Search: loneranger
11,413 stories
RQ AU Oneshots | Claimable AUs

Hello, and welcome to my book of AUs!I write down little ideas for AUs here, as I can't turn them all into books. If you want to claim one from me, the rules for doing so are in the first section of this book. Keep in mind the chapter labels below, as they let you know things like which AUs are already claimed, which ones I'm keeping for myself, or when there's a chapter I have written that is about an AU that is not mine. I will also accept requests for AUs, too, like if you have a small idea for one but don't know how to put it. You can comment it and I'll look at it!Also keep in mind that I do not ship characters at all, and you will not find that in any AU chapters I make. If you claim an AU, you can do that with it, shipping is just not my cup of tea. This goes for AU requests, too.I hope you enjoy!+== AU Labels ==+Blank - Unclaimed💛 - I'm Keeping This🏵 - Claimed by Someone💜 - Part of an AU (aka Part 2s and oneshots for ideas already mentioned)💕 - Something for Someone Else's AU🌸 - Random Thing that Isn't Related to RQ🌟 - Announcement (For either a book or a milestone)✨ - Art I've Received for AUs🦭 - Meme

106.5K 193 4.9K
ChromaTober | 2023 FMS Writing Challenge

Hellooooo! My turn to host a writing challenge :3You all probably know the drill by now; Each day, a one-word prompt will be published, and it's up to those participating to write something involving or inspired by the word that takes place in a FavremySabre series.More in-depth rules inside!

10.4K 32 809 Full
The Stories He Has to Tell | SabreTober Prompts | Hosted by IcyWillowSong

I finally get to join in a prompts thing while it's going!This is being hosted by IcyWillowSong, an amazing fellow writer. Their rules for this are that it can be anything related to a FavremySabre series, not just Steve related, OCs are allowed, AUs are welcome, you should @ them when you make your contribution, you don't have to write every day, and you can use stuff from your own fics.I'm excited to be joining, and I hope you enjoy this book! :D

16.4K 31 834 Full
An Altered Tale | A Rainbow Quest AU

Orange Steve, along with his adoptive father Red Steve, were looking forward to their summers; Red just got a new job at a coffee shop, and Orange was finally old enough to help with the bills other than doing odd jobs around the neighborhood. It only seemed to be another normal, but more exciting, summer.However, when a strange being from another world suddenly appears in their yard, they realize that this summer, and possibly the months after it, is going to change everything about their lives as they know it.Soon enough, people become suspicious of what they're hiding from the public, and the stakes only get higher as Orange realizes what his new friend truly is.All Orange Steve knows for sure is, this is going to be the weirdest summer of his life.

7.9K 20 559
Silently Falling | √

[COMPLETED]Alexis was your typical everyday good girl with excellent grades, a single best friend, an annoying elder brother and a family that loved her to no end. When senior year rolled up, Alexis wasn't looking to expand her small social circle of friends or put herself out there but things are meant to change, after all, change is the only constant thing in life. Paired to do a group assignment with the school's three new mysterious gorgeous looking guys at the start of the term, Alexis is tested in more ways than one. Cheesy pick up lines, rude guys, charming smiles, motorcycle rides, coffee dates and long hours together is all it takes to make her question everything she ever thought she knew. But what happens when she falls for one of them? The one with the dark hair and green eyes? What will she do when he finds out about the secret she's been harbouring all her life? She begins to regret her decision and wish she'd met him long before, but life has its own way of playing with one's feelings. Will her secret break their newly found relationship or will it make it grow stronger? ----☆----Formerly known as 'Falling In Love With You'[[word count: 60,000 - 70,000 words]]Cover by @_torch

479.8K 48 16.4K Full
Crystal Horrors: Stories from Before the Rift | Stevetober Prompts

I know, I know, I'm using 2021 writing prompts in August of 2022. I just wanted to use the prompts as I didn't get to join in last year :)I've even added an extra challenge for myself: In this book, all of the chapters using the prompts will be centered around my Horror Crossover AU called Crystal Horrors! Originally started on my YT channel, I've decided to give it some more background for my readers here and my subs on YouTube.-Original challenge is by AllyC45! Go look at theirs and the other books in the tag!

6.5K 31 502 Full
Incorrect Quotes

I'm just gonna post here when I'm bored or want to write shenanigans. Will take suggestions, as long as it's not ships.These take place in both Sabre's series (SS, RQ, SL, TR) and AUs, both mine and ones that used to be mine but have new owners. Maybe even some ones from other people's AUs.

