Search: koska
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Фуккацми Комори родная, старшая сестра Юи. Узнав, что сестру отдали в какой-то особняк. Фуккацуми отправляется на помощь младшенькой, прибыв в особняк заключает сделку с Сакамаки, в которой говориться, что она станет пленницей их особняка в обмен на свободу Юи.Что случиться с старшей сестрой Юи? Сможет ли Фуккацуми защитить свою младшую сестру?

2.7K 6 116 Full
Ana Koska Photography

<b><u><a href="">Ana Koska Photography</a></u></b>[url=]Ana Koska Photography[/url]Ana Koska is a Baltimore-based newborn photographer.She specializes in newborn photography, but also in baby and children photography, family photography, and maternity photography. Also, you can schedule milestone photography sessions with her.Ana works both in her studio and outdoors as well. She loves working on culturally and historically relevant locations. But she also loves open and green spaces such as arboretums, gardens, and parks.Visit her website, check out her galleries, and get in touch to have a conversation about some amazing photography services.→

8 3 0 Full
Другой мир. Мои приключения.

Донцова Света. Обычная одиннадцатиклассница, живущая обычной жизнью. Как говорит сама Света: "В моей жизни ничего не происходит, я уже привыкла к такому." Но однажды Света оказалась не в то время не в том месте... А что с ней случилось дальше ты узнаешь прочитав эту историю...

412 17 75 Full

love story between coco and bebo

45 8 4
It All Started With Magnets

Nearly fifty light years away from earth, a lone space ship lands at a space port, and the lone human steps out into the first contact being made in the first time in nearly a thousand years.

23.3K 49 2.6K Full

Another martyr?No, a monster.~~~Males have tormented the females for too long. History has been steeped in despair and females have paid the price.A reckoning is coming and with it, destruction.Beware the monster you have created.

49K 11 4.3K Full
thief♛ethan cutkosky [completed]

❝hi i'm sammy and i lost my shoe at this baseball game ❞in which samantha "sammy" washington is secretly dating ethan cutkosky.

111.8K 22 1.9K Full
Loose Threads | Ethan Cutkosky

"Hey, look at me." Ethan grabbed her chin and faced her head to look him in the eyes. "Jack didn't deserve you. No one deserves you."***Rising star on the move, Tate Evans, meets Ethan while filming an episode for Shameless. There she gains traction, everyone wanting more of her and Ethan together.But after her ex broke her heart, she doesn't know if Ethan will do the same. Ethan persists and persists.Will he tie up these Loose Threads in Tate's heart? Or will this love story end in tragedy?ETHAN CUTKOSKY FIC

34.4K 26 504 Full

Liviya Burch had a wonderful life, loving parents and a bright future filled with love. Everything for her was going according to plan, that is until her eighteenth birthday when her entire world fell apart. It was the day she discovered she had a flaw. She couldn't fall in love.Unable to bond to humans Liv is considered broken by those looking over her case. Now twenty-five years old and all out of hope, she was given one last chance at finding her soul mate but when her flaw causes her to fail once again, she is slated for recycling. The law is the law and broken things must be recycled but fate is ever changing and Liv finds love when she least expects it.However, Liv discovers that life and love are never easy when everyone around her threatens to tear her and her soul mate apart because the first of many loves will never be easy for the winds of change blow harshly and the darkness will fight back against its fiery light.

132.8K 50 10.6K Full
F*ck Me (Modern Cliches, #2)

Book Two in the Modern Cliches series~~~~~~~~~~~Hey there, my name is Ethel Bethany Linde.I am your perfectly prudish, average twenty-five year old girl. The only thing I am above average in is the fact I made it to twenty-five while still being a virgin. Yes, I managed to make it through my hormone fuelled teen years and college years with my virginity in tact. Although not for lack of trying on my part.So with that prudish exterior, I have absolutely no fucking clue how to explain or count for the fact I lost my virginity to an Incubus who was summoned to torture and kill me, via sex. Which according to some ancient demon law means we are practically married in the (un)holy eyes of Hell.Yes, by some unholy, cosmic act of fuckery, I accidentally married a fucking demon.Thankfully, Mazvahr (Maz for short), was just as enthused as I was and we set upon a mission to find the man who summoned an unholy Incubus to do the dirty deed, in more ways than one, and kill him.Stuck next to a powerful demon, who requires sex to charge him up and has a super weird rope fetish, to hunt down the asshole who did this to me, all I can say is:F*ck me.

243K 24 13.6K Full
Daddy's Favourite: An Autobiographical Memoir Of Childhood Abuse

It's hard to be the favourite of a man who turns into a monster.An autobiography about my abusive childhood and how it affects me to this day.

