Search: heretherebefears
37 stories
Carved In Rock || ATLA

How are you supposed to move forward when you can't stop regretting your past?Everyone walked away from the Battle of The Sun & The Moon a different person than they were before. With no time to mourn the loss of Princess Yue the team sets their sights on the Earth Kingdom; Aang needing to master earthbending and the Earth King's support vital to win the war. There the Avatar struggles with the stubborn element while the Akira struggles with her own inner turmoil. Free to make her own choices for the first time ever, Aelita finds herself in a near-constant battle with her inner demons. The life she once knew is long gone and the girl she once was has slowly been dying ever since that fateful night in Spirit Oasis. Shukaku said she and Aang would know when the world needed a warrior or a pacifist, but the signs are far from easy to read.But Aelita Kensin isn't the only one with demons. Walking away from the girl that used to be his peace and seeing his throne slip from his fingers has left Zuko resentful and hurt. If this was his rock bottom, he wasn't sure there was any climbing up. With fire quickly breathing down his neck the banished Prince must decide who he wants to be before the choice is made for him. Everything the Fire Lord worked so hard for was steadily being destroyed by a little girl. One son was a failure, his only brother a traitor, the Avatar a threat and Aelita Kenshin a problem he should've dealt with long ago. Admiral Zhao's loss at the North Pole was the first major defeat the Fire Nation ever had under Ozai's rule and he swore he'd stop at nothing to make sure it was his last. The people of the Earth Kingdom are diverse and strong. More determined than ever the team is ready to dig their heels in, prepared to face the war and any new challenges head on. No one is safe from change as they are carved in rock.Book Two of the series Akira: The Legend of Aelita. Proceeded by Book One: Reborn in Water, followed by Book Three: Forged in Fire.

112.5K 65 5.4K Full
Secrets Until Known... (Avatar Aang Love Story) Book 1/3

Book 1 or the Trilogy.This fanfic is set in the middle of the 100 year war, NONE OF THE CHARACTERS HAVE MET EACHOTHER. Sokka (15 years old) and Katara (14 years old) are brother and sister who both attend the Omashu Boarding school.  Sokka's girlfriend is Suki, who is a Kyoshi Warrior who stays on Kyoshi Island. She is 15 years old. Zuko (16 years old) and Mai (16 years old) are girlfriend and boyfriend, Ty Lee and Azula (both 15) are best friends and Azula is Zuko's brother, Zuko and Azula's dad is Fire Lord Ozai. They also go the the Omashu Boarding School but are feared as are the rest of the firebenders. Aang (14 years old) is the Avatar and has mastered Air and Water but still has to master fire and has done a little work in earth bending, without anyone finding out who he really is. Sophia (14 years old) is 'The Legend' which is the partner to the Avatar, she can learn all the elements and contact the spirit world, she has mastered Fire and Air and has started earth but still needs to do Water. In this fanfic, they are going to a boarding school in Omashu to learn bending. The world has been Avatarless for 100 years, but what they don't know is that they are going to school with him. Avatar Aang was found in the Avatar State by a WaterBender in the Northern Tribe, Princess Yue. His partner Legend Sophia was found in the Legend State just off the coast of the Northern Air Temple. Together they must master the elements and defeat the Fire Lord before it is too late. Read to find out what happens!

36.6K 25 841 Full
The Hidden Mikaelson

*Sequel to The Secret Mikaelson* {COMPLETED}It's been three years since the battle with Marcel where the Mikaelson family was defeated. Three year since Juliana made a sacrifice to help save the rest of her family. But now that the three years are up, the Mikaelson family is back, ready to wreck havoc once more. But nothing is like it once was, Juliana is changed by what happened and everyone fears that she might not ever be what she was before. But appearances can fool you. With new evil threatening the Mikaelson family their familial bond is tested. Ultimate sacrifices are made, but everything turns upside down when Juliana figures out something that will rock the family to its core and change the family for all time. New enemies

