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484 stories
Our Forbidden Melody

All the mythical creatures are not exactly 'adored' at this point of time by the humans.Well some of them are, but they are only used as show case items to entertain their owners' guests. Most of the time, the mythical creatures are forced into slavery and often brutally killed. Shamair is a Cylantite, one of the few remaining survivors of her kind. Her kind can adapt to any of the four natural elements such as water, air, earth and fire in a unique and different way. Their blood contains healing qualities and that only means danger. They hide in the depths of the ocean with the mermaids so they could stay away and hide from the humans and any type of trouble they could have ran across.However, Shamair is trouble herself. She hates hiding in the ocean and soars out in the open night skies whenever she can. She was bound to run across a human, and she does. Little did she know that from that moment on, her life and the lives of her people have changed forever.

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altercation of identification 《poetry

al·ter·ca·tionnoun1. a noisy argument or disagreement, especially in publici·den·ti·fi·ca·tionnoun1. the action or process of identifying someone or something or the fact of being identified

238 11 29
Perchance to Dream

He stopped me by closing the door just as I opened it, I leaned down and gently pressed my head against the door frame. "Don't go." He said. "Why should I stay?" I could feel him leaning down pressing his forehead to the back of my head, almost deciding if he should leave a kiss or not. I turned, facing him; he swept the small tear drop off my daisy white skin. He leaned down seductively, the smooth blushing skin of his full lips tasting my neck; I sighed in anticipation. "I promise," He said to me, his voice like always, quiet and like velvet. "Don't go." What would I be saying if I left? He looked down at my lips, a crease appeared between my eyebrows. I wanted him so bad, I dreamt of him in tranquility.

8 2 1
What should I call this book?

This was for fun, but if you guys like it, then I will make more parts to this. I gave up on this a while ago, but I thought I should make it a story, here on Wattpad! Total Word Count: 4388Here's a bad description The wind was howling outside, my little twin sisters screaming only increased the sound of the wind. They're scared of it, for some peculiar reason. I rather like the sound of the wind; be it howling or it making the trees go swish, swish. I'm a twin too, but my twin is gone. Vanished, disappeared into thin air. She and I were really close. We shared a room. Her half of the room is still untouched; if she comes back, she should have a room to come back to. Her name was Melany. It means "The person always covers by shadows, impossible to be seen." We both loved to read books, her more then me. We both could play instruments. Melany could play the violin and I could play the piano. I sometimes teased her by calling her "Melody". I mean, when she played that violin, she could play the most beautiful tunes and songs. She didn't tease me, but she called me "Chris". We both loved sports and were a bit tom-boyish. We were the odd ones of the family.

10 4 0
A flightless eternity - Scaramouche x My OC x some Y/N

Scaramouche x My OC x some Y/N LIGHT NSFW [nothing that bad at all tho]SOME GOREKNIVES, MURDEROUS THOUGHTSI wanted to kill him. Oh how badly I wanted to kill him. He seemed so... spirited, so confident that I enjoyed his company."Pathetic." I say under my breath, watching the adeptus play, without a care in the world.A spirited, serene, young, and weak god, brought in this world by Barbatos to protect the freedom and joy of the people, leading a life shrouded in mystery, cursed to live until the day Mondstadt's walls crumble. A aggressive, Murderous, Powerful, and Obsessive Harbinger, who is particularly annoyed by people who refuse.Refuse to bow.Refuse to give up spirit.And now, this laughable, strange, very annoying man is his only hope at staying alive.Every time he kills the dancer, he just comes back, always dancing and playing in the same field where he first met him.It's infuriating. It's hopeless.How do you make a immortal, rooted, joyful, and fearless (some might say even, reckless) deity to bow down?

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pieces of me were falling apart, not physically, but it might as well have been. I was slowly corrupting with every ticking second. My body, once warm, now could only be described as cold as ice. I had lost all feeling. My eyes, once filled with tears, now unable to even close. The will I once had was long gone. All there was the empty shell of me, and the desolate, snowy, pine forest. Snowflakes kissed my skin, almost as to pity me for my sorrow. Every single one burning up within seconds and melting away into my skin. Their punishment for trying to pity someone like me. Every single one leaving a lasting impression on me. It was the only feeling I had left after all. Soon enough maybe my body would be cold enough for them to rest on me without dissipating. Maybe even if I couldn't save the world in the end, I could at the least let the snowflakes rest with me. I could feel my lips slightly twitch up. That would be nice wouldn't it, a rest. And for the last time, I closed my eyes.

10 1 1
☾In the Shadows☽

"I'm not dragging you down, right?" I asked as I fiddled with the sleeve of my uniform, sitting on top of the hill with one of the other Hashira."Of course not! Why would you think that?" He asked me, turning around immediately to face me, gripping my shoulders tightly. I fiddled with the top of my mask instead of looking him in the eyes."Because you're so bright like a big bonfire! And I'm just in the Shadows. You're so much more important and I-... I'm just a simple shadow that people are afraid of..." I explained.The Hashira in front of me just stared straight at me, his grip on my shoulders getting slightly tighter. I was suddenly pulled forward, now feeling like I was sitting in front of a fire on a cold winter night."You're just as important as anyone else. And you won't accept that, then fine. Just know that you're the most important person to me and that will never change!" He yelled, I paused. I slowly wrapped my arms around him, a warm tear escaping my eye and soaking into the run of my mask. "Thank you..." I smiled.-§-Started: 5/7/21Ended: ?/?/??

