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MAT 540 WEEK 5 DISCUSSION QUESTION"Reflection to date" Please respond to the following:In a paragraph, reflect on what you've learned so far in this course. the most interesting, unexpected, or useful thing you've learned and explain why"Reflection to date" Please respond to the following:In a paragraph, reflect on what you've learned so far in this course. Identify the most interesting, unexpected, or useful thing you've learned and explain why MAT 540 WEEK 5 DISCUSSION QUESTION,MAT 540 WEEK 5 DISCUSSION QUESTION,MAT 540 WEEK 5 DISCUSSION QUESTION,MAT 540 WEEK 5 DISCUSSION QUESTION, MAT 540 WEEK 5 DISCUSSION QUESTION,MAT 540 WEEK 5 DISCUSSION QUESTION,MAT 540 WEEK 5 DISCUSSION QUESTION,MAT 540 WEEK 5 DISCUSSION QUESTION

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MAT 540 WEEK 3 DISCUSSION QUESTIONSelect one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting: the part of setting up a simulation in Excel that you find to be the most challenging, and explain why. Identify resources that can help you with that.Explain how simulation is used in the real world. Provide a specific example from your own line of work, or a line of work that you find particularly interesting.Select one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting:Identify the part of setting up a simulation in Excel that you find to be the most challenging, and explain why. Identify resources that can help you with that.Explain how simulation is used in the real world. Provide a specific example from your own line of work, or a line of work that you find particularly interesting.Select one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting:Identify the part of setting up a simulation in Excel that you find to be the most challenging, and explain why. Identify resources that can help you with that.Explain how simulation is used in the real world. Provide a specific example from your own line of work, or a line of work that you find particularly interesting.

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MAT 540 WEEK 3 DISCUSSION QUESTIONSelect one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting:Identify the part of setting up a simulation in Excel that you find to be the most challenging, and explain why. Identify resources that can help you with that.Latest A+ Graded at link below how simulation is used in the real world. Provide a specific example from your own line of work, or a line of work that you find particularly interesting.Select one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting:Identify the part of setting up a simulation in Excel that you find to be the most challenging, and explain why. Identify resources that can help you with that.Explain how simulation is used in the real world. Provide a specific example from your own line of work, or a line of work that you find particularly interesting.Select one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting:Identify the part of setting up a simulation in Excel that you find to be the most challenging, and explain why. Identify resources that can help you with that.Explain how simulation is used in the real world. Provide a specific example from your own line of work, or a line of work that you find particularly interesting.

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MAT 540 WEEK 10 DISCUSSION QUESTIONDiscussion assignment and transshipment problemsSelect one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting: the assignment model and how it facilitates in solving transportation problems. Determine the benefits to be gained from using this model.Identify any challenges you have in setting up an transshipment model in Excel, and solving it with Solver. Explain exactly what the challenges are and why they are challenging. Identify resources that can help you with that.

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MAT 540 WEEK 2 DISCUSSION QUESTIONIn your own words, explain how to obtain the "expected value of perfect information" for any payoff table, which has probabilities associated with each state of nature. Then, provide an example, drawing from any of the payoff tables in Problems 1-17 in the back of Chapter 12. If no probabilities are given for the states of nature, then assume equal likelihood.Latest A+ Graded at link below your own words, explain how to obtain the "expected value of perfect information" for any payoff table, which has probabilities associated with each state of nature. Then, provide an example, drawing from any of the payoff tables in Problems 1-17 in the back of Chapter 12. If no probabilities are given for the states of nature, then assume equal likelihood.

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MAT 540 WEEK 2 DISCUSSION QUESTIONIn your own words, explain how to obtain the "expected value of perfect information" for any payoff table, which has probabilities associated with each state of nature. Then, provide an example, drawing from any of the payoff tables in Problems 1-17 in the back of Chapter 12. If no probabilities are given for the states of nature, then assume equal likelihood.In your own words, explain how to obtain the "expected value of perfect information" for any payoff table, which has probabilities associated with each state of nature. Then, provide an example, drawing from any of the payoff tables in Problems 1-17 in the back of Chapter 12. If no probabilities are given for the states of nature, then assume equal likelihood.