88.5K 17 2.7K Full
Shards of Sanity (Book 6, Forgotten Series)

Book 6 of the Forgotten Series~Letting go is hard.~Michael Davis knew that well.He spent nearly a decade locked within his wolf after the death of his mate and his daughter. The pain so sharp and searing it drove him away from his pack and his home. Locked in the dark recesses of his mind he finally started to come to terms with the loss, began rebuilding his life.He had lost it all but some how gathered the shattered pieces of his life back together. He was a Beta male, walked side by side with his brother in bond and held his chin high with pride as he watched Luka. However sorrow always seemed close by and with his goddaughter Amelia hanging in the balance they are all sent to Altia to see what can be done.~Are you willing to pay the price of the Old Ways?~Lilith had been found wandering the forests, her mind shattered into sharp pieces. Her mind had been twisted and fractured by the Old Ways that clung to the edges of society. The madness her mate gave her caused her to give her pound of flesh for the Old Ways. An Alpha Male losing his heir to the madness that he had brought to his female.She was sent to those in Altia by the kind rogues who found her. She was left to wait for someone to come and help, someone who could help her put together the shards of sanity that lingered in her gaze.~Mene can bring together and she can shatter. ~In one moment, that Micheal knows he will remember forever, he finds his life tangled with Lilith's as the goddess takes her blessing and leaves a gift in return. A new bond to a mad female who quietly asks him if he will put her back in the dark with eyes that shimmer with the barest hints of sanity.He doesn't understand but he cannot change the path that the goddess has set him on, he can only ride the tides of grief that now cling to his family and his pack because when the goddess gives, she also takes and that leaves a hole nothing can truly fill.~Are you ready for the price you must pay?~

428.7K 45 33.7K Full
Dormies |E.C|

why do bad things happen to good people?*Sequel to Roomies |E.C|**smut warning**trigger warning*Started July, 2019. Completed April, 2021.Highest rankings:#1 in #moretz#3 in #ekat19#2 in #odeyarush#8 in #ethancutkosky#5 in #ross

112.2K 42 1.5K Full
Are You Sh!tting Me (Modern Cliches, #3)

Book three of the Modern Cliche Series~~~~~~~~~~~Sup, my name is Sammi Catherine Knapper.I am your permanently exhausted, introverted twenty-five year old. The only thing I am above average in is the fact I can pull all nighters and still get to work in the morning. Yes, I have the super human power called being a night owl who has insomnia. It's incurable, believe me, I've tried.So with that permanently exhausted exterior, I have absolutely no fucking clue how to explain or account for the fact I had a vampire crawl into my bedroom at night trying to figure out how the whole blood sucking thing worked. Yes, I some how managed to have a baby vamp attempt to test his new vampiric nature on me.Thankfully, Jake (surfer dude turned bloodsucker), was just as confused as I was by his vampire abilities, drinking blood to survive aside, and we set upon a mission to figure out just what being a vampire meant and what he needed to do as well as track down his one night stand vampire daddy to give him hell.Teaching a vampire how to be a vampire, meeting a sibling group of baby vampires, starting a night time inventory business, as well as being kidnapped by an alcoholic vamp daddy, all I can say is:Are you shitting me?

36.4K 25 4.2K Full
toska ༄ barış alper

birden çıkagelseyok yok olmaz asla leyla sorma durum leyla

27.5K 29 1.4K Full
Lovely || Ethan Cutkosky ✔

"I like you. I mean I like you a lot more then a fri-" she was cut off by his soft lips against hersA/n: mind my spelling mistakesCover by @KINGKYLIEWMilestones:-10k 22/12/18-30k 23/12/19Ranked 1 in #ethancutkosky

163.1K 52 1.5K Full
The bad girl

She has always had a rough life, when her mom and dad died in a drive by she is forced to move in with Kevin and Veronica. She falls for a Gallagher and they realize they have the same past.{COMPLETE}#1 in #carlgallagher

167.7K 25 2.2K Full
Forever? //Carl Gallagher

"I'll love you forever"

10.7K 15 112 Full
guys my age ↠ e. cutkosky [discontinued]

❝guys my age don't know how to treat me right❞

181.7K 23 5K Full
TWITTER DMS ; ethan Cutkosky

"you're my favourite person, you know that?" "you're mine,""don't need to remind me,"

589.2K 44 14.4K Full
Blind Channel Oneshot

Kirjotan -ja julkasen sitä mukaan kun on valmis- tänne pieniä tarinoita (oneshot) aina sitä mukaan ku mieleen tulee. Eli saattaa tulla helvetin satunnaisesti ne tänne ja ku mulla on kans samaan aikaan yks toinen kirja kesken, joten seki hidastaa vitusti. Eli siis, jos en jaksa kirjottaa sitä kirjaa niin kirjottelen sitte näitä, koska nää vie paljon vähemmän aikaa.Ja luultavasti tänne tulee enemmälti Oleksia, koska en vaan osaa kirjottaa muuta. Anteeks oikeesti.

800 18 100
Honkai Star Rail Oneshots

♡Hi there! These are my Honkai: Star Rail Oneshots for GN! and Fem! readers. Includes both male and female characters. Enjoy your stay~♡Requests: OPEN

3.6K 8 75