23.2K 39 505 Full
Empire of Righteousness

The Divine woman Draupadi was born as the eternal consort of Panadavas. But we always fail to treasure things which we get easily. Same happened with the Panadavas. Draupadi's utter devotion towards them made them totally neglecting towards her. A time soon came when they forgot about the woman who is behind all their fame, power, luck. Draupadi has five sons from each Pandavas.Prativindhya from YudhisthirSutasoma from BheemsenShrutakarma and later Abhimanyu from ArjunSatanika from Nakul Shrutasena from SahadevFive princes have seen their mother suffer from the very beginning. Their heart filled with rage and vengeance seeing their beloved mother humiliated in the Dyut Sabha. Panchal kingdom and Vasudev Krishna were able to save her from the humiliation. But it left the most selfless woman shaken. She vowed to not let them disrespect her again. Never let them take her for granted.Draupadi with her sons left Indraprastha. An uncertain future, adventure, emotional dilemma awaits the mother and sons. A story of betrayal, vengeance, war, blood, relationship and love. Will Draupadi ever forgive the Pandavas?***(1) in Draupadi (18/06/23)******(1) in Krishna (26/09/23)***

320K 182 22.8K
The legend of vox machina x oc

Mara know as the wanderer, trying to avoid becoming someone's property, In the past, her parents were died and she'd been taken by a mysterious man of A sort of culta group of assassins attacked and rescued her, two of them, becoming her father and mother took her to they're home in masyaf, a secret Society where she's be trained to defend herself, but also since They'd soon left to start a new lives of they're ownher new father was an Archaeologist, who took her on many of his travels with his group, they met the de rolo's before mara's father's accidentThen years on, an injured Percy was brought to the tavern her adopted father he had bought when he could no longer continue his career, she helped nurse him back to health before he went on his quest for vengeanceshe works as an lone mercenary to provide not only for herself, but her adopted fathers tavern, so she works by herself, especially after the death of her former group Soon they reunite on a job to slay a beast for the kingdom

10.1K 9 204
TBATE - The Help of a Certain Being

Preston Lang was society's monster. From birth, he was called a Demon Child merely for killing his mother at birth. His father was no better, for leaving the two after he found out his mother was pregnant with him. His father was a deadbeat, who was identified as a womanizer by many. At a mere age of eight, he ran away from his hometown, sick and tired of the bullying and harassment he suffered daily.Resenting his father, he learned the way of the sword over the course of four years through a retired swordmaster and traveled around the world defeating and killing many experts merely trying to find his 'way of the sword', as instructed by his master.After two years, he failed to find his way of the sword, and became a shut-in and read novels for over six months. An interesting one he came across was TurtleMe's The Beginning After the End, a reincarnation story with a character he could relate to, in a sense.One day, on his way to get food, he encountered an interesting swordsman and exchanged blows for no longer than ten minutes before being stabbed through the back, and finding out said swordsman was actually his deadbeat father, who had abandoned him even before birth.Whether luck be on his side or otherwise, he happened to be chosen by a certain being higher than even that of a God. He was given the chance to transfer his soul to another world and reincarnate with another chance at life, where he can protect his family and friends this time around.

52.3K 56 1.5K
Every Assassin Has Their Secrets   *Completed

[Book 1 in the Secret series] My life before this was . . . was normal if you would believe me. I was just a normal girl living in California working hard for a good pay. But everything changed when I met the three of them. Their names are Lucy, Rebecca and Shaun. They took me away and now, now I'm in Rome. I got pulled into a war I never knew existed. Templars vs. Assassins. They both search for the same thing, The Apple Of Eden. They brought me here hoping that they would find one of these Apples through my ancestors. Or one of the many Pieces Of Eden. It's confusing, I know. I still don't get it myself. They have me locked away in a building. I have no contact to the outside world. I have no clue what's going on out there anymore -not like I cared in the first place. As they brought me here, I started to see visions of a woman. Running, jumping, fighting. I heard a voice scream RISE! REVOLUTION! My name is Vega Zane . . . and I'm an Assassin. UBISOFT OWNS MOST COPYRIGHT *Spoilers!!!

21.9K 38 1.1K Full
Penny's World Of Color

It's been three years. Three years, since Penny's life was turned upside down by those strange, alien Bakugan. They all left, though, and now Penny and her fellow humans are left to go back to their usual boring lives. But, well, that isn't right. After all, a promise was made: they would meet each other again.Right? The school year is just about to end for the summer. Penny can't wait to spend quality time with all her friends, especially since it's been a rather tough year, with the third anniversary of the Bakugan leaving to their New Vestroia fast approaching. Yet, both fortunately and unfortunately, it looks like the Bakugan aren't done with the humans yet. It all starts with a vision. And then, from there, Penny finds herself facing a foe that she knows she can't beat by just having her friends fight them all at once. She defeated Naga, but, can she defeat an enemy that is just like her?