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MAT 540 WEEK 4 DISCUSSION QUESTIONDiscuss Forecasting MethodsSelect one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting: any challenges you have in setting up a time-series analysis in Excel. Explain what they are and why they are challenging. Identify resources that can help you with that.Explain how forecasting is used in the real world. Provide a specific example from your own line of work, or a line of work that you find particularly interesting.MAT 540 WEEK 4 DISCUSSION QUESTIONDiscuss Forecasting MethodsSelect one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting:Identify any challenges you have in setting up a time-series analysis in Excel. Explain what they are and why they are challenging. Identify resources that can help you with that.Explain how forecasting is used in the real world. Provide a specific example from your own line of work, or a line of work that you find particularly interesting.

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MAT 540 WEEK 6 DISCUSSION QUESTIONSelect one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting:The objective function always includes all of the decision variables, but that is not necessarily true of the constraints. Latest A+ Graded at link below the difference between the objective function and the constraints. Then, explain why a constraint need not refer to all the variables.Pick any constraint from any problem in the text, and explain how to plot the line that corresponds to that constraint.MAT 540 WEEK 6 DISCUSSION QUESTIONDiscuss LP ModelsSelect one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting:The objective function always includes all of the decision variables, but that is not necessarily true of the constraints. Explain the difference between the objective function and the constraints. Then, explain why a constraint need not refer to all the variables.Pick any constraint from any problem in the text, and explain how to plot the line that corresponds to that constraint.

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MAT 540 WEEK 7 DISCUSSION QUESTIONDiscuss sensitivity analysisSelect one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting: any challenges you have in setting up a linear programming problem in Excel, and solving it with Solver. Explain exactly what the challenges are and why they are challenging. Identify resources that can help you with that.Explain what the shadow price means in a maximization problem. Explain what this tells us from a management perspective.MAT 540 WEEK 7 DISCUSSION QUESTIONDiscuss sensitivity analysisSelect one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting:Identify any challenges you have in setting up a linear programming problem in Excel, and solving it with Solver. Explain exactly what the challenges are and why they are challenging. Identify resources that can help you with that.Explain what the shadow price means in a maximization problem. Explain what this tells us from a management perspective.

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MAT 540 WEEK 6 DISCUSSION QUESTIONSelect one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting: objective function always includes all of the decision variables, but that is not necessarily true of the constraints. Explain the difference between the objective function and the constraints. Then, explain why a constraint need not refer to all the variables.Pick any constraint from any problem in the text, and explain how to plot the line that corresponds to that constraint.MAT 540 WEEK 6 DISCUSSION QUESTIONDiscuss LP ModelsSelect one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting:The objective function always includes all of the decision variables, but that is not necessarily true of the constraints. Explain the difference between the objective function and the constraints. Then, explain why a constraint need not refer to all the variables.Pick any constraint from any problem in the text, and explain how to plot the line that corresponds to that constraint.

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MAT 540 WEEK 9 DISCUSSION QUESTIONDiscuss characteristics of integer programming problemsSelect one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting:Explain how the applications of Integer programming differ from those of linear programming.Latest A+ Graded at link below Give specific instances in which you would use an integer programming model rather than an LP model. Provide real-world examples.Identify any challenges you have in setting up an integer programming problem in Excel, and solving it with Solver. Explain exactly what the challenges are and why they are challenging. Identify resources that can help you with that.MAT 540 WEEK 9 DISCUSSION QUESTIONDiscuss characteristics of integer programming problemsSelect one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting:Explain how the applications of Integer programming differ from those of linear programming. Give specific instances in which you would use an integer programming model rather than an LP model. Provide real-world examples.

