Search: impossibile
1,469 stories
Kur  Zemra Nuk Pyet

Dy njerez te cilet jeta i takon rastesisht ne rrugen e saj , dy njerez te cilet jan aq sa te ndryshem edhe te ngjashem Ata te dy kan gjera te fshehta ne te kaluaren e tyre Deani diten njihej si nje djale I fort , i pamposhtur nje student i shkelqyer dhe nje njeri i pastere ndersa ne jeten e tij ai ishte i vet quajtur si Diablonje njeri I frikshëm, i pameshirshem, njeri qe nuk e njihte te pamunduren Ndërsa ajo nje studente e shkëlqyer nje vajze qe ju kishte ber balle sfidave te jetes qe ne adoleshencenje vajze ne jete e te ciles fjala e pamundur nuk egzistonteAjo kishte luftuar shume per te qen aty ku ishte per te ber realitet ëndrrën e saj me te madhe nje enderr e cila ndoshta nje dite do te ishte penges qe ajo te pranonte ndjenjat e saj dy kokefort te cilet jeta do ti takoj shume here dhe te gjitha heret ata do te jen ne luft se kush do te jet I pari por a do te pyesin zemrat e tyre per krenarin, per te shkuaren dhe per vendimet e tyre? A do te arrij ajo te bej pervete Deani deri ne piken qe ai te heq dore nga jeta e dyfishtë? apo Deani do arrij ta bej ate qe ta dashuroj aq shume sa te heq dore nga gjithcka per te ? nje histori me drame, lufte, trishtim, lot edhe dhimbje por ama nje histori qe do te tregoj se kur dashuria vjen askush nuk mund ta ndaloj as dy persona qe mendojn se jan aq te zotet sa te mposhtin gjithcka madje edhe zemrat e tyre Por ajo qe askush nuk e din eshte cfare ndodhe ateher kur zemra nuk pyet ?VAZHDIMI I HISTORIS ( A ESHTE DASHURIA MBI GJITHCKA)

37.1K 50 2.3K Full
Gjithçka per ty

A eshte vall dashuria aq e madhe sa te heqesh dore vetem qe ai te jet I lumtur ? Te pranosh te vuash ne heshtje dhe te qash cdo nate per mungesen e tij dhe cdo dite te jesh e detyruar te qeshesh e te besh sikur asgje nuk te intereson A mund te vazhdosh te shtiresh gjate gjithe kohes edhe kur te shohesh se ai po vazhdon jeten e tij duke menduar se ti nuk e ke dashuruar kurr A do te jet aq e fort Klea sa te perballoj sfidat e vazhdueshme qe jeta I jep? Po Enea a do te arrij te kuptoj arsyjen e vertete se perse vajza qe ai dashuronte kishte hequr dore nga ai papritur Nje histori dashurie me emocione , lot dhe dhimbje Nje dashuri qe do te kete sfida te medha , sfida te cilat do ti lodhin deri ne ate pike qe ata do te mendojn te dorzohen por qe do te jen zemrat te cilat rrahin per njera - tjetren ata qe nuk do te dorezohen kurr se luftuari per te qen bashke ....