930 77 9 Full
Angels & Demons

In a new world, there is no God. There are Heaven and Hell, there is Lucifer the King of Hell and in Heaven, there is a council which is made up of Gabrielle, Michael, and Raphael.The Bible only mentions the names of four angels from the countless millions that have been created. No one knows who created them, or how they found their way. They are Gabrielle, whose name means, "God is Mighty", Michael, whose name means, "Like God", Raphael, whose name means, "God Heals", and Lucifer, whose name means, "Light Bearer". All of them were good and held the peace of Heaven for eons. During this time, they created Earth. It was created so that they could trail run a new species, called Humans. But before they could really monitor the succession rate or oversee what was happening on Earth, Lucifer struck. It was Lucifer who rebelled against the others and who through pride, coveted the Throne of God and the worship that belonged to all of them equally. This resulted in a mighty war in Heaven. Lucifer, along with one-third of the angelic host was defeated by the Archangel Michael and was cast down from Heaven to the earth where he became known as "Satan", a name which literally means; "Adversary" as well as "Devil", which means, "Accuser of the brethren." After Jesus, who was meant to show Humans how to live, was crucified Lucifer swore he would bare a child onto the Earth and that child would be the end of the Human race and in return, Michael, Gabrielle, and Raphael said when the time came, they too would create a son to fight this devil child. That was roughly 1980 years ago, give or take a decade or two and no child has been born. Until now.[RANKED 79TH IN EARTH - 29th Aug 2018]

9K 17 346 Full
Dean Ambrose Imagines

Imagines about our favorite WWE Lunatic!!

419.6K 200 7.6K Full
Star Wars: Exodus

"There is so much you're missing, you could end all this right now""Yet you know I won't, so why are we speaking?""Because I want you to rethink your loyalties, after all, you were brought here on a lie...""Not likely!"Csilla, Homeworld of the Chiss, has been invaded by a ruthless Grysk army, wanting nothing more than the complete destruction of the honourable race.Trapped on the hostile and frozen words of Csilla with no escape and nowhere near the army they need to hold back the ruthless invaders, Ezra and Sabine must struggle to hold back the invading army long enough for civilian escapees to evacuate the planet. However, as Ezra struggles to lead the fight with his resistance forces, he must try and solve the mystery of a vision he received during a recent battle before the Grysk army can overtake the Chiss capital, fearing that more than just his life depends on it. As he struggles to defend the Chiss, Ezra realises that there is more than an army headed for him and Sabine, but a dangerous new enemy, who has been longing for the chance to kill him, for he took something dear from this unknown adversary, and he wants revenge...Meanwhile, in orbit and unaware of just how desperate her friends are in their battle against the Grysk and the cold, Ahsoka Tano must work with Thrawn, and Ezra's Rakata mentor: Soa, to try and provide much needed support to their allies trapped on the ground. As the battle rages, Ezra's student Thrana, left without a teacher, turns to Ahsoka to resume her training on a temporary basis. As the former Jedi tries to save her friends, she soon learns the key to saving her friends and the people of Csilla isn't on the ground, but above, and the Grysk warfleet will do anything to take Thrana before she can save them!

2.8K 29 69 Full
Blood & Battle Scars - A RWBY Fanfiction

"Unfortunately, the real world isn't the same as fairytale..." After the events of volume 4, Fourteen Year Old Jessica Ciane's final years at Signal Academy are cut short. Beacon has been rebuilt, and many new students are arriving at the rebuilt academy, including Jess's childhood friend, Oliver Crone. However, fate gets the best of her, and she finds herself attending Beacon Academy three years earlier than she should be. As soon as she arrives at Beacon, she immediately bonds with seventeen year olds Blythe Amra, Lachlan Byzzi and Ube Mae.But that's not all. Her best friend Lilly has returned from Haven along with her teammates Aracel, Hazel and Rj for the Vytle Festival.However, as things may seem to go perfectly at first, Beacon has been predicted to take a much darker turn...Former test subject for Salem, Jet Blac is searching for his lost sister Midnight Blac, whose whereabouts are unknown.Meanwhile, Cinder Fall along with Emerald, Mercury and Hazel (Rainart) have formed a rebellion against Salem's evil deeds. However, with assassin Draven Graphite joining Salem, along with his girlfriend Celenia Icesis, things may not go to plan.Jess and her friends must find a way to defeat Salem, before her evil plans get the best of Remnant...And who knows, you may not only prove yourself to your family, but the whole entire of Remnant as well...