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MAT 540 WEEK 1 DISCUSSION QUESTION"Class Introductions" Please respond to the following: introduce yourself, including your educational and career goals, as well as some personal information about yourself. In your introduction, please draw from your own experience (or use a search engine) to give an example of how probability is used in your chosen profession. If you get your information from an online or other resource, be sure to cite the source of the information.MAT 540 WEEK 1 DISCUSSION QUESTION"Class Introductions" Please respond to the following:Please introduce yourself, including your educational and career goals, as well as some personal information about yourself. In your introduction, please draw from your own experience (or use a search engine) to give an example of how probability is used in your chosen profession. If you get your information from an online or other resource, be sure to cite the source of the information.

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MAT 540 WEEK 10 DISCUSSION QUESTIONDiscussion assignment and transshipment problemsSelect one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting:Explain the assignment model and how it facilitates in solving transportation problems. Determine the benefits to be gained from using this model.Identify any challenges you have in setting up an transshipment model in Excel, and solving it with Solver. Explain exactly what the challenges are and why they are challenging. Identify resources that can help you with that.MAT 540 WEEK 10 DISCUSSION QUESTIONDiscussion assignment and transshipment problemsSelect one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting:Explain the assignment model and how it facilitates in solving transportation problems. Determine the benefits to be gained from using this model.Latest A+ Graded at link below any challenges you have in setting up an transshipment model in Excel, and solving it with Solver. Explain exactly what the challenges are and why they are challenging. Identify resources that can help you with that.

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MAT 540 WEEK 5 DISCUSSION QUESTION"Reflection to date" Please respond to the following:Latest A+ Graded at link below a paragraph, reflect on what you've learned so far in this course. Identify the most interesting, unexpected, or useful thing you've learned and explain why"Reflection to date" Please respond to the following:In a paragraph, reflect on what you've learned so far in this course. Identify the most interesting, unexpected, or useful thing you've learned and explain whyMAT 540 WEEK 5 DISCUSSION QUESTION"Reflection to date" Please respond to the following:In a paragraph, reflect on what you've learned so far in this course. Identify the most interesting, unexpected, or useful thing you've learned and explain why"Reflection to date" Please respond to the following:In a paragraph, reflect on what you've learned so far in this course. Identify the most interesting, unexpected, or useful thing you've learned and explain why

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MAT 540 WEEK 9 DISCUSSION QUESTIONDiscuss characteristics of integer programming problemsSelect one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting: how the applications of Integer programming differ from those of linear programming. Give specific instances in which you would use an integer programming model rather than an LP model. Provide real-world examples.Identify any challenges you have in setting up an integer programming problem in Excel, and solving it with Solver. Explain exactly what the challenges are and why they are challenging. Identify resources that can help you with that.MAT 540 WEEK 9 DISCUSSION QUESTIONDiscuss characteristics of integer programming problemsSelect one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting:Explain how the applications of Integer programming differ from those of linear programming. Give specific instances in which you would use an integer programming model rather than an LP model. Provide real-world examples.Identify any challenges you have in setting up an integer programming problem in Excel, and solving it with Solver. Explain exactly what the challenges are and why they are challenging. Identify resources that can help you with that.

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MAT 540 WEEK 7 DISCUSSION QUESTIONSelect one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting:Identify any challenges you have in setting up a linear programming problem in Excel, and solving it with Solver. Explain exactly what the challenges are and why they are challenging. Identify resources that can help you with that.Latest A+ Graded at link below what the shadow price means in a maximization problem. Explain what this tells us from a management perspective.MAT 540 WEEK 7 DISCUSSION QUESTIONDiscuss sensitivity analysisSelect one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting:Identify any challenges you have in setting up a linear programming problem in Excel, and solving it with Solver. Explain exactly what the challenges are and why they are challenging. Identify resources that can help you with that.Explain what the shadow price means in a maximization problem. Explain what this tells us from a management perspective.MAT 540 WEEK 7 DISCUSSION QUESTIONDiscuss sensitivity analysisSelect one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting:Identify any challenges you have in setting up a linear programming problem in Excel, and solving it with Solver. Explain exactly what the challenges are and why they are challenging. Identify resources that can help you with that.Explain what the shadow price means in a maximization problem. Explain what this tells us from a management perspective.

