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121 stories
music quotes

a collection by lewiss

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The Elven Ambassador

Captain Ansem Oathshield of the Holy Dove paladins was sent on a mission to investigate a mysterious flash of light. But when he returns, he finds that his king has started acting strangely, and change comes from all across Vera nor, from the Lady Sadrianna coming out to her mother, to a kidnaped sprite who was forced to become an elvish rogue, to a surprise invasion in the eastern lands of Farin Bin. Whatever is going on, Ansem knows from the very beginning that things will never be the same

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Ámame o Déjame (pero no ambas)

Porque nadie dijo que estar en los 20s sería sencillo, y mucho menos cuando traes a rastra equipaje del pasado que tratas de sobrellevar con una vida pulcra, rígida y estructurada que no deje espacio al desorden e inestabilidad que una vez viviste. Así es la vida de Sabrina, una chica de 24 años cuya vida consistía en una rutina permanente, esto es, hasta que conoce a Fernando, un pintor de 28 años que llega a demostrarle que la vida es mucho más que un horario y un plan de vida, sólo que él también viene con su propia historia y espíritu errante.Luego de un primer encuentro casual se vuelven amigos, él la llena de experiencias y primeras veces y ella le regala orden y serenidad. Juntos se vuelven inseparables, hasta que sucede lo impensable. Uno de ellos se ha enamorado ¿Pero y el otro?Que la canción de Billie Holiday dé la respuesta.

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Khadijah (A Muslim Tale)

"I hate you jamal" I yell at him as I sob into my veil"and you think that matters " he snapped at me "I don't care about your feelings all I want is to satisfy My needs" he bursts into fits of laughter "now shut up! We don't have all night. Go lie down am coming and if you try to escape you know the outcome " with that he left the roomThis is the story of khadija abdulmalik,A young ambitious girl who has gone through a lot from people calling her a bastard child to prostitute. Read what happens as khadijah embarks on this journey .Will she survive the wrath of people when a ray of sunshine enters her life or will mysterious Mr farukh make an appearance in her life?

183 2 6
[Unwanted Soulmate] - A Kirby Fanfiction

After the war against the Jambastion mages, Kirby finally comes home for a nice and long rest... Or so he thought. The day right after, a foreign spaceship comes crashing into Whispy Wood's forest! Lian, owner of the damaged ship only is precursor of the upcoming troubles.Suddenly entangled together with the unexpected, Kirby and Meta Knight have to find the way out of this mess!.⋆✧⋆. | . .•Script: [50%]•New Chap Writing: [15%]•Chapters: [1/?]Cover art by @tsuno_dako1(twitter)Kirby © Nintendo

869 2 6

Sure! Singapore has a rich and diverse food culture, influenced by its multi-ethnic population. Here are some popular Singaporean dishes you might want to try: Chicken Rice - poached chicken served with fragrant rice and chili sauceLaksa - spicy coconut milk-based soup with noodles, shrimp, and other ingredientsChar Kway Teow - stir-fried flat rice noodles with eggs, cockles, and Chinese sausageNasi Lemak - coconut rice with various accompaniments such as fried chicken, fried fish, and sambal chili Kut Teh - pork ribs simmered in a herbal brothChili Crab - stir-fried crab in a sweet and spicy tomato-based sauceSatay - skewered and grilled meat (usually chicken or beef) served with peanut sauceRoti Prata - Indian-style flatbread served with curryRojak - a salad made with fruits, vegetables, and peanuts, drizzled with a sweet and spicy sauceKaya Toast - toasted bread with a coconut jam spread and served with soft-boiled eggs and coffee.Hope this helps! Enjoy your food adventure in Singapore!

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TERBAIK!!! +62-813-7807-0740 | Manfaat Limau Kasturi Bagi Kesehatan Tubuh

Manfaat matcha limau kasturi bagi kesehatan :1. Membersihkan racun tubuh.2. Mencegah kanker, melindungi sel dari kerusakan DNA.3. Membantu menghambat sel kanker prostat pada kaum pris.4. Menetralkan efek radikal bebas.5. Bagus bagi kesehatan jantung.6. Menstabilkan kadar kolestrol.7. Mencegah diabetes type 2, meningkatkan sensitifitas insulin dan mengatur glukosa, serta menghasilkan gula darah yang lebih sehat.8. Mendongkrak imunitas, EGCg dan kandungan vitamin C nya dapat mendorong kekebalan tubuh dari antigen yang menyebabkan sakit.9. Berfungsu sebagai relaksan tubuh. Kandungan kafein dalam matcha dan nutrisi limau kasturi tidak menimbulkan deg-degan seperti kopi karena mengandung L-Theanin dan asam amino yang berfungsi sebagai moodbuster.10. Menambah kekuatan/stamina pria.11. Melancarkan pencernaan dan memperbaiki gastrointestinal.12. Mengurangi dampak racun dan bahan kimia berbahaya.13. Menurunkan berat badan dan mempertahankan berat badan secara signifikan14. Mendukung kinerja otak, membantu otak untuk fokus dan konsentrasi. Informasi dan Pemesanan Produk iLK Limau KasturiHubungi Telfon / WA : +62-813-7807-0740Atau dapat langsung mengunjungi Stokist kami di : Jl. Kenanga RT 01 RW 07 Maoslor, Kecamatan Maos, Kabupaten Cilacap, Propinsi Jawa Tengah, Kode Pos : 53272limau kasturi untuk jantunglimau kasturi sidoarjolimau kasturi untuk dietlimau kasturi untuk ginjallimau kasturi untuk jerawatlimau kasturi untuk batuklimau kasturi untuk diabeteslimau kasturi untuk gemukkandungan limau kasturikandungan limau kasturi ilkkandungan jeruk limau kasturikandungan vitamin c dalam limau kasturi#matchalimaukasturi#limaukasturimalang#testimonilimaukasturi#limaukasturijambi#limaukasturijogja#stokislimaukasturi#bisnislimaukasturi#grosirlimaukasturi#limaukasturibandung#limaukasturilampung#limaukasturioriginal#limaukasturisolo#minumanlimaukasturi#limaukasturibogor

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More Lyrics....

Pretty much a sequel to my other book, 'Lyrics To My Favourite Songs :D' yeah so all these songs are a recommendation for you to listen. Vote, Comment and Fan if you wish :)

4.1K 43 77
||~ Fake Reality ~|| Bfb X ii X Hfjone crossover •

This is in progress yall...While Firey and Leafy were on the island, they found a strange device on the ground. Firey, being the dumb idiot he is, decided to turn it on. When it turned on it teleported everyone, yes, everyone. Somehow it reached the other bfb contestants. Anyway, it teleported everyone and they ended up in a strange world? Place? They were unsure. They found more objects and soon found out they were from a game show too and had complications with their universe as well. Eventually the same thing happened to everyone. They met up with the objects of hfjone. They slowly found out that their whole universe has been scripted by a couple of people. Atleast... the events were scripted. They attempt to escape somehow as it is only the 3 worlds connected together. Somehow, this could end up having two endings with one being a seperate non canon to the book one. Since this is still a wip.

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Lyrics Book! [SLOW UPDATE]

"It's more than just words. It's how you feel about it."© mintyuser, June 2016

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