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Hybrid High

Prologue: Four girls each blessed with immense powers from birth earn a new power: THE ELEMENTS, but whilst 3 rise to power, 1 will fall at the hands of her fellow elements. Join us as we explore the adventure and challenges all four faced during their time at HYBRID HIGH.===============================================================================Yes at long last, Hybrid High has hit Wattpad. This is a story me and @EndGoddess are in so go follow her and tell her Vapy sent you, she knows what that means. Anyways, guys seriously enjoy, I've been working on this for a year now

928 34 35

Para tí, mi leal lector.La iglesia no es más que un manual de reglas a la sumisión. La religión no es la senda a la salvación.PREFACIOYahvé y Luzbell fueron uno mismo al principio de los tiempos, se hacía llamar Dios, su energía crecía con la adoración de sus creaciones, los mundos y los seres que los habitaban magnificaban su poder.Con el paso de las generaciones, la energía no pudo seguir unida, pues así como las adoraciones eran con fines buenos, acaecían otros hechos que eran malévolos. La potencia tenía que dividirse para no exterminarse, provocando la división del ser que la tierra ha adorado en diferentes nombres.Chantal es una chica común con los mismos problemas de adaptación social, su trauma en el amor aplazó reencontrar sus sentimientos. Su mejor amigo trabajó para ayudarla a seguir adelante, naciendo en ellos el amor de almas gemelas.Cuando decidieron vivir ese sentimiento un conjunto de arcángeles y demonios se interpusieron arrebatándole esa oportunidad. Le hicieron ver que no era una creación cualquiera del que llaman todopoderoso, si no que contenía la energía positiva y negativa. La fuerza que los unió en el comienzo.Esa noticia lleva a Chantal a realizar actos que nunca imaginó, y al final habrá que decidir si desea sacrificarse por el bien de la humanidad cómo los antecesores de Yahvé, o ser asesinada como los antecesores de Luzbell. Su decisión está ligada con la noticia de que su mejor amigo no era real, sino que era un ser de luz creado para cuidar del poder de dios antes de dividirse. Formar parte de algo que rompe con años de historia, que la misma iglesia con todas sus formas de manifestar a Dios ha impuesto, es lo que cambiará la vida de la joven hasta que llegué el momento del fin.

95 22 0
Crash Landing

Things you should know first: - There are half demons and half angels, witches and sirens, trolls and basilisks, dragons and banshees. - Their purpose: Unknown. What is anyone's purpose anyway?-There are no werewolves (very unfortunate, their physique is beautiful) and zombies, unicorns and leprechauns, vampires and bogeymen.- There are three ruling parties: Hestia, the ruler of half demons. Named after the Greek Goddess of fire she could probably end the world with one look. Fairly good leader but as you know they always have other motives Demonica, the ruler of half angel. named after no one cause she's a bad bitch and could probably kill an army with her beauty. Type of leader: unknown but she's into some skeptical things. Is Hestia's sister and the hate runs as deep as blood. -Both sisters have to have three representatives, preferably male (rolls eyes) Lastly, the counsel, made up of a group of highly intelligent beings. Rulers of those who don't follow either of the sisters. 1. Madam Gousel: Awfully stern with the best research skills. Ability: retain knowledge. Almost 35, is a half angel. 2. Sarah Von Viel: three words to describe her personality: is a happy catlady by choice. Ability: scientifically inclined. 3. Timotheè Flynn Fitzgerald, the youngest of the group, 20. Ability: Mentalist.Can be such a dirtbag, he's lucky he's hot.You can choose whichever character you want to be, if you choose Maeve Catherine Talton, you're fucked babe. You can be anyone- the one you relate to most but don't bitch about it when the author kills you off tragically. Personally, the author relates most to as plant as she is irrelevant :o jk it's because her parents always let her grow, watering the soil and allowing her to flourish. Okay, love you bye ♡

97 6 4
Get The Quality Printer inks @ Madurai

Hi friends!In printers, cartridges are the most important one because they can take the printout of our soft copy as hard copy. If you make a mistake in the cartridge ink installation then you will face the same issue in the printer. If you miss the correct slot to inkjet the ink in the printer it may intake the air bubble. In case your cartridges look as if they're not fully installed then get your service from the Printer inks Madurai. In Madurai, you can get the best service at the lowest price with quality inks for your printer. Most printers are designed as refilling the ink in the printers. Some printers have no option to refill the ink in the cartridge of the printer. It may cause environmental pollution because they throw the printer as e-waste and it will pollute our land. So choose the refilling printer for your work, get your Printer inks Madurai, with the same quality as before. Printers are not only connected with the computer they can connect your printer to mobiles. If you want toner refill service, then visit @, and you can contact us at 7397001222, 7397001333. #TonercartridgesMadurai #TonerRefillingMadurai #PrinterinksMadurai #CanonTonersMadurai #HpTonersinMadurai #CartridgeStorenearme #CompatibleTonerCartridgesstorenearme #BestlaserprintercartridgeStorenearme #PrinterTonerRefillingnearme #LaserPrinterSuppliersnearme #Printerinkcartridgesnearme