4K 64 242 Full
Requiem-The Beginning After the End Fanfiction

"This is my fate? The destiny of everyone? What was even the point of it all if this was inevitable. I have moved heaven and earth, mastered the building blocks of reality and stared into the eyes of Fate. I have peeled back the veil of reality and have bared witness to the great aetheric void and this was the answer I get? No, this can't be the end, no it won't." Witnessing the edict of Fate has opened Arthur's eyes to the unsettling reality of it all, "Fate is just the shackles of destiny that predetermines our lives." Breaking through the plane or reality and with assistance of a higher being he returns to the past. But this time he swears an oath. A promise that he will free all of creation from the prison of Fate. To liberate every being from its clutches. But Fate is a mysterious mistress, will it aid him in his new found mission or oppose him?[New Chapters Biweekly]

51.1K 66 1.9K

The year is 1960. Princess Josephine Anna Maria Price of America has her whole life laid out before her eyes. She is the heir apparent to the Imperial throne of the largest superpower the world has ever seen, stretching across six of the seven continents. She has the intention of living peacefully and only ascending to the throne in her middle-ages, as her mother and father are still quite young. She may be ten, but the sophisticated, organized young girl already knows how she will live her life. That's just her way of doing things. She's a planner. Until everything changes in one day. In one day, she is thrust upon the throne, younger than she was ever prepared for. Now she must face the challenges of greedy nobles, assassins, rebels, and her family's dark past all while juggling the daunting fears of marriage and childbirth.Will she rise like a phoenix out of the ashes of the Imperial Americana? Or will she crumble and fall-like everyone thinks she will?**************************************************Completed! ******Reviews From Readers******"I have very much enjoyed reading this story. The alternate timeline is interesting. The characters are well written and believable. Josephine is a story I would recommend to anyone who enjoys historical fiction," -@Asher_LOATM"I really did enjoy it. It has so many twists, cliffhangers and it keeps you on your toes. If I could I would have read it in a single sitting it's that interesting," -@yupitsmethegeek"Its really good! Very solid backstory and well composed characters, and an engaging plot and lots of heartbreak! Im prolly gonna get trust issues from this! :D i havent read the entire novel, but im certainly looking forward to finishing it," -@cuteferret11

21.5K 125 2.3K Full
A Living Machine (A Steven Universe FanFic)

'The Crystal Gems have been around for thousands of years on earth, protecting it from extraterrestrial threats and even the occasional Paranormal threat, When Steven Came along consequentially Rose was gone things changed for them, They once again had a purpose on earth, all be it for a different reason, they wish to protect Steven and raise him to be the best person possible, But how will that change when he accidentally finds a long Forgotten ship buried deep into the forest with a member of a ancient alien race, They already look human, Now can they learn to play the part?'(Steven universe is not owned by me. The only thing owned by me is the characters I add and the separate plot lines I have created)

498.7K 122 12.4K Full
Neo Soul King Yhwach [Being Rewritten]

You may have noticed the new title-I'm planning on rewriting the entire first arcs and Might even reboot the entire story. Once you see the title of the book without "[Being Rewritten]" or if this message disappears-it means the rewrite is out!Outdated Will make a new one during rewrite: | Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story |I've been struggling to nail down the perfect synopsis, and I have to admit, it's been a bit frustrating. But they say practice makes perfect, right? So, before we jump into the story, let's have a little chat about Yūhabahha, or as we'll simply call him, Yhwach.Yhwach is the final villain of the Bleach manga and is the father of the Quincy and the Soul King's son, his demise due to a deus ex machina felt like a disappointing end to such an important character. It reminded me of how Kishimoto dealt with Madara Uchiha, and I understand Kubo's health issues played a role in that.But what if I told you that Yhwach's story isn't over? Instead, he's been granted a second chance at life by none other than the Soul King.Some may dismiss this as just another cliché multiverse story where Yhwach goes on a rampage, defeats the main villains of each verse, and collects girls along the way. But let me stop you right there- First of all, no, and second of all, absolutely not.Think about it. How many multiverse stories have you read that actually have a well-paced plot? Not many, I bet. well, But this story? It's different. It's got a plot that'll keep you hooked from start to finish. If you stick around and join me on this journey until the end, you'll undoubtedly realize that this is one of the best stories you've ever read.This book will show what Yhwach could have accomplished if he had been given a second chance at life.But it's not just about him...(Please read the bio it contains a lot more info and the story is way better than my synopsis)The Worlds list is in the bio as well

23.4K 131 713
Destined to be Yours

Akia, Yugi's twin sister, had a great fascination with Ancient Egyptian relics and history. When her grandfather offered her to come with him to an expedition, she could not refuse, even though she was only ten years old at the time. There, she acquired the Millennium Scale from Shadi, and met the beginning of her destiny, the boy named Marik Ishtar. Years passed, and her hopes of seeing him again dwindled with time, especially as the new student, Bakura Ryou, entered the scene and wormed his way into her heart.