10.4K 23 431
The Grey Rose | A RQ AU

=====================================Just as he fought his way out of his own mind, he was abandoned by all he ever knew and cared for. Alone, afraid, and brokenhearted, he cowered in the ruins of a place that was once grand and beautiful, now destroyed by his shadow. He was lost, with nowhere to return to. All hope seemed to have faded in cold isolation...Until a red hand offered a new warmth to follow.=====================================Yeeeaaahhhh I caved and made another one- but this is really good I promise-This AU kicked down my door, punched me in the ribs, yanked my heartstrings, and demanded a place in my stories. And the discord server I'm in convinced me to make this book lol

6.9K 12 470
Vengeful | A Rainbow Quest AU

Vengeance is a strong connection to something... or someone. When Sabre is almost killed after the events of the Corrected Sun, Rainbow has decided that enough is enough. Stealing the Rainbow Crystal, it is used to save Sabre from certain death. Now, with his friend by his side once more, Sabre seeks revenge for the neglect and abuse he went through.What he doesn't know is, Rainbow's desire for revenge is stronger than his own, and that means he'll make the Chromatics feel the same pain Sabre was put through......No matter the cost.

18.5K 27 895
Metal and Bone | A Rainbow Quest AU

A world thrown into a mechanical apocalypse, robots created by the now-extinct humans all that's left of the once great technologies and advancements of mankind. However, when a human from a different post-apocalypse is pulled into their world, things on this planet-turned-steel are about to get unbelievably crazier.+=---------------------------=+I made this story after getting an AU suggestion by -sneakysquirrel-! They're pretty cool :)Hope you enjoy this fic full of random, and you might recognize some inspirations from other books (don't worry, I'm not copying) :3Trigger warnings that are most present in this story are blood, scariness, and slight body horror. Read with caution if you're uncomfortable with any of these!

19.5K 33 957
The Sky People, Smol Edition! | An Interactive Rainbow Quest AU

Sabre has been hiding a secret from the people of the Steve Realm, quite a big secret in fact, considering it's based around over 738 thousand tiny, blob-like creatures. How he's kept this secret for so long, he has no idea... however, he doesn't have to wonder for much longer.After a few of his friends follow him into the spot in the woods he's been hiding these little critters, he can't hide the Sky People from the Realm anymore. After a lot of convincing, Sabre finally agrees to introduce the Sky People to his friends, the Chromatics and others.What will this adventure become? All of you, dear readers, decide!

15.6K 19 665
Beneath the Waves | A Rainbow Quest AU

The ship he was part of the crew on suddenly crashing, Sabre is stuck on an alien planet almost completely made up of pure ocean. He only has a lifepod from the Aurora for shelter, having dropped to the planet's surface inside it moments before the Aurora completely fell apart. Little does Sabre know, he's not the only intelligent life form on 4546B... in fact, far from it.Follow Sabre's journey through this strange alien planet, as he uncovers more and more secrets behind the history of the oceanic world he's fallen to.---------------------------------------This AU is based off the game 'Subnautica'! If you don't know what it is, please go look at some playthroughs, it's very much worth it! Subnautica is a survival game set on an alien planet entirely covered by ocean.

8.9K 16 582
My Bad Boy Best Friend

*From Best Friends To Worst Enemies*"You really think you stand a chance Badboy?" I snorted. "You tell me." He had the audacity to smirk as I stood there covered in stale spaghetti. "So this is it then? The beginning of your end!" Fine I was a little overdramatic but so was he! He leaned in and I felt a slight tingling sensation in my skin--and no, it definitely wasn't the spaghetti! "Maybe if you didn't look like a blob of tomato sauce I'd feel a little bit threatened." "If this is how it has to be, bring it on Badboy!" And that's where it all began. The chaos. The drama.The fights. The drunk conversations. The sleepless nights. The hatred. The kisses.And well maybe? Eventually? The insane urge to punch that sexy smirk off his face! •••

7.7K 32 161 Full
Against the Clock

Sabre was able to come back to the RQ world after the events of the Loop reset, thanks to Origin wanting Sabre to live peacefully with his creations. It's been a few months since then, and Sabre has been going back to being roommates with Time again in the village, and helping the Leaders with decisions as a neutral party during meetings. His life is pretty normal, aside from the Professor borrowing him for experiments often. He's glad that he can finally just live in one world...However, a hidden being has other plans. Envious of Sabre's good fortune and fond memory, a Creator forgotten by time itself due to his past actions decides to infect Sabre with a deadly virus that only affects him, planning to kill him slowly. Once everyone finds out, it's a race against the clock to find a cure for Sabre's ailment, before he's taken by the sickness.As Sabre's health slowly declines, questions fill everyones minds. Will a cure be found for this strange virus? Or will Sabre's luck finally run out?