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Discover Your Dream Home: Aventura,

Aventura is a the promised land for individuals seeking an amalgamation of luxury and tropical lifestyle, situated between the glittering waters of the Intracoastal Waterway and the bustling Aventura Mall. Our Aventura condos for sale offer to a wide range of interests, with contemporary architecture and magnificent waterfront views. At BrickellBrokers, we recognise that Aventura represents far more than simply a neighbourhood; it's an experience of life. Enable us to direct you through the maze of other options to select an Aventura apartment that appears like a genuine haven.For individuals attracted to the are popular of city life, our Brickell condos for sale offer an abundance of opportunities in Miami's flourishing financial area. Brickell gives residents a colourful environment that successfully mixes refinement and contemporary society, with elegant condominiums and smart metropolitan apartments. Our staff at BrickellBrokers is committed to assisting you in finding a Brickell apartment that suits your contemporary lifestyle, while making sure your ideal home becoming a reality.Imagine waking up to hearing the sound of waves departing from on the shoreline and breathtaking vistas of the Atlantic Ocean in the distance. Sunny Isles Beach is an on the shore paradise that provides what it promises. Our meticulously selected supplies of Sunny Isles condos for sale includes waterfront properties that radiate sophistication and calm. Allow BrickellBrokers helping you in selecting the perfect Sunny Isles condo, wherever every day seems like a vacation.At last, your ideal real estate in Aventura, Brickell, or Sunny Isles are all within your grasp. Explore the houses for sale at BrickellBrokers today and let us assist you to becoming a homeowner in a few of Miami's most sought-after areas. Contact us immediately to get started on on the path towards discovering your ideal condo.For more information please visit :

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My Favorite Songs.

Hey guys, I am bored so I am doing this for now, I will do a list of my favourite songs + Lyrics. I hope you guys will enjoy it, not that it's really fun, also, I haven't got Wifi so this is what I came up with to do. I may update this regularly 'cause songs that you know and enjoy are easy to write into a book I guess. So yeah.. Enjoy and see if you recognise the songs. Also, sorry about the cover, as I said, I don't have wifi, I may change the cover soon. But, if you like the cover, let me know if you want me to keep it in comments or message.

1.5K 109 170
Second Names (Temporarily discontinued)

5 kingdoms are at war, officially it's because the Ruler of the fire kingdom, declared that the Emperor of Alantis, and king of central city, Liaon, was unfit to rule, but the answer is much more mysterious, a deep magical secret, which has something to do with the gods. sides prove equally matched, but a prophecy hangs over their heads, promising a break through the tie, all the rulers not believing it, think the kingdom of Zallin which appears neutral is the answer to break the equality. Which side will Zallin join? If it joins at all. Will the prophecy come true? Or is just some tall tale. Go on an adventure with Emmett Procidenstella and her friends to find out as they battle to end the war of Alantis, by following the scrolled prophecy, which may or may not be true.(Really slow updates) (I wrote this on wattpad)

844 26 122

I copied this book idea from: @ComicLover123 I'll upload new parts when i'm not lazy or anything [Tell me if you can't see the videos or something like that please thanks]

2.3K 137 126
My Song Book

So this book will have the title, lyrics, and some will have a video for songs I really like. I do not own any of these songs.

677 94 1
Friends With Benefits ( Justin Bieber Love Story)

Hey there my name is Ariana Grande I'm 17yrs old and I live in Atlanta my bestfriends name is no other than Justin Bieber. Anyways my dad is the manager of Justin.. His name is Scott AKA Skooter. I live in this Huge mansion right by the beach were I just run away to when I want to think.. mostly when justin hurts my feelings or does something else wrong to me. I know I know you guys think I like him well I do but the problem is that hes dating Selena Hoemez sorry Gomez hehe. But Justin told me that he loved me so were just friends with benefits right now cause Justin and I cant be together because of my dad.. My dad said " You have to keep your image up high Justin and thats what Selena will make sure of" Ugh I hate it when he tells Justin that like wtf I'm your daughter you think I'm gonna tear his image apart? But anyways I go to Denver High and my 2 best friends are Miley and Victoria. We are all basically a group but the opposite of Selena and her friends. Selena's friends are Taylor and Demi. They are like the plastics of the school. But poor poor Selena she doesnt know what me and Justin do behind closed doors cause she cant please him like I do.>>>> Will Justin and Ariana ever become more than just Friends with Benefits or will Selena pull them apart.? You'll just have to read to find out.!!

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