16.5K 97 755
The Last Sorceress [ON HOLD]

(NEW VERSION) Aether is a vast realm which is part of the Nine Realms of the Cosmos. It is composed of many smaller kingdoms which is ruled by only one High King.A prophecy that doomed them all: Aerion and Maegi will fall. King Ferion of the Winter Kingdom will take over and become High King. But a sorcerer from Maegi will one day be his downfall.Because of this prophecy, King Ferion attacked Maegi and burned everything to the ground. He was also able to defeat the High King and take the throne for himself. But before the High King died, his infant son was sent to the Mortal Realm to hide. And many years later, Sage, the last sorceress and a Princess of Maegi was sent to find the High Prince and restore him to his throne.She lost all her memories and the only way to bring it back is through the High Prince's magic when he ascends on the throne of Aether. Sage will do everything to get her memories back. She would go on a wild adventure and fight many battles just to remember her life. She knew she'd encounter danger, betrayal, and many other things. But what she hadn't counted on was finding love along the way...Join Sage and Alexander as they embark on a long and dangerous journey of finding themselves, finding love and freeing their realm from a tyrant King.***Credits to @DarkLeague for the cover***

442.2K 26 23K
Arts and Trades

This is the arts and trades for everyone you can barrow my picture if you want also you all have permission to take my pictures on yours story's.Finish in july 23 2022

6.4K 200 443 Full
horoscopes [book 2]

«Status: March 19, 2016 - May 6, 2016»Just a continuation of some zodiac shit..."the SUN is the [neck] and [spine], holding everyone together and connecting each other. the MOON is the [heart], the songwriter of your soul. MERCURY is the [tongue] and [fingertips], ready to share information with the world. VENUS is the [hips], telling your lovers what you cannot say with words. MARS is the [fists] and [calves], covered in sweat and blood. JUPITER is the [face], particularly the [eyes], all-knowing and expressive. SATURN is the [knees], taking the worst pain of your body by still carrying on. URANUS is the [feet], ready to take you to the ends of the earth. NEPTUNE is the [spirit] behind MERCURY'S [tongue] and [fingertips], whispering inspiration and ideas. And PLUTO? PLUTO is the deepest part of the [brain]; you can't really tell they're there, but they can make their presence known if they have to." -zodiactown || Instagram{there may be repeated posts but from different accounts}Credit to respected ownersNOT EDITED[Highest Ranking: #721 in Random]

249K 200 6K Full

The second book of the civil war the true story seriesBook 2 is honor of the top 20 Confederates My Top 20 Favorite Confederates 1. Stuart, Wade Hampton, Lee, Jackson, and Forrest (tie) 2. Joesph Shelby and Major John Pelham 3. Beauregard, and Lewis Addison Armistead 4.Mosby and Cleburne 5. Morgan 6. Joesph Wheeler 7. Lieutenant Richard Kirkland 8. Richard Taylor 9. AP Hill and DH Hill10. John B. Gordon and Albert Sydney Johnston11. James Longstreet 12. Fitzhugh Lee and Stand Waite 13. Gideon Pillow and Kirby Smith 14. Joesph Johnston15. Richard Ewell and Stephen Dill Lee 16. Willam Bloody Bill Anderson 17. Willam Clarke Qunatrill 18. John Bell Hood 19. Jubal Early 20. The rest

713 199 35 Full
I am the Chef

A chef travels through a fantasy world and awakens a system of Master Chefs. If the dishes are well received by others, they can improve their talents, bones and understanding. Boy, you just took off right where you were. Moreover, the dishes made have special effects, can enhance the physical body, warm the body, remove hidden injuries............. The whole family is boiling. The grandfathers, the elders, the lords, and the servants all went crazy for this morsels to eat. The patriarch said, "I am the patriarch, and I should be the one to eat this first bite." "Fuck off, I haven't lived many years, what's wrong with wanting to eat?" Disciples, "It's time to eat, brothers, rush!