8.5K 17 503
Princess Can Fight |✓

Izabelle Carson never had a normal life. She grew up with a step sister and mentor. A mentor who taught her to fight and a step sister who made her strong but when her step sister dies, she breaks. She builds herself up again but the walls are stronger than ever. With no room for anyone.Austin Prince. School hottie. Almost actually lived like a prince. Perfect life. Loads of girls at his disposal. Genius.Bradley Kingston. Heartbroken. Strong. Loved by all. A trained spy. Beautiful blue eyes. Blonde hair. The dream of every girl.What happens when - Izabelle is Bradley and Austin's next assignment?With secrets at every step and unexpected turns at every moment. Pain, fear, love and hatred changes all three of them forever.________

149.6K 46 4K Full
ChromaTober | FMS 2023 writing challenge | Hosted by @LoneRanger253

I try to keep up with the challenge for the first time - I'm in for an interesting challenge >:]

3K 24 243 Full
Ask the Prism Amalgam! | A Rainbow Quest AU

You guys have seen me write things with the Prism Amalgam AU, but I'm too lazy to write a story and wait to get to the good stuff... so I decided to make an ask book :3(Decided not to change the cover bc people liked it and I'm lazy lol-)Ask Sabre and Rainbow, who are now in a fused body, anything about any point in time of the AU! Just keep it clean, alright? Thank you :D

2K 8 128
Wintertime Tales| 25 Days of the SCU Challenge | Hosted by AllyC45

Hellooo everyone! Yep, doing another prompts book lol-Except this time it's Christmas :3Ally has the rules and such in her book, so if you want to join too, head on over there!

1.9K 9 144
Chromatober|A FMS Prompt Challenge by LoneRanger253|Written by me

This month I will attempt to do this writing prompt challenge given by LoneRanger! It's a FavreMySabre based challenge and I really need to get back into writing

3.4K 31 302 Full
Ask the Horror AU! | A Rainbow Quest AU

Here is the other AU Asks book! You can probably tell I like this AU a lot lol- idk why-Anyway, rules are in the first chapter and don't go too nuts. Keep a lookout for lore :3

2.8K 12 174

#215 in poemcollection 14/08/2018#112 in anxiety disorder 17/08/2018 ------------------------------- A collection of short poems, each with its own tragic ending.

582 11 174 Full
Artbook! (Temporary Cover)

This is so I stop putting art in my oneshots book lol-Here, you can find character designs, random art I did, my fanart for both people and the FavremySabre community, and doodles when I feel like making them!Enjoy my sometimes-good-sometimes-crap artwork :b

1.8K 17 191
Stolen Pages

~Her words were my poison. I used them to consume myself. Disturbingly honest. Painfully strained. Carefully penned down. Dangerously addictive.~ A journal that landed in the right hands and told a whole story with words, no lips could speak. Two people bound by the pages of a book that tore their souls apart.He found it lying around and wondered what could go wrong. He didn't recognise the handwriting but he knew he instantly fell in love with it.Then it began. The assault of words on his life. He couldn't believe a word she wrote but somehow he did. He knew more about her than anyone else but he knew so little about who she was... It was maddening. How someone could have such an impact on you without having a single conversation with you. Her precious words tortured his existence, they drowned him in misery, created a black hole of words around him, gave him everything he needed to live. Made him fall in love. Gave him a world of his own. Made him believe in rainbows, unicorns, coffee, the basis of happiness, the meaning of every sunrise, the mystery of every deep ocean, she made him human.He knew he had to find her. He had to find out who she was. He had given him all the clues he needed but none of them were enough to prepare him for who she was. But sometimes... The journey is more important than the destination. Sometimes, the journey is the destination. A book full of stolen pages and a boy full of curiosity. This was how he let her shape his story. __________________ Description inside.Italics = Journal entry.500 word chapters. Okay, so I don't know if you want to read it yet but it would mean the world to me if you could give it a shot.

4.1K 104 593 Full
Chromatober|Writing Challenge| Hosted By LoneRanger

Joined in on a writing challenge! This is hosted by Ranger!!! One word prompts that are open for interpretation! Heck Yeah! And Ocs are acceptable sooo- the ocs from Essence will likely make an appearance!Edit: Most of it is about the Essence Au, unless stated/said otherwise!

4.6K 31 311
ChromaTober | Hosted by LoneRanger253

Prompt is hosted by @LoneRanger253

225 3 8
Caramel Popcorn

Simply put, this is a love story. Okay, maybe it's not exactly a love story, it's more about letting go and growing as an individual--fine, it's most definitely not about that. This is the story of Flynn. He's hot, he's heartbroken and he's got a really messed up past--yep he's the whole package. Flynn once used to fight bad guys, but then he realised he wanted to live? Obviously, nobody bought that story because come on, who just suddenly wants to not be a good guy anymore? And just be a normal guy? So they sent me to observe him from the shadows. But, I'm not very good at that. So I decided to do this my way. Hell I even made a list!•Succesfully establish yourself as a loser with serious self worth issues. •Make him fall for you. •Make sure he's not playing you. •Remember he's the target. •Punch Ace in the face if he shows up again. •Don't break cover, even if you have to punch Ace in the face. •Don't fall for the target. Side note- Don't punch anyone else in the face. It's a pretty thorough list, clearly. I'm good at making lists. However, what I'm not good at is following the lists I make because let's be real--I couldn't go an entire semester without punching anyone! And that's not even the beginning of how hard this entire experience is going to be!___________This is sort of a spin off to Princess can Fight and will probably have a few spoilers for the same. I hope you give it a shot!

212 14 21