52 1 1
Anything But Ordinary

Shayne Collins older brother Scott is getting married!The wedding is in a week, and their parents couldn't be more excited! It's the daughter they've always wanted, she was prom queen, head cheerleader, then graduated from NYU with honors and has big plans for the future. Unlike their actual daughter, 21 year old, Shayne, who dropped out of art school, travelled around Europe in hopes of answers, found none, and is now living in the apartment over their garage. Shayne is already dreading meeting "Ali" the girl her parents already love, without even meeting her. Scott's only known her six months, but apparently is involved in some sort of epic love story. Something that somewhat cynical, definitely sarcastic, and anything but romantic Shayne finds hard to believe. But then to put the sour cherry on top of the melted ice cream cone, Shayne meets Ali, only to realize she's met her before. Alexis Carter. The girl who made her life hell in high school. Now Ali's pretending she doesn't recognize her, and that they are going to be besties, while still secretly torturing Shayne, who loves her brother too much to tell him. Ali's got everyone under her charm, and Shayne can't see any escapeOh! And did I mention, Scott's gorgeous best man is staying in the house too?

460 3 11
Sonic Snowball Showdown

*Rouge the Bat was Walking Through the Fresh Snow*Rouge:Ah,The Snow. Its so fresh. And White.*A Snowball is Tossed At Rouge's Face*Tails the Fox,Cream the Rabbit and Classic Starkiller the Cyberhog:HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! 😂😂Rouge:Oh,Rouge is Gonna Get yoiu!Tails,Cream And Classic Starkiller:AH! *The Trio runs away from Rouge that she Starts Chasing them*Tails:*Trips* D'OH!Rouge:*Grabs Tails* Gotcha,Little Fox!Classic Starkiller:Tails! *Classic Starkiller Tosses a Big Snowball at Rouge's face using the Force*Rouge:Ow! *releases Tails*Tails:*Flies at Cream and Classic Starkiller* Its On.Rouge:*Gets up* So?*Western Music Plays**Rouge and The Trio of Children Deathstare each other*Cream:Attack! *The Trio Launches a Rain of Snowballs at Rouge*Rouge:Oh No.*Rouge is Buried in Snow*Classic Starkiller:Oops...*The Trio Checks If Royge is ok*Cream:What we have done..*Rouge Wakes up and Scares The Children*Rouge:Boo! *Grabs The Trio and Hugs Them*Tails,Cream and Classic Starkiller:Ah!Rouge:Haha! That was a Great Prank,Now How ill Shall Punish you? I know! Tickles!Tails:Wait No,Please no!*Rouge Tickles Tails*Tails:Hahaahahahahaa!! I WILL BE A GOOD FOX,ILL PROMISE!Rouge:Youre Next. *Tickles Cream*Cream:Hahahahahaha!!Rouge:And You are Last. *Tickles Classic Starkiller*Classic Starkiller:HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!Rouge:*Stops* Now You will be Good Kids,Ok?Classic Me:Ok.*Classic Starkiller Tosses a Snowball in Rouge's Face and the Trio Runs away*Royge:*Clears eyes* Well Well...I will Get you next Time. *Smirking*

12 1 0
Fascinating Book about Digestive System

Kids love to junk food and then suffer from lots of gut problems. To increase the awareness about the biological changes occurring in the digestive system, Jan Condon wrote a fascinating book especially for kids. The gut microbes have been personified in the book to make it more engaging and attractive for the kids. Language of the book is quite simple and fun to understand.The whole story starts with a little girl who is anxious about her science project. In the dream, she actually gets a tour of her own gut system. Emily enzyme in the king of poo book gives the girl a wonderful tour. During the tour she meets different enzymes and dance with the acidophilus Hula. She even meets the King of Poo in the colon. Children can read this story to know how lulu came out of the system!This wonderful book was written with an aim of making children aware of the gut flora which is responsible for health of human beings. Girl in the story tells about the gut microbes in the science project and all the kids ask Lulu How do you? Isn't it an amazing story that can simplify such technical and complex digestive system for kids!To purchase The King of Poo book, you can get a link to Amazon from the website. Book costing just $9.95 is definitely a worth purchase according to benefits and knowledge it offers for children. The testimonials on the websites by doctors and parents prove how effective this book is.Jan Condon has always been associated with nutrition and wellness and this book has received appreciation from many parents. Teaching the importance of keeping the gut flora healthy, the kids would surely develop a habit of eating nutritious food.

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Book 2- Aqua Kombat: When it's time

How's about a day with me, Aqua Kombat, in my house.Try putting yourself in my shoes. ...And you say YOUR life's hard?Ha! Sure. Just see what I mean....XD

576 29 26
Realm of Echoing Shadows

In the eerie and forgotten "Realm of Echoing Shadows," a brave adventurer named James embarks on a perilous journey into a cursed castle. This chilling tale combines elements of horror, fantasy, and adventure as James confronts malevolent spirits, battles grotesque shadow creatures, and uncovers ancient secrets.When James stumbles upon a glowing book within the castle's dusty library, he unwittingly unleashes a spectral figure, shrouded in darkness and consumed by an insatiable thirst for power. The castle, once a place of enchantment, has become a prison of despair.With unwavering determination and a gleaming sword in hand, James faces the spectral figure in a heart-pounding battle, all while navigating the treacherous terrain of a realm where shadows come to life. As the story unfolds, James discovers that the key to victory lies in unraveling the spectral figure's true name-a name that holds the power to break the curse and restore the castle to its former glory."Realm of Echoing Shadows" is a riveting adventure that explores the thin line between darkness and light, courage and fear, as James fights to redeem a forsaken castle and finds himself entwined in a world where the echoes of the past reverberate with both menace and hope. Will he emerge victorious, or will the shadows claim him as their own? Dive into this enchanting yet bone-chilling story that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.

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