43.9K 48 2.1K Full
Forca E Dashuris

Nje histori ku realiteti është ndryshe per shume njerezNje histori e mbushur me intriga dhe lakmi Nje histori ku tregon se jeta ka te papritura se jeta eshte e mbushur me surpriza qe ti as nuk i pret Ajo nje vajze e lindur ne nje familje te nje shtrese te mesme E rritur ne nje familje ku primare eshte dashuria dhe lumturia e cdo pjesëtari Esra nje studente e cila e dashuron shkollen nje vajze qe ka ambicie dhe dëshiron qe te arrij cdo qellim qe i vendos vetes Nje vajze qe asnjeher nuk dorezohet dhe mundohet qe gjithmon te jet krenaria e familjes se saj Ndersa ai i lindur ne nje familje te pasur Djali i nje nga biznesmenëve me njohur ne vend por i rritur ne nje famije ku pushteti dhe parat jan primareNe nje famije ku ka mesuar se gjithcka qe ai do behet e tija me cdo kusht Liami nje biznesmen i njohur , nje njeri i zgjuar , nje donzhuan dhe nje nga djemt qe ishte endrra e shume vajzave qe e shikonin ne rruge dhe neper cdo portal te mundshem Nje histori ku dy bote te ndryshme do te kryqezohen ne nje moment Nje histori ku ata te dy nuk kan asgje te përbashkët me njeri- tjetrin Nje histori ku do te tregoj se ateher kur mendojn se kan jetuar gjithcka kuptojn se akoma nuk kan filluar te jetojn sepse atehere do te njohin dashurin qe do ti bej edhe me te fort se me pare Ata te dy do te jen forca e njeri- tjetritPor a do te arrij dashuria e tyre t'ju bej ball te gjithe intrigave dhe kundershtimeve qe do te ken nga ata qe i rrethojnë Gjithcka varet nga ata dhe forca e tyre Gjithcka varet se sa shume do te luftojnë ata per ta mbrojtur ate dashuri ku do te jen vetme ata te dy kundra te gjitheveA do te arrij FORCA E DASHURIS te triumfoj ne fund ?

27.9K 55 2.4K Full
A Eshte Dashuria Mbi Gjithcka ?

Dea nje vajze qe e dashuron jeten nje vajze me synime te qarta ne jet por qe papritur njeh dashurin dhe endrra e saj me e madhe eshte te jet me njeriun e zemresDuke triumfuar ne dashurin e saj ajo shnderrohet ne nje grua dhe nje nene shembullore Ajo kishte nje familje perfekt ku mbizoteronte harmonia, lumturia dhe mbi te gjitha dashuria por jo gjithcka eshte sikur duket gjithmon eshte dicka e fshehur qe ti nuk e shikon papritur lumturia kthehet ne dhimbje e ndersa buzeqeshja ne lot nje tradheti e ben ate te kuptoj se disa gjera kishin qen thjesht fasada ajo tradheti e ben te dyshoj ne gjithcka madje dhe ne dashurin qe ata kishin A falet tradhetia? eshte kjo pyetja qe cdo njeri e mendon te pakten njeher ne jet dhe ne e kemi te qarte ate pergjigje tradhetia nuk falet sepse ai qe te tradheton nje here e ben perseri Kur e mendojm na duket e thjesht ajo gje por kur ndodhe te ben te mendohesh gjate per ate pergjigje Por si do te arrij ajo te vazhdoj perpara si nje nene beqare? A do te arrij te jet e zonja e vetes? Frika nga ndryshimi dhe nga ideja e te jetuarit pa te do ta bejn te stepetpor djali I saj do te jet ai qe do ti jap kurajon qe te vazhdoj perpara sepse ajo eshte e fort dhe nuk ka nevoj per askend qe te mbijetoj ne kete bote mizore por a do te arrij ajo ta ndaloj zemren qe te rrah perseri per ate njeri ? A do arrij dashuria e tyre te jet mbi gjithcka apo tradhetia do ta vras ate ?

15.8K 40 1.1K Full

4 1 0 Full

Questa storia parla di una ragazza di nome Vanessa che si innamora di un ragazzo di nome Luca ma poi....Spero che vi piaccia e buona lettura :)

146 6 3
Storia Impossibile

RiassuntoLei è Claudia. Una ragazza come tutte le altre E fottutamente innamorata della sua crush,e cerca in tutti i modi di farlo ingelosire,e di capire se lui la ama...Ma purtroppo non è così..e lei ne soffre tanto..Gli manca tutto di lui ormai,ma a lui questo poco importaGli mancano i suoi occhi, con quell'oceano che ha all'interno,gli mancano i suoi messaggi dolci,la sua voce,il suo sorriso..Tutto gli manca di lui,ma ormai l'ha perso.🥀