6K 200 256
Kingdom of Power, of Courage, and of Wisdom

When the king falls onto his deathbed, the one he chooses to lead Qin into the next era of a 500 year war is not the child everyone knew but the child no one did. The six kingdoms will test the new heir, Factions will seek the bloody throne, and wolves lie in wait at every door. The only hope the new heir has is to seek the power to fight, the courage to stand, and the wisdom to tell the difference.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Because," Zelda answered, "Lord Dragmire, you spared and helped me when I was before you. You defied the cycle of hatred our forefathers set in motion so many years ago. I think it right to continue to seek to reverse that cycle.It is foolishness, but if I fail for my foolishness, I would rather fail while hoping and acting than while doubting."Upon hearing Zelda's reply, Ganondorf fell to his knees and put his hands on the stone floor. He tried to respond, but only vague sounds escaped him. Ganondorf wanted to say something, but the sound of him struggling to speak was suddenly interrupted by clapping.Everyone's head swiveled to the corner of the room where the Rebellious Hero was clapping. He said, "Well done. Well... done. You have done what I never would have imagined possible. You have fooled both sides and brought the demon low with words alone. Well done.""This is not justice," He argued. "You say it is just that the ones who summoned the demon shall die, but what of the demon itself? If it is evil to give birth to evil, is not which is born evil as well? Just as a midwife cries for joy as a good and innocent child is born, so must a parent cast a child to the rocks if it is monstrous and deformed. You have a talent for twisting words, Princess. Something I would expect from 'Wisdom.'"

7.9K 167 1.2K
A New Beginning

Star Wars Rebels AU-----------------------------------------------------------------"No. No. No. And no." Kanan said with frustration. "Love..." Hera began. "No! Hera, I'm not risking our crews life just to search for some secret cargo." Kanan stated."It's not just 'some secret cargo' Kanan! That cargo could be our one hope in showing the world on what has been happening. To open people's eyes to how cruel and corrupted our politicians truly are!" Hera sighed. "Love, I know you care about our crew, belive me I do too, but no matter how risky this mission is I know we'll pull through.""She's right." Sabine said leaning on the door frame. "Besides, I'm the one going undercover."Zeb rolled his eyes as Chopper beeped something."I can't understand what the rust bucket's saying.""He said he agrees with us." Sabine smirked. Kanan sighed."Guess we're going to Texas." He said. Hera smiled.But the thing is, life doesn't go directly as planned.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Meet Ezra Bridger. A young lad with a rough past. He lives in Texas with a friend of his parents, Tseebo. He's friends with Zare Leonis and Jai Kell. Nearly 14 years ago, the old republic was replaced by the Empire. They ruled Earth with an iron fist. Young children like him are trained at the Imperial Academy where they grow up to be ruthless, cold and brutal soldiers. Although Ezra isn't really the type to just follow orders blindly, which caused him to get into more trouble than he could handle. He never would have imagined things could change. For him, this was normal.Until Ezra; met a crew that claims to be part of a rebellion, discovered that magic, including Jedi's and Sith's actually exists and found out about a single weapon that can help defeat the Empire.Not so normal now, is it?Follow the Ghost Crew as they struggle to fight against the Empire and keep the hope that it is possible for A New Beginning.

242 3 7
The Forgotten Jedi - Rey Skywalker // Book V in A Spark of Hope

THE FORGOTTEN JEDI (Based on the theory Rey is Luke's daughter)-THE FIRST ORDER HAS FALLEN. Ben Solo - formerly known as Kylo Ren - has returned back to the light, and defeated Snoke alongside his Jedi Master and uncle, Luke Skywalker, his former stormtrooper, Finn, and his cousin, Rey Skywalker.Together, they will rebuild and rename the Jedi as we know them. Meanwhile...Lyra Andor and her husband Poe Dameron are enjoying their life as newlyweds with their young daughter, Stella Hope Dameron.The galaxy is thought to be at peace. New threats hide around the corner, hoping to once again destroy the galaxy.Lives are lost, old familiar faces return, and unknown identities are soon uncovered.-THIS STORY STARTS THREE YEARS AFTER THE RETURN OF THE SKYWALKERS- -Quick note: I do realize The Last Jedi didn't turn out the way my book series went. However, I love Star Wars and was deeply disappointed with The Last Jedi. Anyone who has a problem with me continuing my stories can politely keep their mouths shut and know that I will never let anything let me stop writing. Also, this is book V in my Rey Skywalker series. I highly recommend you at least read book IV titled The Return of the Skywalkers before you read this. Just so you understand what's going on.Thank you for reading! (Updated whenever I feel like it).

6.2K 52 131
Homestuck Headcannons

Headcannons! Mine and yours so summit some if ya want!

306.6K 147 9.7K