Search: insprirational
15 stories
Let Me Inspire You

A Collection of Self-Written Poetry.

670 18 40 Full
Beautiful Bodies

A piece to girls or teens or women out there, who are ashamed of their bodies. Do not be. We are beautiful in every single way.

26 1 4 Full
Rise Above...🌟

Poetry is just art that has impact on lives that believe it speaks to them.. My work is basically centered on my life experiences. One thing I believe about poetry is that you should not be driven by the fact that you want to earn from it but just let it be something that comes from within, and maybe have a positive impact to society. A principle that guides me, ' do not let anyone change the way you do your things because interestingly when the same people do their own things someone out there also thinks they have done it wrong'.

173 9 13
𝓛𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓟𝓸𝓮𝓶𝓼

Random poems I've written, because why not?

257 14 26
Wisdom Quotes & Passages

This is just wise quotes and passages.🐾I don 't own the cover picture or music🐾

286 20 22
Inspirational Quotes

Inspirational quotes

627 66 140
Quote Book

A set of quotes, some are my favourites and some are very inspirational. Some are both, enjoy!

33 22 0
Don't Give up

This story is about a boy named James, who is trying to be somebody in life, he is 13 years old. He goś through different challenges in his life and he finds a girl that goes through the same stuff as him. In this storytelling, thrilling book there will be life changing events, Sex, and etc. Now sit back ad enjoy the ride.

24 1 0
the auto correct


19 1 1
Live Life Now

Letting Go

106 9 3
Now and Forever

97 1 1
The Dark Is Stuck With Me.....

This is a story about a 12-year old girl named Myra. She got bullied by her classmates at school, they would beat her up and always called her ugly, worthless, loser, annoying, dumb, coward etc. Myra wants to escape just by committing suicide but, one person changed her life......

14 1 1
Black Pelican

How will college be like? What will the future be? That's a question everyone asks. For an aspiring universal being like me, I always want to be in a place where I can belong and grow an identity. But sometimes it's not always the case._Pages of stories about a black pelican looking for freedom in her pages.Contains:-Real life situations-Bad Psychology -Life Principles and Mistakes_______________________________________Will try to update often!

99 11 23
Heidi' s return

Heidi Restitutio ab initio Drumul invers de la ratiune la intuitie este sarcina omuluiLa fel si drumul spre credinta odata ce mintea analizat toate caile posibile dupa cum arata Osho. Exista acea punte de coincidenta a contrariilor intre doi piloni:al credintei si al ratiunii extreme dupa cum este aratat in sistemul toltec creionat de Carlos Castaneda. Heidi adevarata se intoarce in munti si nu numai ca are sansa de a iubi foarte mult natura dar, spre deosebire de bunicul ei poate vedea cu alti ochio insasi peisajul si de a face descoperiri, conexiuni ce surprindefrumuseti si bucurii nebanuite de cei ramasi in sat. De fapt de ce se temea batranul ? Poate se temea ca nu se va intoarce pentru ca majoritatea din cei ce plecasera la studii procedasera asa..dar mai era ceva ..stia ca invatatura produce si o schimbare in interiorul persoanei..o schimbare pe care o vedea in ochii in compartimentul lor. Cei ce se intorc de la oras nu mai urcau dealul ! Niciodata!... Ceva care reusea sa schimbe insasi sufletul copilului care adorase dealul , natura era cu siguranta inspaimantator!..Care il facea sa uite de lucrurile si jocurile pe care le jucase acolo, de incantarea, starile de bine, de plenitudine si exuberannta, de sens descoperit in acea existenta in ocrotirea copacilor, in lumea de sub frunze pline de o lumina blanda unde simti ca totul e inr-adevar bine, neschimbat. Il facea de fapt sa uite de el insusi si toti uitau in goana aceea nebuna a orasului de ei insisi, de acest permanent si neschimbat izvor etern al vietii care ii hranise in copilarie si ca prinsi de o ciudata amnezie uitau sa mai revina , priveau cu ochi straini:da dealul acesta frumos…o sa urc pe el cand o sa am timp.. .. si de fapt nicioadata nu mai urcau..iar miracolul este intotdeauna in fata noastra acest deal neumblat acum de oameni dar care este viu si care iti poate reda sensul existentei atunci cand il credeai pierdut… este aici oare vorba de o metafora a maturizarii?

14 1 1