40 1 5 Full
Amore impossibile

17 3 1
Un amore impossibile

107 5 6
Судьба // nkeeei

Это небольшие драблы с nkeeei Возможно со временем будет пополнятся новыми зарисовками.Приятного чтения)

987 2 29 Full
Un amore quasi impossibile

Ciao a tutti sono Beatrice Vendramin, ho 16 anni, devo andare in terzo liceo.Ho gli occhi azzurri e i capelli biondi, sono magra, abbastanza alta.Fino a qualche anno fa portavo l'apparecchio, ero molto timida, nessun ragazzo mi si avvicinava mi consideravano "SECCHIONA" ma io adesso sono cambiata. Voglio dimostrare a tutti la nuova me.Domani è il primo giorno di scuola, ho molta ansia, ma per fortuna a iniziare questa esperienza insieme a me ci sarà il mio migliore amico Saul. Beh in realtà ho una piccola cotta per lui, peró io e lui non potremo mai stare insieme perchè le nostre famiglie si odiano.Scoprirete tutto nei prossimi capitoli.Ciao❤️

503 3 36
Crescere sembra impossibile senza te |Benji e Fede|  ely18_01

Vanessa è una ragazza di 18 anni,ha una amica e hanno gli stessi idoli: Benji e FedeSi realizzerà il sogno di Vanessa? Ma sopratutto...Succederà qualcosa tra loro?

515 10 23
[ Playboy in the zone ]- BTS

L'amore impossibile tra due ragazze e due playboy

276 20 42 Full

Selena Gomez is a teen girl who likes to distance herself from the world.She lives a quiet life in sunny LA with her father, but when he gets a promotion at work she has to up & move to another state which she is not exactly thrilled about.Being the new girl at her new school scares Selena, she was always the suffer in silence type.& when a boy takes an interest in her it doesn’t help her situation, but what worsens it is that the first time she touched his skin she saw visions in her head, from then on things just get weirder.Things happens to Selena that she brushes off as Impossible…ORIGINAL BY: Lelo_xo

8.9K 11 190 Full
Hearts of Deceit (ManxMan)

Conrad Fitzroy is a delta. He's blue collar. Poor. And yet, he enters a world of impossibility under the arms of charming alpha Joseph Darling. Only to be thrown to the streets when high society and reality come back to claim the alpha. Conrad finds solace in the arms of Mikhail Grigorovich, a quiet, Russian beta. Their lovingly simple life is proven to be an illusion when Conrad finds another man in their bed coming home late one night. After years of numbing heartache, Conrad dares to touch the waters of love again when he comes across Hans Anderson. And then a force arises that threatens his very home and place of family. Past lovers refuse to disappear, another possessive alpha and a broken omega barge into his life and all the while, Conrad attempts to keep his heart under tight locks. He's thrown into a storm of emotion, deception, and heartbreak but there just might be a light at the end of the bleak tunnel. -8-Updates Every Sunday!

458.8K 29 18.9K Full
Bleeding Color

Cameron "Cammie" Bailey is used to moving every few years, so spending her senior year in a new place starting over once again doesn't seem to faze her. The completely boring and mundane last year before college that Cammie expects to spend under the radar seems to be ruined by distractingly beautiful women surrounding her. All Cammie wanted was a peaceful senior year of high school before she could leave for Boston and finally be happy. Cammie wasn't expecting to find someone to make her black and white world start bleeding color. Highest Ranks: #1 in girlxgirl tags [7/5/18]#7 in Lesbian [5/28/18]#104 in Teen Fiction Cover by: @Chaotic_Monki

