Search: livinglivetothefullest
5 stories
When your heart is stolen.. (poetry collection)

Love!!Nobody could barely slip from its hands..Whether you're already in touch with your soulmate or waiting to find your twinmate... Dive in to feel romantic pals!!The last part won't be probably a one that you'll expect to find a smile while reading at.... Hallucinations(Part 5, preferably my fav) ... Don't miss it!!!!

60 5 5 Full
I Want to be Alive

Everyone wants to feel alive and struggles to fine themselves but you are not alone.

3 1 0
The Fault in our Hearts

SPOILERS! DON'T READ UNTILL YOU FINISHED TFIOSAfter Augustus Water's death, Hazel Grace finds life full of sad memories. Hazel and best friend Isaac stick together trying to deal with the fact that their beloved Augustus isn't with them. Does spending so much time together lead to something else? Or are they in for a surprise? Will Hazel ever live her life again? Will they see the stars?

660 10 34
Choosing to Live

There comes a time in life when you need to make a choice. Make it the right one. My entry into the Maybelline #BraveTogether Writeathon. © All Rights Reserved 2021 Charity Rue aka Ruechari

94 1 22
Where Our Chances Count

Modern AU.He was a cancer strickened patient. She was the lovely nurse. She had changed his mind, he had finally taken chances. He fell for her as she fell for him. The time he had left, with her, is all that mattered. Death wasn't as scary as long she was with him by his side.

918 1 14