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MAT 540 WEEK 11 DISCUSSION QUESTION"Reflection to date" Please respond to the following: a paragraph, reflect on what you've learned in this course. Identify the most interesting, unexpected, or useful thing you've learned, and explain how it can be applied to your work or daily life in some manner."Reflection to date" Please respond to the following:In a paragraph, reflect on what you've learned in this course. Identify the most interesting, unexpected, or useful thing you've learned, and explain how it can be applied to your work or daily life in some manner.MAT 540 WEEK 11 DISCUSSION QUESTION"Reflection to date" Please respond to the following:In a paragraph, reflect on what you've learned in this course. Identify the most interesting, unexpected, or useful thing you've learned, and explain how it can be applied to your work or daily life in some manner."Reflection to date" Please respond to the following:In a paragraph, reflect on what you've learned in this course. Identify the most interesting, unexpected, or useful thing you've learned, and explain how it can be applied to your work or daily life in some manner.

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MAT 540 WEEK 4 DISCUSSION QUESTIONSelect one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting:Identify any challenges you have in setting up a time-series analysis in Excel. Explain what they are and why they are challenging. Identify resources that can help you with that.Explain how forecasting is used in the real world. Latest A+ Graded at link below a specific example from your own line of work, or a line of work that you find particularly interesting.MAT 540 WEEK 4 DISCUSSION QUESTIONDiscuss Forecasting MethodsSelect one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting:Identify any challenges you have in setting up a time-series analysis in Excel. Explain what they are and why they are challenging. Identify resources that can help you with that.Explain how forecasting is used in the real world. Provide a specific example from your own line of work, or a line of work that you find particularly interesting.MAT 540 WEEK 4 DISCUSSION QUESTIONDiscuss Forecasting MethodsSelect one (1) of the following topics for your primary discussion posting:Identify any challenges you have in setting up a time-series analysis in Excel. Explain what they are and why they are challenging. Identify resources that can help you with that.Explain how forecasting is used in the real world. Provide a specific example from your own line of work, or a line of work that you find particularly interesting.

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MAT 510 WEEK 3 DISCUSSION QUESTION"Business Processes" Please respond to the following:Note: Online students, please select one of the two subjects to discuss.Latest A+ Graded at link below the textbook, to eliminate or reduce non-value-added work is a core step in improving profitability or efficiency of the business process. Give your opinion on whether or not you agree or disagree with this statement and include one (1) example of a business process which supports or criticizes the aforementioned statement to support your position.Determine at least two (2) challenges in identifying Opportunity for Improvements (OFIs). Suggest at least one (1) strategy that business management can use to mitigate the challenges in question. Provide a rationale to support your suggestion.

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MAT 510 WEEK 3 DISCUSSION QUESTIONBusiness Processes" Please respond to the following:Note: Online students, please select one of the two subjects to discuss. the textbook, to eliminate or reduce non-value-added work is a core step in improving profitability or efficiency of the business process. Give your opinion on whether or not you agree or disagree with this statement and include one (1) example of a business process which supports or criticizes the aforementioned statement to support your position.Determine at least two (2) challenges in identifying Opportunity for Improvements (OFIs). Suggest at least one (1) strategy that business management can use to mitigate the challenges in question. Provide a rationale to support your suggestion.