283.8K 26 10.6K Full
Misteret e së  Shkuarës

Gjithcka fillon nga fëmijëria e veshtire qe ka kaluar kur ai ishte vetem pese vjec vellai i tij tre vjecar zhduket nje dite papritur por dramat ne familjen e tij nuk mbarojnë me aq shume vite me vone ndodhe serish nje tjeter tragjediGjithcka fillon nga dita kur ai hyri ne shtepi dhe pa te shtrire ne toke dy prindërit e tij Te shikosh te mbuluar me gjak njerezit qe te dhan jeten , dhe te mos jesh i zoti per ti ndihmuar dhe pse bertet me te madhe dhe askush nuk vjen te te ndihmoj ti lusesh qe ata te zgjohen por asnjeri te mos leviz por vuajtja behet edhe me e madhe kur zbulon se motra e tij e vetme nuk ndodhej ne shtepi vogelushja vetem nje vjece nuk ishte ne dhomen e saj edhe perse ai e kerkoi pa fund por nuk arriti ta gjente kurr Kjo eshte historia e nje djali qe kaloi sfida te vështira qe kur ishte vetem dymbëdhjetë vjec dhe nuk zgjodhi kurr rrugen e gabuar per te ecur përpara Historia e nje djali qe u kthye ne nje burr te fort dhe i vendosur per te gjetur vrasësit e prinderve te tij Historia e nje tridhjetë vjecari , nje nga policet me te mire te infiltruar qe kishte ekzistuar ndonjeher nje nga policet qe njerezit vetem emrin i kishin degjuar dhe fytyren nuk ja kishin pare kurr Por duke jetuar vetem me ate synin ai nuk kishte pranuar kurr te krijonte nje famije sepse per te asgje tjeter nuk ishte me e rendesishme se gjetja e tyre por jeta ka te papritura dhe atehere kur nuk e pret mund te takosh edhe ate qe do te te bej te provosh ndjenja qe kurr nuk i ke perjetuar por a do te jet fati me te dhe te ket dashuruar te duhuren? apo mos ndoshta ajo vajze do te jet pike nisja e zbulime te vërtetave te dhimbshme? A do te arrij ai te zbuloj ata qe i shkatërruan jeten? A do te arrij ai te zbuloj se cfare ka ndodhur me vellain dhe motren e tij?A do arrij ai te zbuloj Misteret e së shkuarës ? A do jen ato mistere qe do e bejn te zbuloj gjera te tmerrshme dhe te dhimbshme per te dhe per jeten e tij ?

254 1 37
Kristin Fright

Kristin moves to Amity with her obsessive ghost hunting parents, Jim, and Michelle Lite. They heard of the ghosts here and wanted to move. I had a accident when I was 10. I turned into a Halfa. Half ghost and half human.I heard of a boy named Danny Phantom saving the town and I want to be like him. Who knew shooting a mechanical ghost that was about to kill him, would make him want to try and find me.I wonder if he's a Halfa?Trailer on YouTube: Kristin Fright trailer.

4.1K 11 118 Full
Piers Nivans x Reader Part 1/3 [Being Whole Again ~ Revenge]

The first part of the Piers Nivans trilogy.Will you escape the bioterror nightmare ?

71K 35 2.5K Full
A Certain Scientific Omnitrix: Book 2, Grudge Match.

(Chronology: Daihaseisai Arc of A Certain Magical Index.) The Daihaseisai is here! A festival event where all the schools in Academy City compete with each other in sporting events.. a festival even more popular then the World Cup. Espers from all over are encouraged to use their abilities. Meanwhile, the Board of Directors have taken an interest in Ben Tennyson after his success in defeating the Eigth Level 5 Impulser.. the Level 5 whose power was impossible to categorize.. and Aleister Crowley, the City administrator has taken up a rather sinister plan to find out how to test this new weapon in his arsenal... attract the most powerful conquerer in the Galaxy to do battle with that boy.Meanwhile, Ben is starting to realize the possibility that he might have feelings for Mikoto, but is scared of what it might mean... And while Mikoto feels the same way, she doesn't know what to do with those feelings.. But of course.. all things must eventually converge and resolve, for better or for worse.

