decide "why not make a book about him?"...So i made. "Sunshine"*I dont own ya know own BTS or anything like that (why would i own them?).

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The ARMY girl

COVER IS FROM @heloyze ON PINTERESTStory of an ARMY girlThis girl describes BTS as her happiness and tells just exactly how much they have helped her through hard times when she thought all was lost.

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•||JoJos Bizarre Adventure - Smuts Angust And Fluff||•

-like in the story name this book has smuts a small amount of angust and fluff,I also would like to say please give me request I am running out of ideas and I would appreciate dearly if you left one.

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Hidden Memories (Jungkook X Reader)

His eyes reflected her features, as if it was a small mirror that was meant to look at her and only her. Face exactly how he remembers it to be, with only few changes as time flew. Cute childish features replaced with a face of an Angel. He could sit there all day staring at her almost too long that he could practically draw every finest details she has. Such a shame that all she remembers is being tangled, trapped and be used by Demons in Hell. Memories all faded in an instant click, playing only the most traumatising ones. (on hiatus)

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A Special Girl Like Any Other

When Morrigan Donner was born, the first remark her father made upon seeing her was, "My god, that is the ugliest thing I have ever seen. Looks like a Baby Golem."Weighing only a kilogram, her head was much smaller than the rest of her body, and as she continued to live - much to displeasure of her father and the rest of his family - her figure and form developed to one that could be compared to a ghost - with her body unsettling in it's slenderness and her face repulsive in the way her eyes seemed to be pouring out of their sockets.Her features in different proportions, on a different person, could have been beautiful. Although blessed with hair the color of a butterfly weed, it seemed the older she got, the more the color seemed to fade, especially in contrast to the red patches on her skin. As her father once said of them, "Morrigan has more craters on her face than there are on the moon."In truth, all of Morrigan's features were too big for her face. One could not think of her eyes long enough without thinking of a dead owl, and one could not think of her nose, without thinking it belonged on a sculpture of a Roman soldier instead of the face of a scrawny, beady child. Unfortunately for her, the only feature that seemed not to be in prolapse were her lips, but the poor things were so small one could hardly ever see them, add to that her stickly habit of biting them in, making them look as if they had been sucked and scarred by a small parasite, and furthering the red, harsh look of her entire face. Truly one could seldom see how such a handsome couple as the Donners, could give birth to such a sick, alien looking creature. Alice Donner, with her long burgundy hair and her sparkly grey eyes, looked like a siren who could lure sailors into the sea with the sheer flicker of her eyes. There was a always a sadness beneath those eyes, but all that did was add to her appeal, making people want to be close to her and protect her. John Donner who ressemled-

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Popcorn Addict

"Please state your name, age, and why you are here."As if being surrounded by other angsty teens who also don't want to be here wasn't enough, she had to throw me under the spotlight. Their eyes were all on me, anticipating on why I was here. Sure, I might not be the most threatening or problematic looking person in the world, but I still have my issues. I exhaled and took a big breath before telling everyone, "My name is Finley Mills , I am 18 years old," I paused and looked around with a blank stare, trying to create some suspense. Who knows what they are thinking, maybe I'm a raging alcoholic or an ax murderer? Although that might be a little extreme. "Can you just tell us already?!" Some random girl shouted. As I sighed to signal an end to my suspenseful pause, I opened my mouth and to finally reveal why I was here:"I am a popcorn addict."They say the first step to controlling an addiction is to admit that you have an addiction. Now that I have admitted it, I feel free. I feel amazing as if I could take on the world and fight someone with my bare fists. "Are you fucking kidding me?" some dude exclaims across from me, "That's her problem? Why is she even here? Most people here have real problems!" Fuck this guy.

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16-year-old Ellis Mendoza just wants to get out of here. His mom died from "heart complications", and ever since, his dad wants nothing to do with him or his sibling, Avery. Ellis finds no point in school anymore--why should he? Learning that x=9 wouldn't stop him from messaging his mom when he knows he won't get a reply. So he drops it. His dad doesn't care if his grades go through the floor, and neither does he. But when he finds a sliver of stone that opens a door to L'an Avalia, where a grieving ruler enlists his help in finding her missing parents, he realizes there may have been more layers to his mom's death then he's being told. With the help of an assassin, a compass, and a couple dead puppets, three friends set out on an adventure to take down a powerful sorceress on the verge of self-destructing.―"Wait, so what you're saying is you're going on a suicide mission and dragging me along for kicks?""Of course not! That would be terribly inefficient.""So then why am I going with you?""Well 𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒𝑜𝓃𝑒 has to pay for food."

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Flower Vows

Ever fear of someone you love dying? Yeah?Well, this happens to Erin Joseph. Beatrice Howard, also know as Bea, has been the closest thing to Erin, that even family can't compare. Bea was her best friend, her soulmate, her everything. Then one day it all disappears. Death claims Beatrice. Absolutely everything shuts down for Erin. She lost someone who meant the world to her. Everything was downfall from there. Erin shuts her self out from the world and emotion-- UNTIL Dimitri Vascov comes around. A hot Russian stud muffin bad boy. (Woo! Say that three times fast!) Now Dimitri is the worst kind. The mob involved, drug dealing, asshole. Erin doesn't seem to mind him until he just comes crashing into her life. He makes he an offer that she can't deny. To have the apartment Bea left behind. But there's a catch! They HAVE to share it. Will Dimitri warm Erin's cold heart or will she shut him out? Will Erin stop him from his bad ways or will he continue down a bad path? Find out in FLOWER VOWS!:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:DO NOT COPY MY STORY OR MY IDEAS. XOXO,C.M

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Life Line.

*A BTS fanfiction*Ships: Taekook, Namjin, Yoonminseok.In a world where it's uncommon to be human, a girl named Angel was sent from heaven to help these boys find their way through high school, relationships, and powers. ⚠ WARNING ⚠ BxB and possibly some smut. It's my first story. So be prepared.

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Dr. Amit Jain- Orthopedics in Hoskote

Dr. Amit Jain- Orthopedics in Hoskote Srinivasa Hospital, 3, TG Badavane 1st Main Rd, Kammavari Pete, Hoskote, Karnataka 562114 8027931547 [email protected] Tuesday10:30 am-2 pm6-8 pmWednesday10:30 am-2 pm6-8 pmThursday10:30 am-2 pm6-8 pmFriday10:30 am-2 pm6-8 pmSaturday10:30 am-2 pm6-8 pmSundayClosedMonday10:30 am-2 pm 6-8 pm Dr. Amit Jain is a renowned and experienced Orthopedics in Hoskote. He brings with him an experience of 6+ years and has been associated with some of the best hospitals in Hoskote. A dedicated compassionate doctor who handles many challenging cases with the latest cutting edge technology. He offers patient-friendly scientific advice to your problems while maintaining the highest professional and ethical values. GMB:

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