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MAT 540 WEEK 8 DISCUSSION QUESTIONPractice setting up linear programming models for business applicationsSelect an even-numbered LP problem from the text, excluding 14, 20, 22, 36 (which are part of your homework assignment). Formulate a linear programming model for the problem you select.Practice setting up linear programming models for business applicationsSelect an even-numbered LP problem from the text, excluding 14, 20, 22, 36 (which are part of your homework assignment). Formulate a linear programming model for the problem you select.MAT 540 WEEK 8 DISCUSSION QUESTIONPractice setting up linear programming models for business applicationsSelect an even-numbered LP problem from the text, excluding 14, 20, 22, 36 (which are part of your homework assignment). Formulate a linear programming model for the problem you select.Latest A+ Graded at link below setting up linear programming models for business applicationsSelect an even-numbered LP problem from the text, excluding 14, 20, 22, 36 (which are part of your homework assignment). Formulate a linear programming model for the problem you select.

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MAT 540 WEEK 8 DISCUSSION QUESTIONPractice setting up linear programming models for business applicationsSelect an even-numbered LP problem from the text, excluding 14, 20, 22, 36 (which are part of your homework assignment). Formulate a linear programming model for the problem you select. setting up linear programming models for business applicationsSelect an even-numbered LP problem from the text, excluding 14, 20, 22, 36 (which are part of your homework assignment). Formulate a linear programming model for the problem you select.MAT 540 WEEK 8 DISCUSSION QUESTIONPractice setting up linear programming models for business applicationsSelect an even-numbered LP problem from the text, excluding 14, 20, 22, 36 (which are part of your homework assignment). Formulate a linear programming model for the problem you select.Practice setting up linear programming models for business applicationsSelect an even-numbered LP problem from the text, excluding 14, 20, 22, 36 (which are part of your homework assignment). Formulate a linear programming model for the problem you select.

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MAT 540 WEEK 11 DISCUSSION QUESTION"Reflection to date" Please respond to the following:In a paragraph, reflect on what you've learned in this course. Identify the most interesting, unexpected, or useful thing you've learned, and explain how it can be applied to your work or daily life in some manner.Latest A+ Graded at link below"Reflection to date" Please respond to the following:In a paragraph, reflect on what you've learned in this course. Identify the most interesting, unexpected, or useful thing you've learned, and explain how it can be applied to your work or daily life in some manner.MAT 540 WEEK 11 DISCUSSION QUESTION"Reflection to date" Please respond to the following:In a paragraph, reflect on what you've learned in this course. Identify the most interesting, unexpected, or useful thing you've learned, and explain how it can be applied to your work or daily life in some manner."Reflection to date" Please respond to the following:In a paragraph, reflect on what you've learned in this course. Identify the most interesting, unexpected, or useful thing you've learned, and explain how it can be applied to your work or daily life in some manner.

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MAT 543 WEEK 3 DISCUSSION QUESTION"Planning Tools" Please respond to the following:Suggest the major benefits of utilizing a flow chart to define and improve a work process. Outline the key steps required to construct and develop an effective flow chart.Determine why one should include time value of money in any financial decision. Elaborate on how this will facilitate better financial decision making."Planning Tools" Please respond to the following: the major benefits of utilizing a flow chart to define and improve a work process. Outline the key steps required to construct and develop an effective flow chart.Determine why one should include time value of money in any financial decision. Elaborate on how this will facilitate better financial decision making.

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MAT 543 WEEK 3 DISCUSSION QUESTION"Planning Tools" Please respond to the following:Latest A+ Graded at link below the major benefits of utilizing a flow chart to define and improve a work process. Outline the key steps required to construct and develop an effective flow chart.Determine why one should include time value of money in any financial decision. Elaborate on how this will facilitate better financial decision making."Planning Tools" Please respond to the following:Suggest the major benefits of utilizing a flow chart to define and improve a work process. Outline the key steps required to construct and develop an effective flow chart.Determine why one should include time value of money in any financial decision. Elaborate on how this will facilitate better financial decision making."Planning Tools" Please respond to the following:Suggest the major benefits of utilizing a flow chart to define and improve a work process. Outline the key steps required to construct and develop an effective flow chart.Determine why one should include time value of money in any financial decision. Elaborate on how this will facilitate better financial decision making.

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