117.6K 20 2.8K Full
Someone Like Her

Word has it that opposites attract. Jessica Keith would give the pithy expression two middle fingers because a wild party girl like her and the prim do-gooder, Matthew Parkinson are opposites hopeless to attract, let alone breathe the same air.However, their case as "mismatched shoes" rendered them both attentions. Women get jealous and men steer clear.Matthew saw a possibility of getting the woman of his dreams. Jessica saw the possibility of ridding the man of her nightmares. But they hadn't seen the possibility of "pretend-dating" turning to an actual romance.

173K 57 9.6K
Tangled Crowns

Flattery. Derek's life is full of it. Fake smiles, fake compliments, fake people. It's exhausting.Desperate for a night away from the high expectations and rigid life of royalty, Derek escapes to a small tavern where he meets a sweet, attractive, genuine man who only gives him the name "Mischief". He has Derek swooning by the end of the night, and Derek doesn't swoon. Their night together, the first and only real connection Derek has had in years, if not his whole life, ends too soon, and he must return to his responsibilities. Stiles isn't ready to give up on the mysterious, handsome "Samuel" that he met in the tavern, convinced they have a connection. He finds himself risking family secrets and even the peace of his own kingdom just to keep that connection even when it seems impossible.As circumstances force them together despite betrayal and aching hearts on both sides, Derek must fight both his heart and Stiles while Stiles struggles to prove to Derek that everything between them is real.

11.1K 34 1.3K

Trigger warning- attempted almost rape, sexual assault,panic attackOne mr Ryan Beaumont is the bad boy of the school. Andy the sweet little submissive boy that has a mom that works all the time and a dad that left just wants love. And apparently to go to parties with his friend. Or more like Brook dragged him there. Spoiler: it doesn't end well. Or maybe it does.(Also I don't think I'm gonna write sex. At least not for awhile but this book there is a possibility.)High school au- Rye: 17 Andy: 16 Sammie and Shaun: Like 4? Just go with it.

43K 14 1.6K Full
🕷 acatalepsy || • [ miles morales x reader ] 🕷

❝ᴡᴏᴀʜ- ɢᴏᴛᴄʜᴀ!❞---• Acatalepsy •The impossibility of comprehending the universe.---"Don't worry, I haven't quite gotten the hang of it yet either," you smiled cheerfully at him."Glad to see I'm not the only one."---After migrating to another universe where Miles is alive, you attempt to continue your life as normal, until you become spun up in a large web of deception and revelation.---Highest rank: #1 in sunflowerBook: Miles Morales x Fem! ReaderCover: DayDreamingCipher---I don't own anything, except the design of Velvet Spider, and the drawings in this book (including the cover).

516.4K 16 14.6K Full
Can We Love

(Y/N) was to be married to Kakashi Hatake. A ninja from the Leaf Village her family was allied to. But she didn't know him, couldn't even tell you what he looked like. He would take care of her, at least that's what everyone said. But she didn't want someone to take care of her, she wanted someone to actually care about her. As her escape attempt was foiled and she resigned herself to her fate, an ever present question of possibilities whispered doubt into her ears. Could she love a man she never met? And maybe, more importantly, if she can, could he love her?I don't own Naruto Reader is an adultCover art not created by meAge created:1628,970 words give or take 🤔

183.3K 17 7K Full

"I fall in love very quickly. So, there is a possibility that I will fall in love with you, too" I saidHe looked up, blankly he asked, "What do I do with this information?"'Rude' I thought. One more try, come on...I laid my elbow on table, cupping my own cheeks with fake cute smile I looked at the handsome asking, "Is there a possibility that you will fall in love with me?""NO" he said loudly and quickly, scaring me a bit."Okay" I smirked and turn around and walked off. 'GOT IT...let the investigation begin, baby' TWO YOUNG ADULTS LIVING LIFE FOR 3 THINGS:PASSIONFAITHPARENTSStarted: 10-09-2020Ended: 10-06-2021©iamdR56. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2020.

2.2K 52 243 Full