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9,796 stories
Pipeverse collaboration with Abi

I am making this multiverse with a few friends, one of which has already started a book in French on this. If you're interested, go check it out. This book may contain spoilers for that book and vice-versa.Opening credits (may contain spoilers for characters future appearances) :Undertale belongs to Toby foxInk!Sans belongs to @comyet Error!Sans belongs to loverofpiggies who you can find here :!Sans and Nightmare!Sans both belong to Joku who you can find here :, Lucidity is my creation, they are simply bassed off of dreamtale.Something New generally known as Killertale belongs to Rahafwabas

34 3 1
The Palace Of Poetry

I need to empty out some of (most of) the words that float aimlessly in my mind, stringing them together and then releasing them in the form of a poetry and randomness book.

656 26 83
Harry potter

This book is all about Harry's early life as a wizard I thought I would make it a bit shorter by adding interesting parts of the book and film Harry Potter and the philosophers stone (Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone American version).I dedicate this to my friend minionlover1Thanks for getting me in to Harry Potter You are a great friend I am happy I have you has a friend. Without u,Hollie, Harry Potter,Jo Rowling I wouldn't have a life. I love you all xx Please read all my books that I have published and just enjoy if you want me to wright any more books just tell me

394 3 3
my radical life

Don't get me wrong i love life, it's just... The people in it are complete, shit. Book includes: rants, deep, facts, etc. (edited) bruh im sorry for this cringe ass description lmfaoooo, here is a new one... hi, my name is gretchen, i am 13 years old (turnin 14 in october) and this book is basically a lil journal to write about stuff and let out stuff i need to let out i suppose lmao <3

50 12 0
Night Train

This is a prequel to Freshmen Don't Speak from Eliza's POV. Read Freshmen Don't Speak before this because this does contain spoilers despite it being a prequel.TW/CW:Violence (Potential)Descriptions of Violence (Potential)SwearingNot intended for younger audiences.Photo in the cover is not mine, credits to Yolanda Stape on Pinterest.

17 2 0

Ishimaru has a reputation to hold up as a perfect, hardworking student. Little did everybody know just how flawed he was, with a journal tucked in his backpack containing each and every one of his secrets and flaws. Once a certain someone in his class, Mondo Owada, begins distracting him from his studies with his constant slacking, Taka becomes less alert and turns his attention to turning his classmate into a better student. What neither of them realized was what originally distracted Ishimaru in the first place.>>>LAST UPDATED 12/20

331 3 23
Help Me Mommy

Welcome to a point of view of ten year old Bethany. This is a thrilling story that makes you guess, cry, and all that shiz. Ten year old Bethany or Beth for short was just hanging out with a friend in her tree house. Things couldn't have gotten worse when Beth heard her parents cry for help, or when her friend went to go use the bathroom and never came back. Welcome to the apocalypse Bethany...Enjoy your life...While it last.(Book #1 in the Help Me series)(Contains some adult language and situations. Also a lot of gore and stuff...and wrong grammar and spelling...Beware)

20 1 1
Fractures Of Fire (wip)

Feu is a phoenixAnd she isn't exactly praisedIn the vast desert landscape after a near apocalypse, Feu has to deal with the past that she's been running from, and one no one, including herself, even knew about.This is a draft and the only reason i am posting this is for feedback As I like to call it sometimes, a 'barf draft'Cover is placeholder This story is a major wip, and not done at all but I will be trying to work on it.----

11 3 0
The Cities Secrets

Detective Roger Brunswick has been working in other areas aside from investigating for many years, but when opportunity falls right in front of him to use the skills he once had, he might just take it. But, the new guy downtown has the same opportunity as Roger, and has no intention to miss his opportunity. As Roger goes through with investigating a murder much like roseanne's, he procrastinates along the long, bumpy, twisted road ahead.

34 3 12
The Hidden Ones

For everyone else who maybe struggling to find a book on wattpad that is worth reading.If you happen to want a book on here just tell me and I will maybe put it up, if it happens to be in my DNF list then I will not.-----------------------------------------------------------------I do not own ANY of this,so yea...enjoy.Also,If you happen to find your book on here and don't want it to be just tell me and I'll take it down...

840 16 14
Random shit :}<3

Literally, just some random shit I think of at 3 am. You reaalllyyy don't need to read this, this is just me posting absolute random shit just for the sake of posting it and sharing my stupid ass mentality with others, and because I don't know what else to do, so for the sake of your mental health, I advise you leave, unless ur just as weird as me.this is mostly dumb-ass ideas I get for books, but don't have the time to write a whole book about it :}

90 4 6
Airplanes & Butterflies (with broken wings).

Just another Peraya AU set in 2031. Singto has risen to prominence as an accomplished independent filmmaker after completing his studies in the US. Meanwhile, Krist has become one of Thailand's most renowned artists. After seven long years of separation, Singto finally returns home. However, as they stand on the precipice of a second chance, Krist grapples with an unsettling uncertainty: Can they mend what they thought was once shattered beyond repair?

378 2 47
Purpose? What's that?

Every human has a purpose, all you have to do is find it. This is what 21 year old Hunter has been told all of their life. They never quite understood other people, but still tried to find a purpose, since what are you without one? After a failed attempt at a career in one of the only things they loved, which was art, Hunter decides to just continue on with life as best they can, despite now being completely alone. But during a series of events that probably doesn't happen to most humans, Hunter realizes that they don't need any one specific purpose in life to enjoy it. They also find that they might not be as human as they were led to believe either.Original story by me, I don't really know where I'm going with this but I had an idea at some point and decided to dump it on here.

9 3 3

we have this group chat where we are making stories as a competition. This is mine. :)-- I feel obligated to finish this even after months. I put so much work into it and honestly made me happy to read back on the finished chapters a few weeks ago. And I had so many ideas- I just couldn't let it go after all the nice memories even if we aren't close anymore :,)

222 13 19
Mercy On Me

The thought-provoking story, Mercy, goes through the life of Gabriel after a mind-blowing experience where he loses his sister and meets new friends. He uses his powers to change little things in his life. A few years after he returns home, he is asked to rescue someone. Who? Read MERCY ON ME to find out.

3 1 0
The Secrets We Keep

Kylie, a common driver finds out the truth about her highschool friend, Mathew. She is blackmailed so as not to reveal his little secret. Meanwhile, she also has her secrets to keep.Will they keep their secrets a secret? or maybe love's gonna come knocking on their doors.

4 3 6
Random Collections


34 15 1
Me Thoughts

Beware if some of them are too out of control,I'm just speaking my thoughts as the title says 'Me Thoughts' as in my thoughts,opinions,and other stuff

593 40 76
The String That Ties Us(Lams)

A wild Hamilton Fan fic approaches! Finding a soul mate is almost impossible...but what if you were tied to that person?In this world yes that is how you can find love, but John didn't have one until he meets Him. HIs world changed, well kinda anyway.-ALL credit for characters to Lin-Manuel Miranda-I don't own the AU not sure who made it though-Credit to artist for cover page, google helped me find that masterpiece :3If I make an error please correct me.

63 3 1